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Assessing and coding Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) term enrolment checks 010-21020228

This document outlines the assessment process for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) enrolment checks.

On this page:

Actioning enrolment check reviews

Assessment and coding of an enrolment check

Finalise enrolment check

Actioning enrolment check reviews

Table 1:




Enrolment check work item + Read more ...

Paper enrolment checks

  • the Study Load Compliance processing team scans the review onto the education provider's organisation CRN (Org CRN) as a Q790 letter
  • Workload Management (WLM) creates a ZDMS_Q790 work item for allocation

If a ZDMS_Q790 work item has been allocated or an applicant is asking about a paper enrolment check, go to Step 2.

Electronic enrolment checks in the Integrated Review System (IRS)

  • an AIC Review Received DOC is recorded, and
  • a ZIAM_AIC_RVW work item is created in WLM for allocation

If a ZIAM_AIC_RVW work item has been allocated or an applicant is enquiring about an enrolment check, go to Step 3.

Applicant responds or activity falls due

If the applicant has provided documents in response to a request for information (RFI) for an enrolment check, or an open DOC has fallen due, see Table 2, Step 1.


Paper enrolment checks + Read more ...

Enrolment checks that contain details for multiple students, are scanned onto the education provider's Organisation CRN (Org CRN).

To find the Org CRN in Customer First:

  • note the student's Institution ID code, from Education Course Details (EDC)
  • enter Codes in Next
  • select Enter
  • select the Education Institution Summary line by placing an 'S' in the field
  • select Continue, to show the Education Institution Summary (EIS)
  • Code: enter the Institution ID from student's EDC
  • select Continue
  • copy the Org CRN from Educational Inst Details (EID)
  • select Home
  • enter the Org CRN into CRN/BP
  • select Enter
  • select Swap to B Environment

Find the scanned paper enrolment check via Document Tools, from Customer First workspace.

Go to Step 4.


Electronic enrolment checks + Read more ...

Reviews returned electronically create an individual IRS review on each student record.

There are 4 review types in IRS:

  • W-E - Withdrawn Secondary
  • N-E - No Record - Secondary
  • P-E - Part Time - Secondary
  • L-E - Late Starter Secondary

To find the electronic enrolment check in the student's record:

  • enter IRRS in Next
  • select Enter
  • code 'S' against the REG or STA review to view Review Details (IRRD), which includes details about the dates relevant to the review
  • code 'S' in Review Actions to view Review Action History (IRRA), which includes a history of the review actions
  • select Continue to go back to IRRD
  • code 'S' in Match Data to view Match Data (IRMD), which includes details about the term in review, the education provider, and the review type
  • select Continue to go back to IRRD

Go to Step 4.


Review enrolment check details + Read more ...

Compare the details in the enrolment check against the details on the student's record, including:

  • EDC
  • Document List (DL), for details in a DOC
  • scanned documents via Document Tools

Is there a discrepancy between the enrolment check and the student's record, or are any updates needed?


Outbound contact + Read more ...

Where the details in the enrolment check show a change in circumstances, attempt to contact the applicant to verbally confirm the details.

Where the contact attempt is successful, go to Step 8.

If no contact details are available, or contact is unsuccessful:

  • issue a Q781 letter asking the applicant to verify enrolment and/or study load
  • Record details in an open Fast Note. Select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > AIC > AIC Enrolment Check
  • Hold the Fast Note until the due date from the Q781 letter. Note: the open DOC acts as the review for return of the documents
  • Where the enrolment check is:


Unsuccessful contact for paper review + Read more ...

Have all student records identified on the paper enrolment check been actioned?

  • Yes, mark the scanned document as Completed
  • No, repeat steps for all relevant student records until all records are actioned

Procedure ends here.


Update IRS with unsuccessful contact + Read more ...

Update the IRS review to show unsuccessful contact with the applicant.

In the student's record:

  • enter IRRS in Next
  • 'S'elect the REG or STA review
  • enter IRCS in Next
  • select Enter, to go to Review Contact Summary (IRCS)
  • Meth: PHO
  • Date Contacted: the date the attempt to contact the applicant was made
  • select Continue
  • Confirm: Y
  • select Continue
  • record all relevant fields on Review Contact Details (IRCD)

Note: once a contact starts, the review status changes from Registered (REG) to started (STA).

Procedure ends here.


Review Enrolment Check + Read more ...

If the applicant can confirm the details in the enrolment check, or they can confirm ongoing AIC entitlement without the need for further evidence, go to Table 3, Step 1

If the applicant cannot confirm the details in the enrolment check, or they cannot confirm ongoing AIC entitlement without the need for further evidence, apply the following:

  • Issue a Q781 letter asking the applicant to verify enrolment and/or study load
  • Suspend the AIC payment to prevent overpayment:
    • Reason: 'OTH' - Other
    • Effect Date: Date paid to + 1 (DPT+1)
    • Notes: AIC enrolment check review, Q781 issued
    • Inhibit the letter at AR to prevent an MFU being created
    • Record details in an open Fast Note. Select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > AIC > AIC Enrolment Check
    • Hold the Fast Note till the due date from the Q781 letter

If enrolment check is electronic, in the student’s record:

  • enter IRRS in Next
  • select REG or STA review
  • enter IRCS in Next
  • select Enter to go to Review Contact Summary (IRCS)
  • Meth: PHO
  • Date Contacted: the date the attempt to contact the applicant was made
  • select Continue
  • Confirm: Y
  • select Continue
  • record all relevant fields on Review Contact Details (IRCD)

Go to Step 9.


