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Coding new study details 010-07010180

This document outlines how to add new education details to a student's record, including where an 'intention to study' (Austudy or Youth Allowance only) is already recorded and must be updated with actual course details. Study details are commonly needed for ABSTUDY, Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC), Austudy, Pensioner Education Supplement (PES), Youth Allowance (YA) and Tertiary Access Payment (TAP) customers.

On this page:

Customer advises new education details

Coding student status details

Coding education course details

Coding intention to study details

Coding other factors and circumstances

Customer advises of new education details

Table 1




Ensure the correct system is selected + Read more ...

Process Direct

  • Process Direct automatically applies the correct system based on the claim type
  • Go to Step 2

Customer First

For Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) customers, code 'ISS' in the Sys: field and in the Next: field:

  • 'SVAIC' (AIC)
  • 'SVPES' (PES)

For Youth Allowance (YA) and Austudy, code 'NSS' in the Sys: field.


Customer advises new education details + Read more ...

Customers who have transferred to JobSeeker Payment (JSP) (except single principal carers) or YA who were receiving PES immediately before transferring to JSP or YA, will no longer be eligible for PES if they start a new course.

Single principal carers including customers transferring from Parenting Payment Single (PPS) to JSP meet the eligibility rules for an income support payment that attracts PES and therefore are eligible if they start a new course.

For ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY PES coding, see Coding ABSTUDY education details.

If the customer is advising:

Go to Step 3 if none of the above apply, and:

  • new education details (a new program of study) are being advised
  • an 'intention to study' has already been coded and the customer has now contacted to provide their actual course details

Go to Step 3.


Approved course + Read more ...

Determine whether the course is an approved course.

If the course is:

  • approved, go to Step 5
  • not listed or the education provider is not listed on the National Course Approvals sub site, go to Step 4
  • not approved, or the education provider is not approved. Refer to the appropriate approved course file for the specific payment to obtain assistance on how to cancel or reject the student payment.
    Note: do not record unapproved courses on the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen, but full details must be recorded on a Note/DOC for this decision. Procedure ends here

Masters courses must be checked on the Approved Masters course listing. If the course name matches exactly to the Approved Masters list, then the course is approved. If the course is not on the list then it is not approved. Course codes are not used to assess if a course is approved. See Approved courses of study for Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES).


Education provider and/or course are not listed + Read more ...

Where the education provider and/or the course are not listed on the National Course Approvals sub-site, a referral to the Course Assessment and Liaison Officer (CALO) is required.

For a new claim or non-new claim transaction:

For general enquiries:

Once the CALO referral is returned with the outcome, if the course and/or education provider is:


Other situations + Read more ...

In situations where:

  • AIC or PES customer does not have full details of their course (or the AIC student's course), go to Step 6
  • the customer:
    • is starting a new course, go to Step 7
    • is changing their level of secondary study (they have completed Year 10 and are starting Year 11, or are repeating Year 12), go to Step 7
    • has returned to studies after time away from full-time study, go to Step 7
    • studying a Startup Year Course, see Startup Year Courses


Full course details not known + Read more ...

AIC or PES customer does not have full details of their course or the AIC student's course:

  • If the customer is eligible to provide details using the My Details > Manage study details menu option in their Centrelink online account, request the customer to provide this information online. Note: AIC customers are currently unable to use these online options
  • Otherwise:
    • request AIC or PES customer to return with information which can be accepted verbally or issue a Study details (MOD ST)
    • record details on a Note/DOC

Procedure ends here until information is returned or the AIC or PES customer contacts with details.


Starting a new course + Read more ...

Customer provides new course details.

If the customer is:


Phase of study at secondary level + Read more ...

A PES student is entering a new phase of secondary level study or has returned to secondary level studies after time away from full-time study.

Determine if customer is eligible to be paid as a continuing student. If customer meets eligibility criteria, see Changing or correcting course of study for Youth Allowance, Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement students.

