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Digital image not located on Centrelink customer record 111-10020050

This page explains how to investigate a missing image and when a Service Officer must request the document again. Portions of this process can only be performed by staff in Processing Services.

Checking location of documents when digital image is missing




Check for DOCs + Read more ...

Check for DOCs or work items that confirm that the documents were lodged and where.

Is there a DOC or work item on the customer's record confirming that the documents were lodged?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No, it may be necessary for the customer to provide the information again. Continue the investigation before contacting the customer. Go to Step 2


Check partner's record + Read more ...

Is the missing image on the partner record?

Note: if the image relates to the customer separating and is located on the partner's record, this may be a privacy incident. The customer's personal information may be at risk. See Separating Safely - Protecting personal details.


Check associated records + Read more ...

Is the missing image on an associated record?

Sometimes images are attached to a child, parent, carer or nominee record in error, or attached correctly to a Trust and Company record.


Check the classification timeframes + Read more ...

Access the manual scanning dates from the Workload Management intranet page.

Was the document lodged on or after the ‘oldest date’?

  • Yes, no further action is needed as the document is likely to be awaiting classification. When the document is classified, it will appear on the customer’s record. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 5


Rescan requested? + Read more ...

Check the Document List (DL) screen for a DOC requesting a rescan.


Check rescan completed + Read more ...

Was the rescan successfully completed?

Check annotations in the request DOC to determine if the documents were rescanned.

  • Yes,
    • Process the activity from the existing image using the relevant Operational Blueprint. Procedure ends here
  • No, if the documents were lodged:
    • more than 70 days ago (for Centrelink documents), or 42 days ago (for documents scanned by RMU), the original documents will have been securely destroyed and cannot be rescanned. Go to Step 12
    • within the document retention period, complete a request for rescan. Procedure ends here


Check other images on the record + Read more ...

Check if the missing documents are part of any existing images scanned on or around the relevant date.

Were the missing documents found in an existing image?

  • Yes,
    • Process the activity using the relevant Operational Blueprint
    • If document has an open digital image work item, reclassify via Open Documents. If a rescan is still needed, print the documents and scan to the record using a Multi-Function Device (MFD)
    • If a Service Officer has incorrectly classified an image, escalate the image for technical advice to Local Peer Support (LPS). A rescan should not be requested for an incorrectly classified image. Feedback about the incorrect classification can be referred using the Staff Feedback Tool
    • Procedure ends here
  • No, if the document was:


Documents processed in service centres + Read more ...

Documents lodged and processed in a service centre are generally not scanned.

A request to locate and scan documents processed on site should only be submitted for a specific reason.

For example, if a scanning exception exists or to review information in the documents to confirm they have been correctly processed.


Request scanning of documents received in a service centre but not scanned + Read more ...

Documents lodged in a service centre that need processing will usually be scanned on the date of receipt and automatically attached to the customer’s record. But this may not always be possible.

A request to locate and scan documents should only be submitted when:

  • information is needed for processing and is not otherwise available on the customer’s record
  • documents were lodged more than 48 hours (or 2 business days) ago, and
  • documents are outside the manual classification timeframe (if scanned on the date of receipt and manual classification was needed)

To locate documents, the customer must advise:

  • which documents were lodged
  • the date they were lodged, and
  • the service centre where they were lodged

If the customer cannot provide this information, it may not be possible to locate the documents:


Request location and retrieval of documents sent by fax + Read more ...

Sometimes faxed documents do not contain enough information to identify the customer and the image cannot be attached to a record. Although it is not possible to rescan documents lodged by fax, it may be possible to locate and attach the document to the customer's record.

It is not possible to locate ‘missing pages’ for documents received by fax. As faxes are received electronically, the image attached to the customer record contains everything received.

If a customer or organisation indicates they faxed documents, but the documents are not attached to the record, the received fax may not have had enough information to identify the record.

If the information is not already available on the record, and it can be provided:

  • verbally, call the customer or organisation to get the details
  • in writing, contact the customer to confirm the fax number is correct (as listed on the forms or Services Australia website). If the fax number was:


Request location of documents sent by post + Read more ...

A request to locate documents received by post should only be submitted when the customer can provide the following details:

  • the PO Box the documents were posted to
  • the date the documents were sent
  • the date the documents were received, and the tracking number if sent by registered or express post
  • the type of documents posted, including any relevant form codes
  • the approximate number of pages sent
  • the names of any other people that may have been mentioned on the forms

Due to the volume of mail received each day it may not be possible to locate documents if there is no confirmation they were received.

Can the customer provide all the above details?


No, go to Step 12


Recording details + Read more ...

Record details on a DOC including the checks completed.

Will another site complete processing on the customer record?

  • Yes, refer to the relevant Operational Blueprint before creating a hand off activity. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 13


Contact the customer + Read more ...

When contacting the customer about re-lodging information, it is important to use the right language and that the process is seamless to the customer. See the Resources page for examples of language to use.

As there are a number of potential reasons why documents are not on the customer record, it is not appropriate to blame any person or team.

If the required information can be obtained from the customer’s record or verbally, do that instead of asking the customer to provide the information again.

Can the missing information be obtained from the customer verbally?

  • Yes, contact the customer, apologise for the inconvenience and take the missing information over the phone
  • No, contact the customer, apologise for the inconvenience, explain what information is required and how they can provide it