Coding departures and returns for customers leaving Australia 061-02010000
This document explains the procedure to help Service Officers determine if the customer's payment can continue while they are outside Australia, for what length of time and the rate payable during any absence.
On this page:
Initial assessment and use of the Portability Script
Other rules to consider before finalising portability interview
Updating record and coding the departure
Actioning consequential reviews
Investigating and coding alternative departure date or arrival date
Initial assessment and use of the Portability Script
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer contacts the agency about their travel + Read more ... If the customer is contacting about:
2 |
Customer advises of a planned absence from Australia + Read more ...
The online service may refer them to:
In either case, the Service Officer is to run the Portability Script. Tell the customer the interview can generally be done over the phone and takes around 15 minutes. In some circumstances, further information may be needed before making a final decision. If they notify of an absence after they have left Australia, whether they are still overseas or have since returned to Australia, still:
It is not mandatory for them to provide an address outside Australia but a current contact address is necessary. Portability Script - Departures and Returns Use this script to:
While the script will provide accurate information to the person, the information about payment for a hypothetical situation is not a decision and therefore cannot be appealed until they advise a definite absence from Australia. Note: the Portability Script cannot be run for child-only absences, Child Care Subsidy, ABSTUDY, Farm Household Allowance, Double Orphan Pension or non-income tested Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) holders. Only issue the Pre Departure - Portability (XOB101) letter if the customer is definitely leaving Australia and has specifically requested a letter. If they require further information, refer them to the Services Australia website. The Resources page has a link. If the Portability Script is not available, see Leaving Australia and portability of payments for a list of all payment specific and concession card portability procedures. Does the customer want to continue with the interview?
3 |
Customer's child travelling without the customer + Read more ... Does the customer have a dependent child who is leaving Australia without them? For example, a child who is going to Germany on a school trip may be travelling without the customer.
4 |
Person or partner receiving Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy or ABSTUDY + Read more ... Is the person or partner receiving YA, Austudy or ABSTUDY?
5 |
Residence check + Read more ... As well as the portability rules, most payments require a customer to remain an Australian resident to continue to qualify for payment. If they leave Australia to live overseas, qualification is lost on departure as they are no longer an Australian resident. Note: this does not apply to people receiving Age Pension or Disability Support Pension (DSP), (for customers exempt from the ongoing residence requirement), unless they are receiving the payment because they are a refugee and have a qualifying residence exemption (that is, they do not qualify for payment under the usual rules such as 10 years residence in Australia but rely on the refugee visa for qualification). Customers who have qualified for Age or DSP under these exemptions are not entitled to payment if they leave Australia to live overseas. Is the person receiving Age Pension or DSP (for customers exempt from the ongoing residence requirement) without the need for a qualifying residence exemption?
6 |
Carer or care receiver + Read more ... Is the person receiving Carer Payment (CP) or Carer Allowance (CA) or are they a care receiver (CRA or CRP on the benefit status line)?
7 |
Interaction of Temporary Cessation of Care (respite) and portability provisions for carer payments + Read more ... Before running the Portability Script - Departures and Returns identify if the carer or care receiver will be travelling overseas without the carer continuing to provide care. If this is the case, as respite will occur, check the Absences Enquiry (ABCE) screen to calculate manually when respite will be fully depleted. Where respite applies, insert the day following the last date of respite when the script stops to ask 'Do you know or the customer know of any event that will happen and cause them to lose entitlement to Carer Payment/Carer Allowance before dd/mm/yyyy?' This date will appear in the letter issued when the script is finalised. Consider respite provisions independently and code manually where applicable. If the care receiver is going overseas without the carer, record the absence on the ABCE screen. There is a current system limitation, which continues to count Temporary Cessation of Care (TCC) after expiration of portability. Where the carer's payments will suspend after 42 days the TCC end date should reflect only 41 days if care is provided on the day of departure. Unless there is evidence to the contrary, accept care was provided on the date of departure and TCC will commence from the following day. Code respite with start date equal to day after departure and end date equal to the end of the limited portability period. Therefore, the TCC period is 41 days, provided the carer has this number available. Respite provisions do not apply when:
Respite provisions apply when:
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Purpose of the Portability Script + Read more ... Run the Portability Script - Departures and Returns. The purpose of the Portability Script is to assess portability rules associated with the payment and record the absence. It does not assess ongoing qualification. The script will ask for the:
Note: if the customer is unsure of their exact return date, choose an option with an approximate return date. Even if they advise they are only outside Australia temporarily, the Service Officer can determine they are leaving Australia to live in another country. See Assessing if a customer is an Australian resident. In this case, the Service Officer should select 'is leaving to live in another country' when the script presents the option. Is a Service Officer in Centrelink International Services (CIS) running the script?
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Responsibility for the portability decision + Read more ... The script will check the person's record and the Service Officer's details and determine whether the Service Officer can make the portability decision or if a CIS Service Officer must make the decision. Has the script advised CIS must do the interview?
Determining circumstances
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Selecting payment type + Read more ... The script will ask the Service Officer to select all payments they want assessed. All payments received by the customer will usually be preselected. The following payments may be preselected:
Check they are eligible for the preselected payment(s). Some payment types may need to be removed from the list (for example, if not grandfathered for Energy Supplement) using the Add or Remove Payments function of the script. Note: Energy Supplement grandfathering provisions apply for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customers and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) holders. An overseas absence of longer than the allowable portability period for these payments means the customer will not be eligible for Energy Supplement if they reclaim FTB or CSHC when they return to Australia. Once the options are chosen, the script will prompt the Service Officer to ask questions based on their record, departure dates and country of destination. Depending on the payment types received, additional information may need to be obtained. If they are receiving/or:
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Person receiving DSP and travelling for reasons other than to study + Read more ... If they are leaving Australia for more than their available portability period, DSP may be payable if they are:
If they are noted on the Medical Conditions Details (MC) screen as manifestly qualified (excluding conversion CNV) or assessed under the 'no future work capacity' (NWC) portability provisions on the Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screen, the script will automatically assess portability accordingly. Note: if the customer is manifestly qualified for DSP and is advising of a departure after the departure, they may not be eligible for indefinite portability under NWC provisions. See Assessment for Disability Support Pension customers going overseas under the no future work capacity portability provisions. Otherwise, the script prompts the Service Officer to enquire whether they want to be assessed under the 'no future work capacity' portability provisions. Service Officers must inform the customer:
Note: a customer who is manifestly eligible for DSP does not need to undergo a full medical assessment. Medical information may be required if:
If they will definitely return to Australia within their available portability period (usually 4 weeks in a rolling 12 month period) and DSP will be payable for the whole absence, see Step 3 in Table 4. Note: if they have indicated the reason for travel may be for an approved reason, assessment can be made under those provisions even if there are sufficient days of general portability remaining for the planned travel. See Step 1 in Table 3. If they have already been assessed as terminally ill, or satisfying the 'no future work capacity' portability provisions, no medical assessment is required, see Step 3 in Table 4. If they are manifestly eligible for DSP, but have not previously been assessed for indefinite portability (NWC is not already coded on the RSCD screen), go to Step 4. If they (not a refugee or former resident) indicate they are terminally ill, or wish to be assessed under the 'no future work capacity' portability provisions, go to Step 3 If they are leaving Australia for more than their available portability period (usually 4 weeks in a rolling 12 month period) for an approved reason, see Step 1 in Table 3 If they are going to an agreement country that covers DSP for more than their maximum portability period, the script may indicate a medical is required. Go to Step 5 If none of the above apply, see Step 3 in Table 4 |
3 |
Assessment under 'no future work capacity' portability provisions + Read more ... A person may be entitled to payment indefinitely if they are terminally ill or assessed as meeting the 'no future work capacity' portability provisions. Note: this does not apply to customers who are qualified for DSP solely because they are refugees or who are former residents. Tell them that before the final decision can be made, a Medical Review and Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) will be required. Customers can choose to undergo this assessment. See Assessment for Disability Support Pension customers going overseas under the no future work capacity provisions. Continuing with the Portability Script - Departures and Returns will give an interim decision pending receipt of the Medical Report form and JCA report dependant on their circumstances:
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Manifestly eligible DSP customer + Read more ... If the customer meets the ‘no work capacity’ portability provisions because they:
They do not need to undergo a Medical Review and JCA. Continue with the Portability Script which will correctly advise that the customer is eligible for indefinite portability. Note: if the customer is manifestly qualified for DSP and is advising of a departure after the departure, they may not be eligible for indefinite portability under NWC provisions. See Assessment for Disability Support Pension customers going overseas under the no future work capacity portability provisions. See Step 3 in Table 4. |
5 |
Agreement country + Read more ... The person must complete the Certificate of location in a country with which Australia has a social security agreement (AUS172) (if not going to New Zealand). See Resources page for a link. Issue this form to the customer and advise them to have it completed as soon as possible on their arrival in the agreement country. They must be severely disabled to transfer to DSP under an agreement when autonomous entitlement ceases after leaving Australia. On completion of this decision, rerun the Portability Script - Departures and Returns. Until the decision is made, continue with the Portability Script to give an interim decision advising that payment will stop when autonomous entitlement ceases after leaving Australia. See Step 3 in Table 4. |
6 |
Person receiving SpB + Read more ... Is the person the holder of visa subclass 060, 070, 449, 786 or 787? To find out their current visa subclass, check the Visa (Sub) Class Code field on the Legal Residence Details (RSLEG) screen.
