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Processing an ABSTUDY claim 010-23061559

This document outlines the process for assessing a claim for ABSTUDY.

For ABSTUDY Smart Centre processing staff only.

Accepting a claim

Table 1




Locate claim + Read more ...

Claims are allocated via the Workload Manager. See Work Optimiser for staff.

Online claim/Assisted Customer Claim ACC

ABSTUDY claims submitted online or via ACC will generate a Social Online Application (SOA) new claim work item on the student's record. It will have all the claim details provided by the student online or entered into ACC.

Verbal claim

ABSTUDY claims submitted verbally through the ABSTUDY claiming tool will generate a new claim activity on the student's record. The claim details provided by the applicant can be found in Document Tools.

  • Schooling A claims will be on the parent/guardian's record
  • Schooling B claims will be on the student's record

See Orientation Visit travel for non-current ABSTUDY customers for students claiming Fares Allowance for Orientation Visit travel, who meet one of the following:

  • not ABSTUDY current and visiting multiple schools for orientation
  • currently in Year 5 or lower, or
  • claiming a reimbursement for an orientation activity with a status of ABY/ASS

Paper claim

ABSTUDY paper claims scanned to the student's record will generate a new claim activity on the student's record. For:

  • ABSTUDY Incidentals/Tertiary/Masters/Apprentice claim, create a SOA shell in Process Direct to assess the claim. See Indexing, re-indexing, and cancelling claim activities
  • all other ABSTUDY claim types, the claim details will be in paper form and found in Document Tools


Preliminary checking + Read more ...

Check the claim is complete and the applicant has lodged all additional supporting documents. See Claiming ABSTUDY.

Check the customer meets the ABSTUDY definition of Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

Note: customers can provide additional information verbally when a Service Officer determines it would provide an efficient claim outcome. Service Officers can make 2 genuine attempts to contact the customer to obtain the required information. See Requesting information (CLK).

If assessing the claim in Process Direct, select:

  • Open left slider; Close right slider to view the Claim Summary that has information provided by the customer
  • Tasks to view the documents requested online or via ACC
  • Notes to view the DOCs and comments recorded in Process Direct
  • Documents or the links at the bottom of the expanded Claim Summary to view the documents provided by the customer (uploaded online or scanned to their record)
  • Benefit History to view Benefit Status
  • Relations menu to view Relations

More Options

More Options can be used to perform a variety of extra processing functions. This may include:

  • Re-index a claim with a status of Completed. This can be used for a claim that was rejected and needs reassessment
  • Regenerate will reset the claim or change of circumstance update to only contain the information provided by the customer when they submitted the claim or change of circumstance update online. This may be needed when Process Direct system fixes are released, or relationship linking was done after starting claim or change of circumstance updates processing
  • Request Documents to issue a request for information when additional supporting documents are required
  • Referral when a specialist assessment is required
  • Handover to Customer First/Customer Record can be used when an activity must be processed in Customer First/Customer Record

Is the claim for a secondary student who will be a private boarder?


Private boarder documentation requirements + Read more ...

Applicants/students claiming ABSTUDY as a private boarder must supply documentation of the private boarder before their claim will be assessed.

Applicants are required to return a signed ABSTUDY request for private board provider details form (SY115).

Has the required information been provided?

  • Yes, and there is:
    • less than 5 students residing on the premises or unknown, go to Step 5
    • 5 or more students residing on the premises, go to Step 4
  • No, the claim cannot be assessed until the ABSTUDY request for private board provider details form (SY115) is provided, go to Step 18


5 or more residing on the premises + Read more ...

If a private board provider has 5 or more students living on the premises they are classed as a hostel for ABSTUDY purposes.

The private board provider will need to sign into an ABSTUDY Hostel Standards Agreement to continue to receive some ABSTUDY entitlements. See ABSTUDY Hostel Agreements to start the agreement process

Continue the claim as a student claiming ABSTUDY to board at a hostel which is not a signatory to an ABSTUDY Hostels Agreement.

Go to Step 5.


Has the most beneficial claim been lodged? + Read more ...

Students may claim for an ABSTUDY Award when they are entitled to another.

Did the customer lodge the most beneficial claim for ABSTUDY?


Another ABSTUDY payment is more beneficial + Read more ...

Contact the customer and advise another ABSTUDY payment may be more beneficial. Make at least 2 genuine attempts to contact.

Has the contact been successful?


Claiming more beneficial payment + Read more ...

If additional information is required, ask the customer during the call.

Did the customer provide all required information for the new claim?


ABSTUDY Claiming Tool + Read more ...

Applicants who complete a claim through the ABSTUDY Claiming Tool must:

  • accept a verbal declaration or
  • return a signed Customer Declaration Form (CDF)

The accepted verbal declaration is recorded on the:

  • Verbal Declaration DOC, and
  • Progress of ABSTUDY claim DOC

If the Verbal Declaration DOC:


Checking the new claim (NCL) activity

Go to the Activity List (AL) screen.

ABSTUDY NCL activity is indexed + Read more ...

Check the Source is correct:

  • Select the started ABSTUDY NCL activity
  • The Source must be 'SCT'. If another Source is coded:

Check the keywords are correct:

  • Go to the AL screen
  • Select the ABSTUDY NCL activity
  • From the Selection Options screen, select Keywords
  • Check the appropriate claim type keyword has been added:
    • 'ABYNCL' - ABSTUDY Living Allowance
    • 'ABTNCL' - ABSTUDY Schooling A
    • 'BOARDER' - ABSTUDY Secondary Boarding
    • 'EPANCL' - ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement
  • Check the appropriate Verbal Declaration keyword has been added:
    • 'VERBNIL' - if the applicant accepted a verbal declaration and did not need to provide any supporting documents
    • 'VERBDOC' - if the applicant accepted a verbal declaration and needed to provide supporting documents
    • 'VERBNO' - if the applicant did not accept a verbal declaration

If the Source and Claim Type and Verbal Declaration keywords are correct, go to Step 10.

If the correct Claim Type and Verbal Declaration keywords are missing:

  • Go to the AL screen
  • Select the ABSTUDY NCL activity
  • From the Selection Options screen, select (O). Transfer the activity to another site/region
  • Add the appropriate Claim Type keyword:
    • 'ABYNCL' - ABSTUDY Living Allowance
    • 'ABTNCL' - ABSTUDY Schooling A
    • 'BOARDER' - ABSTUDY Secondary Boarding
    • 'EPANCL' - ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement
  • Add the appropriate Verbal Declaration keyword:
    • 'VERBNIL'
    • 'VERBDOC'
    • 'VERBNO'

ABSTUDY NCL activity is not indexed + Read more ...

  • Index a NCL activity
  • Key the Source as 'SCT'
  • Go to the AL screen
  • Select the ABSTUDY NCL activity
  • From the Selection Options screen, select (O). Transfer the activity to 'ABS'
  • Add the appropriate Claim Type keyword:
    • 'ABYNCL' - ABSTUDY Living Allowance
    • 'ABTNCL' - ABSTUDY Schooling A
    • 'BOARDER' - ABSTUDY Secondary Boarding
    • 'EPANCL' - ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement
  • Add the appropriate Verbal Declaration keyword:
    • 'VERBNIL'
    • 'VERBDOC'
    • 'VERBNO'


Verbal declaration + Read more ...

Has the applicant accepted the verbal declaration?

  • Yes, where the CDF has been returned, review the form and update any changes. Go to Step 13
  • No, applicant has not been offered or has not accepted a verbal declaration. Go to Step 11


Verbal declaration not accepted + Read more ...

If the customer has returned a signed CDF, review the CDF and update any changes. Go to Step 13.

If the customer did not provide a signed CDF and a verbal declaration has not been accepted. Make 2 genuine attempts to contact the customer to obtain the verbal declaration.

  • If contact is successful and verbal declaration has been provided and documented, go to Step 13
  • If contact is unsuccessful and the claim is:
    • 18 days or older, go to Step 18
    • 17 days or younger, place the claim on hold until day 18. Procedure ends here


Paper or verbal claim + Read more ...

Process Direct

For ABSTUDY Tertiary Award and Masters and Doctorate Award, check if a claim has been created in Process Direct.

If a claim has not been created, create a claim via the Social Online Application (SOA) shell in Process Direct.

  • Benefit Type: ABSTUDY Tertiary Living Allowance
  • Customer CRN
  • Date of Receipt

See Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions.

Go to Step 13.

Customer First

Check the ABSTUDY new claim (NCL) activity has the correct:

  • Source code and
  • Claim Type keyword

ABSTUDY NCL activity is indexed

Check the Source is correct:

  • Go to the Activity List (AL) screen
  • Select the ABSTUDY NCL activity
  • The Source must be ‘SCT’, 'SY018', 'SY019', 'SY022' or 'SY092'. If another Source is coded:

Check the keywords are correct:

  • Go to the AL screen
  • Select the ABSTUDY NCL activity
  • From the Selection Options screen, select Keywords
  • Check the Claim Type keyword is 'ABYNCL' - ABSTUDY Living Allowance

If the Claim Type keyword is missing:

  • Go to the AL screen
  • Select the ABSTUDY NCL activity
  • From the Selection Options screen, select (O). Transfer the activity to 'ABS'
  • Add the Claim Type keyword -
    • 'ABYNCL' - ABSTUDY Living Allowance
    • 'ABTNCL' - ABSTUDY Schooling A
    • 'BOARDER' - ABSTUDY Secondary Boarding
    • 'EPANCL' - ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement

No ABSTUDY NCL activity on the AL screen

  • Index a NCL activity
  • Key the correct Source
  • Go to the AL screen
  • Select the ABSTUDY NCL activity
  • From the Selection Options screen, select (O). Transfer the activity to 'ABS'
  • Add the correct Claim Type keyword:
    • 'ABYNCL' - ABSTUDY Living Allowance
    • 'ABTNCL' - ABSTUDY Schooling A
    • 'BOARDER' - ABSTUDY Secondary Boarding
    • 'EPANCL' - ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement


Future Away from Base pre-assessment checks + Read more ...

Due to system limitations students need to initially be granted ABSTUDY Incidentals only, where they:

  • are transferring to ABSTUDY from another benefit, and
  • require travel and/or meals/accommodation to be booked in advance of their course start date

This can occur where the student:

  • is claiming ABSTUDY Living Allowance
  • will be attending an Away from Base activity within the next 6 weeks as confirmed in the Travel Management Application (TMA)
  • has a course start date more than 14 days from today’s date, and
  • is currently in receipt of another benefit

Does the student meet all of the above?


Pre-assessment checks + Read more ...

Does any payment have the benefit status show as CNP, or are there any outstanding employment income reports?


Cancelling previous payments + Read more ...