To code secondary study in:

  • Process Direct
    • Go to the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen
    • Select Add. On the Create Education Details screen, add secondary schooling. This is coded one year at a time for this customer group. See Step 2 in Table 3
  • Customer First:
    • Go to the Education Course History (EDCH) screen and press [Enter]
    • A blank Education Course Details (EDC) screen will display
    • Secondary schooling is coded one year at a time for this customer group. See Step 2 in Table 3


Determine the correct process for recording new study details + Read more ...

If the customer is receiving or claiming:

Coding student status details

Table 2




Access and check the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen + Read more ...

If accessing from:

  • Process Direct, use either of the following:
    • Key NES into the Super Key to go to the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen, or
    • Key START in the Super Key. Select the Study and Scholarship Details workflow from the Task Selector. Select Newstart Education Status (NES) and select Start
  • Customer First, go to the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen

The NES screen must be updated if:

  • the entry in the Student Status field does not match the entry in the Participation Status: field on the Education Course Details (EDC) screen, and/or
  • in Process Direct, the Education Level Attained field does not match the customer's highest educational qualification
  • in Customer First, the Educ Level Attained field does not match the customer's highest educational qualification

Does the NES screen need to be updated?


Check customer's age and education level attained + Read more ...

Is the customer a job seeker under 18 years of age who has not completed Year 12 or a course at Certificate III level or above?


Update Study Exemption End Date + Read more ...

YA job seekers under 18 years of age may have a Study Exemption Reason recorded on the NES screen. If the customer becomes a full-time student during their Study Exemption Reason period (that is between the Event Date and the Study Exemption End Date), then the following needs to be undertaken.

If the exemption reason is 'YAL activity agreement signed' (YAA), the current YAL Activity Agreement signed status will be recorded on Page 2 of the NES screen. Go to Step 4.

If the current study exemption reason is any other reason and the update is being actioned in:

  • Process Direct:
    • check confirmed and/or provisional data on the NES screen
    • select Edit to update the Study Exemption End date: field. Update this to the day before the customer returns to full time study
    • select Save
    • delete the previously coded Not a student row entry
  • Customer First:
    • go to Page 2 of the NES screen
    • in the Study Exemption End date: field, key the day before the customer returns to full-time study
    • if required, key the Source: and Receipt Date: and choose 'Chg' in the Action: field. Select [Continue] or [Enter]
    • return to Page one of the NES screen and delete the previously coded Not a Student screen

Once this has been updated, go to Step 4.


Coding the NES Event Date + Read more ...

Code the Start Date (in Process Direct) or Event Date (in Customer First) field.


  • YA job seeker customers starting or returning to study, the event date is either:
  • YA student claims lodged after a Tertiary Access Payment (TAP) claim assessment:
    • match the Participation Status Event Date (PSED) of the TAP claim. This is only required if there is no full-time student status coding on NES screen with a date on or before the date TAP was granted
  • continuing students, the event date is either:
    • the student end date (as coded on the EDC screen) plus one day for the previous course if the customer has advised before or after the end date of the previous course, or
    • the last day of the previous study period (non-optional) + one day, for students moving from part time study in the previous study period to full time study in the next available study period
    • an elected start date for their claim for YA. For example, 1st January, 18th birthday or 22nd birthday. The NES screen automatically populates the elected date as coded in the Manual Start Date: field on the Start Date Calculator (NDC) screen
    • if the student has turned 18 or completed Yr 12 and has not elected a start date. Code the NES screen with date of Yr 12 completion + one day
  • new students, who are not considered to be continuing/intending students, the Full-time study (FTS) event date is the later of the:
    • deemed date of claim (DDOC)
    • the date the customer starts full-time study, or
    • the date the customer is deemed to start full time study due to circumstances beyond the student's control, or
    • the date after the waiting period ends, if that period ends on or after the student start date or DDOC

Note: where a customer is not continuing/intending, and the NES entry on, or immediately before, the DDOC is not showing as Not a Student (NST), add an additional NES entry. Code as follows:

