Customer requests access to their personal information 104-01010010
Risks to a customer's privacy have been identified. See Separating Safely - protecting personal details to make sure the customer's personal details are safe before progressing.
This document outlines the actions for release of information to a customer. For Child Support, this process applies to customers and employers/organisations. Service Officers, including smart centre Service Officers, should ensure all procedures are followed.
A definition of a 'document' in this guide is broadly stated and is not exhaustive. It should cover any information held by the agency in various formats and includes, but is not limited to:
- paper and electronic records
- emails
- Microsoft Teams messages
- call recordings and other audio files
- photographs and images, including CCTV
Administrative access processes
Services Australia has a number of administrative processes in place that allow for access to information outside the formal FOI Act request process. This is an informal and flexible way of providing information and documents, when requested by a member of the public. These administrative processes are particularly for customers or their authorised representative wanting access to information and/or documents relating to them. This is generally termed administrative access or administrative release.
A member of the public should not be required to complete a formal FOI request where the information and/or documents contain the person's own information that is not sensitive to release. All staff must help a person access information and/or documents through administrative release where the secrecy provisions of the appropriate legislation and/or the Privacy Act 1988 allow, and where the information and/or documents are not otherwise sensitive.
Check before releasing information
Any release of information that has been collected by the agency under Child Support, Family Assistance, Social Security or Medicare legislation must be assessed in accordance with the secrecy provisions of the specific legislation.
If releasing documents not supplied by the customer, Service Officers must check to ensure that it does not contain:
- information about other people, for example, partner or parent details. Consent from the third party would be needed before releasing information about that person. If express or implied consent is not provided, the person requesting the information should be advised why the documents cannot be provided administratively. They can be assisted to lodge a Freedom of Information (FOI) request if a formal decision under the FOI Act is required
- the identity of a confidential source of information
- information received in confidence
If documents contain the full name of staff, direct contact details or other information identifying staff, and these details have not been provided to the customer previously, then delete this material before release.
If unsure what information or documents can be released, the Service Officer should seek further information from their Line Manager.
Tax File Numbers (TFN)
Clause 10 of the Privacy (Tax File Number) Rule 2015 (Cth) (TFN Rule) stipulates that Tax File Number (TFN) information may only be disclosed by TFN recipients unless this is permitted under taxation, personal assistance, or superannuation law.
Services Australia must not disclose TFNs in a way that is inconsistent with the TFN Rule.
Customers seeking access to their TFN should be referred to the Australian Taxation Office.
Time frame for release
Immediate release
Documents should be released at point of contact where this is available. For example, information or documents that can be printed from the customer record.
Within 30 days
Some information or documents may not be available for release at the point of contact. In these cases, documents should be released as soon as practicable and within 30 days. The customer should be kept informed of the likely release date and any delays that may occur in the retrieval of documents.
Availability at point of contact may be impacted by storage arrangements (for example, off site storage of paper files or retrieval requirements for call recordings). Clearance requirements may also impact immediate release.
Information and/or documents that cannot be provided through administrative release
If information and/or documents cannot be provided to the customer through administrative release, or through the provisions of a letter containing the information they are seeking, the customer must be assisted to make a formal FOI request.
The Resources page contains links to forms located on the Services Australia website and a coversheet for use when releasing information to the customer under administrative release.
Related links
Requests lodged under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
Disclosing information to third parties
Accepting information from and disclosing information to nominees
Call and screen recording - information and access
Documenting Child Support information
Release of Disability Support Pension (DSP) Medical Assessment reports