If the status of the previous payment is CNP (cancel next payment), or there are outstanding employment reports, Service Officers must cancel the payment. This activity must be completed outside of the NCL activity:

In Process Direct or Customer First:

  • go to the Payment Summary (PS) screen
  • in the Number of months in past field key '999'
  • select Execute/Enter
  • note the DPT+1
  • go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen
  • code the cancellation. Use reason OTH from DPT+1
  • inhibit the letter on the Actions (ASC) screen before finalising the activity
  • record cancellation details. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Generic > SUS/CAN/RES > Suspend Cancel Reason

For further coding advice, for:

The benefit status should now be CAN. Go to Step 16.


Check eligibility for an ABSTUDY Award + Read more ...

Check the customer is eligible for one of the ABSTUDY Awards.

Is the customer eligible for an ABSTUDY Award?


Australian Apprentice + Read more ...

Australian Apprentices must have a current Commonwealth registration number.

Before assessing the claim, Services Australia will obtain the Australian Apprenticeship details from the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.

If the customer's Australian Apprenticeship details are not yet current:

  • Record the details in the Progress of ABSTUDY Claim DOC
  • Contact the customer and tell them payments cannot occur until confirmation of their Australian Apprenticeship status is received
  • Place the claim on hold for 14 days

While waiting for confirmation, claims can be re-held for up to 13 weeks. After 13 weeks, reject the claim NAT (Not an Apprentice). See Rejecting an ABSTUDY claim.

Does the Australian Apprentice have a current Commonwealth registration number?

  • Yes, go to Step 20
  • No, and the Apprentice claim has been held for:
    • under 13 weeks, place the claim on hold for 14 days. Procedure ends here
    • 13 weeks or more, go to Step 18


Not eligible for ABSTUDY + Read more ...

The ABSTUDY claim may reject automatically (following the updating of information on the customer's record, for example, student attending primary school) or may need to be rejected manually.

See Codes for ABSTUDY cancellation, suspension and rejection for a list of automatic and manual rejection codes.

To reject the claim:


Automatic rejection

If the claim is in:

Process Direct + Read more ...

  • Select the Process button
  • Update the screens with the details provided in the ABSTUDY claim
  • After updating the screens, select the Assess button to assess and finalise the claim
  • Contact the applicant and explain the reason for the decision. See Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision
  • Record details on a DOC
  • Procedure ends here

Customer First + Read more ...

  • Go to the Activity List (AL) screen
  • Select the started ABSTUDY NCL activity
  • Go to the ABSTUDY Task Selector (EYTS) screen
  • Update the appropriate screens using the details provided in the ABSTUDY claim
  • After updating the screens, go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Finalise the activity
  • Contact the applicant and explain the reason for the decision. See Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision
  • Record details on a DOC - use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Claims - ABSTUDY > ABY Granted/Rejected > Confirm
  • Expire the 'Progress of ABSTUDY claim' Display on Access DOC
  • Procedure ends here


Australian Apprentice start date + Read more ...

Due to system limitations, an Apprentice claim date of receipt (DOR) may need to be changed to align with the calculated start date.

To determine correct start date, see Start and closing date for ABSTUDY claims.

Does the claim DOR align with the calculated start date?


Date of Receipt (DOR) + Read more ...

To update the DOR:

  • Select Update DOR in More Options menu
  • Key the calculated start date and select continue


For information on how to complete the required action, select the option from the drop down box below.

Schooling A

Schooling A

Table 2




Start claim activity + Read more ...

  • Go to Activity List (AL) screen
  • Select the new claim activity
  • Go to the Customer Details Task Selector (CDTS) screen
  • Select and update the screens using the details provided in the claim. Selected screens include:
    • Address (AD)
    • Accommodation (AC)
    • Telephone details (TDS)
    • Tax File Number Details (TFN)
    • Payment Destination Details (PASB)
    • Proof of Identity (POI)
    • Other Contact Details (OCD)
    • Office codes (OC)
    • Links Summary (LS)
  • Select Next to progress through the claim


Address details (AD) + Read more ...

The Address History (ADH) screen for the student must reflect the applicant's ADH screen from the date of grant.

No update is required if the address matches from or before date of grant.

If updates are needed, see Updating address details.


Accommodation details (AC) + Read more ...

On the AC screens the event date must align with the first day of entitlement in the grant period. There is no entitlement to Rent Assistance (RA) for ABSTUDY Schooling A. This date also cannot be coded prior to the earliest date recorded on the Address History (ADH) screen.

When there are multiple events updated on ADH screen, only one AC screen event date can be input which must align with the date of grant.

Note: if the AC screen is already coded with the following details from an earlier event date, do not code any further details. If not, code the AC screen as follows:

  • Address Type - HOM
  • Event Date - must align with the first date of entitlement in the grant period
  • Home Ownership - Non homeowner (NHO)
  • Type of Rent - No rent paid (NRP)
  • Sharer Status - Lives with Parents (LWP)


Tax File Number (TFN) + Read more ...

A Tax File Number (TFN) is not required for a student under 16 years. Key:

  • the TFN for the student if available, or
  • the exemption reason 'U16' - under 16 years of age

Note: where a claim is lodged before the closing date but after the student has turned 16, a workaround exists to allow the U16 TFN exemption to be entered. If the student has no TFN:

  • change the date of receipt (DOR) to 1/1 in the year the assistance is being claimed for
  • do not use the actual DOR the claim was lodged to allow the U16 exemption to be coded


Payment Destination details (PAS) + Read more ...

Update the details on the Payment Destination Details (PA) screen. This is the payment details for the applicant, not the student.


Proof of Identity (POI) + Read more ...

Continue through this screen. It is not required:

  • while the student is under 16 years
  • for the applicant


Link Summary (LS) + Read more ...

All Schooling A claims must have an STA link to the applicant. Check for any existing or started (STA) links on the LS screen.

To allow an STA link to be created, the student and the applicant must be in the same environment. For details, see Inter-environment change of address (ICoA) transfer of a customer record.

Current STA link linking the student to the applicant

No further action is required on the LS screen.

Current incorrect STA link already exists

This will need to be end dated on the date prior to the new link starting on the LS screen by:

  • selecting the incorrect STA link
  • End date - date prior to the new link start date
  • Reason - NLC
  • Select continue
  • Return to LS screen to link correct applicant

Incomplete STA link exists

Select it by entering 'S' in the box next to the link.

No STA link exists

Enter 'Y' in the box next to the add new link to create a new one.

Selecting an incomplete link or starting a new link will direct the user to the Other Customer Links (OCL) screen. On this screen, key the following:

Once the OCL screen has been coded and the applicant has been selected from the Link Person (LP) screen, the user will be redirected to the applicant's record to complete the STA link activity.


Processing requirements in applicants record + Read more ...

In the applicant's record, staff must check the applicants Tax File Number (TFN) details are correct, go to the TFN screen and make applicable updates.

Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen to finalise the activity, then key 'FL' in Nxt and press [Enter] to flip back to the student's record.


Education details (EDC) + Read more ...

  • Go to the Activity List (AL) screen
  • Select the started new claim activity
  • The screen flow will go to the ABSTUDY Task Selector (EYTS) screen
  • Continue through this until the Education Course Details (EDC) screen presents
  • To update this screen, see Coding ABSTUDY education details

Note: when processing a claim after 1 October for the current year, code the EDC screen with the current and future year education details at the same time (that is, year 8 2022 and year 9 2023).


Family Pool (NPPS) + Read more ...

On the PIT Parent Selection (NPPS) screen, check the parents are linked on the student's record.

Start date is the earliest date of:

The Relationship Summary (NRS) screen displays a summary of the family's details.


Household Income and Assets (NHI) + Read more ...

Check the appropriate Parental Income Test (PIT) exemption reason is displayed on the PIT Exempt Rsn field.

Code the Date of effect (DOE) to align with the calculated claim grant date and the Financial year Ending as the base year.

If the details do not match:

  • Code a PITRSH activity on the applicant and/or student record outside of the new claim
  • Key 'PITRSH' in the Next field in the applicant record
  • Select and finalise the activity generated by the system
  • PIT data will be refreshed between the applicant and the student

For information on coding/updating the parent record, see Manual PIT exemption will need to be coded on the system.


Supplementary Education Payments + Read more ...

Does the applicant want ABSTUDY School Fees Allowance (SFA) paid to the school?


Finalise the claim + Read more ...

Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and finalise the activity:

  • Record details of the claim on a DOC
    Select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Claims - ABSTUDY > ABSTUDY Schooling A - Granted/Rejected > Confirm
  • Close the Display On Access new claim progress DOC
  • If the claim is finalised after the School Term Allowance data extraction date in a particular term, the student will not have been included on the student list provided to the school at the end of each term
    For claims finalised after the data extraction date, the ABSTUDY Smart Centre must contact the school and seek attendance details for each school term completed prior to the date of finalising the claim, see Processing ABSTUDY School Term Allowance payments. It also includes the One Time Access Code (OTAC) release dates document where the SAS extraction dates can be found for each term


Check the Future Activity List (FAL) screen for future review activity + Read more ...

Where a PITRSH activity was required, that coded HCA (Health Care Card Auto) on the Household Income and Assets (NHI) screen:

  • After finalising the claim, check the FAL screen to ensure an auto review is present. The auto review should be maturing on the day before the Health Care Card Auto exemption is due to cease
  • If no auto review is present on the FAL screen, in Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
    • Service Reason: ABA
    • Review Reason: REV (Manual Review)
    • Due Date: day before the Health Care Card auto exemption is due to cease
    • Source: INT
    • Date of Receipt: today’s date
    • Notes: 'Check eligibility for PIT Exemption based on the parent(s)/guardian(s) being in receipt of HCC. See OB 010-02050020.'
    • Keywords: ABYACT and #NSSBRU
    • Workgroup: leave blank
    • Position: leave blank
    • Transfer to Region: ABS
  • The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action

Procedure ends here.

Schooling B - At Home

Schooling B - At Home

Table 3




Code the customer details + Read more ...

In Customer First:

  • Go to the Activity List (AL) screen
  • Select the started new claim activity
  • Go to the Customer Details Task Selector (CDTS) screen
  • Select and update the screens using the details provided in the claim:
    • Address (AD)
    • Accommodation (AC)
    • Relationship status (MS)
    • Telephone details (TDS)
    • Tax File Number Details (TFN)
    • Payment Destination Details (PASB)
    • Residence Requirement (RSLEG)
    • Proof of Identity (POI)
    • Other Contact Details (OCD)
    • Office codes (OC)
  • Select Next to progress through the claim


Address details (AD) + Read more ...

Ensure the Address Details (AD) are current.

The customer's address details must include the student's actual home (HOM) address and term (TER) address at the study location if the student lives away from home. See Updating address details.


Accommodation details (AC) + Read more ...


Tax File Number Details (TFN) + Read more ...

A Tax File Number (TFN) is not required for a student under 16 years.

If the customer:

  • has a TFN, key the TFN in the TFN: field
  • meets a TFN exemption, key the exemption reason in the Exemption Reason: field
  • is 16 years of age or older and does not meet either of the above, leave the TFN: field blank. The claim will Auto Reject

See Tax File Number for ABSTUDY.


Identity confirmation (POI) + Read more ...

ABSTUDY customers are subject to identity confirmation. Some customers may satisfy identity confirmation requirements without having to produce identity confirmation documents.

See Additional procedures exclusive to ABSTUDY apply in some circumstances.


Payment Destination Details (PAS) + Read more ...

If the customer is:

See Changing payment destination. for coding assistance.

If the customer does not have a bank account, see Payment destination to determine if a direct credit exemption applies.


Education Course Details (EDC) + Read more ...

When the screens selected from the CDTS screen have been updated, the screen flow will go to the ABSTUDY Task Selector (EYTS) screen. Continue through this until the Education Course Details (EDC) screen presents.

See Coding ABSTUDY education details for further information.

Note: the EDC screen must be updated with the current and future year education details at the same time (that is, year 8 2022 and year 9 2023), where the claim is being:

  • coded for the current year, and
  • processed from 1 October onwards, due to End of Year (EOY) processing


Education Payments Start Date (EPDC) + Read more ...

The date of commencement for payment will be automatically calculated by the system. However, in some circumstances this may need to be manually adjusted.

See Start and closing date for ABSTUDY claims.

Is the customer claiming Independence, State Care or UTLAH?


Independent/Homeless/Away From Home Details (NIH) + Read more ...

When a student is claiming independence or UTLAH, see below for assessment and coding:

Has the customer been approved for independence, State Care or UTLAH?


Family Pool (NPPS) + Read more ...

Go to the PIT Parent Selection (NPPS) screen. Check:

Start date is the earliest date of:

  • ABSTUDY start date
  • the date the parent/guardian became an appropriate parent for the purposes of PIT

See Start and closing date for ABSTUDY claims.

The Relationship Summary (NRS) screen displays a summary of the family's details.

  • Go to the Dependent Youth Rate Summary (!DYRSUMM) screen
  • Check the details of the siblings and update the sibling links if necessary


Household Income and Assets (NHI) + Read more ...

Has the parent(s)/guardian(s) income information been provided?


Payee/Debtor (EYPY) + Read more ...

Code the appropriate CRN on the Payee/Debtor (EYPY) screen. To determine the appropriate payee/debtor, see ABSTUDY payments and rates.

Note: the payee/debtor will be the student, or parent/guardian. This screen should not be coded with payment nominee's details.

Has the customer advised they are employed?


Reporting requirements (RPRD) + Read more ...

To place the customer onto reporting within the claim, Service Officers must code the Reporting Regime Details (RPRD) screen. See Reporting screens for coding assistance.

Before finalising a claim for an ABSTUDY customer who has advised they have variable employment income, contact them to confirm the income they were paid for each fortnight since the date of commencement of ABSTUDY. See Recording and correcting employment income details.

If the customer cannot be contacted, DOC the contact attempt within the new claim grant DOC.

Go to Step 14.


Finalise claim + Read more ...

  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR)
  • Check and finalise the activity
  • Record details of the claim on a DOC
    • Use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Claims - ABSTUDY > ABY SEC Granted/Rejected > Confirm
  • Expire the 'Progress of ABSTUDY claim' Display on Access DOC
  • Complete any scanned documents actioned as a part of the claim
  • If the customer has advised that they have a dependent child under 19 years of age in their care and they or their partner are not in receipt of Family Tax Benefit (that is, FTB/CUR or FTB/CZR), see Eligibility for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for individuals. Issue a Q888 letter inviting the customer to check their eligibility for family assistance. The Resources page has the standard text to include

Procedure ends here.

Schooling B - Boarder

Schooling B - Boarder

Table 4




Customer details + Read more ...

  • Go to the Activity List (AL) screen
  • Select the started new claim activity
  • Go to the Customer Details Task Selector (CDTS) screen
  • Select and update the screens using the details provided in the claim:
    • Address (AD)
    • Accommodation (AC)
    • Relationship status (MS)
    • Telephone details (TDS)
    • Tax File Number Details (TFN)
    • Payment Destination Details (PASB)
    • Residence Requirement (RSLEG)
    • Proof of Identity (POI)
    • Other Contact Details (OCD)
    • Office codes (OC)
  • Select Next to progress through the claim


Address details (AD) + Read more ...

A secondary school student is entitled to the following Away from Home rate allowances, including across vacation periods. Entitlement continues even when the student returns to the permanent home for the holidays:

  • Living Allowance
  • Rent Assistance (RA) and
  • Remote Area Allowance (RAA)

Code the AD screen to match the eligibility period for Away from Home rate. This ensures qualification for RAA, matches the eligibility period for the Away from Home rate.

For all students, record a HOM (home) address.

If the student's home address is:

  • not in a RAA specified area, record the TER (term) address of where the student is residing whilst studying
  • in a RAA specified area, record the location where the student resides while they are studying. Key the ADH screen as follows:
    • Address Type: TER
    • Start Date:
      - Private Boarder: commencement date of the board arrangement
      - Boarding School/Hostel: determined away from home start date
    • End Date: start Date + 2 days
    • Address: students term address
    • Is Rent Assistance being claimed on this Address: Yes
    • Is this address in a Remote Area for the purpose of Remote Area Allowance: No
    • Should this address be used for all mail: Yes

Code a POS (postal) address with the term address details if the student wants to receive mail at their term address.


  • Orientation or Special Purpose travel or Boarding school/hostel student, go to Step 3
  • Private Boarding student, go to Step 4


Accommodation details for Orientation or Special Purpose travel or Boarding school/hostel student (AC) + Read more ...

Code the AC screen. Select the option for each field, according to the type of boarding arrangement or claim type. If the instruction is not broken down by boarding arrangement or claim type, the detail included applies to all:

  • Address Type: TER (Term)
  • Event Date: first date of eligibility for Away from Home rate. If the student's first date of attendance is not yet known, enter the first date of the term entitlement period in which the Away from Home rate is being claimed
  • Home Ownership: NHO (Non-Homeowner)
  • Type of Rent: BOA (Board and Lodgings)
    Note: where a scholarship covers 100% of a student's boarding costs, key 'NRP' (No rent paid)
  • Sharer Status: XSH (Exempt Sharer)
  • Gross/Total Household Rent: leave blank
  • Net Rent Amount: code the annual board charge of the school/hostel
  • Code the actual net amount charged to the student by the school. For example, if a student receives a scholarship that covers all or most of the boarding fees, only code the amount charged after the scholarship has been deducted
  • Leave blank if Type of Rent is NRP (No Rent Paid)
  • If the annual board charge for the relevant academic year is not yet known, use the most recent charges listed on the provider record
  • Freq: key 'ANN' (Annually) or leave blank if Type of Rent is NRP
  • Rent Verification: EXB (Exempt - Customer in Boarding Style accommodation)
  • Government Sub-tenant: NAP (Not applicable to customer)

Go to Step 5.


Accommodation details for Private Boarding student (AC) + Read more ...

Code the AC screen. Select the option for each field, according to the type of boarding arrangement or claim type. If the instruction is not broken down by boarding arrangement or claim type, the detail included applies to all:

  • Address Type: TER (Term)
  • Event Date: code the commencement date of the boarding arrangement
  • Home Ownership: NHO (Non-Homeowner)
  • Type of Rent: BOA (Board and Lodging) or LOD (Lodging Only)
  • Sharer Status: See Sharer Status field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen to determine sharer status and coding required
  • Gross/Total Household Rent: see Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA), Table 3, Step 4 - Effect of Type of Rent on Total Household Rent/Gross Household Rent and Frequency fields
  • Net Rent Amount: enter the amount the customer pays for board and/or lodgings
  • Freq: enter the frequency of payments, for example monthly
  • Rent Verification:
    • NCL (New Claim) if evidence is required, this will allow the Rent Certificate to be issued, or
    • VEC (Verified Rent Certificate) if a Rent Certificate SU523HD has been provided
  • Government Sub-tenant: NAP (Not applicable to customer)

Note: for students boarding privately, code the AC screen from the date the student commences in the private board arrangement. For students under 16, this may result in the payment cancelling or rejecting 'Doesn't meet Age Requirements (AGD)'. To prevent this, see the Resources page for a workaround example.


Tax File Number Details (TFN) + Read more ...

If the customer is:

  • under 16 years of age, key U16 in the Exemption Reason: field
  • 16 years of age and older:
    • with a TFN, key the TFN in the TFN: field
    • meeting a TFN exemption, key the exemption reason in the Exemption Reason: field
  • 16 years of age or older and both of the following apply, leave the TFN: field blank, the claim will Auto Reject:
    • does not have a TFN and
    • is not eligible for an exemption

See Tax File Number for ABSTUDY.


Payment Destination Details (PAS) + Read more ...

If the customer is a student:

See Update the payment destination.


Identity confirmation (POI) + Read more ...

ABSTUDY customers are subject to identity confirmation. Some customers may satisfy identity confirmation requirements without having to produce identity confirmation documents.

See Additional procedures exclusive to ABSTUDY apply in some circumstances.


Education Course Details (EDC) + Read more ...

When the screens selected from the CDTS screen have been updated, the screen flow will go to the ABSTUDY Task Selector (EYTS) screen. Continue through this until the Education Course Details (EDC) screen presents.

See Coding ABSTUDY education details.

Where the Orientation or Special Purpose travel is for a student travelling to a hostel and school details are not yet known, update the EDC screen with the hostel Education provider code.

Due to End of Year (EOY) processing requirements, staff must update the School Fees and Boarding Details (EYSB) screen with the current and future year details at the same time (for example, year 8 2023 and year 9 2024), when the claim is:

  • coded for the current year, and
  • processed from 1 October onwards

For a:

  • Private boarding arrangement - go to Step 9
  • Orientation or Special Purpose travel claim - go to Step 9
  • Boarding school or hostel - continue reading below

Calculate the student start date on the EDC screen

Locate the POA OTAC release dates document on the Resources page of Payment on Advice for ABSTUDY Away from Home rate. This document contains the SAS extraction date for each term and state. This date is important when choosing which date to code in the Student start date: field on the EDC screen. The SAS extraction date is the date used to compile the payment on advice list that is sent to schools and hostels. If a claim is granted for the current term entitlement period after the SAS extraction date, then that student will not appear on the Payment on Advice list.

If a claim is being assessed:

  • on or before the SAS extraction date in the current term
    • code the student start date as the first day of the term entitlement period
      Note: Term 1 will need to be coded as the course start date because it is not possible to code 1 Jan
  • after the SAS extraction date in the current term
    • and first day of attendance has not been provided from the school or hostel for the terms, code the student start date as the first day of the next term entitlement period, and
    • when the first day of attendance is provided, update the EDC screen with the date the student commenced so the correct payments are issued
      Note: the school may need to be contacted or a manual request sent to collect this information
  • for Term 4 after the SAS extraction date and the student is:
    • continuing study in the next calendar year, code study for both calendar years. Code Term 4 from the start of the Term 4 entitlement period. Code the EPDC screen from 1 January to avoid payments being issued
    • not continuing study in the next calendar year, the claim cannot be granted until the first day of attendance for Term 4 is confirmed with the school
  • for previous terms or payment of arrears in the current term when provided with the first day of attendance
    • calculate the student start date on EDC screen using the third Friday rule
    • multiple EDC screens may be needed if there has been a gap in entitlement
  • and there is a gap in entitlement and the student was previously attending the same school in the same calendar year
    • insert a new EDC screen under the same course ID
    • select the existing course and adjust the Participation Status Event Date: field to the first day after the gap in entitlement and key 'I' in the Action: field
    • adjust the student start and end dates within each EDC screen to reflect the gap(s) of entitlement


Education Payments Start Date (EPDC) + Read more ...

The date of commencement for payment will be automatically calculated by the system. However, in some circumstances this may need to be manually adjusted.

See Start and closing date for ABSTUDY claims.

Is the Calculated Start Date presenting with the correct date?

  • Yes, go to Step 10
  • No, code EPDC
    • Manual Start Date: Calculated start date
    • Rsn for Changing Dates: Enter a reason for the manual start date
    • Select Continue or press [Enter]
    • Go to Step 10


Independent/Homeless/Away from home (NIH) + Read more ...

ABSTUDY customers approved for Away from Home rate have specific entitlement periods. See Calculating the commencement date of Away from Home rate.

If there is a previous entry on the NIH screen, the NIHS screen will display.

If there is a current entry on the NIH screen:

  • End date the current entry
  • Select [Enter] for a new NIH screen
  • Key 'AFH' in the Action field
  • Start/Reject Reason: criteria determined as per the qualification of Away from Home rate
    Note: Orientation or Special Purpose travel students applying for Away from Home rate due to a scholarship and scholarship details have not been provided. Code with 'AET'
  • Start Date: commencement date of eligibility of Away from Home rate
    If a secondary student's first date of attendance is not yet known, enter the first date of the term entitlement period in which the Away from Home rate is being claimed
  • End Date: (where applicable)
  • End reason: (where applicable)


Family Pool (NPPS) + Read more ...

Go to the PIT Parent Selection (NPPS) screen. Check:

The Relationship Summary (NRS) screen displays a summary of the family's details.

Was an interim claim lodged?


Interim claim coding + Read more ...

Specific coding is required when assessing an interim boarding claim to ensure:

  • non-means tested allowances only are approved and paid
  • Fares Allowance (FAA) is approved for Terms 1 and 2 only

Code the Household Income and Assets (NHI) screen:

  • Event date: see Event date for Parental Income
  • Financial year ending: as the base year, or the current year if a current year assessment can be granted
  • PIT Exception Reasons: No exemption
  • Taxable income: Leave blank

Go to Step 14.


Household Income and Assets (NHI) + Read more ...

Has the parent(s)/guardian(s) income information been provided?

Continue assessing the claim. For:


Third Party Payment Destination for Orientation or Special Purpose travel (EYSB) + Read more ...

Due to End of Year (EOY) processing requirements, staff must update the School Fees and Boarding Details (EYSB) screen with the current and future year details at the same time (for example, year 8 2023 and year 9 2024), when the claim is:

  • coded for the current year, and
  • processed from 1 October onwards

Determine the appropriate payee/debtor. See ABSTUDY payments and rates.

  • Code the appropriate CRN on the Payee/Debtor (EYPY) screen
    Note: the payee/debtor will be the student, Australian Apprentice, or parent/guardian. Do not code with school/hostel, private board provider or payment nominee's details.
  • Update the School Fees and Boarding Details (EYSB) screen so the Group 2 School Fees Allowance (SFA) can be paid. Code the actual net amount charged to the student by the school.
  • Go to the EYSB screen
  • Select the option for the type of claim

Students applying for Away from Home rate due to a scholarship and scholarship details have been provided + Read more ...

  • Event Date: code the commencement date of the Away from Home rate
    If the student's first date of attendance is not yet known, enter the first date of the term entitlement period in which the Away from Home rate is being claimed
  • Annual Fees/Tuition Amount: code the annual school fee charge
  • Boarding School/Hostel Action:
    • Boarding at a hostel which is a signatory to an ABSTUDY Hostel Agreement, key 'AHO'
    • Boarding school, including an approved ABSTUDY Homestay arrangement, key 'ASC'
  • Annual Boarding School/Hostel Amount: code the annual board charge
  • Actual Term Start Date: first date of school term in which the student commenced at the Away from Home rate
  • Weekly Private Board Amount: leave blank
  • Scholarship Contribution Amount: code the amount a school or scholarship provider contributes to an approved scholarship for the Away from Home rate. If EYSB error mandatory coding Scholarship contribution occurs, code $0.00

Go to Step 17.

Students applying for Away from Home rate due to a scholarship and scholarship details have not been provided + Read more ...

  • Event Date: code the commencement date of the Away from Home rate
    If the student's first date of attendance is not yet known, enter the first date of the term entitlement period in which the Away from Home rate is being claimed
  • Annual Fees/Tuition Amount: code the annual school fee charge, if this is unknown code the amount as $0.01
  • Boarding School/Hostel Action:
    • Boarding at a hostel which is a signatory to the ABSTUDY Hostel Agreement, key 'AHO'
    • Boarding school, including an approved ABSTUDY Homestay arrangement, key 'ASC'
  • Annual Boarding School/Hostel Amount: code the annual board charge
  • Actual Term Start Date: first date of school term in which the student commenced at the Away from Home rate
  • Weekly Private Board Amount: leave blank
  • Scholarship Contribution Amount: leave blank

Go to Step 17.

Students applying for Away from Home rate and not in receipt of a scholarship + Read more ...

  • Event Date: code the commencement date of the Away from Home rate
    If the student's first date of attendance is not yet known, enter the first date of the term entitlement period in which the Away from Home rate is being claimed
  • Annual Fees/Tuition Amount: code the annual school fee charge, if this is unknown code the amount as $0.01
  • Boarding School/Hostel Action:
    • Boarding at a hostel which is a signatory to the ABSTUDY Hostel Agreement, key 'AHO'
    • Boarding school, including an approved ABSTUDY Homestay arrangement, key 'ASC'
  • Annual Boarding School/Hostel Amount: code the annual school fee charge
  • Actual Term Start Date: first date of school term in which the student commenced at the Away from Home rate
  • Weekly Private Board Amount: leave blank
  • Scholarship Contribution Amount: leave blank

Go to Step 17.


Third Party Payment Destination Boarding school or hostel student (EYSB) + Read more ...

Due to End of Year (EOY) processing requirements, staff must update the School Fees and Boarding Details (EYSB) screen with the current and future year details at the same time (for example, year 8 2023 and year 9 2024), when the claim is:

  • coded for the current year, and
  • processed from 1 October onwards

Update as follows:

  • Determine the appropriate payee/debtor. See ABSTUDY payments and rates
  • Code the appropriate CRN on the Payee/Debtor (EYPY) screen
    Note: the payee/debtor will be the student, Australian Apprentice, or parent/guardian. Do not code with school/hostel, private board provider or payment nominee's details
  • Update the School Fees and Boarding Details (EYSB) screen so the Group 2 School Fees Allowance (SFA) can be paid. Code the actual net amount charged to the student by the school
  • Go to the EYSB screen
  • Event Date: code the commencement date of the Away from Home rate
    If the student's first date of attendance is not yet known, enter the first date of the term entitlement period in which the Away from Home rate is being claimed
  • Annual Fees/Tuition Amount: code the annual school fee charge
  • Boarding School/Hostel Action:
    • Boarding at a hostel which is a signatory to the ABSTUDY Hostel Agreement, key 'AHO'
    • Boarding school, including an approved ABSTUDY Homestay arrangement, key 'ASC'
  • Annual Boarding School/Hostel Amount: code the annual board charge
  • Actual Term Start Date: first date of school term in which the student commenced at the Away from Home rate
  • Weekly Private Board Amount: leave blank
  • Scholarship Contribution Amount: code the amount a school or scholarship provider contributes to an approved scholarship for the Away from Home rate. If EYSB error mandatory coding Scholarship contribution occurs, code $0.00

If granting ABSTUDY for the new academic year where the boarding and tuition fees are unknown:

  • Code the most recent charges listed on the provider record, and
  • In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
    Service Reason: ABY
    Review Reason: REV (Manual Review)
    Due Date: 1 February of the relevant academic year
    Source: INT
    Date of Receipt: today’s date
    Notes: ‘Check for current year boarding and tuition fees and update if required. See OB 110-07080010 to action.’
    Workgroup: leave blank
    Position: leave blank
    Transfer to Region: ABS
    Keywords (as applicable):
    • GRP 3 if student is ABSTUDY current, under 16 years and boarding at secondary school or hostel
    • GRP 5 if student is ABSTUDY current, 16 years or more and boarding at secondary school or hostel
    • 'AHO' if the student is boarding at a hostel
    • Education provider Code, for example, 28195
  • The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action. See Actioning Reviews and Manual Follow-ups (MFUs) associated with EOY processing

Go to Step 17.


Third Party Payment Destination for a Private Boarding student or hostel which is not a signatory to the ABSTUDY Hostel Agreement (EYSB) + Read more ...

Due to End of Year (EOY) processing requirements, staff must update the School Fees and Boarding Details (EYSB) screen with the current and future year details at the same time (for example, year 8 2023 and year 9 2024), when the claim is:

  • coded for the current year, and
  • processed from 1 October onwards

Update as follows:

  • Determine the appropriate payee/debtor. See ABSTUDY payments and rates
  • Code the appropriate CRN on the Payee/Debtor (EYPY) screen
    Note: the payee/debtor will be the student, Australian Apprentice, or parent/guardian. Do not code with school/hostel, private board provider or payment nominee's details.
  • Go to the EYSB screen
  • Event Date: code the commencement date of the boarding arrangement
    If the student's first date of attendance is not yet known, enter the first date of the term entitlement period in which the Away from Home rate is being claimed
  • Annual Fees/Tuition Amount: leave blank
  • Boarding School/Hostel Action: for:
    • Private Boarding - key 'NPB'
    • Hostel which is not a signatory to the ABSTUDY Hostel Agreement, leave blank
  • Annual Boarding School/Hostel Amount: leave blank
  • Actual Term Start Date: first date of school term in which the student commenced at the Away from Home rate
  • Weekly Private Board Amount:
    • Private Boarding - code the amount requested by the applicant to be paid to the Private Board Provider (PBP) as a weekly amount. If the applicant has requested the student's entire ABSTUDY entitlement to be paid to the PBP, ensure an amount is coded that is equal to or higher than the student's rate of payment. Note: if payment has been requested to be paid to the parent/guardian, code $1.00
    • Hostel which is not a signatory to an ABSTUDY Hostels Agreement - calculate the annual boarding fees and convert it to a weekly amount
  • Scholarship Contribution Amount: code the amount a school or scholarship provider contributes to an approved scholarship for the Away from Home rate. If EYSB error mandatory coding SCHOLARSHIP contribution occurs, code $0.00

To facilitate payment of tuition fees, see ABSTUDY School Fees Allowance (SFA) (Group 2).

Is the student Private Boarding?


Payment to third party (PIPI) + Read more ...

Go to the PIPI screen.

Two entitlements will be presented:

  • SFA-Boarding - used to pay the students Tuition fees
  • LivAllow-OTP - used to pay the students Boarding fees

Students can board at one provider and study at another. The ABSTUDY entitlements must be directed to the correct Provider/Hostel.

Locate the Provider:

  • Key 'O' in the SFA-Boarding: field and press [Enter] to view the ON screen
  • Search for the provider using their Name or CRN
    key the provider's exact name or partial name with an asterisk (*) at the end (the '*' acts as a wildcard and searches for matches that are close to what was keyed)
  • Select the payee and select [Enter] to view the PIPD screen:
    • check the details on this screen are correct
    • key 'Y' in the Confirm Link: field to send the ABSTUDY payment to the third party

Repeat the above steps for the LivAllow-OTP field.

Is the customer aged 16 years or older and advised they are employed?


Payment to third party for Private Boarder (PIPS) + Read more ...

Payments to private board providers can only be made where the applicant has returned a completed ABSTUDY request for private board provider details. See ABSTUDY Claiming Tool process for a copy of this form.

Go to the PIPS screen.

If sending payment to a third party person or organisation:

  • Key 'Y' next to the Add New Payee field and press [Enter]
  • The Payment Instructions Payee Details (PIPD) screen displays
  • Add the payee's name, address and bank account details.
  • Key 'I' in the Action field
  • Key 'Y' in the Confirm Link field to send the ABSTUDY payment to the third party
  • Press [Enter] to return to the PIPI screen. The Third party will now display as 'Payee' for LivingAllow field

Is the customer aged 16 or older and advised they are employed?


Reporting requirements (RPRD) + Read more ...

To place the customer onto reporting within the claim, Service Officers must code the Reporting Regime Details (RPRD) screen. See Reporting screens for coding assistance.

Before finalising a claim for an ABSTUDY customer who has advised they have variable employment income, contact them to confirm the income they were paid for each fortnight since the date of commencement of ABSTUDY. See Recording and correcting employment income details.

If the customer cannot be contacted, DOC the contact attempt within the new claim grant DOC.

Is the student boarding at a hostel which is not a signatory to an ABSTUDY Hostels Agreement?


Rate Component Override (EPRC) + Read more ...

Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen, do not finalise the activity.

Go to the Rate Component Override (EPRC) screen, code:

  • Start Date: code the commencement date of the boarding arrangement
  • End Date: leave blank
  • Component: BASIC
  • Reason: SYS
  • Amount: 0.00

Press [Enter] and repeat the above step with ‘Component: RA’.

Finalise the claim:

  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Check the claim is not issuing any ABSTUDY entitlement
  • Inhibit the letter on the Actions (ASC) screen before finalising the activity
  • Finalise the activity on the AR screen
  • Record details of the claim on a DOC. Use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Claims - ABSTUDY > ABY Board Granted/Rejected > Confirm
  • Include details of the ABSTUDY entitlement
  • Expire the 'Progress of ABSTUDY claim' Display on Access DOC
  • Complete any scanned documents actioned as a part of the claim
  • Send a Q999 to the applicant advising of grant. See the Resources page for text

Go to Step 22.


Finalise claim + Read more ...

  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Check and finalise the activity
  • Record details of the claim on a DOC
    Use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Claims - ABSTUDY > ABY Board Granted/Rejected > Confirm
  • Expire the 'Progress of ABSTUDY claim' Display on Access DOC
  • Complete any scanned documents actioned as a part of the claim

Go to Step 22.


Interstate travel assessment + Read more ...

ABSTUDY Travel Service Officers are responsible for conducting the assessment and issuing the email to the provider.

Is an interstate travel assessment required?

  • Yes:
    • Send a Fast Note - ABSTUDY Interstate Travel to be Assessed to the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Travel Team
      Select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > ABSTUDY Travel > ABSTUDY Interstate Travel to be assessed > Confirm
    • Go to Step 27
  • No, for:


Boarding school or hostel student + Read more ...

If the completed claim is for a student boarding at a school or hostel, send an email to the provider. Access to the ABSTUDY secondary mailbox is required.

Open the Boarding claim outcome to Third Party Organisation template available on the Resources page.

  • Select Go on the template
  • Complete the following:
    • Student Customer Reference Number (CRN)
    • Date of Birth
    • School Name
    • School email address
  • Obtain the school email address from the Education Institution Summary in Customer First:
    • In the Nxt: field key the word 'CODES' to access the Reference Data Enquiry screen
    • Complete Search Field 1: select code or name
    • Complete Search Text 1: key the code number or name of school, press [Enter]
    • Select relevant school
    • Record the email address in the template
  • Select the yes or no responses to the questions presented, according to the claim outcome and student circumstances
  • Check the final version of the letter is correct
  • Send the Boarding claim outcome to the Third Party Organisation:
    • Select the Email button
    • Send the email from the ABSTUDY secondary mailbox
    • Select the Send button and the Official option. An email will be sent to the school along with the Boarding claim outcome to Third Party Organisations
    • Select the Local Print button for schools that do not have an email, and post directly to the school. Include a reply paid envelope
    • Record details on a DOC in the student's record
  • Upload a copy of the email to the customer's record using Form Type UNS010
  • Annotate the grant DOC to state that an email has been issued to the provider

Has the Boarding claim outcome to Third Party Organisations letter sent via email failed?


Email has failed + Read more ...

If an email is received advising the email has failed, due to an error:

  • Contact the school to investigate
  • Check the email address is recorded correctly. If not, or a new email address is provided, update the Reference Data Facility (RDF) and resend the email
  • Record a DOC on the school's record noting the time the email was issued

If the email continually fails, print a copy of the email, post directly to the school and include a reply paid envelope. Record a DOC on the school record noting the action taken.

Was the assessment for Orientation or Special Purpose travel?


Issue rent certificate + Read more ...

If NCL was coded in the Rent Verification: field on the AC screen with a date earlier than today, a rent certificate will need to be issued manually.

If the applicant has elected to receive payments during the school holidays, code a review.

See Manually issuing a Rent Certificate (SU523HD).

Go to Step 27.


Coding a manual review (RVR) scholarship information + Read more ...

In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:

  • Service Reason: ABY
  • Review Reason: REV (Manual Review)
  • Due Date:
    • 14 days from the interview date, or
    • 1 February in the year of study if the claim is for studies in the following calendar year
  • Source: INT
  • Date of Receipt: today's date
  • Notes: record scholarship information including if details are required or provided and 'return to OB 010-23061559 Process > ‘Schooling B – Boarder’ > Step 26 to action MFU'.
  • Keywords: BOARDER
  • Workgroup: leave blank
  • Position: leave blank
  • Transfer to Region: ABS

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.

  • Send a desktop fax for granted/rejected boarders to the boarding school/hostel, along with the request for approved scholarship confirmation
  • When the review matures:
    • If the scholarship details have not been provided, contact the school. If unable to contact, reject ABSTUDY using reason code FSD (Failed to Supply Documents)
    • If scholarship details have been provided, ensure the NIH screen is corrected to ASP or ASF where AET has been coded
    • Update EYSB screen with the correct board and tuition amounts
    • Update AC screen with the correct board paid. See Assessing scholarship income

Go to Step 27.


Coding a manual review (RVR) ACS coding + Read more ...

Does the student live in an RAA specified area and the term address end date is in the future?


Code an MFU + Read more ...

In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:

  • Service Reason: ABY
  • Review Reason: REV (Manual Review)
  • Due Date: +1 day after coded end date of term address
  • Source: INT
  • Date of Receipt: today's date
  • Notes: RAA entitlement workaround required, return to OB 010-23061559 Process > ‘Schooling B – Boarder’ > Step 28 for coding to action MFU
  • Keywords: BOARDER
  • Workgroup: leave blank
  • Position: leave blank
  • Transfer to Region: ABS

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.

Manual review has matured + Read more ...

Confirm the student is still entitled to ABSTUDY as a boarder and their circumstances remain the same since grant date

Confirm correct coding on the current entry on the ACS screen for the student circumstances.

If the current entry on the ACS screen displays rent verification as ‘Not Verified’ or ‘Chg Address/Accom Circs’:

  • select the event date to open AC screen
  • insert data into Source and Receipt Date fields
  • select ‘Delete’ option
  • finalise activity through AR

Procedure ends here



Table 5




Education Entry Payment + Read more ...

If a student was receiving JobSeeker Payment (JSP) within a 12 month period prior to claiming ABSTUDY, check their eligibility for Education Entry Payment (EdEP). EdEP payments must be made prior to granting ABSTUDY Living Allowance. See JobSeeker Payment (JSP) job seekers returning to full-time study.

Is the student a dependant?


Relationship links + Read more ...

Updates to relationship links on the PIT Parent selections (NPPS) and Marital Status (MS) screens are to be completed before selecting the Process button.

For coding of:

Once relationship links are correct, go to Step 3


Commence claim + Read more ...

To start processing a claim, select Process on the Claim Application screen.

When Process is selected, it will automatically go to the Errors (SWE) screen. The SWE screen displays a Message Log and a Task Selector.

The information from the claim prepopulates. If information is not loaded correctly, an error or warning message displays:

  • Error messages displayed in red must be fixed before the claim can be assessed. For help, see Using Digital Assistant Roxy in Process Direct
  • Warnings displayed in yellow do not block processing of the Work Item. Warnings draw attention to coding that must be checked before finalising the work item. Warnings continue to display until the claim is finalised


View claim information in Process Direct + Read more ...

Using the Claim Summary, check the appropriate screens according to the information provided in the claim.

Check information provided in the claim (provisional data) is accurate and in line with any evidence provided, update where necessary.

Check no conflict exists between the provisional data and confirmed data. Correct where necessary.

Make all necessary updates required within the claim. Delete non-verified provisional data before finalising the claim to prevent data applying to the customer record.

Use Task Selector or manually key the required screen into the Super Key to go through each mandatory screen.


Address details (AD) + Read more ...

Ensure the Address Details (AD) are current.

The customer's address details must include the student's actual home (HOM) address and term (TER) address at the study location if the student lives away from home. See Updating address details.

Tertiary students are subject to normal Remote Area Allowance (RAA) entitlement provisions.


Accommodation details (AC) + Read more ...


Tax File Number Details (TFN) + Read more ...

If the customer is:

  • 16 years of age and older:
    • with a TFN, key the TFN in the TFN: field
    • meeting a TFN exemption, key the exemption reason in the Exemption Reason: field
  • 16 years of age or older and both of the following apply, leave the TFN: field blank. The claim will Auto Reject if the customer:
    • does not have a TFN and
    • is not eligible for an exemption

See Tax File Number for ABSTUDY.


Identity confirmation (POI) + Read more ...

ABSTUDY customers are subject to identity confirmation. Some customers may satisfy identity confirmation requirements without having to produce identity confirmation documents.

See Additional procedures exclusive to ABSTUDY apply in some circumstances.

If the customer is:


Coding for Australian Apprentices + Read more ...

For Australian Apprentices, the mandatory screens for coding details of their Australian Apprenticeship are:

  • Customer Study Details (EDC) screen - insert an EDC screen with a Participation Status of 'APT' (Apprentice/Trainee) from the calculated grant date
  • Coded on the Apprentice Details/Apprenticeship Details (NAPD) screen
  • Education Payments Start Date (EPDC) - the date of commencement for payment will be automatically calculated by the system. However, in some circumstances, this may need to be manually adjusted. See Start and closing date for ABSTUDY claims
  • the Apprentice employer details must be coded on the Employment Income Paid Details (EAPP) screen

Prior to finalising a claim for an Australian Apprentice, contact the customer to confirm their income for each fortnight since the date they became qualified as an Australian Apprentice.

All Australian Apprentices in receipt of Living Allowance need to report their income fortnightly. The system will automatically apply the 2-weekly reporting profile to these customers.

Australian Apprentices who have an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) on their record in the last 2 years, stating a partial capacity to work, may be required to undergo another ESAt to determine if it is still valid.

Until another ESAt is undertaken, Youth Disability Supplement (YDS) will be paid automatically when ABSTUDY is granted. Payment of YDS cannot be stopped manually.

To refer the customer for another ESAt, see Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) Referral.

Service Officers should use 'Change of Circumstances' as the reason code for the ESAt referral.

If the Australian Apprentice is:


Education Course Details (EDC) + Read more ...

Check the study details are correct.

See Coding ABSTUDY education details.

Note: when assessing an interim claim, Full-time student (Incidentals Only) (FTI) is to be coded in the Participation Status field to only pay ABSTUDY non-income tested allowances until a full claim is completed.


Education Payments Start Date (EPDC) + Read more ...

The date of commencement for payment will be automatically calculated by the system. However, in some circumstances this may need to be manually adjusted.

See Start and closing date for ABSTUDY claims.


Student Start-up Loan (SSL) + Read more ...

If the customer has accepted an SSL, this will need to be coded within the new claim activity.

View and update SSL details from the Student Start-up Loan Summary (SSLS) screen.

See Student Start-up Loan (SSL) for coding details.

If the student is:


Independent/Homeless/Away From Home Details (NIH) + Read more ...

Complete the NIH screen if the customer is considered to be:

Relocation Location Details (RLD) screen - to be coded for students:

Go to Step 15.


Household Income and Assets (NHI) + Read more ...

Has the parent(s)/guardian(s) income information been provided?

Note: Do not reject the claim for failing to provide parental income information, as payment of non-means tested allowances/benefits can still occur for the relevant award.


Payment Destination Details (PAS) + Read more ...

If the customer is a student:

See Update the payment destination for further information.

If the customer does not have a bank account, see Payment destination to determine if a direct credit exemption applies.


Savings (SVP) + Read more ...

Select Product (SVP) - for more information to update the SVP screen, see Coding income and assets for Centrelink payments and services.

Has the customer advised they are employed?


Reporting requirements + Read more ...

The system no longer needs RPRD coding where the customer advises they have employment income in their ABSTUDY claim. This means there is no provisional coding on the RPRD screen while staff process the claim.

Where a customer has advised they are employed after lodgement of a claim and no income details have been provided, RPRD screen requires manual coding, Service Officers must use a manual override option.

Student advised of income inside claim

Code the advised income on the EANS screens, see Recording and correcting employment income details.

When the claim is taken to assess, the system will then determine the customer's reporting requirements.

Manual RPRD coding

To manually place the customer onto reporting within the claim, Service Officers must select Sys - System Override (manual - SSG staff only) as the Reason for Requirement on the RPRD screen. All other coding for fields on the RPRD screen stays the same.

See Reporting screens.

Go to Step 18.


Retrospective cancellation + Read more ...

Was ABSTUDY paid for a period that the customer was previously paid a Social Security payment or Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment which was cancelled to grant ABSTUDY?


Arrears adjustment + Read more ...

ABSTUDY arrears generated for a period that the customer was previously paid a Social Security payment or Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment must be reduced to offset the debt shell created by the cancellation of payment.

To manually reduce arrears in Entitlements (ELD):

  • Select Assess to go to ELD
  • Enter RAC in the Super Key
  • reduce each payment period displayed by the amount of the cancelled payment for that period. Use Man Adj Reason ADJ
  • After all reductions have been completed, select Update
  • Return to ELD

Go to Step 20.


Finalise claim + Read more ...

Before finalising a claim for an ABSTUDY customer who has advised they have variable employment income, contact them to confirm the income they were paid for each fortnight since the date of commencement of ABSTUDY. See Recording and correcting employment income details.

If the customer cannot be contacted, DOC the contact attempt within the new claim grant NOTE.

A self service option is available for customers: Placed under section headings or general content where self service options are available. ABSTUDY students have access to report their employment income via Centrelink online account up to 6 months after their reporting date providing:

  • the student's benefit status is 'CUR'rent
  • the student is registered for online services
  • there are no other reasons preventing the student from reporting online (for example, SSAF exclusions), and
  • the student is reporting within 22 days of the date of grant of their new claim

ABSTUDY students reporting using any other self service channel (Interactive Voice Response (IVR) or Express Plus App) will not have access to reporting for previous reports greater than 13 days after their report date.

If the ABSTUDY customer has transferred from another payment such as JobSeeker Payment (JSP), ensure any Centrepay deductions from the previous benefit have transferred to ABSTUDY. See Starting, changing and cancelling a Centrepay deduction at the request of a customer.

The Energy Supplement will be paid if the recipient is eligible. If a frequency change is requested, check/update Energy Supplement payment frequency option.

Note: ABSTUDY Masters and Doctorate can only receive the Energy Supplement quarterly in arrears.

  • Select Assess to go to Entitlements (ELD) screen
  • Check and finalise the activity
  • Record details of the claim on a NOTE
  • Complete any scanned documents actioned as a part of the claim
  • If the customer has advised that they have a dependent child under 19 years of age in their care and they or their partner are not in receipt of Family Tax Benefit (that is, FTB/CUR or FTB/CZR), see Eligibility for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for individuals. Issue a Q888 letter inviting the customer to check their eligibility for family assistance. The Resources page has the standard text to be included

Were arrears reduced to offset a debt?


Debt offset + Read more ...

Once the claim activity is completed, finalise the debt shell for the precluding payment as 'no debt' with FND Reason: NDC.

For coding, see Finalised 'no debt' (FND) or 'zeroing' debts that are not legally recoverable.



Table 6




Benefit Status + Read more ...

Is the customer ABSTUDY current?


ABSTUDY Current + Read more ...

Claim is not required.

Change Status to 'Not Required'.

See ABSTUDY Incidentals Allowance. Procedure ends here.


Determine eligibility + Read more ...

To receive ABSTUDY Incidentals assistance the customer must meet the eligibility criteria for one of the following awards:

  • Schooling B Award
  • Tertiary Award
  • Part-time Award
  • Masters and Doctorate Award

Does the customer qualify for one of the above Awards?


Not eligible for ABSTUDY + Read more ...

Reject the claim.

The following streamline rejection codes are available:

  • All claims:
    • COP - another payment is more appropriate
    • FRC - failed to reply to correspondence
    • FSD - failed to supply documents
    • IMP - Customer in prison
    • NAB - Not an Aboriginal
    • OGA - other government assistance
  • Tertiary student claims only:
    • NAC - enrolled in unapproved course
    • NAI - not an approved provider
    • NAS - not a student
  • Australian Apprentice claims only:
    • NAT - not an apprentice

Is a streamline rejection code available?


Initial assessment + Read more ...

To start processing a claim, select Process on the Claim Application screen.

When Process is selected, it will automatically go to the Errors (SWE) screen. The SWE screen displays a Message Log and a Task Selector.

The information from the claim prepopulates. If information is not loaded correctly, an error or warning message displays:

  • Error messages displayed in red must be fixed before the claim can be assessed. For help, see Using Digital Assistant Roxy in Process Direct
  • Warnings displayed in yellow do not block processing of the Work Item. Warnings draw attention to coding that must be checked before finalising the work item. Warnings continue to display until the claim is finalised

The Resources page has a link to current Process Direct issues.


View claim information in Process Direct + Read more ...

Using the Claim Summary, check the appropriate screens according to the information provided in the claim.

  • Check information provided in the claim (provisional data) is accurate and in line with any evidence provided, update where necessary
  • Check no conflict exists between the provisional data and confirmed data. Correct where necessary
  • Make all necessary updates required within the claim. Delete non-verified provisional data before finalising the claim to prevent data applying to the customer record
  • Use Task Selector or manually key the required screen into the Super Key to go through each mandatory screen


Accommodation Details (AC) + Read more ...

Verify Accommodation

  • Select Accommodation Details (ACS)
  • If details already recorded:
    • Insert a new line with the Event Date as the Claim grant date
    • leave all other details unchanged
  • If no previous details recorded, select Add and code:
    • Address Type field - HOM - Home
    • Event Date field - Claim grant date
    • Accommodation Details For field - select Customer or Customer and Partner depending on the customer's relationship status
    • Home Ownership field - select NHO - Non- Homeowner
    • Accommodation Status field - NAS

The system may need a second AC line using Event Date: Date of Receipt where:

  • a customer has not previously had accommodation details recorded, and
  • the date of receipt of claim is prior to the ABSTUDY grant date


Identity confirmation (POI) + Read more ...

ABSTUDY customers are subject to identity confirmation. However, it is not a requirement for customers claiming non-means tested components of ABSTUDY. See Additional procedures exclusive to ABSTUDY apply in some circumstances.

Check identity is Confirmed, or the recording of an exemption reason. If not confirmed, or an exemption is not recorded:

  • Select Add and code:
    • Start Date field - Claim grant date
    • Has sufficient POI been provided field - select Y if Confirmed or N if Not Confirmed
    • if POI not confirmed, select AB - ABSTUDY customers who don't require POI in the Reason for Insufficient POI field

Further identity confirmation. If the Identity Status is Not Confirmed, code alternative proof of identity:

  • Select the Not Confirmed link to open a Customer Summary window
  • Select Identity Confirmation > Identity Confirmation Dashboard from the Task Selector
  • Code the identity documents or consider applying alternative identity
  • Close the Customer Summary window to return to the claim


Tax File Number (TFN/TFS) + Read more ...

Customers may get an exemption from providing a TFN in limited circumstances.

These exemptions should only be temporary. Record a review to request their TFN or record their TFN if the customer provides it:

  • key the TFN or
  • select the relevant exemption reason

See Tax File Number (TFN) for ABSTUDY.


Education Details (EDC) (EPDC) + Read more ...

Customer Study Details (EDC) - Student

Check the study details are correct. See Coding ABSTUDY education details.

Customer Study Details (EDC) - Australian Apprentice

On EDC insert a line using:

  • Participation Status: API (Apprentice - INC only)
  • Participation Status Event Date: the calculated grant date

Education Payment Start Date (EPDC)

The system calculates the Claim grant date but allows manual change if required. See Start and closing date for ABSTUDY claims. A manual change of the start date to an earlier date requires an update to the date of event of provisional coding.


Payment Details (PAS) + Read more ...

Customers must provide bank account details held in their name. The granting of a 28-day grace period is available for customers with genuine barriers in providing bank account details. See Payment destination.

Is the customer claiming as a student?


Apprentice Details (NAPD) + Read more ...

  • Go to the Apprentice Details/Apprenticeship Details (NAPD) screen
  • Add the Australian Apprenticeship details


Outcome of claim + Read more ...

If the claim is to be:


Streamline rejection + Read more ...

When a claim is finalised as a streamline rejection, no updates or circumstance changes are applied to the customer's record apart from the assessment outcome itself. This happens even where provisional updates have been recorded prior to the streamline rejection being actioned.

To streamline reject a new claim using Process from the Claim Application screen:

  • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen
  • Select Add New
  • On the Create Benefit Action screen, Benefit Type Code, Benefit Action and Date of Effect will automatically default
  • Select the Streamline indicator box. A tick will appear
  • In the Reason field select reason code from the drop-down box
  • Select Save
  • Select Assess, and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess again. This will go to the Entitlement (ELD) screen, make sure the correct rejection reason displays
  • Select Finish, record the details of the update
  • Select Finalise

Go to Step 18.


Manual rejection + Read more ...

Make sure all coding is complete for the claim assessment

To manually reject the claim:

  • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen
  • Select Add New
  • On the Create Benefit Action screen, Benefit Type Code, Benefit Action and Date of Effect will automatically default
  • In the Reason field select reason code from the drop-down box
  • Select Save

Note: if the rejection reason is OTH no comments can be recorded in the Notes field. Service Officers must record the reason for the rejection in the Notes.

Go to Step 18.


Finish claim grant assessment + Read more ...

To finalise the claim:

Go to Step 18.


Finish claim rejection assessment + Read more ...

To finalise the claim:

  • Select Assess
    • Errors, warnings or messages may display and require action
    • If no errors, the Entitlement (ELD) screen displays. Check the outcome is correct for the customer, and partner if applicable
  • Select Assess again, then select Finish
  • Record details of the update on the Finalise screen
  • See Recording reasons for decisions under Getting it Right. Edit or add any extra details required
  • Select Finalise to complete the claim
  • A dialogue box will appear to confirm the claim is successfully completed. Select OK


Claim outcome + Read more ...

A manual letter is needed if:

  • a Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity is created on the Activity List (AL) screen after overnight processing
  • a rejection activity has been actioned manually

Create a manual letter (Q134) within the activity in Customer First. Detail the reasons for rejection of the ABSTUDY payment, the date of effect and the relevant section of the ABSTUDY policy. The advice must also include the recipient's review and appeal rights.

When creating the Q134 letter, insert the following text into the free text field and update the correct policy reference(s) for the rejection action:

  • 'This rejection has been made under <insert relevant Policy here> of the ABSTUDY Policy Manual'

When prompted to select the reference to the relevant act under which the decision was made select:

  • 'This decision has been made under the Student Assistance Act 1973'

Due to system limitations, Incidentals only can be granted to allow travel, meals or accommodation to be booked in advance while the student is still on another benefit. Was Incidentals only granted to allow an Away from Base activity to be booked in advance, and the student will qualify for Living Allowance once the course starts?


Review for Living Allowance + Read more ...

Due to system limitations ABSTUDY Living Allowance cannot be granted until the course start date. Create a review for the Living Allowance to be assessed:

  • in Customer First create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
    • Service Reason: ABY
    • Review Reason: REV (Manual Review)
    • Due Date: Course start date
    • Source: INT
    • Date of Receipt: today's date
    • Notes: Customer has been granted ABSTUDY Incidentals only due to system limitations. Please assess entitlement to ABSTUDY Living allowance as per claim lodged on DD/MM/YYYY. See OB 010-23061559 for assessment.'
    • Keywords: ACTABY, SY019 and ABYNCL
    • Workgroup: leave blank
    • Position: leave blank
    • Transfer to Region: ABS
  • The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action

Procedure ends here.

Testing and Assessment

Testing and Assessment

Table 7




Testing and Assessment claim closing date + Read more ...

Has the Testing and Assessment claim been lodged by the ABSTUDY closing date?


Current customer not eligible - Testing and Assessment + Read more ...

  • Record details of the decision on a DOC. The information must indicate the reasons why the customer is not eligible for assistance
  • Contact the customer and explain the decision. See Making an unfavourable decision (CLK)
  • Complete any open scanned documents relating to the claim

Procedure ends here.


Customer is ABSTUDY current - Testing and Assessment claim + Read more ...

System limitations prevent recording of Testing and Assessment course details on the EDC screen. Create a Display on Access (DOA) DOC and record the details of the Testing and Assessment activity. See Creating, reviewing and deleting documents (including Fast Notes and DOA DOCs).

In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:

  • Service Reason: ABA
  • Review Reason: REV (Manual Review)
  • Due Date: day after the activity finishes
  • Source: INT
  • Date of Receipt: today’s date
  • Notes: 'Generate a Q999 requesting confirmation of attendance in the activity.'
  • Keywords: ACTABY and AFB
  • Workgroup: leave blank
  • Position: leave blank
  • Transfer to Region: ABS

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action..

When the activity matures, the Away from Base Service Officer will generate a Q999 letter requesting confirmation of attendance in the activity. See Assessing and processing ABSTUDY Away from Base activities.

Complete any open scanned documents relating to the claim.

Procedure ends here.


Processing a student or Testing and Assessment claim + Read more ...

Select the ABSTUDY New Claim activity on the Activity List (AL) screen to display the ABSTUDY Task Selector (ETYS).

Update the appropriate screens according to the information provided in the claim. Preselected mandatory screens are:

  • Education Course Details (EDC) - for more information on updating this screen, see Coding ABSTUDY education details
  • Education Payments Start Date (EPDC) - the system automatically calculates the date of commencement for payment. In some circumstances, a manual adjustment is required. See Start and closing date for ABSTUDY claims
  • Select Product (SVP) - press [Enter] through the screen without completing any details

The following screens may present depending on the customers circumstances. Press [Enter] through the screens without completing any details:

  • Independent/Homeless/Away From Home Details (NIH)
  • Higher Education Scholarship Details (HESD)
  • Family Pool Summary (NSFP)


Customer Details Task screen + Read more ...

To go to the Customer Details Task, key 'CDTS' in the Next field. Update the appropriate screens according to the information provided in the claim. Preselected mandatory screens are:

  • Accommodation Details (AC)

If the customer is:

  • receiving Rent Assistance (RA) for another payment. Note: this includes where the customer has claimed RA but it is not being paid because verification has not been received:
    • 'I'nsert a new AC screen with no changes
    • Event Date: Claim grant date
  • not receiving RA, a new AC screen needs to be 'I'nserted. Key the following:
    • Address Type: Home
    • Event Date: Claim grant date
    • Accommodation Details: select according to the customers relationship status. Note: a response may have been entered automatically
    • Home Ownership: NHO Non-Homeowner
    • Sharer Status: NAS (Not a Sharer)

The system may need a second AC line using Event Date: Date of Receipt where:

  • a customer has not previously had accommodation details recorded, and
  • the date of receipt of claim is prior to the ABSTUDY grant date

Tax File Number Authority (TFN)

  • Key the TFN or
  • Select the relevant exemption reason

See Tax File Number (TFN) for ABSTUDY.

Payment Destination Details (PASB)

Customers must provide bank account details held in their name. Customers with genuine barriers in providing bank account details can be granted a 28-day grace period. See Payment destination.

Proof of Identity (POI)

ABSTUDY customers are subject to Identity Confirmation. However, it is not a requirement for customers claiming non-means tested components of ABSTUDY. See Additional procedures exclusive to ABSTUDY apply in some circumstances.

Where POI is required, code the identity documents or apply alternative identity.


Testing and Assessment claim finalisation + Read more ...

To finalise the claim:

  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Check the result is correct. The new claim activity displays as ABY/CAN-ATA. This is correct as the Testing and Assessment payment is a one-off payment
  • Finalise the activity
  • In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
    • Service Reason: ABA
    • Review Reason: REV (Manual Review)
    • Due Date: day after the activity finishes
    • Source: INT
    • Date of Receipt: today's date
    • Notes: 'Generate a Q999 requesting confirmation of attendance in the activity.'
    • Keywords: ACTABY and AFB
    • Workgroup: leave blank
    • Position: leave blank
    • Transfer to Region: ABS
  • The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
  • When the activity matures, the Away from Base Service Officer creates a Q999 letter requesting confirmation of attendance in the activity. See Assessing and processing ABSTUDY Away from Base activities

Procedure ends here.

Lawful custody

Lawful custody

Table 8




Claiming ABSTUDY in lawful custody + Read more ...

Has the assessment of the Lawful Custody Allowance claim occurred and the ABSTUDY Lawful Custody Allowance, Claim for reimbursement - to support SY022 (SY108), been received?