  • Start Date (in Process Direct) or Event Date (in Customer First) field:
    • Deemed date of claim (DDOC), where there are no previous confirmed Apprenticeship/course details on Apprenticeship Details (NAPD) or Customer Study Details (EDC) screen in Process Direct or Education Course Details (EDC) screen in Customer First
    • Apprenticeship/Student End Date +1 day, where there are previous confirmed apprenticeship/course details on NAPD or EDC
  • Student Status: field, Not a Student (NST)
  • Education Level Attained: field, the highest level of education attained

For new claims where the start date of payment is later than the elected date or Deemed Date of Claim because of a waiting period, for example, a Liquid Asset Waiting Period (LAWP) or a Newly Arrived Resident's Waiting Period (NARWP), code the NES screen with an additional FTS line:

  • For continuing students: date of submission of claim
  • For non-continuing students: date of study commencement

For assistance in determining the start date, see Calculating the start day for Austudy and Youth Allowance (YA) students and Australian Apprentices claims.


Coding the NES Student Status + Read more ...

Complete the Student Status: field by keying one of the following codes:

  • 'FTS' for a full-time student or 25% or 66% concessional study load
  • 'STF' for a full-time student who is a principal carer or has a partial capacity to work (PCW). This only applies to customers who transferred from Parenting Payment Single (PPS) to JobSeeker Payment (JSP)/YA (job seeker) as a principal carer or transitional Disability Support Pension (DSP) to JSP/YA (job seeker) as PCW, and continue to study in the same course which started while they received PPS or DSP
  • 'SPT' for a part-time student who has a partial capacity to work (PCW). Applies only to customers who transferred from transitional DSP to NSA (now JSP)/YA (job seeker) as a 'PCW' customer and continues to study in the same course which they started while on DSP

Do not code an additional Not a Student (NST) line on the NES screen if a student/course end date is in the future. Incorrectly coding a future NST line prevents the system from automatically issuing the End of course review.


Coding the NES Education Level Attained + Read more ...

In the Education Level Attained field in Process Direct or the Educ Level Attained field in Customer First, key the highest level of education completed by the customer. Choose from available codes in field help (?), if required. For updates in Process Direct, select the correct option from the drop down list.

Do not code this field:

  • for a future level being obtained. However students who have completed Year 12 can be considered for the under 18 exemption from study without obtaining a Year 12 Certificate
  • if the EDC screen was coded for an incorrect period. For example, Year 11 only coded as one academic year, rather than

For Australian Apprentice claims, if an educational level attained has previously:

  • been recorded, code the same level as the earlier entry
  • not been recorded, and is not supplied on the claim, code UNK - Unknown


Coding the NES Y12/Equiv Verified + Read more ...

If the Education Level Attained or Educ Level Attained field is recorded as Y12 or equivalent in the current or a previous update, the Y12/Equiv Verified: field may also need to be completed.

If Y12/equivalent verification has:

  • previously been coded, code the same verification as the earlier entry
  • not previously been coded, and there is:
    • evidence on record of completing Y12/equivalent, code as appropriate
    • no evidence of completing Y12 on record, code NVE - Not verified


Finalising the NES screen coding + Read more ...

Coding for Process Direct:

  • Provisional data will pre-populate on the NES screen. Staff can:
    • Edit and Delete this information
    • Select Add to add a new line
    • Select Save

Coding for Customer First:

  • Source: field, key the source of the information, if required
  • Receipt Date: field, key the day the customer provided the information, if required
  • Action: field, select 'INS' or key 'I' to insert the information
  • Press [Enter] or [Continue] to accept the inserted information
  • Press [Enter] or [Continue] to go to the EDC screen
  • Press [Enter] or [Add new EDC details] to go to a blank EDC screen

If the Education Course History (EDCH) screen is not displayed, go to the EDCH screen manually and press [Enter]. A blank EDC screen will display.

See Table 3.

