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Identifying and making suitable referrals to the Complex Assessment Officer (CAO) 101-05070010

For Processing Services staff who refer work to the Complex Assessment Officer (CAO).

This document explains how to identify and make suitable referrals to the CAO.

On this page:

Complex Assessment Officer (CAO) referrals

Escalation for CAO action

Complex Assessment Officer (CAO) referrals

Table 1




Program reviews of private trust and private companies + Read more ...

Is the customer responding to a request for information about a program review of private trust and/or private company?

  • Yes, scan the documents, including the program review letter if provided
    • These documents will be allocated to CAOs by the system
    • CAO referral is not required for these reviews
  • No, go to Step 2


Pre-referral actions + Read more ...

Before making a CAO Referral, assess customer’s circumstances:

  • If the customer indicates they have not been involved in a private trust or company in the last 5 years, but their record is linked to a private trust or company record, a CAO referral is required to update the information. No referral is required if a CAO has documented that the customer’s involvement in the entity has ceased or the entity has been coded as wound up. See notes in the entity record in Environment A (access from Link Summary (LS) screen)
  • New claims (including where the customer is already getting an income support payment, and claiming a different payment):
    • If it is clear the claim is to be rejected, for example, basic qualification reasons are not met, do not refer the case to the CAO
    • For previously rejected claims, the claim must be re-indexed before the referral
    • The CAO referral is to be made within the Process Direct new claim activity, including re-indexed claims, where available. If the claim is being actioned within Customer First, follow the appropriate referral process
    • If a CAO assessment is required to determine payability, an open new claim activity must exist on the customer’s record and the CAO report must be completed and the recommendations applied before assessing the claim
  • Relationship status:
    • Update the relationship status of the customer before the referral. For example, link or unlink as required.
      If the referral is part of a new claim, complete the relationship status update outside of the claim activity
    • Exception: for Parenting Payment Single (PPS) benefit transfers, as linking cannot be completed before the referral, include ‘new partner not linked – Partner CRN xxx xxx xxx’ within the CAO referral
  • Documentation:
    • Make sure Private Trust (MOD PT) and/or Private Company (MOD PC) is provided and complete if required for a review or new claim
    • Tell the customer about any required modules and documents
  • Scan documents provided
  • Do not create a CAO referral where it is clear that required supporting documents have not been provided. Make a request for information

Note: CAOs may require additional information that is not evident to a Service Officer. To limit customers receiving multiple requests for information, if the customer has provided required modules and some supporting documents, Service Officers should not make further requests for information.


Check for any existing CAO referrals + Read more ...

Note: Only one referral is required including for partnered customers

Staff must check for existing CAO referrals in both Process Direct and Customer First:

Process Direct:

  • In the customer record or within a non-new claim (NNCL) transaction, go to Customer Summary select > Referral
  • The Referrals screen will display a table of recent referrals with a hyperlink to go to referrals created in Process Direct. If an update is required, select the appropriate hyperlink and add updates
  • If there are duplicate or multiple referrals update the most recent referral as “Not Required” ensuring the oldest referral remains

Customer First:

  • Check the Activity List (AL) screen
  • Check in the Interaction History or Activities screens by first selecting CRN/BP hyperlink to view
  • If there are duplicate or multiple referrals, cancel or close the most recent referrals ensuring the oldest referral remains
  • If an existing CAO referral for a 'reassessment' is required for a 'claim', add the keyword CAONCL to make sure the correct work allocation priority is set

Note: if AUSTRAC reports were obtained as part of the initial review, refer to the AUSTRAC Access and Disclosure documents to make sure they were not used as evidence and are not forwarded to the CAO as part of the referral. See the Resources page for a link.

Is there an existing CAO referral?

  • Yes, and:
    • additional CAO referral reason/s or additional details have been provided, annotate the first referral with the details. A new referral is not needed. Procedure ends here
    • urgent CAO action is needed, see Table 2
  • No, go to Step 4


Assets hardship + Read more ...

Note: when a customer is being paid under assets hardship provisions and notifies of a change in circumstance, income or assets, a CAO reassessment request is to be sent. Send a Fast Note. Select Auto Text, use Complex Assessment > Request for action > CAO Asset Hardship.

Is a CAO referral being considered for an assessment of assets hardship?


Assets hardship CAO + Read more ...

Before inviting a claim under assets hardship provisions, the case must be discussed with a CAO. CAOs can advise of the issues to be considered and concessions that may be available to the customer.

A list of CAOs in the Asset Hardship Team can be found within Officer Locator, see the Resources page for instructions and a link.

Service Officers are to take no action to approve or reject payment under the assets hardship rules. Refer all cases to the CAO for determination.

Has the case been discussed with a CAO from the Asset Hardship Team?


New claim referral for Asset Hardship + Read more ...

Customers are required to lodge an SA233 (claim for consideration under Asset Hardship provisions).

When the claim is lodged, Service Officers are required to:

  • reindex rejected claim for income support payment, (if applicable)
  • scan SA233 to record. Do not scan to store or close the SA233 work item
  • create CAO referral:
    • Referrals for Asset Hardship must be created as a new claim referral to ensure the appropriate priority
    • New claim referrals can only be created in Process Direct where previously rejected claim is reindexed
    • For current customers with reduced rate, create referral using Customer First

If using:


Refer case to CAO via an open work item + Read more ...

In an open work item, give an overview of the special circumstances that have led to the customer seeking consideration under assets hardship. The CAO will contact the customer to discuss their circumstances and initiate a claim if appropriate.

To create an open work item in either:

  • Process Direct
    • Use Notes, select Add Note
    • Select the referral Category
    • Select Add details - include details of the special circumstances for consideration under assets hardship
    • Select Save
  • Customer First:
    • Use Fast Note. Select Auto Text, use Complex Assessment > Request for CAO Action > CAO Asset hardship

Procedure ends here.


CAO assessment reason + Read more ...

Determine the reason the CAO assessment is needed:

  • Home Equity Access Scheme, see Table 2
  • Special Disability Trust (SDT), see Table 2

Check if the customer and/or partner are involved in or claiming one or more of the following:

Are the customer and/or partner involved in or claiming one or more of the above?

  • Yes, go to Step 9
  • No, if not specified as a CAO assessment reason, for all other types, follow normal escalation processes. Local Peer Support (LPS) and /or Service Support Officer (SSO) are to investigate the individual circumstances before any referral to a CAO is made. See Tier 0 technical support - self-sufficiency


Deregistered Private Companies and vested Private Trusts + Read more ...

Is a CAO referral being considered for a deregistered Private Company or vested Private Trust?


Deregistered Private Companies and vested Private Trusts + Read more ...

Check if customer/partner:

  • are already linked to the Company/Trust's CRN and the Company/Trust CRN has not already been coded as 'Wound Up'. Check the Trust and Company Miscellaneous (TRMD) screen (Environment A) via the Company/Trust CRN
  • have declared gifting/deprivation in relation to the deregistered Private Company or vested Private Trust in the last 5 years before claiming
  • have declared an involvement in relation to the deregistered Private Company while receiving an income support payment

Is the entity a deregistered Private Company or vested Private Trust and any of the above has occurred?

  • Yes, go to Step 11
  • No, a CAO referral is not required. Procedure ends here


CAO referral + Read more ...


CAO referral in Process Direct for new claims + Read more ...

Within the new claim activity:

  • Select > Referral
  • Select Referral Type: Complex Assessment Officer (CAO)
  • Select Next
  • Update the KPI Date. For help with Key Performance Indicators, see Timeliness standards - Claims processing
  • Update the Expected Start Date. This is the date of event that the claim is expected to be granted from. For LIC claims, record the date 8 weeks before the date of grant
  • Include the Referral Reason/s for the CAO to assess, for example, 'Trusts', 'Asset Hardship Claim', 'Private Companies'
  • In the Document List check the box against all documents provided, noting that the list will update when the referral reason/s are updated
  • If scanned documents are relevant to the referral, nominate the date of scan and scan number in the referral notes. This will help the CAO locate supporting information
  • In the Notes field, include a reason for requiring CAO assessment. The reasons are required regardless of having nominated the Referral Reason

Go to Step 15.


CAO referral in Process Direct for non-new claims + Read more ...

  • Go to Customer Summary
  • select > Referral
  • Referral Type field select Complex Assessment Officer (CAO)
  • Assessment type - select appropriate option (LIC renewal, Reassessment or New trust/company)
  • Referral reason - select relevant options (can select multiple options)
  • The Referral Details screen displays, pre-populated with the information entered. Complete the details:
    • Select the radio button if the customer's payments are cancelled or suspended
    • Select documents provided in the Document Lists
    • Add details in the What is Required? free text box
    • Have all necessary documents been provided
    • A free text box will appear when more documents are needed. The details must be entered
    • Select Next
  • The Referral Summary screen displays:
    • Add any additional information in the Additional comments field
    • Select Finish to create the referral
  • An automatic Note will be added advising a CAO referral has been created

Go to Step 16.

Payments and Integrity Group referrals + Read more ...

For referrals from teams within the Payments and Integrity Group (system tool description ‘Business Integrity’):

  • Assessment type - select 'Reassessment'
  • Referral reason - select relevant options (can select multiple options)
  • Select 'next', then 'Business Integrity referral'
  • Select the Business Integrity referral reason:
    • Authorised Review Officer, for ARO referrals (includes keyword AROCAO)
    • Random Sample, for Random Survey referrals (includes keyword RSSCAO)
    • Other, for any other Business Integrity referral, including those from Debt teams (includes keyword BICAO)
    • For Business Integrity referrals as part of Taskforce Integrity, after the CAO referral is created, manually add the keyword TKFCAO
  • ‘What is required’ free text field:
    • Add details of the team making the referral and the requirements of the CAO assessment
    • Include any restrictions on outbound customer contact or requests for information

Go to Step 16


CAO referral in Customer First + Read more ...

Run the CAO Referral guided procedure.

For a new claim or LIC renewal:

  • Select Assessment Type: New Claim
  • Update the KPI Due Date. For help with Key Performance Indicators, see Timeliness standards - Claims processing
  • Update the Date payment is due to commence. This is the date of event that the claim is expected to be granted from. For LIC claims, record the date 8 weeks before the date of grant

CAO referral required for non-new claim assessment:

  • Select Assessment Type: Reassessment
  • If the customer is suspended FRC or FRT, as failed to reply to a CAO request for information, select Customer Suspended: Yes

For new claims and reassessments:

  • Select the Case Type to populate the document list (noting not all Case Types require documents)
  • More than one Case Type can be identified to add documents. Make sure to select all documents provided and scanned for each identified Case Type
  • Other Referral can be used to identify additional Case Types and free text is also available to list other supporting documents supplied
  • If scanned documents are relevant to the referral, nominate the date of scan and scan number in the referral notes. This will help the CAO locate supporting information
  • Update Reason For Referral and DOC Details with reason for requiring CAO assessment. The reasons are required regardless of having nominated the referral Case Type

Payments and Integrity Group referrals + Read more ...

For referrals from teams within the Payments and Integrity Group (system tool description 'Business Integrity'), select BI Referral and select the assessment reason:

  • Authorised Review Officer, for ARO referrals (includes keyword AROCAO)
  • Random Sample, for Random Survey referrals (includes keyword RSSCAO)
  • Other, for any other Business Integrity referral, including those from Debt teams (includes keyword BICAO)

Note: for Business Integrity referrals as part of Taskforce Integrity, after the CAO referral is created, manually add the keyword TKFCAO.

  • DOC details of the team making the referral and the requirements of the CAO assessment
  • DOC any restrictions on outbound customer contact or requests for information

Farm Household Allowance (FHA) review referrals + Read more ...

For FHA review referrals:

  • select the Payment Type Exceptional Circumstances Relief Payment
  • Add keywords:
    • CAOFHA
    • FHACMPRV (if the referral is in relation to a compliance activity)
  • To make sure delivery of FHA referrals to FHA CAOs, the referral DOC must remain open and must be in region code FHH

Inappropriate referral reasons may be available in the CAO Referral tool + Read more ...

Within the CAO Referral tools, the following Referral Reason/ Case Type may be available, however they are not appropriate referral reasons:

  • Special Disability Trust (SDT)
  • Annuities
  • Multiple realisation of Superannuation Investments
  • Unlisted/ overseas shares


Hold activity pending referral outcome + Read more ...

If a CAO referral is made within Process Direct, the new claim status should automatically change to On Hold with reason Referral to CAO and a Note/DOC will be recorded on the Document List (DL) screen with Customer Referral work item ID. The claim will remain On Hold until the CAO referral is completed.

If the activity (including new claims) status has not updated automatically, place the activity On Hold for 42 days. The activity status will update when the CAO referral is completed.

Note: on hold for 42 days does not reflect expected processing time.

If the activity ceases to be on hold and the CAO referral remains open:

  • Confirm the CAO referral is required and the CAO assessment is not completed
  • Refer to progress notes and determine if the assessment is pending a CAO request for information
  • Return the status to On Hold for a minimum of 14 days, for the assessment to be completed
  • If the claim is for Age Pension, place the claim On Hold for 28 days
  • DOC on hold reason. If an open DOC is necessary, hold for the same duration
  • If the customer makes a request for immediate processing and meets the criteria, see Table 2
  • Note: before any escalation is undertaken, the CAO referral must be made and all required documents provided

If the CAO was unable to make a determination because the customer failed to provide requested information, the CAO will record a DOC including details of the outstanding information. See Rejecting a Centrelink claim.


CAO assessment completion + Read more ...

When the CAO assessment is completed, the Service Officer must check the CAO assessment DOC for any actions that they must complete.

Changes post CAO assessment

If the customer provides further information related to the CAO assessment and before the claim finalisation, the Service Officer is required to make a new CAO referral.

This includes where the CAO is unable to complete the assessment, as the customer failed to respond to a request for information. Before rejecting the claim, check the customer record to determine if the requested information has been provided since the CAO referral was set to Not Required.

If a Service Officer makes a determination that an earlier Date of Event is to apply, the Service Officer is required to make a new CAO referral.

In these circumstances, it is appropriate for a Team Leader or Service Support Officer to escalate for immediate processing. See Immediate new claim and non-new claim priority processing.

Escalation for CAO action

Table 2




CAO escalation process + Read more ...

An escalation to request CAO action may be required for:

Is there a specific advice provided within Operational Blueprint to escalate a request for CAO action?

  • Yes, create an open work item using Fast Note. Select Complex Assessment > Request for CAO action. Select the Fast Note related to the CAO referral reason
    • CAO Assessment General
      use the CAO Assessment General Fast Note, when the reason for advice or CAO escalation does not match a listed referral reason. For example, Trusts, Companies, Residential Aged Care
    • CAO Farmhouse Allowance
    • CAO Asset hardship
    • CAO Forgone Wage
    • CAO Special Disability Trust
    • CAO Home Equity Access Scheme
    • CAO Business Integrity
    • Social Worker FDV assessment for CAO
  • No, go to Step 2


Immediate processing of CAO referral due to priority processing + Read more ...

If immediate processing is required, check for any existing CAO referrals, for:

Process Direct

  • In the customer record or within a non-new claim (NNCL) transaction go to Customer Summary select More Options > Referral
  • The Referrals landing page will display a table of recent referrals with a hyperlink to go to referrals along with creation date and status
  • Only one CAO referral is needed

Customer First:

  • Check the Activity List (AL) and the Interaction History screens
  • Only one referral is needed, including for partnered customers
  • If there are duplicate or multiple referrals, cancel all but the first
  • If an existing CAO referral for a 'reassessment' is required for a 'claim', add the keyword CAONCL to ensure the correct work allocation priority is set

Escalation may be needed if:

  • a CAO referral has been made, and
  • the referral remains pending assessment

See Immediate new claim and non-new claim priority processing. Note: Home Equity Access Scheme claims do have CAO referrals.