Claim lodged by closing date + Read more ...

A closing date applies to Lawful Custody claims. Lodgement must occur before 1 April in the year immediately following the year of study, or apprenticeship activity:

  • unless the customer is a vulnerable customer, or
  • the late lodgement was due to circumstances beyond their control

See Start and closing date for ABSTUDY claims.

Was the SY022 lodged by the closing date, and/or do acceptable reasons for late lodgement apply?


Student or Australian Apprentice + Read more ...

If the customer is


Confirm Australian Apprenticeship details + Read more ...

To qualify for ABSTUDY as an Australian Apprentice, a person must have a current Commonwealth Registration Number relating to a full-time Australian Apprenticeship.

Refer the apprenticeship details to a Local Peer Support (LPS). They will check and confirm the details on the Access Apprenticeship database.

If the Australian Apprenticeship details on the database are:

  • confirmed, go to Step 5
  • unconfirmed:
    • Hold the claim for 14 days
    • Record details in a Progress of ABSTUDY Claim Fast Note Display on Access (DOA)
    • Check the claim every 14 days for up to 13 weeks
    • Contact the customer. Explain approval of payments cannot occur until the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations record confirmation of their Australian Apprenticeship status
    • If the status is still unconfirmed after 13 weeks from the receipt of the claim, go to Step 10


Lawful Custody Award + Read more ...

Students and Australian Apprentices must meet specific criteria to qualify for Lawful Custody Award.

Are they eligible for Lawful Custody Award?


Customer may qualify for Lawful Custody Allowance + Read more ...

Students and Australian Apprentices who qualify for the Lawful Custody Award may qualify for Lawful Custody Allowance.

In Customer First, open the customer's record to code the claim:

  • Select the started new claim (NCL) activity from the Activity List (AL) screen
  • Go to the Customer Details Task (CDTS) screen
  • Update the appropriate screens based on the claim information provided

Pre-selected mandatory screens:

  • Accommodation (AC) - even though this screen does not need the details for this claim, the system will not accept the claim unless completed. Enter the following codes in the relevant fields:
    • Address Type Used for RA calc - 'HOM'
    • Home Ownership - 'NHO'
    • Sharer Status - 'NAS'
  • Tax File Number Details (TFN) - code the TFN or exemption reason:
    • Prior to granting ABSTUDY (if not provided), the customer must supply a:
      - TFN, if they do not meet an exemption reason, or
      - TFN application form
      For further information, see Tax File Number (TFN) for ABSTUDY
  • Payment Destination Details (PAS) - even though this screen does not need the details for this claim, the system will not accept the claim unless completed. Enter the following code:
    • 'OVR/TEMP. OVERWRITE TNG & FNG' override in the Direct Credit Exemption Reason field
  • Identity Confirmation - code the Proof of Identity (POI) exemption reason 'AB'

Note: customers may be eligible for Lawful Custody Allowance for more than one course. If a customer is current, they cannot have a NCL activity indexed on their record. This will require a separate activity to complete the relevant coding.


ABSTUDY Task Selector (EYTS) + Read more ...

After updating the screens selected from the CDTS screen, the screen flow will go to the EYTS.

Update the appropriate screens based on the claim information.

Pre-selected mandatory screens will depend on the age of the customer.

If the customer is aged:


Coding for customers aged 22 years or over + Read more ...


  • Customer Study Details (EDC) screen in Process Direct or Education Course Details (EDC) screen in Customer First - for information on how to update this screen, see Coding ABSTUDY education details
    • Code the Participation Status field as 'LAW'
  • Education Payments Start Date (EPDC) screen - the system automatically calculates the payment start date
    • Accept this date unless the student has transferred from another payment. If so, the date to use will then be - Date Paid To plus 1 (DPT+1)

Australian Apprentices (apprentice or trainee)

  • Apprenticeship Details (NAPD) screen - Code Australian Apprenticeship details on the NAPD screen
  • EDC screen - for information on how to update this screen, see Coding ABSTUDY education details
    • Code the Participation Status field as 'APL'

Note: select any other screens on the EYTS screen with a 'Y' next to them, to confirm the details on these screens are still current.

Go to Step 11.


Coding for customers aged under 22 years + Read more ...


  • Customer Study Details (EDC) screen in Process Direct or Education Course Details (EDC) screen in Customer First - for information on how to update this screen, see Coding ABSTUDY education details
    • Code the Participation Status field as 'LAW'
  • Education Payments Start Date (EPDC) screen - the system automatically calculates the payment start date:
    • Accept this date unless the student has transferred from another payment. If so, the date to use will then be - Date Paid To plus 1 (DPT+1), or
    • If the student is turning 16 years of age, use the date of their 16th birthday

Australian Apprentices (apprentice or trainee)

  • Apprenticeship Details (NAPD) screen - Code Australian Apprenticeship details on the NAPD screen
  • EDC screen - for more information on how to update this screen, see Coding ABSTUDY education details
    • Code the Participation Status field as 'APL'
  • EPDC screen - the system automatically calculates the payment start date:
    • Accept this date unless the student has transferred from another payment. If so, the date to use will then be - Date Paid To plus 1 (DPT+1), or
    • If the student is turning 16 years of age, use the date of their 16th birthday

Independent/Homeless/Away From Home Details (NIH) screen, press [Enter] through this screen - Not required for a Lawful Custody claim.

Note: select any other screens on the EYTS screen with a 'Y' next to them, to confirm the details on these screens are still current.

Go to Step 11.


Not eligible for ABSTUDY + Read more ...

As the customer is not eligible for ABSTUDY, complete the following:

  • Reject the claim for ABSTUDY
  • Advise them of the decision and their review and appeal rights
  • Rejected claim for payment as an Australian Apprentice:
    • Where this occurs after 13 weeks because the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations have not recorded confirmation of their Australian Apprenticeship status, contact the customer to inform them of the rejection reason
  • Record the reasons for the decision to reject the ABSTUDY claim on the ABY LAW Granted/Rejected Fast Note
    Select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Claims - ABSTUDY > ABY LAW Granted/Rejected > Confirm


Itemised list of essential course costs + Read more ...

Staff should find these listed on the ABSTUDY Lawful Custody Allowance, Claim for reimbursement - to support SY022 (SY108) provided by the correctional institution. The Head of School/Faculty must verify the itemised claim as being an essential requirement for all students or Australian Apprentices.

Has the correctional institution lodged an itemised list of essential course costs or equipment costs?

  • Yes, go to Step 12
  • No, Lawful Custody Allowance is not payable at this stage. However, the customer will remain current (with no payment), so assessment can occur when the correctional institution lodges the essential course or equipment costs:
    • Finalise the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen
    • Record details on the ABY LAW Granted/Rejected Fast Note
      Select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Claims - ABSTUDY > ABY LAW Granted/Rejected > Confirm
    • Procedure ends here


Legitimate essential course or equipment costs + Read more ...

Check the ABSTUDY Lawful Custody Allowance, Claim for reimbursement - to support SY022 (SY108).

To consider essential costs as legitimate, the:

  • Essential course costs must:
    • be verified by the Head of School/Faculty as being an essential requirement for all students undertaking the course, and
    • have evidence of expenditure, such as receipts, lodged by the correctional institution
  • Equipment costs must:
    • be verified by the employer as being an essential requirement for all Australian Apprentices working in this area, and
    • have evidence of expenditure, such as receipts, lodged by the correctional institution

Note: there is no upper limit to this allowance however; Service Officers must be satisfied the claim includes only essential costs.

Does the applicant have any legitimate essential course or equipment costs?

  • Yes, go to Step 13
  • No, Lawful Custody Allowance is not payable. However, the customer will remain current (with no payment), in case the correctional institution lodges future essential course or equipment costs:
    • Finalise the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen. Do not inhibit claim outcome advice for the customer/s
    • Advise the correctional institution of the decision in a Free Text (Q999) letter. See the Resources page for the Q999 template
    • Record details on the ABY LAW Granted/Rejected Fast Note
      Select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Claims - ABSTUDY > ABY LAW Granted/Rejected > Confirm
    • Procedure ends here


Lawful Custody Allowance is payable + Read more ...

Complete the following fields on the Supplementary Education Payments (EPSP) screen:

Note: if the correctional institution lodges a request for bulk reimbursement, Service Officers must code the following for each customer in the claim.

  • Event Date - record the date the customer became eligible for Lawful Custody Allowance or the start date of the course
  • Payment Type - key 'LAW'
  • Reason - leave blank
  • Amount Claimed - enter the amount of money the applicant has asked to have reimbursed
  • Amount Paid - record the amount the applicant is going to have paid to them, (that is, the legitimate course or equipment costs)
  • Payee - key 'TPT'. Note: still use 'TPT' in the rare cases where the correctional institution has arranged for payment to go to the customer (by advising in writing)
  • Claim Details - record the claim number given by the correctional institution on the LAW RTO Form A
  • Frequency - record details to show how often the customer's requested payment will occur. The payment for this allowance tends to be a one off


Payment destination + Read more ...

Arrange for the payment to go to the correctional institution (or other third party such as the education provider).

Go to the Payment Instruction Summary (PIPS) screen and complete the following fields:

  • Add New Payee - key 'Y' for an individual such as the customer, or
  • Link to Organisation - key 'Y' for a correctional institution or third party organisation

These fields will flow to the screens to code the third party details for the person or the organisation. If the payment is to go:

  • to the correctional institution or supplier of textbooks, pay them in the form of a direct debit (using the account details on the claim form)
  • to reimburse the customer as per a written directive by the correctional institution, complete the Payment Instructions Payee Details (PIPD) screen with their details
  • directly to the education provider and that provider is on the institution register (accessed via the PIPS screen). Make the payment directly to the education provider

For more information about how to arrange payment for a third party, see Payments to third parties and institutions for ABSTUDY.


Finalise the activity + Read more ...

Finalise the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen (check the results are correct before finalising).

Do not inhibit claim outcome advice for the customer/s.

Advise the correctional institution of the decision and any payments issued in a Free Text (Q999) letter. See the Resources page for the Q999 template.

  • Customer's record:
    • Record details of the claim on the ABY LAW Granted/Rejected Fast Note
      Select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Claims - ABSTUDY > ABY LAW Granted/Rejected > Confirm
    • If the SY022 has already been assessed, annotate the existing Fast Note with details of payment
  • Correctional institution's record:
    • Record details of the payment on the ABY LAW Reimbursement Fast Note
      Select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Claims - ABSTUDY > ABY LAW Granted/Rejected Reimbursement > Confirm
  • Expire any Fast Note > Progress of ABSTUDY claim Display on Access (DOA)
  • Complete any scanned documents actioned as part of the claim

Procedure ends here.