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ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) customer going overseas 102-11090000

This document outlines the procedure for a Service Officer to decide if ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY PES is payable to a customer, and for how long, while they are overseas. It also explains the actions the Service Officer and the customer must take before the customer's departure.

Initial contact

All staff are responsible for handling the portability interview. The ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing staff are responsible for handling any departure coding for the following:

  • students and Australian Apprentices who are going overseas to undertake approved study or work (including work placements that are part of their approved study)
  • customers who clearly do not satisfy an approved reason
  • customers leaving to live in another country

In all other cases, if a customer has indicated their overseas travel meets the initial criteria for an approved reason, the case must be referred to Centrelink International Services (CIS) to assess entitlement and code the departure.

Note: do not refer overseas full-time study (OFS) cases to CIS.

The Portability Script - Departures and Returns cannot be used for assessing portability entitlement for ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY PES.

Leaving to live in another country

If a customer is leaving Australia to live in another country, ABSTUDY payments will stop from the earlier of the date of departure and:

  • for students, the last day the customer satisfies the activity test
  • for Australian Apprentices, the date their Commonwealth Registration Number is cancelled

Temporary absence - approved reason for travel

If an ABSTUDY student or Australian Apprentice leaves Australia temporarily, payment may continue:

The allowable absence reasons are subject to very specific guidelines.

Customers will be activity test exempt while absent for these reasons.

ABSTUDY is only portable overseas if travelling for an approved reason as listed above. It is not portable for general travel such as a holiday.

Note: ABSTUDY may also continue outside Australia for the duration of approved overseas study or work. Further information is below.

Temporary absence - approved overseas study or work

Before making a decision about whether ABSTUDY can be paid for overseas study or work, determine if:

  • students continue to satisfy the ABSTUDY student qualification criteria
  • Australian Apprentices continue to have a current Commonwealth Registration Number
  • the overseas study (including work placement) or work will contribute to, and be credited towards, a full-time course or apprenticeship in Australia
  • the student is accompanying a parent/guardian overseas who is employed by the Australian Government, such as a member of the Australian Defence Force

Note: do not refer these cases to CIS.

Generally, a customer who is studying externally (for example, by correspondence or online) will not need to attend a campus overseas to complete units of their approved course. However, external students can access extended portability under overseas study provisions if they can demonstrate their primary reason for going overseas is to undertake studies that form part of the course. This could be a residential component at an overseas institution, or an overseas work placement provided it is part of the Australian course.

A student or Australian Apprentice granted portability for overseas study or work can continue to receive ABSTUDY for the duration of the approved absence. The approved period may include additional travel time to allow them to prepare for the study/work and/or to finalise their affairs and return to Australia.

Relocation Scholarship for students undertaking approved overseas study

ABSTUDY students may be eligible for Relocation Scholarship when they undertake approved overseas study provided they meet all other eligibility criteria for the scholarship. See Relocation Scholarship (RS) eligibility and Relocation Scholarship (RS) payment and coding.

Supporting documentation

Customers must provide acceptable proof of the absence.

If it is accepted the customer is leaving for an approved reason (other than OFS - overseas full-time study), they will be required to provide supporting documentation on their return. If the documentation is not acceptable or not provided, a debt will be raised.

If a customer provides supporting documentation relating to a previous temporary absence which was not assessed for an approved reason at the time, do not run the Review script as a decision on their portability has not yet been made. Refer the case:

  • for overseas study for students and Australian Apprentices, to the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing Team
  • in all other cases, to CIS

ABSTUDY will stop from the date of departure if the reason for leaving Australia is not an approved reason or the customer does not provide proof of the reason before the absence.

Portability period


A customer's portability period starts on the day they leave Australia. For portability purposes, a customer is not considered to be inside Australia for any part of the day they departed Australia regardless of the time of departure.

If the customer:

  • is travelling outside Australia on a cruise, the date of departure is the date the ship leaves the last Australian port
  • leaves and returns on the same day, for example airline crew, this is not considered a departure from Australia for portability purposes


The day a customer returns to Australia is not included as part of their absence as they are considered to be inside Australia on that day (regardless of the time of return) and therefore no longer affected by portability.

Overseas study

Where an ABSTUDY student or Australian Apprentice has been granted an approved overseas study absence, a brief return to Australia (up to 6 weeks) within the approved study period does not interrupt the portability period for the course of study overseas. No new decision is required in such cases.

If the student or Australian Apprentice studying or working overseas decides to extend the length of their overseas course (for example, wants to continue studying overseas for an extra semester) the customer must have their portability reassessed and provide new supporting evidence.

Change of departure or return date

If a customer travelling for an approved reason advises they are departing on a specific date, and they then depart Australia more than 3 days before or more than 3 days after the advised date, any specific negotiated period of portability approved for the original date of departure will cease to apply. The customer's approved reason for travel outside Australia may no longer be valid. Payments will stop when the customer's actual date of departure is confirmed by the Immigration Datalink.

