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Updating address details 102-03010010

Risks to a customer's privacy have been identified. See Separating safely - protecting personal details to make sure the customer's personal details are safe before processing.

This is a Family and domestic violence interaction point. If the customer is with another person, on speaker phone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.

The Department of Social Services (DSS) have paused all Moving to an Area of Lower Employment Prospects (MALEP) assessments. Do not undertake any MALEP assessments.

This document outlines the procedure for customers who change their address details. For some payments, a change of address can affect a customer's rate and qualification for payment.

On this page:

Change of address notification

Temporary change of address

Rent Assistance (RA) eligibility

Updating change of address details

Special considerations affecting a change of address

Finalising the change of address details

Change of address notification

Table 1




Customer notifies a change in address + Read more ...

If the change in address is due to:


Child to Person record promotion (CTAT) and placeholder addresses – C/O AUTO CTAT address + Read more ...

A C/O AUTO CTAT address is applied to a customer’s record when a child (CHI) record is promoted to a person (PER) record:

  • during an automated process, or
  • when staff convert a child to person record and no confirmed current contact details are available (for example, within a new claim or scanned document)

If a customer contacts and they have a C/O AUTO CTAT address on record, tell them the address is temporary and it is only applied to their record until their actual address details are confirmed.

Staff must update the customer’s address at this contact.

See Troubleshooting Centrelink self service for more details when a customer is unable to complete their online claim because of a placeholder C/O AUTO CTAT address.

Select from the below options:

Actioning a WLM activity - Error E245ZC – Promoted CHI record – Address update + Read more ...

A WLM staff activity with error code E245ZC generates when failed online updates for personal and interpreter details occurs during the Child to Adult Transfer (CTAT) process and creates a Change of Circumstances Interaction.

This issue is due to staff not updating a C/O AUTO CTAT address when issuing a myGov linking code.

To process the failed activity, complete the following in Customer First:

  • Go to the Activity List (AL) screen and use the CLI/CDC (CLI/Customer Details) activity where available
  • Go to the Address Summary (ADS) screen and overwrite the address line of C/O AUTO CTAT to C/O (C/O AUTO CTAT). The date of event (DOV) should remain as the CTAT date unless the customer started living at the new address after the CTAT process
  • Go to the Other Contact Detail (OCD) screen and confirm the details the customer tried to update in the online claim Personal Details flow. To find these details, in Customer First:
    • go to the Online Interaction Summary screen
    • select the Personal details (interpreter) online CoC interaction
    • view the Notes tab
  • Finalise the updates and confirm CLI/CDC activity on AL is complete
  • Use the Staff feedback Tool to provide feedback on the incorrect process followed when the linking code was issued to the customer
  • Procedure ends here

If the customer contacts, staff must: + Read more ...

  • update their address and tell them they can now complete and submit their online claim
  • use the Staff feedback Tool to provide feedback on the incorrect process followed when the linking code was issued to the customer
  • See Table 4


Job seeker tells Employment Services Provider of new address + Read more ...

Do not undertake any MALEP assessments. The Department of Social Services (DSS) have paused all Moving to an Area of Lower Employment Prospects (MALEP) assessments.

If a job seeker has given their Employment Services Provider their new address details, the Employment Service Provider will tell the job seeker they must contact Services Australia to update the home address.

When the job seeker contacts Services Australia, staff must:

  • confirm the home address details
  • access the relevant Customer First Action Issue
  • check the Online Diary for scheduled appointments. If appointments need to be rescheduled due to the change of address, update the Online Diary
  • Select the Change in Contact Details hyperlink

Note: the home address will only be updated on the job seeker's record, not their partner's.

Determine if there are any potential impacts on eligibility, mutual obligation requirements and/or ongoing entitlement. For more details, see Job seeker change of address. This may include the consideration of Moving to an Area of Lower Employment Prospects (MALEP) employment related exclusion period.

Tell the customer these updates can be made online.

Go to Step 7.


Customers living overseas who are paid to overseas bank accounts + Read more ...

Check if a customer is paid to an overseas bank account.

Go to the Payment Destination Overseas (PAPO) screen:

Note: the customer may be residing in one country but being paid in another. For example: customer resides in Hungary but their Australian payment is being paid to a bank account in Germany.

If the country the customer is being paid by requires the home address to be recorded in a specific way:


Future Address - Sharer Details work items + Read more ...

Where an address change is advised within an early claim for YA, system limitations may prevent these updates being made at the time the claim is processed. Under these circumstances, a Future Address - Sharer Details DOC is created for allocation via workload manager to process the address update at the time the change will occur.

Service Officers allocated a Future Address - Sharer Details work item must action these updates in Customer First:

  • go to the Document List (DL) screen to review the Future address - Sharer details DOC sharer information
  • check the record to see if the customer has told the agency about any change to their accommodation circumstances since their claim lodgement
  • contact the customer to confirm the sharer details are still correct, before updating the record

Was contact with the customer successful?

  • Yes, update the address as advised by the customer, see Table 4
  • No:
    • update the address with the details contained on the DOC
    • ensure the DOC is complete
    • see Table 4, Step 4


Youth Allowance (YA), ABSTUDY and Disability Support Pension (DSP) customers + Read more ...

Based on the information provided by the customer about their change of address, a review of the rate of their payment may be needed.

While the customer is receiving the dependent or at home rate, RA will not pay. Specific action is needed when updating address and accommodation details for customers receiving:

  • DSP under 21 years
  • ABSTUDY under 22 years, or
  • YA

If the customer meets any of the above and the Service Officer:


Check for existing Centrepay deductions + Read more ...

A customer may have one or more Centrepay deductions going to Centrepay businesses to pay rent and/or utilities for their existing address:

  • Check the Payment Instruction Summary (PINS) screen for any active Centrepay deductions that may be impacted by the change of address
  • Tell the customer of the potential for overpayment to Centrepay businesses if they do not cancel existing deductions relating to their previous address

If a customer requests to update their Centrepay deductions with their address update over the phone or in person in a service centre:

  • Process the request using either the Centrepay Guided Procedure or Centrepay workflow
  • Cancel the active Centrepay deductions for rent and/or utilities for their previous address from the date the customer moves to prevent any overpayment to the Centrepay business/es
  • If unable to cancel deductions immediately add an end date or target amount

For more information on Centrepay deductions, see Starting, changing and cancelling a Centrepay deduction at the request of a customer.


Check for existing government rent deductions via the Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS) + Read more ...

A customer may have one or more deductions to pay government rent to their state housing authority (HA) through the RDS.

Check the Payment Instruction Summary (PINS) screen for any active RDS deductions that may be impacted by the change of address, For example, a rent deduction type of RNT, LON, ARR, OHP or OHO.

Does the customer have a current RDS deduction?

  • Yes and they are moving within the same state:
    • Encourage the customer to contact the relevant housing authority to discuss their circumstances before cancelling their deduction
    • If the customer insists they want their RDS deduction ended, cancel the deduction. See Terminating a Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS) deduction
  • Yes, and they are moving interstate:
    • the RNT RDS deduction will automatically cancel
    • advise to contact their HA and make other arrangements if they still need to make rent payments to avoid falling in to rental arrears

If the customer has other RDS deduction types, advise them that these will continue. Cancel if requested by the customer. See Terminating a Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS) deduction.


Change of address + Read more ...

When updating a customer's address, staff must check and update the following:

  • all current addresses, including postal address
  • telephone details, including mobile phone numbers

If a customer has been selected for a RA Profile Review, address updates must be done as part of the review. While a RA Profile Review is outstanding, customers and staff will be blocked from updating the address outside the review.

Encourage customers to update a change of address using their online account or Express Plus App if capable of self-management. See Accessing and using Centrelink self service.

Is the customer able to make these updates online?


Customer's address needs correction + Read more ...

Note: due to system limitations, complete address updates in Customer First only.

  • If only the Date of Event, or the Date of Event and address details need correction, go to Step 11
  • If the address details only need correction (for example, misspelt or wrong street type), go to Step 12
  • For all other changes of address, go to Step 13


Date of Event, or the Date of Event and address details need correction + Read more ...

Access the Address Summary (ADS) screen.

  • Select the appropriate line, then select 'Continue'
  • Update the Is RA being claimed on this address: field to 'Yes' or 'No' depending on whether or not the customer is claiming Rent Assistance (RA). If rent is or was being paid, see Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA)
  • Correct the date of event and address details if necessary
  • Complete Source: and Receipt Date: fields
  • Select Continue until the activity is placed on the Activity List (AL) screen
  • Select the activity from the AL screen and finalise

Note: if the customer is claiming RA, update the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customers only in receipt of a LIC, CSHC or CCS, cannot access RA. These customer's rent details (that is, the AC screen) do not need to be coded.

Finalise the change, see Table 6.


Address details only need correction (date of event is correct) + Read more ...

  • Run the Change in Contact Details workflow or access the Address Summary (ADS) screen in Customer First
  • Select the appropriate line, then select Continue
  • Select 'No' as the response to the question 'Is RA being claimed on this Address?'
  • Overstrike/correct the incorrect address details
  • Complete Source: and DOR: fields
  • Select Continue
  • Finalise the change, see Table 6


Address type + Read more ...

If the address change is not just for a postal address, go to Step 14.

If the customer needs to change the postal address only:

  • run the Change in Contact Details workflow, or
  • update the postal address details on the Address Details (AD) screen

Check if the customer:

  • acts as a nominee for another person. If so, update their nominee details
    • Do not change the customer's postal address to that of the nominee's, unless the customer and the nominee reside at the same address
    • If it is a court appointed arrangement and the nominee does not want the customer to receive their correspondence, suppress the customer's copy without changing the postal address
  • is the applicant for an ABSTUDY student, for example, for Schooling A payments. If so, staff must change of address details on that customer's record as well
  • is providing a postal address in a different location to their residential address. Investigate if:
    • additional assistance is needed
    • the customer is averting the impacts associated with a change in residential address. For example, change in Workforce Australia Employment Services provider, MALEP, change in marital status, Income Management eligibility
  • has advised of a date for the postal address to apply from. End dating a postal address using yesterday's date makes sure any future outgoing correspondence is sent to the correct address

Finalise the change, see Table 6.


Moving to a different environment + Read more ...

Where the customer is moving to a different environment, update the address details before starting the transfer.

See Inter-environment change of address (ICoA).

Go to Step 15.


Moving into aged care or a retirement village + Read more ...

Is the change of address to an aged care home or retirement village?

Temporary change of address

Table 2




Temporary or permanent + Read more ...

Service Officers must discuss whether the change of address is temporary or permanent.

An address could be considered temporary if the customer:

  • is going into respite care
  • intends to return to their current principal home
  • has sold their principal home and will be using the proceeds to build, renovate or buy another
  • is living temporarily in 'refuge type' accommodation; that is, a refuge, crisis or emergency accommodation which is short term and generally not more than 3 months
  • other reasons - to provide care to another person, to attend training or education, to enable a child to attend school, because the principal home is uninhabitable
  • is living away from home for study. This should be coded as a term (TER) address

A customer whose address is only temporary may be incorrectly profiled for Income Management (IM) or enhanced IM if:

  • the address type is recorded as HOM or TER, and
  • the location is within a declared IM area or enhanced IM location

Is the change of address temporary or permanent?


Change of address is temporary, respite care + Read more ...

Is the customer going into respite care?


Change of address is temporary, carer or care receiver + Read more ...