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Special rules for a student or Australian Apprentice going overseas + Read more ...
Add-ons may be included in the rate of payment for temporary departures if they remain otherwise qualified and payable. They will be required to provide proof of the reason for their absence to Services Australia if they are leaving Australia to study or work as part of their Australian course. See Student studying outside Australia for more details. Service Officers in Centrelink International Services (CIS) approve the overseas study for students and Australian Apprentices receiving CP, DSP, or PP.
Centrelink International Services Staff - Once proof of the reason for their absence has been provided, see Step 3 in Table 4. |
Other rules to consider before finalising portability interview
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Restricted portability payment + Read more ... The customer receives a payment that may be considered for restricted portability. Ask the customer why they are travelling outside Australia:
Do they want payment to continue because they are travelling for an approved reason?
2 |
Special rules for a customer attending Defence Force Reserves training camp + Read more ... JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Youth Allowance (YA), Parenting Payment (PP) or Austudy customers may continue to receive payment for the length of the absence when they are temporarily overseas if their absence is for an Australian Defence Force Reserves training camp. Service Officers in CIS make the decision to continue payment for the training camp. For more details, see Overseas absences for Australian Defence Force Reserves. Is the absence to attend a Defence Force Reserves training camp overseas?
3 |
People receiving Parenting Payment (PP) and/or Family Assistance Act payment + Read more ... PP and/or Family Assistance Act payment. PP customers who are subject to compulsory mutual obligation requirements have an automatic exemption from these requirements if they are payable whilst absent overseas. If they have an interview scheduled during their absence, reschedule it for a date after their return to Australia.
They may have to continue to update their income estimate. Even though they are leaving to live overseas, their estimate must include all income they will earn during the entire income year, including any foreign income. If they have returned to Australia after an absence that resulted in their PP, Family Tax Benefit (FTB) or Child Care Subsidy (CCS) being stopped for portability reasons, then PP, FTB or CCS is not payable for any reason if they leave Australia again within 6 weeks of their latest return to Australia. The script will normally pick this up as long as the previous absence is recorded. If PP or FTB is cancelling for this reason and the Service Officer believes they should be payable, the problem could be incorrect recording of residence, arrivals or departures. Code the Country of Residence (CRES), Immigration Advised Movements (RSIM) and/or Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screens. Absences on the RSIM screen provided by the Department of Home Affairs cannot be amended. If they dispute an absence from Australia, the CIS must follow up. For assistance, see Referring inconsistencies in overseas departure and arrival information to Centrelink International Services (CIS). |
4 |
Check if family assistance or Parental Leave Pay customer is the holder of a visa subclass which limits portability + Read more ... To find out their current visa subclass, check the Visa (Sub) Class Code field on the Legal Residence Details (RSLEG) screen. If they are:
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Family assistance or Parental Leave Pay customers otherwise residentially qualified + Read more ...
6 |
Interaction of respite and portability provisions for carer payments + Read more ... After running the Portability Script - Departures and Returns, launch the Temporary Cessation of Care workflow in Customer First to record any absences and advise the customer payability while outside Australia is subject to the respite days remaining in the calendar year. If respite will be fully depleted before the end of the allowable portability period, advise them Carer Allowance (CA) and Carer Payment (CP) will cancel from the day after the remaining respite days are used and they must reclaim on their return to Australia. If they are receiving the transitional rate of pension, they will lose entitlement to this rate and be assessed under the new rules on reclaiming. |
Updating record and coding the departure
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
Contact Centrelink International Services (CIS) + Read more ... Payments made where portability is restricted to absences for an approved reason or customer is going overseas for Australian Defence Force Reserves training camp reasons. Tell the customer they may meet the requirement for payment overseas but they must speak to a Service Officer in CIS for a decision on their ongoing portability. The Portability Script - Departures and Returns will refer the case to CIS.
Service Officers in CIS make the decision to continue payment for an approved reason. For more information, see Restricted portability assessment procedure for Centrelink International Services Staff. Procedure ends here. |
2 |
Record the relevant reason + Read more ... Person receiving payments with restricted portability where the absence is not for an approved reason.
3 |
Dependent children leaving Australia + Read more ... Does the customer have dependent children?
4 |
Calculating Working Life Residence (WLR) + Read more ... Is the customer paid Age Pension or Disability Support Pension (DSP) and leaving Australia for more than 26 weeks?
