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An attachment is available: Placed in front of links to attachments Boarding claim outcome to Third Party Organisation

Letters and electronic messages

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ABSTUDY Living Allowance not payable

Transfer of excess SFA (Group 2)

Secondary school student's total annual entitlement is a combination of Living Allowance, Rent Assistance and Remote Area Allowance. If the total amount is insufficient to meet the board charge of the school or hostel, any excess SFA (Group 2), up to the maximum available, is transferred across to top-up the shortfall.

Terminology and formula used

Table 1: This table describes the terminology and formula used by the system from the coding on the School Fees and Boarding Details (EYSB) screen to calculate a top-up from the SFA (Group 2) for payment to cover the shortfall in boarding expenses.





School Fee Charge

Amount charged for tuition by school


Total School Fee Allowance

Total SFA (Group 2) after application of the means test


Boarding Charge

Amount charged for board by school or hostel


Total Boarding Entitlement

Total Living Allowance, Rent Assistance and Remote Area Allowance after application of means test

TSFA minus SFC = available excess of SFA (Group 2)

BC minus TBE = shortfall in boarding entitlements

Top-up = the lower of the available excess SFA (Group 2) and the shortfall in boarding entitlements.

Scenarios - Excess SFA (Group 2) and available top-up calculations

Table 2: This table provides scenarios where an excess SFA (Group 2) is calculated for the shortfall in boarding entitlements.

These amounts may not be current. They are examples only. For current payments, see Rates and thresholds.




Calculating top-up for 2 sons in study and top-up sufficient for shortfall

Joan's permanent home is in a remote community. The nearest government school offering secondary level study is 119 kilometres away.

Joan is in receipt of an income support payment and has 2 sons who are of secondary school age. Rex is 14 years old and Ruben is 16 years old. Both sons are attending Clontarf College and approved for Away from Home rate.

Boarding and tuition charges

Clontarf College is a boarding school. Payments must be directed to the College. Board and tuition charges must be coded on the School Fees and Boarding Details (EYSB) screen. This directs the payment to the college and enables the system to automatically calculate the transfer of any excess School Fees Allowance (SFA) (Group 2). The excess calculated will be used to top-up any shortfall in boarding entitlements where necessary.

Clontarf College charges:

  • Boarding (annual)
    • Student under 16 years of age - $11,500
    • Student 16 years and over - $16,000
  • Tuition (annual) - $1,200

Rex's entitlement:

To assist with boarding costs, Rex is entitled to a total of $10,186 in Living Allowance and Rent Assistance. To assist with tuition costs, Rex is entitled to $11,011 in SFA (Group 2).

There is a shortfall of boarding entitlements of $1,313.89 ($11,500 board charge minus $10,186.11 board entitlement). There is an excess of SFA (Group 2) of $9,811 ($11,011 SFA (Group 2) minus $1,200 tuition charge).

The system will automatically act to transfer only the necessary amount, up to the maximum available, of unused SFA (Group 2) to meet the shortfall of the board charge. An amount of $1,313.89 will be transferred to meet boarding costs. The remaining unused amount of $7,903.11 of SFA (Group 2) is not available to the school or student for use.

Calculation (as per Table 1)

  • SFC = $1,200
  • TSFA = $11,011
  • BC = $11,500
  • TBE = $10,186.15
  • TSFA ($11,011) minus SFC ($1,200) = available excess SFA (Group 2) $9,811
  • BC ($11,500) minus TBE ($10,186.11) = shortfall in boarding entitlements of $1,313.89
  • Top-up = the lower of the available excess SFA (Group 2) ($9,811) and the shortfall in boarding entitlements ($1,313.89). Top-up will be $1,313.89.

Ruben's entitlement

To assist with boarding costs, Ruben is entitled to a total of $15,348.25 in Living Allowance and Rent Assistance. To assist with tuition costs, Ruben is entitled to $11,011 in SFA (Group 2).

There is a shortfall of boarding entitlements of $651.75 ($16,000 board charge minus $15,348.25 board entitlement). There is an excess of SFA (Group 2) of $9,811 ($11,011 SFA (Group 2) minus $1,200 tuition charge).

The system will automatically act to transfer only the necessary amount, up to the maximum available, of excess SFA (Group 2) to meet the shortfall of the board charge. An amount of $651.75 will be transferred to meet boarding costs. The remaining unused amount of $8,535.25 of SFA (Group 2) is not available to the school or student for use.


