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Assessing study load requirements 010-07010060

This document outlines how study load requirements are assessed for student payments administered by Services Australia.

Study load detail

A student's study load determines whether they can qualify for a student payment. If they do not meet the study load requirements for each student payment, they cannot be paid as a student. Students undertaking a part-time course in an accelerated mode to complete the course earlier, need to provide evidence of their enrolment to determine if they are undertaking the required amount of study for the payment they are claiming or receiving.


Generally, with some exceptions, students must be studying full-time and must maintain 75% of a full-time study load to receive Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy, ABSTUDY or Pensioner Education Supplement (PES). For students receiving one of these payments and undertaking tertiary and secondary non-school courses, a decrease in study load may mean they are no longer eligible for a student payment. Students enrolled in accelerated courses, may be undertaking 75% of a full-time study load, however the education provider may still consider them part-time. Where information is not available on the education provider's website or handbook, the student will be required to provide POE from the provider. It is therefore very important for staff to know how to assess these requirements and how to determine the study load that is being undertaken.

Enrolled and undertaking study

Students must be undertaking the study they are enrolled in, for it to contribute towards the study load for their current course. This means that subjects or units students do not undertake because they have received recognition of prior learning for previous similar subjects or units, will not be included in the assessment of their current study load.

Cross-institutional study

Generally, a student must be enrolled full-time in a single course at one education provider to be eligible for a student payment. However, there are limited circumstances where a student may be enrolled in 2 separate courses (and at 2 different education providers) and still be eligible for a student payment. See Effect on student payments of enrolment in more than one course or at more than one educational institution.

Distance education

If a student is enrolled in distance education (such as external or online studies) the assessment of study load is conducted the same as students who attend their education provider. The eligibility requirements for student payments are the same irrespective of whether a student is studying through distance education or on campus.

Distance education is very flexible, and students are able to arrange their study patterns to suit their personal needs. Some courses, especially competency based courses like some vocational, education and training (VET) courses, may not allocate an academic penalty for not completing work. However, students receiving YA, Austudy, ABSTUDY or Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) need to comply with the study load requirements relevant to their payment.

Compulsory practical placement

Where a student is required to undertake a compulsory practical placement as part of their course, Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy, ABSTUDY or Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) may continue to be paid in some circumstances.

If the placement is being completed within Australia, the student must maintain a 75% of a full-time study load to continue to receive Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy or ABSTUDY. Advise the student to check with their education provider whether their placement attracts a credit weighting, and whether they are still enrolled full-time during the placement period.

A student who travels overseas to undertake a work placement will remain eligible for payment providing:

  • they are a continuing student immediately prior to departing Australia, and
  • their placement forms part of their full-time Australian course

Students impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the 2020/2021/2022 academic years

Due to COVID-19, some students were temporarily unable to study or reduced their study load below full-time. Impacts for students include:

  • a sudden transition away from face-to-face learning to online learning
  • closure of student accommodation
  • cancellation of some units of study
  • delays in commencing practical placements

Some students will contact to advise a delay in their practical placement. These students may not know when their placement will begin or end. Service Officers:

  • can use estimated dates provided by the customer in these circumstances
  • do not have to request documentation from an education provider to confirm placement dates. See below for other evidence requirements
  • should tell customers to update their course details when they know more specific details
  • are to escalate to level 2 if practical placement will be completed after the course has ceased. See the Resources page for details

Study Requirements

Students unable to study, or with a reduced study load, meet their study load requirements if they:

  • had an approved reason, and
  • remained enrolled in their course (this includes taking an approved leave of absence), and
  • returned, or intended to return to full-time studies or an approved concessional study load in the:
    • next available study period, or
    • earliest possibility of full-time study
  • cannot return to full-time study as they are in the final study period of their course

Approved reasons for reduction in study load

Approved reasons include:

  • the student moved from face-to-face to online study and had a lack of available resources. For example, internet access, PC/laptop or specialist equipment
  • the student dropped units of study because they failed or would have failed because of transitioning away from face-to-face learning
  • education provider cancelled subjects or units, or
  • rescheduling of compulsory practical placement

Do not update the Education Course Details (EDC) screen unless the student needs to extend their course and student end dates.