5 |
General questions to determine ongoing qualification and payability + Read more ... Give the customer the correct advice about whether they will lose entitlement before they leave Australia or while they are overseas. The Portability Script does not assess if a customer will remain qualified during their absence, so when a customer calls to advise they are travelling overseas, it is essential to look at their situation. Determine if they will lose entitlement:
If they will lose entitlement, when the script asks if any circumstance will result in loss of entitlement:
The script will use this information in the XOB101 letter, which may be issued, if required, to give the person the correct date of cancellation. They must be manually advised of the reason for the cancellation during the portability interview. If they are changing payment types before going overseas (for example now on PPS but will be on JSP before departure), use the Add or Remove payments button to select a different payment type. The script will make a decision based on the choice of payment and give them correct information based on this payment type. Important changes to consider include:
See Travel details required on the Resources page for other changes to consider when a customer is leaving Australia. |
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Consequential actions + Read more ... The Portability Script - Departures and Returns will also ask questions about possible other consequential actions and display these reviews on the Consequential Actions page. Not all identified reviews need to be actioned. Only the following consequential reviews are to be selected when identified on the Consequential Actions page: Some reviews may auto select; therefore, if these are not required, deselect before continuing.
Note: selecting any other consequential review type will generate an unnecessary work item in Workload Manager (WLM) or a WLM OWN work item in the staff members Inbox/Worklist. The script will generate a Registered (REG) Reassessment (REA) activity for each review type selected on the customer's Activity List (AL) screen. Where the Service Officer has the appropriate skills, they are to complete the review with the customer after finalising the Portability Script - Departures and Returns update. See the Resources page for information relating to consequential reviews. |
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Coding the departure + Read more ... Is the customer going outside Australia and their payment is payable for more than 12 months and their record will be transferred to Environment I on departure?
Go to Table 5. |
Actioning consequential reviews
Table 5
Step |
Action |
1 |
Identifying consequential reviews + Read more ... Consequential reviews identified during completion of the Portability Script will display on the customers Activity List (AL) screen as a Registered (REG) Reassessment (REA) activity. Only the following consequential reviews require action:
Are any of the above-mentioned REG consequential portability reviews on the customers AL screen?
2 |
Assessing skill level to action consequential reviews + Read more ... Where the Service Officer has the appropriate skills, they are required to complete applicable consequential reviews with the customer after finalising the Portability Script. The Resources page contains information to assist in completing the consequential reviews. There is an expectation all Service Officers should be able to complete the following consequential reviews:
Does the Service Officer have the appropriate skills to complete at least one of the outstanding required REG consequential portability reviews on the customers AL screen?
3 |
Actioning consequential reviews + Read more ... Action appropriate consequential portability reviews with the customer and complete the REA activity on the AL screen. The Resources page contains information to assist in completing the consequential reviews. Complete/cancel any other REG consequential portability review activity that is not required to be actioned. Are there any remaining REG consequential portability reviews on the customers AL screen?
4 |
Adding keyword to consequential reviews + Read more ... To enable outstanding consequential reviews to be allocated in Work Load Manager (WLM), add a Keyword to the REG activity on the AL screen via the Activity Details (AY) screen. Insert the following Keyword into the appropriate REG consequential portability review:
Note: complete/cancel any not required REG consequential portability review activities. |
Investigating and coding alternative departure date or arrival date
For CIS staff only
Table 6
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer advises of alternative travel date + Read more ... The date of departure and arrival on the RSIM screen is the date the customer passes through Australian customs, as advised via the Immigration Datalink. Portability rules apply according to the date recorded on the RSIM screen, therefore if a customer did not actually travel on that date, they may be disadvantaged by the date of advised through the datalink. In these cases, a customer may request an update to their travel date. This most often occurs when the customer passes through customs on the evening of one day, but the flight departs the following day. See Resources for an example. It may also occur when a person travels on a cruise. Note: the customer cannot request a change to the departure date before leaving Australia, even if they believe the booked flight time may meet this situation. Is the customer advising of an alternative date because they have travelled on a cruise?
2 |
Investigate the customer’s circumstances + Read more ... Reasonable evidence is required to determine the circumstances:
Check Document Tools to see if the customer has provided evidence of the flight time. If the customer has not provided evidence, look up the customer in the Department of Home Affairs Movement Reconstruction (MR) database. Use ‘full screen mode’ on the Movements Details screen in the database to see the time of departure for the flight. Is it reasonable, based on the departure time that the customer passed through customs the day before the flight departed?
3 |
Code the RSIM screen + Read more ... Manually code the record correctly to:
On the RSIM screen:
Take the activity to the Assessment Results (AR) screen. If arrears are generated, ensure they are correct before finalising the activity. Finalise the activity. Create a DOC on the record clearly outlining the reason for the coding. Procedure ends here. |
4 |
Not entitled to this provision + Read more ... The date of departure on the RSIM screen, as provided through the Immigration Datalink, is the correct date for the system to use to calculate portability of payment. No coding is required. Create a DOC on the record explaining the reasons why the alternative date cannot be used. |