Note: if an under 18 year old customer has returned to full-time study in between the date they entered into a 'YAL Activity Agreement' and their 18th birthday, the system will delete the previously recorded 'Not a Student' status that started from their 18th birthday. Make sure the NES dates align with the course dates coded on the EDC screen.

Coding education course details

Table 3




Course details + Read more ...

If the customer is:

  • able to provide details of the approved course they or the Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) student will be studying, or intend to study if they are accepted into the approved course, code their first preference, go to Step 2
  • continuing in the most recent course on the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen in Process Direct or Education Course History (EDC) screen in Customer First and there has not been a break in the full time or concessional study load since starting the course, go to Step 2
  • receiving Youth Allowance (YA) or Austudy and is unable to provide details of the course they intend to study, see Table 4
    Note: a system limitation prevents an Intention to Study being coded within a new claim. If the customer knows the new course they are intending to commence, or can advise their first course preference, this must be coded


Before coding the EDC screen + Read more ...

A new EDC line is not required for:

  • Tertiary Access Payment (TAP) customers where:
    • they are continuing a full-time or approved concessional study load in the course most recently recorded on EDC
  • YA, Austudy or PES customers where:
    • they are continuing full-time or approved concessional study load in the course most recently recorded on EDC, and
    • there has been no break in their full time or approved concessional study load since the start of this course

In these circumstances, extend the Course end date and Student end date on the existing EDC line.

For all other scenarios for YA, Austudy, PES or TAP, a new EDC line may be required. Go to Step 3.


Coding the EDC screen + Read more ...

If the student has a current course listed on EDC and the student did not start this course, delete the EDC line before coding new study details.

Note: for AIC students, coding should be completed by AIC Smart Centre staff only.

Process Direct + Read more ...

Go to EDC screen, either:

  • key EDC in the Super Key, or
  • key START in the Super Key and select the Study and Scholarship Details workflow. Select Customer Study Details and select Start

On the EDC screen, select Add, or Edit and complete the following fields based on the student's circumstances. A list of available codes can be found from the drop-down menu in each field, if required:

  • Participation Status Event Date
  • Participation Status
  • Enrolment Verification
  • Course Level
  • Course Start Date
  • Course End Date
  • Student Start Date
  • Student End Date
  • Institution field
  • Field of Study
  • Course Id
  • Course Name
  • Student ID
  • Concurrent Institution ID
  • Allowable Time End Date
  • Mode of Study, select from the drop-down list:
    • Select INT - Internal
    • DIS-Distant Education
    • FLX-Flexible Learning
  • Review Exemption End Date

If Verification status next to the course details provided by the customer is:

  • green, the course details have been confirmed in the Software Application Program (SAP)
  • red, the course details have not been confirmed in SAP

To prevent an automatic NQSNot qualified F/T secondary student rejection for qualified YA secondary students aged 16-17 years:

  • a workaround is required when recording study details. Within the claim, code:
    • a TGD level course with the Course End Date and Student End Date of today's date
    • Course ID as VY
    • all other fields as normal
  • complete the claim activity – inhibit the grant letter
  • in a separate activity:
    • correct the course details
    • complete the activity – do not inhibit the letter. This will generate a grant letter

Customer First + Read more ...

On the EDC screen, complete the following fields based on the student's circumstances. A list of available codes can be found in field help (? in each field), if required:

  • Participation Status Event Date
  • Participation Status
  • Enrolment Verification
  • Course Level
  • Inst Course Start Date
  • Inst Course End Date field
  • Education Institute ID field
  • Field of Study
  • Institution Course Code
  • Student ID Number
  • Concurrent Institution for this course
  • Student Start Date
  • Student End Date
  • Allowable Time End Date
  • STARTUP-HELP indicator, the field is only enterable if the course level is Startup Year Course
  • Mode of Study, select from the drop-down list:
    • Select INT - Internal,
    • DIS-Distant Education
    • FLX-Flexible Learning

Note: the Review Exemption End date: field is protected and can only be updated by specialist Service Officers. If an update is required, create an open work item using Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Students, ABSTUDY, Apprentices > Student Payment Review > Student Payment Review Exemption.

