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Assessing a tertiary student studying overseas for Youth Allowance (YA) at the away from home rate 010-06040130

This document outlines the process to assess a tertiary student studying overseas for Youth Allowance (YA) at the away from home rate.

Assessing eligibility for the away from home rate of Youth Allowance (YA) when a student is studying overseas




Portability decision + Read more ...

Has there been a decision made regarding the portability of YA?


Overseas study as part of Australian course + Read more ...

Has the customer been approved to study overseas?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No, customer not approved for the away from home rate of YA under this criterion:
    • record the reasons for the decision in a Fast Note
    • procedure ends here


Independent customers + Read more ...

Is the customer independent?


Accommodation coded for independent customers + Read more ...

Is the customer recorded on the Accommodation (ACS) screen as Living with Parents?


Code the away from home rate of YA + Read more ...

As the customer is approved to undertake study overseas, they are eligible for the away from home rate of payment. This is for the duration of the approved portability period.

Code this on the Independent/Homeless/Away from Home Details (NIH) screen by updating the following:

  • Action: field - AFH - Away from Home
  • Start/Reject Reason: field - 'AST' (away from home in order to study full-time)
  • Start Date: field - the later of either the date the:
    • customer left home
    • approved portability period commences, or
    • date of notification, where it is greater than 14 days after the notifiable event
  • To update regional classification details, go to 'RLD': field - is the customer undertaking an approved scholarship course?:
  • End Date: field - the date the approved portability period ends
  • End Reason: field - NLE - No longer eligible
  • Source and Date of Receipt: fields

Note: if the customer currently lives away from home and an AST/AET entry exists on the NIH screen, there is no need for further NIH screen updates.

Is the customer already receiving the away from home rate and maintaining their Australian accommodation while overseas?


Studying overseas and Rent Assistance (RA) + Read more ...

While the higher rate of YA is payable when the student is overseas, Rent Assistance (RA) is not payable for their overseas accommodation. However, payment of RA may occur if they:

  • were entitled to RA while living in Australia, and
  • are maintaining their Australian accommodation while overseas

For more information, see the Resources page.

Is the customer entitled to RA and maintaining accommodation in Australia while overseas?

  • Yes, for payment of RA:
    • The Address Details (AD) screen must have the home and term addresses recorded. Do not direct mail to the term address
    • Update the Accommodation Details (AC) screen correctly. For more information, see Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA)
    • Check on the AC screen that the Sharer Status field has something other than 'LWP' (living with parents) recorded. Also check for some form of rent verification.
      If these 2 conditions are not met, the rate of payment will default to the at home rate
    • Record the reasons for the decision on a DOC. Procedure ends here
  • No, procedure ends here


Updating address and accommodation screens while overseas + Read more ...

The Address Details (AD) screen must have the home (HOM) and overseas term (TER) addresses recorded to ensure the correct rate of payment. See Updating address details.

Independent customers who live:

  • at home with their parents, mostly receive the lower accommodated independent rate
  • away from the parent's home, receive the higher (non-accommodated) independent rate. This occurs when the Sharer Status: field on the Accommodation (AC) screen shows something other than Living with Parents (LWP)

Navigate to the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and update the following:

  • Address Type: field - TER – Term
  • Event Date: field - start date of approved portability period
  • Home Ownership: field - NHO - Non Homeowner
  • Sharer Status: field - NAS - Not a Sharer
  • Rent type: field - NRP - No rent paid
  • Insert, and Continue

Add an AC line for when the approved portability period ends:

  • Address Type: field - HOM - Home
  • Event Date: field - end date of approved portability period + 1 day
  • Home Ownership: field - NHO - Non Homeowner
  • Sharer Status: field - LWP - Lives with Parents
  • Insert, and Continue

If the customer moves out of the parental home before travelling overseas, see: