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Starting, changing and cancelling a Centrepay deduction at the request of a customer 103-09030030

Before starting this process, staff must read the Operational Message.

This document outlines the steps to be taken when an Income Management (IM) or enhanced Income Management (enhanced IM) customer makes a request to start, change (including suspend) or cancel a Centrepay deduction.

On this page:

Starting a Centrepay deduction using the Centrepay Guided Procedure or the Centrepay Workflow

Manually starting a new Centrepay deduction

Assessment of request to change or suspend a Centrepay deduction

Changing or suspending a Centrepay deduction

Cancelling a Centrepay deduction

Starting a Centrepay deduction using the Centrepay Guided Procedure or the Centrepay Workflow

Table 1




Starting a Centrepay deduction + Read more ...

Where appropriate, the customer should be referred to their Centrelink online account or Express Plus Centrelink mobile app to perform this task. The exception is for court fines or court infringements or to pay a private landlord (PRD).

Customers requesting to start a Centrepay deduction for a court fine or court infringement (excluding for Department of Justice Tasmania (Monetary Penalties Enforcement Services)) must contact the relevant court administration office to start a new deduction. For deductions to the Department of Justice Tasmania (Monetary Penalties Enforcement Services), customers must provide an eight digit account code commencing with the number '1' or '2'. If the customer cannot provide this number, they must contact the Department of Justice (Monetary Penalties Enforcement Services) in Tasmania to obtain it.

If a customer is income managed and requests to set up a Centrepay deduction, a discussion should be held to help the customer decide whether it may be more appropriate for the expense to be paid from income managed funds.

To check if a customer is income managed, in Customer First, go to the Customer Details (CRN/BP) screen and check the benefit status line to identify if the customer is income managed:

  • INM will show if they are on IM
  • EIM will show if they are on enhanced IM

Is the customer income managed?


Customer is income managed + Read more ...

Different discussions are required depending on if the customer is on IM or enhanced IM.

IM customer + Read more ...

If the customer is on IM and:

  • Service Officer is not trained in IM - transfer the call to the IM BasicsCard general enquiry line as a discussion on priority needs is required. Procedure ends here
  • Service Officer is trained in IM assess the request and determine if it may be more appropriate for the expense to be paid from income managed funds and:
    • conduct a priority needs discussion with the customer. Deduction requests for a priority need such as accommodation should be set up as an Income Management (IM) expense where possible. Determine with the customer if a request for a non-priority need may be more appropriately paid from IM funds
    • ensure the customer understands Centrepay deductions will reduce the customer's discretionary funds. Document the outcome of this conversation on the customer's record. See Determining a person’s priority needs for Income Management for more information

Does the customer want to pay the deduction from IM funds?

Enhanced IM customer + Read more ...

Centrepay deductions for customers on enhanced IM are taken from their income managed funds before they are deposited into the customer’s enhanced IM account.

The Centrepay deduction will not impact funds that are not income managed unless the deduction exceeds the amount of income managed funds available.

Does the customer want to continue to set up a Centrepay deduction?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No, refer the customer to the SmartCard eIM hotline to discuss other payment options


Reason for request + Read more ...

For customers who:

  • have a nominee, go to Step 4
  • have made a request to start a deduction by phone or in person, go to Step 5
  • have transferred to another income support payment and their Centrepay deduction instructions did not transfer across, go to Step 7


Check nominee status + Read more ...

  • In Customer First, navigate to Workspace and select Nominee Information from the Personal heading, or in Customer Record, go to the Nominee Link Summary (NOLS) screen
  • Select the nominee. If an involuntary nominee arrangement exists, the Basis for Arrangement field will display as involuntary in the nominee's record on the Nominee Task Selector (NOTS) screen
  • If the basis field is blank, select Nominee Relationship Summary (NORS)
  • If an involuntary court appointed nominee arrangement is in place, the Reason field will display as either court (CRT) or Power of Attorney Involuntary (PAI)

Does the customer have an involuntary nominee arrangement?


Involuntary nominee arrangement exists + Read more ...

If the customer has an involuntary nominee arrangement and is making the request in person or over the phone, the Centrepay deduction can only be coded with the nominee's permission.

Has the nominee approved the Centrepay deduction?

Contact the nominee

Contact the nominee (by phone) to obtain approval to commence the Centrepay deduction. Ensure the customer is present or remains on the phone while the contact attempt is made to the nominee.

Contact details can be found in the nominee's record:

  • If the nominee is an individual, navigate to Workspace>Contacts, Accommodation & Rent and select Telecommunication Details
  • If the nominee is an organisation, navigate to the Organisation Contact Summary (OSCS) screen. Select the radio button on the listed contact person and open the Contact Phone heading to display the phone number

Contact with nominee successful

Does the nominee approve the Centrepay deduction?

  • Yes, go to Step 6
  • No,
    • Advise the customer the request has not been approved by the nominee
    • Record details of the contact on a DOC. Include the name of the officer from the nominee's organisation with whom contact was made. Procedure ends here

Contact with nominee unsuccessful

Advise the customer:

  • contact was not able to be made with the nominee and the deduction is unable to be coded without approval from them
  • they must follow up directly with their nominee

Record details of the contact on a DOC. Include the name of the officer from the nominee's organisation with whom contact was made or attempted.

Procedure ends here.


Guidelines and deduction limitations + Read more ...

Check if the deduction request meets the required guidelines. See deduction rules and limitations.

Is the request within the guidelines?


Request not within guidelines and deduction limitations + Read more ...

Tell the customer or nominee their request cannot be completed as it does not meet current guidelines.

Ask the customer or nominee if they wish to change their request to meet the guidelines.

Does the customer or nominee wish to change the request?

  • Yes, go to Step 8
  • No, record details on a DOC. Procedure ends here


Starting a Centrepay deduction + Read more ...

Centrepay is a voluntary bill-paying service that is free for Centrelink customers. Most Centrepay approved Businesses are charged a transaction fee for each deduction they receive. Under no circumstances is the transaction fee to be passed on to the customer or added to the deduction amount.

The following must be checked prior to adding a Centrepay deduction:

  • Is the customer receiving an eligible Centrelink administered payment?
    • If the customer is not currently receiving a benefit or is receiving a Centrelink administered payment that is not eligible for Centrepay, DOC the customer record to advise the Centrepay deduction was unable to be coded
  • Has the customer transferred to another income support payment?
    • Check the Payment Instruction History (PIHS) screen in Customer First and review payment instructions for the previous income support payment and ensure they transferred across to the current income support payment
  • Check the Document List (DL) for a DOA DOC or other DOC that might contain important information in relation to the coding of the deduction
  • Centrepay deductions should be coded to payments with a status of current (including current zero rate (CZR)), CNP-OIS or suspended, regardless of if the customer has sufficient net funds available to cover the deduction amount
    • If it is evident the customer's rate of payment will not change in the near future, for example an extended non-payment period or Income Maintenance period, advise the customer the deduction is unable to be coded while a period of non-payment is in place. Procedure ends here
  • Is the deduction already processed?
  • Does the customer have any other current deductions in place?
    • If yes, review the current deductions in place and confirm with the customer that all ongoing deductions are correct
  • Is the deduction for court fines or infringement notices?
    • See the following sections on the Background page for more details:
      'Centrepay deductions for court fines or court infringements', or
      'Centrepay deductions for court fines or court infringements in Tasmania'
  • Is the customer on weekly payments?
    • If the customer is on the new weekly payment model Centrepay deductions should be coded as normal
    • Under the weekly legacy model, the deduction should only be processed before the customer's payment strip time in the first week of their fortnightly entitlement period. This ensures the customer receives the same amount of net payment in each week of that entitlement period. The deduction will still deliver fortnightly. See the Resources page for an example
  • If the deduction is for rent, check there is not a current rent deduction in place. If there is, consider cancelling this deduction under duty of care prior to coding a new deduction. Note: if the new deduction request is for temporary or crisis accommodation, cancellation of the existing deduction is not required. See the Resources page for a link to approved Centrepay service reasons. When determining whether the existing rent deduction is to be cancelled, consider the following:
    • Check the Payment Instruction Summary (PINS) screen as Government housing deductions will not display in the guided procedure
    • Is the new deduction request for regular fortnightly payments?
    • Is the existing deduction and the new deduction request for similar market value amounts?
    • Does either the new deduction request or the existing deduction have a target amount? If so, that deduction may be for paying off rental arrears or a specific period of accommodation and both deductions may therefore be required
    • Does the new deduction request match the customer's current living arrangements? Note: checking the Accommodation History (ACS) screen may assist in determining this
    • If clarification is required, discuss with the customer to confirm which deductions are required. A decision should be made based on the above factors. Record a DOC on the customer record detailing reasons for the decision
  • If the deduction is for rent or utilities, remind the customer if setting up a Centrepay deduction for services related to their current address that it is important they cancel any deductions relating to their old address when they move. Explain to the customer if they do not cancel these deductions they may make an overpayment to the Centrepay business. Service Officers should discuss with the customer the benefits of self-service options via online or via the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app. If the customer is unable to use self-service options, please action the customer’s requests
  • Customers living at an address where they are not the account holder or the utility is not in their name are still able to start a Centrepay deduction for a utility service if they are using it as a resident of that address

Once the checks are complete, run the Centrepay Guided Procedure or Centrepay workflow to start a new Centrepay deduction. If unavailable, see Table 2.

Note: the Payment Type: field identifies the type of payment from which the deduction is to be taken. Regular (REG) should be chosen for coding all Centrepay deductions. If the customer wishes to make a One Time Deduction, code a target amount equal to the deduction amount. Do not use the One Time Payment (OTP) option when coding a Centrepay deduction that only needs to pay once.


Changing the order for Centrepay deductions + Read more ...

Centrepay deductions will be made in the order they are set up, however customers have the option of changing the order in which their Centrepay deductions are made.

The Centrepay guided procedure does not allow hierarchy changes. Use the Centrepay workflow or see Table 2, Step 5 to change the order of the deductions as per the customer's request.

  • From the workspace, go to Payments and Services
  • Select Centrepay workflow
  • On Payment Instruction Summary screen - use arrows in the Priority column to arrange the deductions in the order the customer has requested
  • Update Source and date of receipt, select Update Priority and select Finish

On the Assessment Results (AR) screen select the Finalise radio button and continue

Manually starting a new Centrepay deduction

Table 2: This table describes how to process a new Centrepay deduction where the Centrepay guided procedure or Centrepay workflow are unavailable.

Note: the Centrepay guided procedure or Centrepay workflow must be used when available.




Payment Instruction Summary (PINS) screen + Read more ...

In the customer's record, go to the PINS screen. Key:

  • 'Y' in the Add New Deduction: field
  • 'O' in the Type: field
  • press [Enter]


  • remind the customer, if setting up a Centrepay deduction for rent or and utilities relating to their current address, that it is important they cancel any deductions relating to their old address when they move. Explain that if they do not cancel these deductions, they may overpay the Centrepay business/es. Provide customer with information on self-service options, to manage their Centrepay deductions via online or via the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app. If the customer is unable to use self-service options, please action the customer's requests
  • new deductions via PINS and the Centrepay workflow can only be started within the system the deduction will be made from (for example, NSS, PEN). The guided procedure will automatically switch systems for the correct benefit group system


Search or input Business + Read more ...

Search using the Organisation Name Search (ON) screen or input the Business' Customer Reference Number.

To search for a Centrepay Business, use the Advanced Organisation Search tool for staff or the Organisation Name Search (ON) screen.

At the Organisation Details (ORD) screen, key 'Y' in the Confirm Selection: field and press [Enter].


Multiple service reasons for the Centrepay Business + Read more ...

Is there more than one service reason available for the Business?

  • Yes, the Direct Deduction Selection (PIDS) screen displays. In the selection field on the PIDS screen:
    • select the correct deduction type
    • press [Enter] to be directed to the PIDD screen
    • go to Step 4
  • No, only one service reason is available, go to Step 6


Payment Instruction Direct Deduction (PIDD) screen + Read more ...

Using the information provided by the customer (fortnightly amount, start date, if there is a target amount or account reference, etc.), complete the PIDD screen with the deduction details requested, making sure the payment type is coded as regular (REG).

If the customer requires a deduction that only happens once, it needs to be coded as 'REG' with a target amount of the same value as the deduction amount.

Note: do not use the One Time Payment (OTP) option when coding a Centrepay deduction.


Deduction Priority/Override (PIPO) screen + Read more ...

This screen is to be used to change the order in which the customer's deductions are paid.

Note: mandatory deductions will be made before voluntary deductions

Does the customer wish to change the deduction order?

  • Yes, navigate to the PINS screen, key 'P' against an active deduction. The PIPO screen will appear. In the Prty field, number all deductions in order of priority based on the customer's request. Complete the footer details, Source: and DOR: and 'C' in the Action: field. Go to Step 6
  • No, or customer does not have more than one deduction, go to Step 6


Complete the activity + Read more ...

At the PINS screen:

  • key the Finished? field with a 'Y'
  • press [Enter] to be taken to the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • finalise the activity

The Activity List (AL) screen will then display.

Record the details of the transaction on a DOC. For more information, see:

Assessment of request to change or suspend a Centrepay deduction

Table 3




Customer requests to change or suspend their deduction including temporary changes of deductions + Read more ...

Service Officers may process requests to change or suspend existing deductions by running the Centrepay guided procedure or the Centrepay workflow. If the Centrepay guided procedure and the Centrepay workflow are unavailable, manual coding is to be used.

Note: when a customer is requesting to change or suspend any existing Centrepay deductions, take the opportunity to review the customer’s current deductions (specifically deductions that are not part of the request) to ensure that all current deductions are correct.

If an Income Management customer requests to vary or suspend a Centrepay deduction, discuss the reason for the request and ensure their priority needs will continue to be met. The discussion will also determine if it may be more appropriate for the expense to be paid from income managed funds. For more information, see Coding Income Management expenses.

If an enhanced IM customer requests to vary or suspend a Centrepay deduction, Service Officers trained in Centrepay can action this request. However, if the customer has any enhanced IM SmartCard or account enquiries, transfer the customer to the SmartCard eIM hotline.

Tell the customer:

  • the minimum fortnightly payment amount for Centrepay deductions is $10.00. However, there are some Centrepay Businesses that specify a higher minimum fortnightly payment. Contact the relevant Business if the customer is unsure of the minimum fortnightly amount required
  • a deduction may be temporarily changed for a maximum of 13 weeks and up to 12 months into the future

If the customer has a nominee, go to Step 2.


Check nominee status + Read more ...

Go to the Nominee Link Summary (NOLS) screen and select Nominee Relationship Summary (NORS). If an involuntary (court appointed) nominee arrangement is in place, the NORS screen will display CRT or PAI as the reason for the arrangement.

Does the customer have a court appointed nominee?

  • Yes, who has requested the Centrepay deduction(s) to be changed or suspended?
  • No, go to Step 4


Involuntary nominee arrangement exists + Read more ...

If the customer has an involuntary nominee arrangement and is making a request in person or by phone for a Centrepay deduction, a Centrepay deduction can only be changed or suspended with the nominee's permission.

Contact the nominee

The Service Officer must attempt to contact the nominee (by phone) to obtain approval to code the changes to the Centrepay deduction. Ensure the customer is present or remains on the phone while the contact attempt is made to the nominee.

Contact details can be found in the nominee's record:

  • If the nominee is an individual, navigate to Workspace > Contacts, Accommodation & Rent and select Telecommunication Details
  • If the nominee is an organisation, navigate to the Organisation Contact Summary (OSCS) screen. Select the radio button on the listed contact person and open the Contact Phone heading to display the phone number

Contact with nominee successful

Does the nominee approve the changes to the Centrepay deduction?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No,
    • Advise the customer the request has not been approved by the nominee
    • Record details of the contact on a DOC. Include the name of the officer from the nominee's organisation with whom contact was made. Procedure ends here

Contact with nominee unsuccessful

Advise the customer:

  • contact was not able to be made with the nominee and the deduction is unable to be coded without approval from them
  • they must follow up directly with their nominee

Record details of the contact on a DOC. Include the name of the officer from the nominee's organisation with whom contact was made or attempted. Procedure ends here.


Determine if the request is within required guidelines + Read more ...

The request is within the guidelines if one of the following is met:

  • a suspension or temporary variation is for less than 13 weeks
  • a new deduction amount is more than the minimum $10.00 per fortnight or more than the specified amount for certain Businesses
  • a change to be scheduled for the future (CAF) is within the next 12 months

Is the request within the guidelines?


Request not within guidelines + Read more ...

Advise the customer their request cannot be complied with as it does not meet current guidelines.

Ask the customer if they wish to change their request to meet the guidelines.

Does the customer wish to change the request?

  • Yes, go to Step 6
  • No, record details on a DOC. Procedure ends here


Check if customer can complete online or via Express Plus mobile app + Read more ...

Does the customer have self-service access and can the request be completed via their Centrelink online account or Express Plus Centrelink mobile app account?

  • Yes, direct the customer to their Centrelink online account to complete the change to their deduction electronically. Procedure ends here
  • No, see Table 4, Step 1


Involuntary nominee requests, or approves a request, to vary or suspend customer's deduction including temporary changes of deductions + Read more ...

If the customer's involuntary nominee requests or provides approval of the customer's request to change or suspend a deduction:

Proceed with the update request, see Table 4, Step 1.

The DOC created for the change or suspension must include the name of the nominee or officer from the nominee organisation, who requested or approved the change/suspension.

Correspondence nominees and those who are both a correspondence and payment nominee, can add, change, suspend or cease Centrepay deductions online. If the nominee is registered for online services advise them they can complete any future Centrepay actions online.

Changing or suspending a Centrepay deduction

Table 4




Process the change or suspension of a Centrepay deduction using the Centrepay guided procedure or Centrepay workflow + Read more ...

Process the request immediately via the Centrepay guided procedure by highlighting the deduction and selecting Modify or the Centrepay workflow by selecting the deduction from the Payment Instruction Summary page. Procedure ends here.

Note: to change a suspension period in the guided procedure, select the future deduction from the Centrepay Deduction List (not the $0 amount) and continue through the Add/Modify Deduction process to get to Step 5. In Change Action select Add/Vary suspension Period and update the Start Date and/or End Date as required.

As the footer details in the guided procedure cannot be updated, a warning of Action must not be 'C' or 'I' if instruction details are not changed will display, select 'Finish' again to complete the procedure.

If the Centrepay guided procedure or Centrepay workflow is unavailable, process the change manually. Go to Step 2.


Manually changing or suspending a Centrepay deduction + Read more ...

To process manually, access the Payment Instruction Summary (PINS) screen to see the deduction to be changed or suspended. This will flow to the Payment Instruction Deduction Detail (PIDD) screen.

If the customer wants to:


Change a deduction amount, including changing the deduction amount for a specified period and/or a future date + Read more ...

At the PIDD screen, key all fields:

  • Instruction Amount $: as nominated by customer
  • Start date: as nominated by customer
  • End date: as nominated (leave this field blank if the deduction amount is ongoing and not for a specified period)
  • Reason code: Use '?' for a list of reason code and select the appropriate code, or
    • 'SPC' (Specified Period of Change) if deduction amount is for a specified period, or
    • 'CAF' (Change Amount in the Future) if the deduction is to be varied to an ongoing amount from a future date
  • Note: for specific coding help on all screens, use the online help available via the [F1] key and '?' in field for help.
  • complete footer details, Source: and DOR:
  • press [Enter]

Note: if the change is for a specified period and the deduction has a target amount this cannot be completed as deductions with target amounts cannot have end dates at the same time.

Go to Step 9.


Add a suspension period + Read more ...

Customers can request to suspend their Centrepay deductions for a nominated period of time. This means the deduction will be a zero amount and will not deliver again until a future date nominated by the customer.

Note: ensure deductions are restarted at least a day before the Entitlement Period End Date (EPED) from which the customer wants payments to restart.

  • On the PINS screen, select the current deduction.
  • On the PIDD screen, key all fields:
    • Instruction Amount $: new amount of '0.00'
    • Start date: as nominated by customer
    • End date: as nominated by customer
    • Reason code: 'SUS' (SUS = Suspended)
    • complete footer details, Source: and DOR:
    • press [Enter]
    • go to Step 9


Change a future or current deduction suspension + Read more ...

Note: ensure deductions are restarted at least a day before the Entitlement Period End Date (EPED) from which the customer wants payments to restart.

  • On the PINS screen, select the future deduction (due to come back on after the suspension period)
  • On the PIDD screen:
    • complete footer details, Source: and DOR: and 'C' in the Action: field
    • press [Enter]
    • Start date: as nominated by the customer (to extend or shorten suspension period)
    • End date: leave blank (or as nominated if the customer requests to terminate at a future date after the suspension period)
    • complete other fields as required (instruction amount, account reference, etc.)
    • press [Enter]
    • go to Step 9


Remove a future or current suspension to restore the deduction as current + Read more ...

To remove a current suspension:

  • on the PINS screen, select the future deduction (due to come back on after the suspension period)
  • on the PIDD screen:
    • complete footer details, Source: and DOR: and 'C' in the Action: field
    • press [Enter]
    • Start date: today
    • press [Enter]

The deduction should no longer have a suspension period and show on PINS as current.

Go to Step 9.

To remove a future suspension:

  • on the PINS screen, select the future (zero amount $0.00) suspension
  • on the PIDD screen:
    • complete footer details, Source: and DOR: and 'C' in the Action: field
    • press [Enter]
    • Start date: today
    • press [Enter]
    • to complete activity key 'Y' in the Finished?: field
    • Press [Enter] to be taken to the Assessment Results (AR) screen to finalise activity.

The Activity List (AL) screen will display. This will make the future suspension current and the suspension period will now start from today's date.

  • Return to the PINS screen and select the future deduction (due to come back on after the suspension period)
  • On the PIDD screen:
    • complete footer details, Source: and DOR: and 'C' in the Action: field
    • press [Enter]
    • Start date: today
    • press [Enter]

The deduction should no longer have a suspension period and show on PINS as current.

Go to Step 9.


Terminate a deduction with a suspension period + Read more ...

  • On the PINS screen, select the current deduction (can be either the zero $0.00 amount if currently suspended or dollar amount if there is a future suspension period)
  • On the PIDD screen:
    • Start date: today
    • Instruction Amount: input amount as $0.00
    • Change Reason: Use '?' for a list of reason codes and select the appropriate code
    • complete footer details, Source: and DOR: and 'I' in the Action: field
    • press [Enter]
    • address any warning messages that may appear
    • press [Enter]
    • to complete activity, key 'Y' in the Finished?: field
    • press [Enter] to be taken to the Assessment Results (AR) screen to finalise activity.
    • go to Step 9


Add or change a reference number to an existing deduction + Read more ...

  • On the PINS screen, select the current deduction for the PIDD screen to present.
  • On the PIDD screen, key all fields:
    • Org Customer Account Ref: Centrepay reference number as provided by the customer
    • Start Date: must be today's date
    • Change Reason: use '?' for a list of reason codes and select the appropriate code
    • complete footer details, Source: and DOR:
    • press [Enter]
    • go to Step 9


Return to the PINS screen + Read more ...

Automatic screen flow should return to the PINS screen.

To complete the activity, key 'Y' in the Finished?: field.

Press [Enter] to be taken to the Assessment Results (AR) screen to finalise the activity. The Activity List (AL) screen will display.

Record details on a DOC.

Cancelling a Centrepay deduction

Table 5




Request to cancel a Centrepay deduction is made + Read more ...

If the customer is deceased, the Centrepay deduction will automatically cancel within 14 days of the death notice being coded. To prevent an overpayment, immediate cancellation should be actioned if the Payment Summary (PS) screen is showing a last payment.

If the customer is participating in the Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS) and requests an RDS deduction be cancelled, see Terminating a Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS) deduction.

If a Centrepay Business requests cancellation of a deduction, see Starting, changing or cancelling a Centrepay deduction at the request of a business.

Check if the customer has a nominee, go to Step 2.


Check nominee status + Read more ...

Go to the Nominee Link Summary (NOLS) screen and select Nominee Relationship Summary (NORS). If an involuntary (court appointed) nominee arrangement is in place, the NORS screen will display CRT or PAI as the reason for the arrangement.

Does the customer have a court appointed nominee?


Involuntary nominee arrangement exists + Read more ...

If the customer has an involuntary nominee arrangement, a Centrepay deduction can only be cancelled with the nominee's permission.