To prevent an automatic NQSNot qualified F/T secondary student rejection for qualified YA secondary students aged 16-17 years:

  • a workaround is required when recording study details. Within the claim, code:
    • a TGD level course with the Course End Date and Student End Date of today's date
    • Course ID as VY
    • all other fields as normal
  • complete the claim activity – inhibit the grant letter
  • in a separate activity:
    • correct the course details
    • complete the activity – do not inhibit the letter. This will generate a grant letter

Once all fields are completed, go to Step 4.


Allowable time met or exceeded + Read more ...

See the Resources page for the Student Programme Resource Tool, which includes the Allowable Time Calculator. This tool can assist with allowable time assessments.

Use the following resources to calculate the customers remaining allowable time:

Has the customer met or exceeded their Allowable Time?

Record the decision:

  • Use Fast Note:
    • Select Auto Text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Update > Allowable Time Assessment, or
    • Key Allowable into the Search field: select Allowable Time Assessment from the available menu options
  • Select the Display on Access (DOA) DOC button, if not already ticked. This automatically populates the DOA DOC field with the correct reason of SCC, which does not require an expiration date. See Creating, reviewing and deleting documents (including Fast Notes and DOA DOCs)

The DOC must include:

  • the name, academic level and allowable time of the student's current course
  • a summary of the student's previous study, semester by semester (include all other levels of study if available - although it will not be counted in this assessment, it may be useful if the customer applies for another course under another payment)
  • details of any study that has been disregarded and the reasons for disregarding the study
  • the total of the previous study


Coding course details + Read more ...

In Customer First, use the Comments field only to record the exact name of the course the student is enrolled. For this field, do not:

  • leave it blank
  • add details in addition to the course name

In Process Direct, use the Course Name field to record the exact name of the course the student is enrolled.

Note: for students who study a course at an accelerated rate, add ‘Accelerated’ after the course name.

Allowable time assessments or any other comments must not be recorded in the Comments field. Information recorded in the Comments field will be displayed to customers when using the 'Manage study details' online service. Any additional comments must be recorded in a Note/DOC.


Coding the Footer Details + Read more ...

In Process Direct:

  • To update existing field, select Edit
  • To add new information, select Add
  • After updating information, code Channel and Receipt Date and select Save

If required, in Customer First, go to the:

  • Source: field, to key the source of the information
  • Receipt Date: field, key the day the customer provided the information

Go to the Action: field, select 'INS' or key 'I' to insert the information recorded.

For AIC students, this should be completed by AIC Smart Centre staff only.

End of procedure for AIC.


Combined course with a Masters component + Read more ...

Is the student undertaking a combined course that has an approved Masters component? See Approved courses of study for Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES).

  • Yes, and receiving YA, Austudy or PES, go to Step 8
  • No, the Masters component is not approved. The YA, Austudy or PES customer is only entitled to be paid up until the end of the Bachelor component of the course, and will end as per the Course End Date field on the Education Details (EDC) screen. See Table 5


Coding the EDC screen for combined course with approved Masters component for YA, Austudy and PES + Read more ...

For further information regarding approval of combined courses with a Masters component, see Approved courses of study for Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES).

Complete the coding below:

  • In Process Direct, if the system has not automatically populated a provisional line, Add a new row into the EDC screen
  • In Customer First, from the Education Course History (EDCH) screen, select [Enter] to obtain a blank EDC screen
  • Code the course details for the entire duration of the combined course
  • Code the Course Level field with the lower level. For example, Tertiary Group B (TGB)
  • The official full title of the combined course must be included in the Comments field

See Table 5.

Coding intention to study details

Table 4




Intention to study + Read more ...

