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Financial Information Service (FIS) 101-05080000

This document outlines the Financial Information Service (FIS), how to refer customers to FIS and the duties of an FIS Officer.

On this page:

Referring customers to FIS

Check the appropriate service channel for the customer

Conducting the interview

Referring customers to FIS

Table 1




Contacting FIS + Read more ...

Customers can contact a FIS Officer directly by calling their main business line or the Older Australians Line and saying ‘Financial Information Service’ when the IVR asks why they are calling.

Any staff member can also refer someone to the FIS phone service line.

Following a referral to the FIS phone service, a FIS Officer will determine if the enquiry can be completed via the phone or if a video chat or face to face appointment is required.

If an appointment is needed, the FIS Officer will book a video chat or face to face appointment for the customer.

Note: if a customer has already been booked an appointment and needs to reschedule transfer them to the FIS phone service line.


Referral to FIS + Read more ...

Check if the customer needs a referral to a FIS Officer.

In some instances, a more suitable referral may be required. For example:

  • Aged Care Specialist Officers (ACSOs). ACSOs provide Australians with help to understand, access and navigate aged care services
  • financial counselling (external services). Financial counsellors can provide advice, advocacy and case management, particularly to customers in financial hardship

FIS Officers do not schedule appointments for the sole purpose of updating customer income and asset information or processing of claims.

If the customer has general income and asset or eligibility enquiries, these should be discussed prior to a FIS referral. If income and asset updates are required, see Coding income and assets for Centrelink payments and services.

A person does not need to meet any specific criteria to be referred to FIS.

A person’s presenting circumstances may indicate another referral is more suitable. However, if a person insists on speaking with FIS, make a referral to the FIS phone service. A FIS Officer can action any further referrals as part of their interaction with the person.

Note: the person must agree to the referral to a FIS Officer before they are referred.

Is a referral to FIS required?


Customer is at a service centre + Read more ...

If referral to FIS is required, and the customer:

  • does not need an interpreter, refer them to the FIS phone service using one of these options:
    • the customer can call any service line and say ‘Financial Information Service’ when asked for the reason for the call
    • staff can call the FIS phone service and transfer the call to the customer’s mobile phone. There is no need to wait for the call to connect to a FIS Officer
    • if a call back from a FIS Officer is more appropriate, go to Step 5
  • needs an interpreter, refer the customer to the FIS phone service using one of these options:

Note: face to face and video chat FIS appointments must only be booked by a FIS Officer. After being transferred to the FIS telephony line, the FIS Officer can book a face to face or video chat appointment if required.

Procedure ends here.


Customer is on the phone + Read more ...

If referral to FIS is appropriate and the customer:

  • does not need an interpreter, transfer the call unannounced to the FIS phone service (do not create a transfer DOC):
    • in Services Australia Workspace, select the Instant call transfer button > FIS
    • if Services Australia Workspace is down, transfer manually to the FIS phone service
    • if a callback from a FIS Officer is more appropriate, go to Step 5
  • needs an interpreter, connect an interpreter (on demand) before calling the FIS phone service and transfer the call to the customer’s mobile phone. There is no need to wait for the call to connect to a FIS Officer

Note: face to face and video chat FIS appointments must only be booked by a FIS Officer. After being transferred to the FIS telephony line, the FIS Officer can book a face to face or video chat appointment if required.

Procedure ends here.


Request for contact by a FIS Officer + Read more ...

Access the customer's record:

  • create an open work item
  • use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Generic > Enquiry > Request for contact FIS
  • record notes to explain why the customer is asking for a FIS to contact
  • confirm the customer contact number details are correct
  • tell the customer a FIS Officer will call them from a private number

Procedure ends here.

Check the appropriate service channel for the customer

Table 2: For Financial Information Service Officers only.




Authenticate the customer + Read more ...

Ask the customer if they have a Customer Reference Number (CRN).

If the customer:


Review the customer record + Read more ...

Review any previous relevant notes on the customer record that may identify why the customer is calling and give additional context to the conversation.

Discuss with the customer why they have contacted FIS.

Is the enquiry FIS related?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No. Refer the customer to the relevant business area for further assistance if required. Procedure ends here


Identify customer vulnerabilities + Read more ...

