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Child Support data has not loaded onto or is incorrectly affecting customer's record 277-51130120

This document outlines the process for Service Officers when Child Support data does not load onto, or is incorrectly affecting, a customer's Centrelink record.

On this page:

Data has not loaded or incorrect data is affecting the customer's record

Work around pending correct Child Support data loading

Data has not loaded or incorrect data is affecting the customer's record

Table 1: this table describes the process when there is a mismatch of information or the information that has loaded is incorrect. Portions of this procedure must be completed by Child Support Unit (CSU) staff only.




Has the link been established between Centrelink and Child Support? + Read more ...

On the CSA Customer ID Changes (CCC) screen in Customer First, confirm if the customer is a mutual Centrelink and Child Support customer using the CSA/CLK Mutual Customer field. Is the customer mutual?


Confirm the spelling of names and date of birth of the customer + Read more ...

On the Customer Personal Details (CPDS) screen confirm with the customer the spelling of their own full name and date of birth.

If the customer's name and date of birth are correct, go to Step 3.

If a correction is required and it is:

  • simple, for example a spelling error or incorrect order, make the correction to the record. See Customer's name incorrectly recorded
  • complex, for example complete change in name and/or date of birth, code the change as an alias name and advise the customer to supply appropriate evidence

Go to Step 3


Confirm the spelling of names and dates of birth of the child/ren + Read more ...

Confirm the spelling of the full names and dates of birth of the children involved in the case are correct by checking the following:

  • 's'elect the child from the Child Selection (CHS) screen, and
  • go to the Change Child (CCH) screen

If the child/ren's names and dates of birth are correct, go to Step 4.

If a correction is required and is:

  • simple, for example a spelling error or incorrect order, make the correction to the record. See Customer's name incorrectly recorded
  • complex, for example complete change in name and/or date of birth, code the change as an alias name and advise the customer to supply appropriate evidence

Go to Step 4


Flipped Care + Read more ...

Is the incorrect data due to the care flipping (that is, the care for one party showing as the care for the other)?

  • Yes, use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Enquiry > Flipped Care - CSU follow up. For urgent enquiries include the keyword ‘URGENT’. Include details of all/any action taken/required in the request. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 5


Advise Child Support Unit (CSU) + Read more ...

Ensure the child is in the correct maintenance group prior to sending a request to the Child Support Unit (CSU). See How to group children on a customer's Family Tax Benefit (FTB) record.

Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Enquiry > CSU follow up required.

For urgent enquiries include:

  • the keyword ‘URGENT
  • details of all/any action taken/required

The open Fast Note will be allocated to the CSU, requesting follow up of the Child Support data.

Note: data can take up to 2 weekends to transfer from the date the case is Accepted, see Transfer of information between Centrelink and Child Support. Before referring a request to CSU, check the date the accepted child support case was processed by Child Support.

Details must include:

  • CSA/CLK Mutual Customer status (Y or N)
  • customer or child's incorrect personal details, and
  • information about:
    • any corrections made to the customer's record, and/or
    • the details of what was discussed with the customer
  • where case data has failed to load, add the date the case was accepted/ended in the Fast Note

Even if the child or customer details are correct, send a Fast Note to make sure the details are correctly recorded in the Child Support system.

If the customer has provided confirmation they have an active child support case and the details have not loaded, see Applications for child support assessment through Centrelink.

  • Tell the customer:
    • their Child Support data is being followed up
    • they do not need to contact the agency back
    • they will get a letter that details the changes to their rate of Family Tax Benefit once the data is received
  • For non CSU Processing Services Staff, procedure ends here
  • For CSU Processing Services Staff, go to Step 6


Contact Child Support/verify details in Cuba + Read more ...

For Child Support Unit (CSU) staff only

Where information has been cancelled in the Child Support system, such as duplicated child removed from a case or a non-agency payment (NAP) being cancelled go to Step 10.

For all other cases, contact Child Support/check Cuba to confirm the following details for both the customer and child/ren against the details held by Child Support:

  • surname
  • given names (including known names)
  • Customer Reference Number (CRN)
  • date of birth
  • gender
  • address
  • phone number

Once these details have been confirmed, go to Step 7.


Check the Trans/Trigger List (TTL) screen + Read more ...