For a student with study circumstances impacted by COVID-19, record details in a DOC. Include:

  • why the customer is temporarily unable to study or reduced their study load
  • if the student has the intention to return to full-time study or approved concessional study load:
    • in the next available study period, or
    • the earliest possible instance full-time study becomes available to them again
  • if the student cannot return to full-time study, as they are in the final study period of their course

A student does not have an approved reason if they decided to:

  • end their study, or
  • reduce their study load because their education provider waived a financial or academic penalty

Evidence requirements

Students with a reduced study load due to the COVID-19 pandemic, needed to provide evidence from their education provider. This evidence needed to state they had a reduced study load as a direct result of COVID-19.

Evidence was not required from an education provider if practical placement was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the start or end date for the placement was unknown.

Update the EDC screen with estimated dates provided by the student.

Students who are not enrolled full-time

A student who does not meet the full-time study load requirements may still be eligible for assistance if they qualify for a study load concession, see Step 6 in Table 4 on the Process page. ABSTUDY students who do not meet the study load requirements for a full-time student or concessional study load may qualify for assistance under the ABSTUDY Part-time Award. The study load requirements for a full-time student or concessional study load also do not apply to assistance under the ABSTUDY Lawful Custody Award.

Austudy and YA students who are unable to study full-time due to:

For ABSTUDY students who have a temporary incapacity, see Payment of ABSTUDY when a student or Australian Apprentice becomes incapacitated.

Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) courses

A CSP means that the enrolment in that course is subsidised by the Australian Government. CSPs are available at all public universities and some private higher education providers. For more information, see the Study Assist website on the Resources page.

Aggregation of study load

See Aggregation of study load for rules.

Factors that may affect the assessment of study load

The following factors may influence how the agency assesses a student's study load:

  • Vocational education and training courses at TAFE
  • Whether a course is a Commonwealth supported place course and determining the Equivalent Full-time Student Load (EFTSL) from the amount of Student Contribution the study attracts
  • The aggregation of study load rules
  • Incorrect Equivalent Full-time Student Load (EFTSL) weightings
  • Practical training blocks
  • Non-Commonwealth Supported courses where the institution specifies a normal study load
  • Non-Commonwealth supported courses where the institution does not specify a normal study load
  • Self-paced courses
  • Competency Based Training, open learning and distance education
  • TAFE Digital modules
  • Concurrent open learning and conventional study
  • Whether a course is usually classified as full-time
  • Secondary and primary schools (including distance education schools and schools of the air)
  • Special schools
  • Study load for school students with disabilities or other health conditions
  • Secondary students attending non-school institutions or studying by distance education (formerly known as correspondence) at an institution other than a secondary school
  • Differing definitions of full-time/part-time

Unfavourable decisions

When making an unfavourable decision, speak to the customer:

  • explain the decision
  • give them a chance to provide more information, and
  • advise their review and appeal rights

The Resources page contains a link to the Study Assist website, examples of student Contribution minimisation, differing definitions of full-time/part-time and a table with the list of TAFE full-time hours by State.

Approved courses of study for Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)

Satisfying the activity test for Austudy

Aggregation of study load

Assessing qualifying study for Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)

Youth Allowance student full-time study requirements

Assessing the two-thirds study load concession for ABSTUDY

Assessing the disability study load concession for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)

Assessing the pensioner study load concession for ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)

ABSTUDY eligibility and requirements

Assessing eligibility for 25% concessional study load for Austudy

Assessing eligibility for 66% concessional study load for Austudy

Assessing eligibility for 25% concessional study load for Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)

Assessing eligibility for 66% concessional study load for Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)

Assessing concessional study loads for Youth Allowance (YA)

Full-time study exemptions for Youth Allowance (student) customers when their partner dies

Initial contact about a decision and the review of decision process

Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision

Accessing and using Centrelink self service

Youth Allowance (YA) student or Australian Apprentice becomes incapacitated or impacted by unforeseen or extreme circumstances

Eligibility for student payments when enrolled in Open Universities Australia