A face to face appointment may be more suitable for customers experiencing vulnerability.

If the customer identifies any of the following vulnerabilities or discussion indicates these may be present, the customer may benefit from a face to face appointment (where available):

  • financially vulnerable
  • hearing impaired
  • experiencing family and domestic violence
  • impaired cognition. For example, significant mental health condition, acquired brain injury or dementia/Alzheimer’s
  • literacy and/or numeracy issues
  • needs an interpreter
  • experiencing bereavement
  • in distress
  • unsupported young person


Identify complex interactions + Read more ...

Face to face interviews are not necessary for all FIS discussions. They should be offered when the customer needs that style of interaction to best understand the information being provided to them. This can include complex customer circumstances or topics.

Examples of complex circumstances may include:

  • any vulnerabilities the customer has that may make it harder for them to understand and grasp the information that will be provided
  • the customer’s existing level of knowledge about the topic
  • if the customer needs a complex level of information about a topic or requires multiple scenarios discussed
  • the number and structure of the customer’s financial assets and investment products
  • if multiple financial topics will be discussed

Examples of complex topics may include:

  • farm succession planning
  • aged care
  • retirement planning
  • granny flat rights/life interest, transferring or gifting a property
  • trust and companies or complex business structures
  • Pension Bonus Scheme or Home Equity Access Scheme discussion
  • National Redress Scheme payments (lump sums and/or instalments)
  • recently separated/ divorced and they have multiple properties/investments

Can the customer's enquiry be completed now?

  • Yes:
    • complete the enquiry
    • create and post a Record of Interview (ROI) to the customer if needed
    • procedure ends here
  • No, a booked appointment is required. For:

Note: if the customer would prefer to complete the enquiry by phone but is unable due to time constraints, give them the option to call back on their main business line or the Older Australians Line at a time that is convenient to complete the enquiry.


Check if a video chat appointment is appropriate + Read more ...

To book a video chat appointment, the customer must meet the following criteria:

  • does not need an interpreter
  • are not a restricted access customer
  • are subscribed to myGov Inbox
  • are subscribed to secure online mail and electronic messaging
  • are not a nominee submitting a claim on behalf of a customer
  • does not have an open video chat appointment with the same appointment reason
  • have a recorded address

Is a video chat appointment appropriate?


Book a video chat appointment + Read more ...

To book a video chat appointment, follow the process in Step 5 of Video Chat.

Ensure the following when making the booking:

  • Appointment reason: Talk to a FIS Officer
  • Appointment Phone Number: 132300 this is for the customer to contact if they cannot attend
  • do not book an appointment less than 90 minutes ahead of the current time

Tell the customer they need to:

  • access the appointment using their own device from home or another location of their choosing
  • have an internet enabled device, webcam and speakers
  • check their myGov Inbox for a confirmation letter
  • access the appointment link in their myGov confirmation letter, in their Centrelink online account or Express Plus Centrelink mobile app
  • use the Upload documents service to upload relevant information for the FIS Officer


Book a face to face appointment + Read more ...

Book a face to face appointment in Customer First.

To book a face to face appointment, follow the process on the Customer First tab in Booking appointments in the Centrelink Appointment System.

Ensure the following when making the booking.

  • Appointment Type: Financial Information Service interview
  • Appointment Channel: Face to Face
  • Service reason: Financial Information Service

If the customer cannot attend their appointment and need to reschedule, they can do this by calling the number they usually call Centrelink on or the Older Australians Line and saying ‘Financial Information Service’ when asked why they are calling.

Conducting the interview

Table 3: For Financial Information Service Officers only.




Before the interview + Read more ...

Prepare by reading any notes on the appointment booking screen and investigate the customer’s record for background information that may be relevant during the interview.