Contact the nominee

The Service Officer must attempt to contact the nominee (by phone) to obtain approval to cancel the Centrepay deduction. Contact details can be found in the nominee's record:

  • If the nominee is an individual, navigate to Workspace>Contacts, Accommodation & Rent and select Telecommunication Details
  • If the nominee is an organisation, navigate to the Organisation Contact Summary (OSCS) screen. Select the radio button on the listed contact person and open the Contact Phone heading to display the phone number

Contact with nominee successful

Does the nominee approve the cancellation of the Centrepay deduction?

  • Yes, go to Step 9
  • No,
    • advise the customer the request has not been approved by the nominee
    • record details of the contact on a DOC. Include the name of the officer from the nominee's organisation with whom contact was made. Procedure ends here

Contact with nominee unsuccessful

  • Advise the customer:
    • contact was not able to be made with the nominee and the deduction is unable to be coded without approval from them
    • they must follow up directly with their nominee

Record details of the contact on a DOC. Include the name of the officer from the nominee's organisation with whom contact was made or attempted. Procedure ends here.


Check if customer can complete using self service + Read more ...

Does the customer have self-service access and can complete the request via their Centrelink online account or the Express Plus mobile app?

  • Yes,
    • if the customer is cancelling their Centrepay deductions due to a change of address, remind them to cancel rent and or all utilities associated with the previous address. Explain that if they don’t cancel all Centrepay deductions relating to their previous address this may result in them overpaying the Centrepay Business
    • direct the customer to their Centrelink online account or Express Plus mobile app account to complete the cancellation electronically. Procedure ends here

  • No,
    • if the customer is cancelling their Centrepay deductions due to a change of address, review the customer’s current deductions. Explain that if they don’t cancel all Centrepay deductions relating to their previous address, this may result in them overpaying the Centrepay Business
    • process the request immediately via the Centrepay guided procedure by highlighting the deduction and selecting Modify, or
    • the Centrepay workflow by selecting the deduction from the Payment Instruction Summary page if available
    • if both the Centrepay guided procedure or Centrepay workflow are unavailable, process the cancellation manually, go to Step 5
    • select End Instruction Immediately in the Change Action dropdown menu, procedure ends here


Manually cancelling a Centrepay deduction + Read more ...

If both the Centrepay guided procedure or Centrepay workflow are unavailable:

  • select the deduction to cancel
  • access the Payment Instruction Summary (PINS) screen in the appropriate payment system (for example, family assistance deduction in the 'FAO' system)
  • select the deduction to be cancelled. Press [Enter]

Is the customer requesting an immediate cancellation?


Cancelling a Centrepay deduction immediately + Read more ...

If the deduction has a future start date, the start date must be updated to commence from today and the activity finalised prior to the instruction amount being updated.

On the Payment Instruction Direct Deduction (PIDD) screen, to cancel a deduction immediately:

  • key the Instruction Amount $: field with the new amount of '0.00' to cancel a deduction
  • key the Start Date: field with today's date (or key 't')
  • leave the End Date: field
  • key a reason for the change in the Reason: field. Use field helps (?) for a list of acceptable codes
  • key the Source: and DOR: fields
  • press [Enter]


Return to PINS screen + Read more ...

  • At the PINS screen, check the details shown
  • Key 'Y' in the Finished? field
  • Press [Enter] to be taken to the Assessment Results (AR) screen to finalise the request
  • The Activity List (AL) screen will display


Document the activity + Read more ...

Create a DOC with full details of the source and processing of the cancellation of the deduction. For guidelines, see Online Document Recording (ODR).


Involuntary nominee requests or approves cancellation of a deduction + Read more ...

The customer's involuntary nominee requests to cancel a deduction, or provides approval for the customer's request to cancel a deduction:

  • Yes, nominee is registered to use online services and will complete the cancellation electronically. Procedure ends here
  • Yes, but the nominee is not registered to use online services:
    • Process the request immediately via the Centrepay guided procedure or Centrepay workflow if available
    • If the guided procedure or workflow is unavailable, process the cancellation manually, go to Step 5

The DOC created for the cancellation must include the name of the nominee, or the name of the officer from the nominee organisation who requested or approved the cancellation.

Correspondence nominees, and those who are both correspondence and payment nominees, can add, change, suspend or cease Centrepay deductions online. If the nominee is registered for online services, advise them they can complete any future Centrepay actions online.