Is the customer a carer or care receiver?


Change of address is temporary, not in respite + Read more ...

Is the customer partnered?


Change of address is temporary and customer is partnered + Read more ...

Will the customer be living apart from their partner temporarily?


Temporary change of address, customer living apart from their partner + Read more ...

Is the customer receiving a payment eligible for Rent Assistance (RA) and the temporary accommodation reason will entitle them to receive RA?

Rent Assistance (RA) eligibility

Table 3




Customer is living apart from their partner and is eligible for RA because of a temporary change of address + Read more ...

  • On the Marital Status (MS) screen code the relationship qualifier
  • On the Address Details (AD) screen, code 'Y' in the Is RA being claimed on this address: field

This will allow each individual's RA to be paid, if applicable. See Temporary accommodation and Rent Assistance (RA).

See Table 4.


Customer is living apart from their partner and is not eligible for RA because of a temporary change of address + Read more ...

  • On the Marital Status (MS) screen code the relationship qualifier
  • On the Address Details (AD) screen code 'N' in the Is RA being claimed on this address: field

See Temporary accommodation and Rent Assistance (RA).

Updating change of address details

Table 4




Customer's address to be updated + Read more ...

Consider the following:

  • Recording a homelessness indicator if the customer:
    • no longer has a home address, or
    • accommodation is temporary or unstable
  • If the customer already has a homelessness indicator on their record, review and update the homelessness indicator to reflect the change in circumstances
  • Where a customer provides a temporary (TEM) address, tell them if they do not provide a further update, mail may be sent to their previous address after the TEM address end date
  • Temporary (TEM) addresses require an expected end date to be coded. Generally, this would not be more than 3 months in the future. If the temporary (TEM) address is coded for a longer period record details on a DOC
  • Term (TER) addresses are where students are living away from home to study and these addresses are expected to have an end date that aligns with their study end date
  • For mail to be sent, Services Australia must have an address where a customer can receive mail. Before updating a customer's residential address to no fixed address, the customer must have an alternate postal address. See Where customers are unable to provide a residential address
  • If the customer is moving to a remote area, assess entitlement to Remote Area Allowance (RAA)
  • When updating the address, check if there is a current postal address as this may need to be end dated if no longer required. Note: use yesterday's date as the end date to ensure outgoing mail is sent to the correct address. If there is a new future postal address, mail may be sent to the customers home (HOM) address
  • For prison release customers to correctly receive surface mail to their new address, the postal address on record must be end dated the day before any pre-release claims are processed or payments are restored
  • If the customer acts as a nominee for another person, update their nominee details
    • Do not change the customer's address (for example, postal address) to that of the nominee's, unless the customer and the nominee reside at the same address
    • If it is a court appointed arrangement and the nominee does not want the customer to receive their correspondence, suppress the customer's copy without changing the postal address
  • If the customer has an existing deduction to a Centrepay business for an expense for their previous address such as rent and/or utilities. Tell them of the importance to cancel these deductions and they can use self-service to manage the cancellation of their Centrepay deduction. Service Officers can code the cancellation or change, see Starting, changing and cancelling a Centrepay deduction at the request of a customer
  • If the customer has an existing RDS deduction for government rent, encourage them to contact their state housing authority before cancelling their deduction. See Terminating a Rent deduction Scheme (RDS) deduction for more information
  • If the customer is the applicant for an ABSTUDY student (for example, for Schooling A payments), staff must update their address details on that customer's record as well
  • Care should be taken when updating an address for customers living in an Indigenous community. See Assessing independence for ABSTUDY customers
  • An ABSTUDY student who is independent or on the away from home rate and returning to the parental home, see Returning to the parental home when in receipt of the Away from Home rate of ABSTUDY
  • If a customer is currently assessed as separated under one roof (SUOR) advises they have moved out of the shared residence:

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-phone.pngNote: if the customer is in receipt of ABSTUDY as a secondary school student with living away from home entitlements, do not code any change of circumstances on the customer's file. For the correct hand off process, see Cessation of the ABSTUDY Away from Home rate. Procedure ends here for these customers.

