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Youth Allowance student full-time study requirements 010-06070010

This document outlines how to assess if a student satisfies full-time study requirements for YA or concessional load study.

On this page:

Youth Allowance student full-time study requirements

Finalising the full-time study assessment

Youth Allowance student full-time study requirements

Table 1:




Gather details about the course and the education provider + Read more ...

The method of gathering this information depends on when the full-time study requirements are being applied:

  • If at new claim, gather information from the online claim or the Claim for Youth Allowance form (SY001) use coding new study details to record the study
  • If an existing YA recipient has submitted a new course, or change of course or study details online, an online document will appear on their record that will require action. Gather information from the DOC to process the update, see Coding new study details

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Claiming as full-time Australian Apprentice + Read more ...

Is the customer receiving or claiming YA as a full-time Australian Apprentice?

  • Yes, the customer is not considered a student. The customer does not need to satisfy the full-time study requirements for YA as an Australian Apprentice. However, the customer's Commonwealth Registration Number must remain current. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 3


Approved course + Read more ...

Is the course an approved course at an approved Australian education provider?

See Approved courses of study for Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) if necessary.


Determine full-time study status + Read more ...

Is the customer a full-time student?

Note: a full-time student is someone who is considered to be undertaking at least 75% of the normal amount of full-time study. For more information, see Assessing study load requirements.


Studying 66% to 75% of normal full-time study load + Read more ...

A customer undertaking at least 66% but under 75% of the normal full-time study load may still qualify under the concessional study load rules. See Assessing concessional study loads for Youth Allowance (YA).

Does the customer meet the concessional study load rules?


Continuing/intending student + Read more ...

Is the customer a continuing/intending student?

  • Yes, go to Step 7
  • No, the customer does not satisfy the YA study requirements as a full-time or concessional study load student. See Step 2 in Table 2


Satisfactory progress + Read more ...

If customer is a secondary student, see Assessing satisfactory progress for Youth Allowance (YA) secondary students.

If the customer is a tertiary student, see Assessing satisfactory progress for Youth Allowance (YA) tertiary students.

Does the customer meet the applicable satisfactory progress rules?

  • Yes, the customer satisfies the YA study requirements as a full-time or concessional study load student. See Step 1 in Table 2
  • No, the customer does not satisfy the YA study requirements as a full-time or concessional study load student. See Step 2 in Table 2

Finalising the full-time study assessment

Table 2:




Satisfies the full-time study requirements as a student + Read more ...

The customer satisfies the study requirements as a full-time or concessional study load student.

Complete the following tasks:

Go to Step 5.


Does not satisfy the YA study requirements as a student + Read more ...

Is the customer under 22 years of age?


Customer under 22 years of age + Read more ...

If the customer is under 22 years of age, the course may be an approved activity for job seekers.

Consider the ways the customer may satisfy the YA study requirements. For example, as a job seeker undertaking:

A reduced study load may satisfy or count towards a YA job seeker's requirements, and be included in their Job Plan, depending on whether the job seeker:

Note: YA part-time students are not eligible for the Student Income Bank or the higher income free area that is available to students undertaking full-time study or a 66% concessional study load.

Go to Step 5.


Customer 22 years and older + Read more ...

  • Advise the customer that they are not eligible for YA
  • Reject the claim or cancel payment as appropriate
  • Advise the customer of the unfavourable decision
  • Consider qualification for alternate income support, for example JobSeeker Payment (JSP)


Record details on a DOC + Read more ...

Record on a DOC, any discussions with customer about:

  • the requirements
  • any decision to grant/reject a claim, or
  • continuing or cancelling payments

Include the relevant Act and Guide references.