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ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) customer going overseas 102-11090000

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Payments while outside Australia

Travelling overseas with PBS medicine

Contact details

Centrelink International Services (CIS) - contact details for staff

Scenarios - Portability of ABSTUDY

This table describes scenarios of students going overseas and how it affects their payments.




Student leaves Australia and is not continuing study while overseas + Read more ...

Chris, who is receiving ABSTUDY, is travelling outside Australia from April for 6 months. Chris has no leave from the institution and has no plans to undertake study while overseas.

Cancel ABSTUDY from the date study ceased as Chris is no longer a full-time student and does not intend to continue with the course at present.


Student leaves Australia during school holidays + Read more ...

Jessie, who is receiving ABSTUDY, advises of an overseas holiday after final exams, from November until December.

ABSTUDY is not payable in this situation as the absence is not for an allowable reason. If the absence is less than 6 weeks, payment should automatically restore on return to Australia.


Acute family crisis + Read more ...

An ABSTUDY customer comes into the service centre asking about going overseas as their parent is missing after an earthquake in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Note: a social worker may be able to help in these circumstances.

The Service Officer contacts the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and confirms the situation in PNG.

This is an acute family crisis and an acceptable reason for an absence overseas. Where a customer has advised their overseas travel meets the initial criteria for an approved reason, the case must be referred to Centrelink International Services (CIS) for assessment.

Note: customers who are overseas can contact CIS on freecall numbers from some countries or using reverse charges from any country.


Tertiary student leaves Australia as a requirement of the current course + Read more ...

Carl is receiving ABSTUDY and has provided a statement from the Australian institution advising Carl is leaving Australia on 16 February for 2 semesters in the United States of America (USA).

It is a requirement of the Australian course Carl remains enrolled with the Australian institution while overseas and will maintain a qualifying study workload. The course work completed overseas will be credited towards the Australian course and Carl will continue in the course on return to Australia. Carl's course in the USA starts on 20 February and last lecture is on 15 November.

Carl's ABSTUDY is portable for the duration of the course in the USA. The approved study period may include additional travel time to allow Carl to prepare for the study and/or to finalise affairs and return to Australia. Carl is travelling 4 days before the course start date, which will be included in the approved study period. The end date of the approved study period will depend on what date Carl has advised for return to Australia. If no date has been provided, the end date will be the study end date of 15 November. If Carl has advised any date up to November 21 this can be recorded as the end date of the approved study period.

If Carl is returning after November 21 this would be in excess of the total allowable 10 days additional travel time and be considered a holiday. The end date in this instance would be November 15, the last day of study.


Secondary student leaves Australia to participate in an international exchange program + Read more ...

Robin has been accepted to study in the Netherlands as an exchange student at the local secondary college for 9 months. Robin has provided documentation from the school and it is equivalent to the secondary college in Australia. Robin will maintain a qualifying study workload.

Robin's ABSTUDY is portable for the duration of the study.

Four months into the course, Robin no longer wants to continue with the exchange study in the Netherlands and decides to have a holiday for 4 weeks before returning to full-time study in Australia.

Robin's ABSTUDY entitlement stops at the time the overseas course is ceased. If Robin remains enrolled at the Australian secondary college during the 4 weeks and continues to study after returning to Australia, the ABSTUDY can be restored on return.


Student taking a holiday before starting study overseas + Read more ...

Johnny will be starting study overseas on 1 May. Johnny also wants to have a holiday overseas before starting study, and leaves Australia on 1 March.

Johnny's ABSTUDY will stop on 1 March. As long as Johnny remains qualified for ABSTUDY while outside Australia, the ABSTUDY can be restored and continue to be paid from 1 May for the duration of the approved study.

Note: no additional travel time is added to the beginning of the approved overseas study period, as all travel prior to commencing study is deemed as a holiday. The end date of the approved study period will be decided based on the evidence provided for study and travel dates.

The Service Officer must record on the RSCD screen:

  • a line with departure date of 1 March as the event date, no reason is required
  • a further line with study commencement date of 1 May as the event date, reason OFS and end date as per evidence provided
  • a further line with Johnny's return to Australia date as the event date and Australia as the country, if known. If this is unknown, this further coding is not required


Secondary school student accompanies parent overseas + Read more ...

Andy is accompanying both parents to India. One parent works for the Australian Defence Force and is posted for a period of 12 months. Andy must remain a student and the course attended must meet the study workload provisions for secondary school students for ABSTUDY to continue.


Secondary student studying overseas + Read more ...

Mali is in senior high school. Mali is going to continue to study in Japan on an exchange. The education authorities recognise the exchange program.

Mali's ABSTUDY will continue to be paid during the time spent studying in Japan.


Australian Apprentice customer leaves Australia + Read more ...

Casey is receiving ABSTUDY as an Australian Apprentice and wants to spend a few weeks in Nepal as a holiday. The apprenticeship has not ended and Casey's Commonwealth Registration Number will remain current during the break.

Casey's ABSTUDY is not payable in this situation as the reason for absence is not an allowable reason. An Australian Apprentice customer may continue to receive ABSTUDY while they are outside Australia only if they are working or training overseas as part of their apprenticeship.


Student taking a holiday following study overseas + Read more ...

Alex is studying an Australian course full-time. As part of this course, Alex is required to complete a unit lasting 10 weeks in the USA from 1 August. Once the course is complete, Alex will remain in the US for a further 3 weeks to tour the local area. Alex is leaving Australia on 29 July.

Generally, it is reasonable to allow additional travel time, either before and/or after the study period to travel and set up or pack up. The 3 days prior to the course start date can be included in the approved portability period; however, as Alex is having a holiday after the course there is no allowance for additional travel time. In this case, the start date of approved portability is the departure date.

Alex's ABSTUDY is payable for the period up to the end of the unit of study in the USA, which finishes on 10 October.

The Service Officer must record on the (RSCD) screen:

  • a line with departure date 29 July as the event date, reason OFS and end date 10 October
  • a further line with Alex's return to Australia date (if known) as the event date and Australia as the country

ABSTUDY will stop on 11 October but should automatically restore when Alex returns to Australia as long as Alex remained otherwise qualified for payment.


Online student travelling to undertake study overseas + Read more ...

Jodie is studying an Australian course full-time virtually via online studies. Jodie has taken up an internship in Kenya that will last 12 months.

Jodie's Australian institution has advised that the studies and research the student will be completing overseas will go towards their Australian course at a fulltime study workload.

As Jodie will remain enrolled in the Australian institution and the internship will go towards Jodie's Australian course. This overseas study can be approved for the duration of the internship in Kenya.