Is the address update due to allocation of an ABSTUDY Boarder action request DOC?


Change in Contact Details workflow + Read more ...

Will the update be done by the Change in Contact Details workflow?


Update address details and preferred service centre by using the Change in Contact Details workflow + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-phone.png

Points to consider when answering questions in the workflow:

  • Has the MS screen been updated with a relationship qualifier or should a previously coded qualifier be ended before coding Accommodation Details (AC) screen? This must be done if a customer is:
    • Partnered and separating temporarily (that is, going into temporary accommodation)
    • Partnered and separating permanently (that is, relationship has broken down)
    • Assessed as SUOR and is no longer sharing with their former partner. The 'SUR' qualifier code must be ended on the MS screen. See Member of a Couple (MoC) and Separated under one roof (SUOR) assessments for how to end the 'SUR' qualifier code
  • For customers receiving a social security benefit, social security pension, ABSTUDY and/or Family Tax Benefit (FTB), code the AC screen regardless of whether the customer is paying for accommodation or not. See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA). Exceptions: No AC screen updates are required where:
    • a student with a term address (TER) contacts to advise a change in parental home details only, or
    • a customer has moved into a temporary address (TEM) and the reason the customer has moved does not entitle them to receive RA for their temporary accommodation. See Temporary accommodation and Rent Assistance (RA)
  • Office Code (OC) screen if changed
  • Telephone Details (TD) screen. For more details, see Updating telephone details and/or paying Telephone Allowance (TAL)
  • Updating the Regional Location Details (RLD) screen when the parental home changes. YA and ABSTUDY customers who are full-time students in an approved scholarship course may also be eligible to receive Relocation Scholarship. For details on coding the RLD screen, see Relocation Scholarship (RS) payment and coding
  • When a YA or ABSTUDY customer permanently moves away from the parental home then the place of the new residence is to be coded as HOM
  • YA and ABSTUDY customers leaving the parental home, whether temporary or permanently, may be entitled to a higher rate of payment. For more details, see:
  • If the update is for an ABSTUDY customer living away from home as a secondary boarding student, see Table 1, Step 8 in Payment of Remote Area Allowance (RAA) when term address changes, before continuing with this procedure
  • If the customer has other addresses recorded on their Address History (ADH) screen, check these and update if required
  • If a person is sharing accommodation with another person who is not a family member, staff must ask the Living Arrangements question set. Note: change of address details for dates in the future are unable to be coded for sharers. Tell these customers to re-contact once they have physically moved address
  • Future address updates can be made to a customer’s record if the change is occurring within the next 14 days and they are not a sharer. Tell the customer:
    • mail cannot be sent to the new address until the future date has been reached. For example, if a Rent Certificate is issued, it will be sent to their current address, with the future address details included for verification
    • they can provide an alternative mailing address to ensure their information is kept secure
  • Go to Step 5


Update address details and preferred service centre manually + Read more ...

Use the Customer Details Task Selector (CDTS) screen to update the following screens. If unsure of code, use field help ('?')

Marital Status (MS) screen

  • Make sure the MS screen has been updated with a relationship qualifier first if the customer is:
    • partnered and separating temporarily (that is, going into temporary accommodation)
    • separating permanently (that is, relationship has broken down)
  • Where the relationship qualifier is no longer applicable, that is, customer assessed as SUOR advises they have moved out of the shared residence:

Address Details (AD) screen

  • Make sure Is RA being claimed on this Address?: field is coded with 'Y' so the system will assess if the customer is eligible for Rent Assistance (RA)
  • Check the Make Partner the same: field is coded accordingly. Note: if the change in address is due to separation, see Change in relationship status from partnered to single
  • Make sure the screen is correctly coded for when an ABSTUDY or Youth Allowance (YA) customer leaves home
  • If the update is for an ABSTUDY customer living away from home as a secondary boarding student, see Table 1, Step 8 in Payment of Remote Area Allowance (RAA) when term address changes, before continuing with this procedure

Telephone Details (TD) screen

Office Code (OC) screen - code if changed

Accommodation Details (AC) screen

  • Code the AC screen for customers receiving:
    • a social security benefit
    • asocial security pension
    • ABSTUDY, and/or
    • Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
  • Staff must code the AC screen regardless of whether the customer is paying for accommodation or not. See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA)
  • Exceptions: No AC screen updates are required where:
    • a student with term addresses ('TER') contacts to advise a change in parental home details only
    • the customer has moved into a temporary address ('TEM') and the reason the customer has moved does not entitle them to receive RA for their temporary accommodation. See Temporary accommodation and Rent Assistance (RA)

Regional Location Details (RLD) screen

  • Code the RLD screen for changes to the parental home address. Update as follows:
    • Event Date: field, code the date of the parental home address change
    • Address Date: field, code the date of the parental home change
    • Address line: field code the new home details and post code
    • Complete the Source: and DOR: fields
    • Action: field, code 'I' (insert)

If the customer has other addresses recorded on their Address History (ADH) screen, check and update other addresses if required.

If a person is sharing accommodation with another person who is not a family member:

  • Ask the Living Arrangements question set
  • Note: change of address details for dates in the future are unable to be coded for sharers. Tell these customers to re-contact once they have physically moved address


Other points to consider + Read more ...

See Table 5.

Special considerations affecting a change of address

Table 5




Income Management (IM) and Enhanced Income Management (enhanced IM) checks + Read more ...

Check if the customer is identified for IM or enhanced IM:

  • Current IM customers will show as INM at the beginning of the Benefit Status line
  • Current enhanced IM customers will show as EIM at the beginning of the Benefit Status line

Is the customer currently on or identified for IM or enhanced IM and relocating out of a declared IM or enhanced IM area?


Not trained in IM + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-phone.pngService Officers are to:

  • complete all non-IM/enhanced IM business related with the customer's contact
  • ensure all relevant advice regarding the change of address has been given
  • transfer the customer unannounced to the IM line or the SmartCard eIM hotline. The Resources page has a link to the National Transfer numbers

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.png

  • Service Officers are to seek assistance from a:
    • specialised Service Officer (if available)
    • Service Support Officer (SSO)
    • Income Management Line, or
    • Enhanced IM Technical Support Line (select enhanced IM option 6)
    • contact Technical Support Line (select Income Management option 7)
  • Specialised staff will assist Service Officers to provide correct advice to the customer

Go to Step 6.


Enhanced Income Management (enhanced IM) - customers identified for, or current on IM/enhanced IM who move out of a declared IM area + Read more ...

Current IM/enhanced IM customers

Customers whose payments are income managed and who move permanently outside of a declared IM/enhanced area will continue to have their payments income managed. The duration of Income Management will depend on the measure applicable to the customer. See Customer moves out of an Income Management (IM) or enhanced IM area.

Income Management customers must have their priority needs reassessed to ensure they meet their current requirements. See:

Customers profiled but not current on enhanced IM

Customers who have been identified for but have not yet commenced enhanced IM may still have their payments quarantined if they move out of a declared IM area during their enhanced IM initial waiting period. See Customer moves out of an Income Management (IM) or enhanced IM area.

Go to Step 6.


Enhanced Income Management location + Read more ...

Check if the customer has moved to an enhanced IM location. See Resources for enhanced IM locations.

Has the customer moved to an enhanced IM location?


Customers updating their address to an enhanced Income Management location + Read more ...

