Identifying and making suitable referrals to the Complex Assessment Officer (CAO) 101-05070010
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SA233 - Claim for Consideration Under Hardship
Details of Income Stream Product form (SA330)
Special Disability Trust form (MOD SDT)
Asset held in trust for another person (e.g. child or grandchild)
Shares held in trust for another person (e.g. child or grandchild)
Managed investment held in trust for another person (e.g. child or grandchild)
Referral reasons
CAO assessment |
Process Direct - Referral Reason |
Customer First guided procedure - Case Type |
Private Company |
Private Companies |
Private Companies |
Private Trust |
Trusts |
Trusts |
Bank accounts held in trust |
Investments/Bank accounts held in trust |
Bank accounts held in trust |
Beneficial ownership and constructive trusts |
Trusts |
Beneficial ownership (Constructive trusts) |
Irrecoverable loans/failed loans/scams |
Irrecoverable Loans |
Irrecoverable loans |
Life interest |
Life interest/ Granny Flat w/deprivation |
Life interest |
Assets hardship |
Assets Hardship Claim |
Assets Hardship Claim |
Partnerships and sole traders |
Complex Multiple Partnership |
Partnership/Sole Traders |
Granny flat |
Life interest/ Granny Flat w/deprivation |
Granny flat arrangements |
Transfer of farm and forgone wages |
Transfer of farm for forgone wages |
Forgone wages |
Actuarial valuations |
Actuarial valuation |
Actuarial wages |
Sale/Leaseback |
Leaseback/sale on terms/term contracts |
Sale/Leaseback on terms or term contracts |
Contrived arrangements |
Contrived arrangements |
Contrived arrangements |
Contingent, remainder or reversionary interest |
Interest created acquired |
Life interest |
Annuity |
Private annuity |
Annuities |
ATE lifetime or life expectancy income streams from SMSF or SAF |
ATE lifetime/life exp SMSF/SAF Annuities |
Other Case Type |
Special Disability Trust (SDT) |
Special Disability Trust - do not use |
Special Disability Trust - do not use |
Office Locator
Direct contact with CAO for Assets hardship purposes only:
- In Office Locator, in the Office/Town field key: CAO and then select Search Office/Town
- From the Office Results List select: CAO National Virtual Queue
- Within the Office information Main Details & Teams select: Assets Hardship Team
- Use the Contacts list and search for the CAO in Microsoft Teams, to check for their availability
- If a CAO is available, contact to discuss the customer's circumstances
- If a CAO is not available, escalate as per Process > Escalation for CAO action (Table 2)