Upload documents service 133-04060000
This document outlines how customers can upload forms and documents online. This saves customers from having to bring requested documents to the office. It also reduces processing times.
Separating safely
If the customer is using the Upload documents service due to a relationship separation, they should consider what updates they need to make to keep their personal information safe. The order in which the customer updates their personal details is important and each update needs to be completed separately with Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support. See Separating Safely - Protecting personal details.
Access the service
To upload documents, customers need to:
- create a myGov account and link Centrelink to it
- access their Centrelink online account through myGov or the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app
Eligible Centrelink customers can use the service to upload copies of documents using their:
- desktop computer
- mobile device with internet access
The document should link to the relevant activity on a customer's record. Where the image does not link to the activity, the system creates an Image Notification Activity ('SCN' activity) for action. Images customers upload in colour will show to staff in colour.
There are some scannable document exceptions. Staff are not to use these documents for processing if the customer submits them using the Upload documents service.
The Resources page has links to the Services Australia website and the Digital Support Products sub-site.
Related links
Viewing Centrelink customers' digital images
Locating digital images via Document Tools in Customer First
Digital image attached to incorrect Centrelink customer record
Removing a digital image from customer records
Customer requests access to their personal information
Centrelink self service - access status, locking and unlocking
Accessing and using Centrelink self service
How users create a myGov account and link services