For Child Support Unit (CSU) staff only

Check the Trans/Trigger List (TTL) screen to see if the Child Support entitlement or care data has been interrupted in the loading process.

A Child Support transaction, for example MAI130 will display under the Outstanding/Interrupted Triggers/EDX Data heading if there has been a delay or if the trigger has errored.

If the child has been identified as having an A18 extension recorded in Cuba, and this is not reflected on the Centrelink record, see Increasing Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A after action has been taken to obtain child support.

Has the loading process been interrupted or the trigger errored?

  • Yes, for the trigger to be processed or investigated, refer case via mySupport using the Support when assisting families request webform. The Resources page contains a link to mySupport. Go to Step 11
  • No, there is no evidence of new Child Support data having been transmitted to the Centrelink system. Go to Step 8


Check the CSA Data Refresh/Reload (MNRF) + Read more ...

For Child Support Unit (CSU) staff only

Check the CSA Data Refresh/Reload (MNRF) screen.

Is there is a CIN displayed?


Check the External Customer Matching List (ECML) + Read more ...

For Child Support Unit (CSU) staff only

Check the External Customer Matching List (ECML) screen for child mismatches.

For information about access to this screen and searching for mismatches, see Matching a child support child between Centrelink and Child Support.

Is there a child or customer mismatch?


Send Incident Report + Read more ...

For Child Support Unit (CSU) staff only

Raise an Incident Report to mySupport (using the Support when assisting families webform) if:

  • there is no CIN on the MNRF screen, or
  • the refresh does not provide the expected data results, or
  • the data has been cancelled in the Child Support system and needs to be manually removed from the Centrelink record

Ensure the following details are included in the Incident Report:

  • date the details were checked with Child Support
  • start date of the child support case and the date Child Support completed the activity
  • confirmation the CRN, names, date of birth, etc. have all been checked
  • where a refresh was coded but was unsuccessful - the date a refresh was requested via MNRF and that the refresh was not successful
  • where a refresh could not be coded due to no CIN - that a MNRF refresh could not be coded due to no CIN
  • the Child Support case details including case number, private or Child Support collect, case start date, assessment amount and active child/ren
  • where a child has been duplicated and then cancelled in the Child Support system, include the details of the child that has been cancelled
  • where a payment shown on MNGP has been cancelled in the Child Support system, include the date, amount and type of the payment that needs to be removed
  • any other relevant information

The Resources page contains a link to mySupport.


Coding an MNRF refresh + Read more ...

Check the AL screen for any outstanding care MFUs, and code the care details using the MFU details if available.

Where the system is waiting on care details from Cuba:

  • if there has been no previous CAR refresh coded on the MNRF screen
    • input a CAR refresh using the earliest date the child support details are incorrect or missing for this customer
    • in Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
      Service Reason: CSS
      Review Reason: REV (Manual Review)
      Due Date: 2 days from today's date
      Source: INT
      Date of Receipt: today's date
      Notes: 'CAR refresh coded on MNRF xx/xx/xxxx. Check data and return to OB 277-51130120 to action.'
      Keywords: CSUREV
      Workgroup: leave blank
      Position: leave blank
      Transfer to Region: leave blank
    • the review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
  • if a CAR refresh activity has already been coded on the MNRF screen and no care information has been transferred from Cuba
    • manually code the care decision onto the customer’s record
    • refer the record to ICT via existing escalation protocols for follow up on why the care details have not loaded onto the Centrelink record

Where the case data is not loading:

  • apply workarounds needed (maintenance action and maintenance income) on the customer’s record to ensure the customer’s ongoing FTB rate is correct
  • code an ENT refresh on the MNRF screen using the earliest date the child support details are incorrect or missing for the customer
  • refer the record to ICT using mySupport ‘Support when assisting families’ webform for follow up on why the case data is not loading onto the Centrelink record

Go to Step 12.


Determine if an approved manual workaround is required + Read more ...

For Child Support Unit (CSU) staff only

If the customer is in hardship, or if the customer is being overpaid, determine whether an approved manual workaround should be applied to simulate the correct child support data.