Customers must advise of any change in their departure details prior to travel if they wish to be paid during the absence. Service Officers can assess if the approved reason still applies and record the new departure date and reason again.

For approved reasons other than overseas study, customers must contact Centrelink International Services (CIS) if they:

  • are unable to return to Australia by the end of the specific negotiated period, and
  • want to request further extension to their payment overseas

Otherwise their payment will stop.

If more time overseas is required, this can be discussed and any approved absence possibly extended up to the maximum portability period. If they are still required overseas at the end of the maximum portability period, there is discretion to extend the period of portability under certain circumstances.

Notification of intended departure and return

The Department of Home Affairs generally advises when a customer or child leaves or returns to Australia. The Centrelink system uses the information to assesses the portability of payments and concession cards. The assessment will happen regardless of whether the customer has told Services Australia their travel details. Note: do not cancel Department of Home Affairs datalink activities.

Where the customer gives evidence they travelled on different dates, the agency should consider using those different dates, if both the following apply:

  • the new dates are logical
  • the results will be a better outcome for the customer

This most often happens if a customer passes through Australian customs on one day but the flight leaves the next day.

In many cases, customers do not have to tell the agency if they are leaving Australia temporarily for less than 6 weeks, or when they have returned from a temporary absence.

When customers do need to tell us about a departure before leaving Australia or when they have returned to Australia they can use the Travelling outside of Australia service. This service is in their Centrelink online account. If the travel or portability assessment is complex the online service will ask them to contact the agency.

Services Australia website lists when customers must tell the agency they are leaving or returning to Australia. The Resources page has a link.

Secondary school students

A secondary school student studying outside Australia is eligible for ABSTUDY if:

  • the overseas education institution is equivalent to an approved education institution in Australia, and
  • the overseas course is at secondary level and meets the workload provisions set down for secondary school students

Secondary school students who attend a boarding school or hostel, whose allowances are paid to the boarding institution and depart overseas for a non-approved reason, are not entitled to ABSTUDY for the period they are outside Australia. This is regardless of if they commence study within the first 3 weeks of a term. ABSTUDY is only payable for the period they are in Australia.

Periods of assistance for studying overseas

If the student:

  • is participating in an international educational exchange programme which is recognised by the relevant State or Territory education authority - the period of study at the overseas institution
  • accompanies a parent/guardian who is employed by the Australian Government (for example, a member of the Australian Defence Force) - the period of the overseas posting
  • is studying overseas for any other reason - ABSTUDY entitlement is for a maximum of 12 months from the first date of attendance at the overseas education institution

Attendance: The normal ABSTUDY attendance provisions apply to secondary school students studying overseas.

Rate: Secondary school students may:

  • be assessed as independent or qualify for the Away from Home rate
  • qualify for School Fees Allowance Group 2, and
  • qualify for Fares Allowance for travel within the overseas country. Fares Allowance to travel between Australia and the overseas country is not available

Note: these only apply if their circumstances overseas would meet the requirements if the student was in Australia.

Secondary non-school, tertiary or Masters and Doctorate level students

A secondary non-school, tertiary or Masters and Doctorate level student studying or undertaking a work placement outside Australia is eligible for ABSTUDY if the following criteria are met:

  • The student is enrolled on a full-time or concessional study load basis in an approved course at an Australian higher education institution which:
    • approves the overseas study or work placement, and
    • is prepared to credit the results of the work placement or study at the overseas education institution towards the approved course
  • The student meets the study load requirements in respect of the approved Australian course
  • A work placement (if undertaken) forms part of the student's full-time Australian course, regardless of whether credit is given for the placement

Periods of assistance for studying overseas

There is no limit to the period of assistance for secondary non-school, tertiary or Masters and Doctorate students who are undertaking approved overseas study, provided they meet other eligibility and reasonable time conditions.

Rate: secondary non-school, tertiary or Masters and Doctorate students approved for ABSTUDY while studying overseas are entitled to:

  • the Away from Home rate
  • Fares Allowance if their circumstances overseas would entitle them to Fares Allowance if these conditions were experienced in Australia. Note: this refers to travel within the overseas country. Fares Allowance to travel between Australia and the overseas country is not available

The Resources page contains examples and links to contact details for CIS and the Services Australia Website for information about payments while outside Australia and travelling overseas with medicine.


Student studying outside Australia

View/update overseas travel online

Restricted portability for payment during overseas absences where customer has special circumstances

Overseas absences for eligible medical reasons

Overseas absences due to acute family crisis

Overseas absences for Australian Defence Force Reserves

Returning to Australia

Actioning immigration datalink activities

Relocation Scholarship (RS) eligibility

Relocation Scholarship (RS) payment and coding

Independence for ABSTUDY customers

Away from home rate for ABSTUDY

Recording and correcting employment income details