Letter action + Read more ...

Once the AIC payment is suspended, issue a Q999 letter to the applicant advising them of the suspension. The appeals and review paragraph must be included.

Resources contains text to use in each free text paragraph.

Procedure ends here.

Assessment and coding of an enrolment check

Table 2:




Enrolment check assessment + Read more ...

Note: if the school confirms the student is enrolled on a full-time basis, on-going eligibility is established. There is no minimum attendance requirement for AIC. If further confirmation is required to determine on-going eligibility. Contact the school to confirm the student’s enrolment details.

If the applicant has:

  • provided all enrolment details for the student to confirm:
    • ongoing full-time studies for the last AIC allowance paid, go to Step 2
    • return to full-time studies after a break with no change in living arrangements, go to Step 3
    • a change in living arrangements for full-time studies, go to Step 4
    • eligibility has ceased, go to Step 5
  • not supplied all necessary evidence/details, or has not responded to the Q781 letter by the due date, go to Step 6


Ongoing full time studies + Read more ...

Is the student continuing full-time studies with no change in living arrangements?


Returning to full-time study + Read more ...

If the student does not meet the criteria of returned to full-time studies after a break in study, with no change in living arrangements, go to Step 4

The student has returned to full-time studies after a break in study, with no change in living arrangements. Determine the appropriate entitlement end date for the previous period of study and code the study information.

On Education Course Details (EDCH) record:

  • student end date: same as the entitlement end date
  • Source: appropriate source type
  • DOR: date of receipt
  • Action: C
  • Nxt: AR check results and finalise the activity

Determine the appropriate entitlement start date for the new period of study, then assess and code a new AIC claim, using Date of Receipt (DOR) of the enrolment check.

On EDCH record:

  • Participation Status Event Date: start date for the new study details, or 1 January of the following year, as appropriate
  • Inst Course Start Date: start date for Term 1 see National Course Approvals - Semester and Term Dates for information for each state
  • Inst Course End Date: end date of Term 4 see National Course Approvals - Semester and Term Dates for information for each state
  • Student Start Date: entitlement start date for the students new study details
  • Student End Date: entitlement date for the students new study details
  • Mode of Study: DIS/INT as applicable
  • Nxt: AR check results and finalise the activity, go to Table 3, Step 1

Note: if arrears are generating on AR, check to ensure these are not duplicating payments. If arrears are a duplicate payment, zero them off via the OOP screen.


Change in living arrangements + Read more ...

If the student has not changed their approved living arrangement for full time studies, go to step 5

The student has advised they have changed their approved living arrangement for full-time studies.

Go to Living Arrangement Details (EILA) record

  • the determined Living Arrangement End date
  • Source: appropriate source type
  • DOR: date of receipt
  • Action: C

Go to EDCH and record:

  • Student End Date: same as the living arrangement end date
  • Action: C
  • Nxt: AR check results and finalise the activity

Determine the appropriate entitlement start date for the new period of study, then assess and code a new AIC claim, using Date of Receipt (DOR) of the enrolment check.

Go to EILA

  • Select ‘Enter' for a new EILA page
  • code all required fields

Go to EDCH and record

  • Participation Status Event Date: entitlement start date for the new living/study arrangements, or 1 January of the following year, as appropriate
  • Inst Course Start Date: start date for Term 1, see National Course Approvals - Semester and Term Dates for information for each state
  • Inst Course End Date: end date of Term 4, see National Course Approvals - Semester and Term Dates for information for each state
  • Student Start Date: entitlement start date for the students new living/study
  • Student End Date: entitlement end date for the students new living/study
  • Mode of Study: DIS/INT as applicable
  • Nxt: AR check results and finalise the activity, go to Table 3, Step 1


Eligibility has ceased + Read more ...

If the customer remains eligible for AIC, see Table 3, Step 1

If the eligibility for AIC has ceased, update the relevant screens with the entitlement end date from the enrolment check. Where there has been a change to the student’s:

  • study details, update EDC
  • living arrangements, update EILA

Check AR results and finalise the activity, go to Step 6.


Cancellation of payment + Read more ...

If the applicant has not responded to the request for information, or does not verify ongoing entitlement:

  • update the relevant screens with the entitlement end date from the enrolment check, where there has been a change to the student's:
    • study details update EDC
    • living arrangements update EILA
  • cancel the AIC payment via the Benefit Action (BA), from the date eligibility stopped. Use the Reason Code: FRC - Failure to reply to correspondence
  • where eligibility stopped in the previous year and cancellation is not possible via BA because of an error code displayed on Assessment Warning and Error, go to Step 7
  • for all other scenarios, see Table 3, Step 1


Cancellation where error present + Read more ...

Complete cancellation in 2 separate activities.

On BA, using Reason Code: FRC Failure to reply to correspondence:

  • Cancel the current year payments from 01 January and finalise, and
  • Cancel previous year payments from the date AIC eligibility stopped and finalise

See Table 3, Step 1.

Finalise enrolment check

Table 3:




Identify debt, rate reduction or cancellation has occurred + Read more ...

Has the enrolment check or assessment resulted in:


Finalise the enrolment check + Read more ...

Written advice must be given to the applicant when contact has been made, but the applicant has not:

  • been told of the intervention finalisation, or
  • had any debt advice issued, where appropriate

Issue a Q999 letter to the applicant and, if relevant, the nominee, to say the enrolment check is now complete.

Finalise or cancel the review, as appropriate. For:

Update and Finalise the AIC Enrolment Check DOC, or record a manual DOC, policy guidelines must be included.