If the customer does not have full details of the new course they are intending to study, the relevant participation status and corresponding level of study should be coded, depending on the level of study they are intending to undertake:

  • Intention to Study Tertiary (INT), Level of Study 'TXX', or
  • Intention to Study Secondary (INS), Level of Study 'SXX'

If an intention to study participation status is:

Note: if the customer knows the new course they are intending to study, or can advise their first course preference, this must be coded. Intention to study can only be coded for a maximum of 20 weeks. If the intention to study is for longer than 20 weeks, the student must nominate a course.


Coding intention to study - Austudy and YA only + Read more ...

Collect and record intention to study details. Go to the EDC screen, and complete the following fields:

  • Participation Status Event Date. Note: if the customer notified outside 13 weeks of their previous student end date that they had an intention to study, and they were previously receiving YA or Austudy as a student, payments cannot be restored and the customer must lodge a new claim
  • Participation Status
  • Inst Course Start Date
  • Inst Course End Date

In Process Direct

A system limitation prevents coding an Intention to Study within a new claim. If the customer knows the new course they are intending to study, or can advise their first course preference, this must be coded.

  • Go to the EDC screen
  • Select Add and update the following:
    • Participation Status Event Date
      Note: if the customer notified outside 13 weeks of their previous student end date that they had an intention to study, and they were previously receiving YA or Austudy as a student, payments cannot be restored and the customer must lodge a new claim
    • Participation Status
    • Course Start Date
    • Course End Date
  • Select Save
  • Complete the Receipt Date and Channel and select Save
  • If no further updates are required, select Assess

In Customer First

  • Complete the Source: and Receipt Date: fields, as appropriate
  • In the Action: field, select 'INS' or key 'I' to insert the information
  • Select [Continue]
  • Finalise the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Create a Fast Note:
    • Select Auto Text
    • Select Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices
    • Select Update
    • Select Updated/Corrected EDCH Intention to Study Details
    • Select Confirm
  • Complete the DOC. Delete unnecessary text and record reason/s for the update

The system will set up a review for 3 weeks prior to the end of the intention to study period, when a Course details required letter will be sent to the student to obtain new study details. For further details on the letter, see Processing end of course and intention to study reviews for Austudy and Youth Allowance (YA).

Coding other factors and circumstances

Table 5




Student Start Up Loan + Read more ...

If the customer is starting an approved scholarship course, they may be entitled to a Student Start Up Loan.

See Student Start-up Loan (SSL) for:

  • eligibility requirements, and
  • how the customer can claim SSL


Away from Home or independent + Read more ...

Has the customer been granted the Away from Home rate or are they independent students who qualify for Relocation Scholarship?


YA or Austudy Long Term Income Support Rate + Read more ...

If the customer is currently receiving the Long Term Income Support (LTIS) rate of YA or Austudy, an assessment must be made to determine if they are still eligible to receive this rate.

If the customer is:


Restore payment after cancellation or suspension + Read more ...

Service Officers are to determine if the payment can be restored on initial contact. If there have been changes in the customer's circumstances it is necessary to update any relevant information on the customer's record before restoring the payment to avoid incorrect arrears being generated.

Smart Centre staff should only continue with this procedure if the suspension/cancellation reason is restorable by a Smart Centre Service Officer.

Note: rejections can never be restored. The reclaim process must be used.

Is the reason restorable?


Complete the process + Read more ...

For Process Direct:

  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings on the Errors (SWE) screen
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update. Select Finalise
  • Record reason/s for the update on a Note

For Customer First:

  • Complete the Source: and Date of Receipt: fields, if required
  • If on the EDC screen press [Enter] to exit the screen
  • Finalise the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Create a DOC using Fast Note:
    • Select Auto Text
    • Select Students
    • Select ABSTUDY & Apprentices
    • Select Update
    • Select Updated/Corrected EDCH Study Details
    • Select Confirm
  • Complete the DOC. Delete any unnecessary text and record reason/s for the update

For current customers, procedure ends here.

For new claims, continue to assess the claim. In the finalisation Note/DOC, make sure to include any additional information to support the decision.