If conducting a video chat appointment, FIS Officers must:

  • sign out of their MS Teams - Services Australia account:
    • select their circled profile (with initials or picture) at the top right of MS Teams and select Sign out
  • sign in to their Virtual Services Australia account via the MS Teams App on their desktop:
    • use their Virtual Services Australia credentials, noting that they may need to change their password the first time they access this account
    • select the Teams option on the left to open Virtual Service Centre
    • this ensures a background can be applied and personal details are not displayed to the customer. Note: if required, FIS Officers can key ‘’ into a Chrome or Edge browser if they need to access their MS Teams - Services Australia account
  • from the Appointments tab, select the Appointment ID. To search for the appointment, use the column Filters to locate the Appointment ID or Appointment Type:
    • find the correct customer appointment and use the Pickup Task button to assign the appointment to themselves
  • select Join Meeting to open the video chat within their MS Teams app
  • apply the background. Action this before admitting the customer and initiating the first call. All future calls will populate the background
  • as the Host of the video chat, FIS Officers has control of admitting the customer and/or third parties into the call


Customer attends the appointment + Read more ...

If the customer:

  • attends the appointment:
    • at a service centre, make sure the customer is assigned, presented and completed at the relevant stages of the interview in the Front of House App. Go to Step 4
    • via video chat, select Admit from the pop-up box to allow the customer into the meeting. Go to Step 4
  • does not attend, go to Step 3


Customer does not attend + Read more ...

Attempt to call the customer using the number(s) listed on their record.

If the customer:

  • answers, offer to either complete the interview over the phone or book a new appointment
  • does not answer, wait 10-15 minutes and call again. If no further answer, close the appointment and place a Fast Note on the record with actions taken to contact the customer


Conducting the interview + Read more ...

While the flow and content of each interview will be different, use the following as a guide to ensure the minimum standards and quality are met:

  • establish Proof of Record Ownership, including nominee arrangements if necessary
  • establish the customer’s identity and maintain the customer’s privacy
  • explain the customer’s rights and obligations
  • check preferred names the customer wishes to use
  • assess customer’s needs and utilise an interpreter if required
  • remind the customer that the services being provided are only financial education and informing them of their options. Financial advice or financial counselling are not being provided
  • clarify the reason for the customer’s visit
  • manage the customer’s expectations for the interview and confirm understanding of any topics covered
  • explain the impact of each option on overall income, Centrelink entitlements and taxation if relevant
  • explain the advantages and disadvantages of each option in a balanced, unbiased manner
  • explain where customers can complete services online, explain the benefits, ease and convenience of online functions
  • provide relevant information to the customer using knowledge and understanding of payments, programmes and services administered by the agency
  • utilise system tools and resources effectively including referring to processes outlined in Operational Blueprint or branch approved resources when required
  • refer to Customer Overview to help inform the conversation. For example, what digital channels the customer has used before or issues/barriers to using digital
  • identify and offer services relevant to the customer’s circumstances, including appropriate resources or referrals to websites for further information
  • refer to Moneysmart or other government websites for accurate financial information or tools, if required. Refer the customer to their own superannuation fund website, if appropriate
  • identify appropriate referrals such as Financial Counselling or Social Work
  • proactively identify customers with family and domestic violence including threats to the safety and welfare of children and take appropriate actions as necessary
  • seek technical advice when necessary if updates are required to be made to a customer’s record
  • explain obligations if customer is on a Centrelink payment
  • explain customers’ review and appeal rights
  • in the event of a customer complaint, identify, record and refer any feedback as necessary and advise customer of further escalation options if they are not satisfied with the response to their complaint.
  • create a Record of Interview (ROI) accurately when appropriate and present to the customer
  • save the ROI in the secure FIS drive as per FIS locality
  • offer the FIS Customer Experience survey to the customer
  • ensure that the customer leaves the interview with a clear understanding of their options and, where appropriate how to investigate options further. For example, what they need to do to progress their decision making and to complete updates using digital options


After the interview + Read more ...

After the interview, complete the following actions:

Document the nature and outcome of the discussions in a FIS Fast Note:

  • document any updates made to the customers record in a separate Fast Note
  • make sure the appointment is closed off. Check the customer’s record in:
    • Process Direct for video chat appointments, or
    • Customer First for face to face appointments. Note: make sure all actions for face to face appointments are also completed in the Front of House app
  • if the ROI was unable to be given to the customer during the (phone or video chat) interview, ensure this is posted to the customer by close of business