Eligibility consideration will include whether the customer is:

  • in hardship (or would be if debt recovery on an incorrect debt were to commence) and also incorrect information impacting on the customer's FTB is due to a system/processing error, or
  • being or will be overpaid, and incorrect information impacting on the customer’s FTB is due to a system or processing error

If a manual workaround is required and it is appropriate to correct the customer's ongoing rate and/or reconciliation debt(s) pending the correction, or receipt, of child support data, see Table 2 Maintenance Action Test (code) and Maintenance Income.

If a manual workaround is not appropriate and the customer has incurred one or more reconciliation debts as result of the incorrect child support data, go to Step 13.


Debt Recovery + Read more ...

For Child Support Unit (CSU) staff only

If the customer has one or more reconciliation debts caused by:

  • incorrect child support data, or
  • due to a known system error, or
  • due to updated child support data not loading

Note: the details of the system error must have been published in Operational Messaging within the Operational Blueprint or in a Network News Update (NNU) bulletin)

In these circumstances, it may be appropriate to temporarily write-off recovery of the debts pending resolution of the known system problem or issue. Legislation does not allow a permanent write-off action in these situations. However, a temporary write-off is permitted to ensure customers are not adversely affected by something out of their control.

For further information, see Temporary write-off of Centrelink debts.

Work around pending correct Child Support data loading

Table 2: this table describes the process for Child Support Unit (CSU) staff only to manually update the Maintenance Action and Maintenance Income tests pending correct child support data loading.




Maintenance Action Test (MAT) code + Read more ...

Where it has been confirmed through Child Support/via Cuba that the customer has:

  • passed the MAT but the MAT code is about to or already has updated to NMA (no maintenance action), override with the temporary MAT code 'MWP' (Manual workaround - Pass MAT test). Ensure that 'MWP' is coded for the entire period the customer has met the MAT
  • ended their case or the child in a case and the child/case end has not loaded, it means the customer is potentially being overpaid as they are continuing to pass the MAT incorrectly. Code ‘MWF’ (Manual Workaround – Fail MAT test) from the date the child/case was ended. Note this will not work if the child is over 18 and the customer extended the child support case prior to the child’s 18th birthday and then ended the child/case after the 18th birthday. Refer these cases to Level 2 Policy Helpdesk for a workaround to be considered pending the data loading, see Resources


Maintenance income + Read more ...

Just as the MAT code has been updated temporarily until the data loads, the maintenance income also needs to be manually recorded. This will ensure the MIT is applied correctly pending the child support information being received via the data exchange.

Code the child support assessment amount from the start date, as advised by Child Support, as 'VOL'untary maintenance income. See Recording private maintenance income.

Note: Child Support collect cases are reconciled based on the actual amount of child support collected. If the start date is in a previous financial year and the child support case was registered as Child Support collect:

  • check the total amount of disbursements recorded in Cuba for the previous financial year
  • code the total amount as 'VOL'untary maintenance income for that year

Once entitlement details have been electronically transmitted, the MWP MAT code and the voluntary maintenance will be automatically end dated from the date the child support case started.


Care has flipped + Read more ...

Where it is confirmed that the care has incorrectly flipped (that is, the care for one party is showing as the care for the other), after checking both Cuba/Pluto and Customer First, the care will need to be corrected.

If the customer’s Family Tax Benefit (FTB) has cancelled as a result of the incorrect care applying, see Restoration of Family Tax Benefit (FTB).

If a customer’s Child Care Subsidy (CCS) has been cancelled as a result of the incorrect care applying, run an Assisted Customer Claim. Use the same date as the cancellation.

CSU staff:

  • proficient in CCS claims processing can then complete the CCS claim, see Processing Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims
  • not proficient in CCS claims processing, refer the record to a team leader for local allocation and immediate processing

Note: if this case was not referred to CSU via a Fast Note from Centrelink staff, using the Subject line 'ATN: Care Flipped Case', email the CRN to Families and Child Care - Business Process and Design Branch.


Record DOC + Read more ...

Record a DOC outlining all action taken on the customer's record.


Data transfer + Read more ...

Data will be transferred from Child Support in the next entitlement load (usually the following Monday) or in the next disbursement load.

See Transfer of information between Centrelink and Child Support.

Once the data has loaded, the MWP MAT code and the voluntary maintenance will be automatically end dated from the date the child support case started.