  • SFC = $1,200
  • TSFA = $11,011
  • BC = $16,000
  • TBE = $15,348.25
  • TSFA ($11,011) minus SFC ($1,200) = available excess SFA (Group 2) of $9,811
  • BC ($16,000) minus TBE ($15,348.25) = shortfall in boarding entitlements of $651.75
  • Top-up = the lower of the available excess SFA (Group 2) ($9,811) and the shortfall in boarding entitlements ($651.75). Top-up will be $651.75


Calculating top-up-and insufficient for shortfall

Stanley is 14 years old, studying a specialist agricultural course at Moon Hill Agricultural College. Stanley has been approved for Away from Home rate.

Boarding and tuition charges

Moon Hill College is a boarding school. Payments must be directed to the College. Board and tuition charges must be coded on the EYSB screen. This directs the payments to the college and enables the system to automatically calculate the transfer of any excess School Fees Allowance (SFA) (Group 2). The excess calculated will be used to top-up any shortfall in boarding entitlements where necessary.

Moon Hill College charges:

  • Boarding (annually) - $15,000
  • Tuition (annually) - $6,000

Stanley's entitlement

To assist with boarding costs, Stanley is entitled to a total of $9,711.61 in Living Allowance and Rent Assistance. To assist with tuition costs, Stanley is entitled to $11,011 in SFA (Group 2).

There is a shortfall of boarding entitlements of $5,288.39 ($15,000 board charge minus $9,711.61 board entitlement). There is an excess of SFA (Group 2) of $5,011 ($11,011 SFA (Group 2) minus $6,000 tuition charge).

The system will automatically act to transfer only the necessary amount, up to the maximum available, of unused SFA (Group 2) to meet the shortfall of the board charge. In this case, Stanley has an excess of SFA (Group 2) of $5,011 which is transferred. However, the excess is insufficient to cover the total board shortfall. The remaining shortfall is the responsibility of the parent(s)/guardian(s).


  • SFC = $6,000
  • TSFA = $11,011
  • BC = $15,000
  • TBE = $9,711.61
  • TSFA ($11,011) minus SFC ($6,000) = available excess SFA (Group 2) of $5,011
  • BC ($15,000) minus TBE ($9,711.61) = shortfall in boarding entitlements of $5,288.39
  • Top-up = the lower of the available excess SFA (Group 2) ($5,011) and the shortfall in boarding entitlements ($5,288.39). Top-up will be $5,011

Accommodation (AC) screen coding for a student under 16 in a private board arrangement

Table 3




Emily is 14 years old and lives on Palm Island. The local school is a recognised limited program school, therefore Emily meets the eligibility criteria for the ABSTUDY Away from Home rate.

Emily applies for ABSTUDY to attend Cairns State High School, starting on 22 January 2018. Emily provides a Rent Certificate with the claim, indicating $400 a fortnight will be charged for meals and accommodation to board privately. Emily will start boarding in Cairns on 20 January 2018.

As a secondary student, Emily is entitled to the Away from Home rate from 1 January 2018. Emily is not eligible for Rent Assistance (RA) until 20 January 2018.

To ensure correct payment of RA and the Away from Home rate, 2 event dates will need to be coded on the AC screen within the ABSTUDY claim.

For event date 1 January 2018 key:

  • Home Ownership: NHO
  • Address Type: HOM
  • Event Date: 01/01/2018
  • Type of Rent: NRP
  • Sharer Status: NAS (Note: coding 'LWP' will result in the claim rejecting 'Doesn't meet Age Requirements' (AGD))

For event date 20 January 2018 (the date the private boarding arrangement commences) key:

  • Home Ownership: NHO
  • Address Type: TER
  • Event Date: 20/01/2018
  • Type of Rent: BOA
  • Sharer Status: SHR (or 'SHH' if the board provider owns the home)
  • Gross/Total Household Rent: $400
  • Net Rent Amount: $400
  • Rent Verification: VEC (as Rent Certificate SU523HD has been provided as part of the new claim)

Letter templates

Table 4


Letter text

Q888 - Inviting Principal Carers to check eligibility for Family Tax Benefit

You may be eligible for family assistance based on your circumstances.

To find out if you are eligible for other payments and services, please go to

Q999 - Lawful Custody Allowance - reimbursed to correctional institution

To whom it may concern,

We have assessed your request for reimbursement of ABSTUDY Lawful Custody Allowance for the <course name> delivered by <education provider> over the period <date> to <date>.

Funding of <$000.00> for <reimbursement claim number> in respect of eligible students has been processed on <date>.

The following students are eligible for ABSTUDY Lawful Custody Allowance:

<List student names here and amount paid per student, remove paragraph if not applicable>

The following students are not eligible for ABSTUDY Lawful Custody Allowance:

<List student names here and the reason not eligible, remove paragraph if not applicable>

This decision has been made under Chapter 98 of the ABSTUDY Policy Manual.

Include the Appeal paragraph.