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Youth Allowance student full-time study requirements 010-06070010

This document outlines how to assess if a student satisfies full-time study requirements for YA or concessional load study.

Definition of a full-time student

YA students must be undertaking full-time or concessional load study in an approved course with an approved education provider and satisfy the relevant progress rules.

A student is considered to be undertaking full-time study if either:

  • they are currently enrolled in an approved course, or
  • they meet the continuing/intending student rules, and
  • they are (or will be) undertaking at least 75% of the normal amount of full-time study in that course. Certain students may be considered full-time if they have been approved for a concessional study load of 66% and are undertaking at least that amount of study. For more information, see Assessing study load requirements


A customer who is employed full-time as an apprentice or trainee cannot satisfy full-time study requirements for YA as a student. A full-time Australian Apprentice is not subject to the YA full-time study requirements and may be eligible for YA as an Australian Apprentice if they have a current Commonwealth Registration Number.

Suspension of secondary studies

A YA student who is suspended from secondary school may still satisfy the full-time study requirements during a suspension of up to 30 days. This period of suspension is regarded as an approved absence, so does not affect the student's payments.

However, if the student is suspended for more than 30 days then the full-time study requirements must be met through other activities for the period of the suspension. Following a suspension of more than 30 days, an Activity Agreement must be negotiated with the student.

Continuing and intending students

When determining if a YA student is satisfying the full-time study requirements, consider whether the customer may be a continuing/intending student. This may influence what date the customer is eligible to receive a student payment, and whether they continue to be paid YA between study periods. The rules for continuing/intending students vary between different student payments.

Returning to study

Customers who are 22 years of age and older, and are returning to study from a period of work, unemployment or any other activity, do not satisfy the study requirements as full-time students until they commence study (unless they were a continuing/intending student).

Customers who are under 22 years of age may satisfy the YA study requirements in other ways until their course commences.

Youth Disability Supplement (YDS)

YDS is paid to full-time students and Australian Apprentices receiving YA who:

  • are 21 years of age and under, and
  • have been assessed by an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) as having a partial capacity to work of less than 30 hours per week

Students impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the 2020/2021/2022 academic years

Due to COVID-19, some students were temporarily unable to study or reduced their study load below full-time. Impacts for students include:

  • a sudden transition away from face-to-face learning to online learning
  • closure of student accommodation
  • cancellation of some units of study
  • delays in commencing practical placements

Some students will contact to advise a delay in their practical placement. These students may not know when their placement will begin or end. Service Officers:

  • can use estimated dates provided by the customer in these circumstances
  • do not have to request documentation from an education provider to confirm placement dates. See below for other evidence requirements
  • should tell customers to update their course details when they know more specific details

Study Requirements

Students unable to study, or with a reduced study load, meet their study requirements if they:

  • have an approved reason, and
  • remain enrolled in their course (this includes taking an approved leave of absence), and
  • return, or intend to return to full-time studies or an approved concessional study load in the:
    • next available study period, or
    • earliest possibility of full-time study
  • cannot return to full time study as they are in the final study period of their course

Approved reasons for reduction in study load

Approved reasons include:

  • the student moved from face-to-face to online study, and had a lack of available resources. For example, internet access, PC/laptop or specialist equipment
  • the student dropped units of study because they failed or would have failed because of transitioning away from face-to-face learning
  • education provider cancelled subjects or units, or
  • rescheduling of compulsory practical placement

Do not update the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen in Process Direct or the Education Course Details (EDC) screen in Customer First unless the student needs to extend their course and study end dates.

For a student with study circumstances impacted by COVID-19, record details in a Note/DOC. Include:

  • why the customer is temporarily unable to study or reduced their study load
  • if the student has the intention to return to full time study or approved concessional study load:
    • in the next available study period, or
    • the earliest possible instance full time study becomes available to them again
  • if the student cannot return to full time study, as they are in the final study period of their course

A student does not have an approved reason if they decided to:

  • end their study, or
  • reduce their study load because their education provider waived a financial or academic penalty

Evidence requirements

Students with a reduced study load due to COVID-19 must provide evidence from their education provider, stating they have a reduced study load as a direct result of COVID-19.

Do not request evidence from an education provider if practical placement is delayed due to COVID-19 and the start or end date for placement is unknown.

Update the EDC screen with estimated dates provided by the student.

Notification obligations

If a YA (student) ceases full-time study, they must notify Services Australia within their notification period. For more information about a student's notification obligations, their income support options and processes following cessation of study, see:

Students who fail to notify ceasing studies may incur a debt for the period they were not meeting the full-time study requirements.

Unfavourable decision

When making an unfavourable decision, speak to the customer:

  • explain the decision
  • give them a chance to provide more information, and
  • advise their review and appeal rights

Part-time or full-time study as an approved activity for JobSeeker Payment (JSP)

Youth Allowance (YA) qualifications for students and Australian Apprentices

Assessing concessional study loads for Youth Allowance (YA)

Mutual obligation requirements for Youth Allowance job seekers under 22 years of age who have not completed Year 12 or an equivalent level of education (Certificate III or higher) qualification

Processing Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker) claims

Payment of Youth Allowance (YA) and Austudy when a student is deferring or discontinuing study before the end of the course

Student to job seeker transfers

Raising debts for students and Australian Apprentices

Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision

Approved courses of study for Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)

Assessing study load requirements

Coding new study details