When updating a customer’s address to an enhanced IM location, make sure the correct address type is being recorded:

  • temporary, or
  • permanent

Customers who move permanently to an enhanced IM location may result in the customer becoming eligible for enhanced IM if they meet other eligibility criteria. Service Officers must tell the customer:

  • their new address is within an enhanced IM location, and
  • they may be identified for enhanced IM if they meet other eligibility criteria

If the customer would like to discuss enhanced IM eligibility, refer them to the SmartCard eIM Hotline.

Note: updating or deleting a home or term address for the purposes of avoiding enhanced IM will not automatically end a customer’s participation on enhanced IM.

Go to Step 6.


ABSTUDY, Youth Allowance (YA), students, carers, Disability Support Pension (DSP), Parenting Payment (PP) + Read more ...


Extra points to consider for ABSTUDY and YA customers + Read more ...

When updating a YA or ABSTUDY customer's change of address update the following:

  • The AC screen
  • Where appropriate, the Independent/Homeless/Away From Home Details (NIH) screen. This is essential to make sure the customer receives the correct rate of payment

Check the following to make sure the customer is receiving the correct rate of pay. For example, at home or the away from home rate.

Note: customers who are independent under State Care, unreasonable to live at home and disadvantaged will generally lose qualification to independent status if they move to the home of a parent.

YA and ABSTUDY customers who are full-time students in an approved scholarship course may also be receiving Relocation Scholarship.

Finalise the change, see Table 6.


Extra points to consider for carers + Read more ...

  • A review must be carried out if either the carer or care receiver notifies of a change of address. This is to make sure the constant care or supervision criteria are still being met. See Change of address for Carer Payment (CP) and Carer Allowance (CA) for more details
  • For CP, consider the following if the carer and care receiver are living in different homes:
    • The time involved for the carer in travelling between the 2 homes
    • The level of care provided
    • The accessibility of the carer to the care receiver
  • For CA, in general, the carer and care receiver must reside together, unless certain exceptions are met. Check if the specific qualification criteria are still met

Finalise the change, see Table 6.


Extra points to consider for DSP customers + Read more ...

Finalise the change, see Table 6.


PP customers + Read more ...

PP customer participating in ParentsNext who have moved address and their new address is in a Community Development Program (CDP) area or Norfolk Island will exit this program. For more details, see ParentsNext eligibility and servicing.

Finalise the change, see Table 6.


Payments made to an overseas bank account + Read more ...

For Australian payments to be made to certain countries, the home address needs to be formatted to accommodate the banking requirements for the country.

Refer to the ‘Country Specific factor’ section in Overseas Bank Account Details (OBAD) for the country the customer is being paid to:

  • Record information as instructed in the country task card in OBAD as Address Type: HOM
  • Set the ‘Send all mail’ indicator to No
  • Annotate the Display on Access (DOA) DOC with the updated address changes

Note: if there is no DOA DOC on the record, create one.

Does the customer have a home and different postal address?

  • Yes:
    • Record the home address as Address type: TEM
    • Record the postal address as Address Type: POS
    • See Table 6
  • No, customer’s home address is the same as their postal address:
    • Record their home address as Address Type: POS
    • See Table 6

Finalising the change of address details

Table 6




Finalise activity + Read more ...

  • Record the details on a DOC
  • Finalise the activity on Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Start Inter-environment change of address (ICoA) if required. Note: SMS or email reminders are not issued to customers who are registered in the incorrect environment, even if they are registered for electronic messaging

Is the customer a job seeker?


Check if the Job Seeker Snapshot score needs to be updated + Read more ...

Update the Job Seeker Snapshot if the customer has changed address due to a change in circumstances that may affect the Job Seeker Snapshot result. That is, if they:

  • change who they are living with
  • have moved to an area that is/is not in close proximity to a large town/city
  • are no longer homeless or living in unstable accommodation

For more details, see Conducting a Job Seeker Snapshot interview.

Is a Job Seeker Snapshot required?