Return to Australia procedures for Centrelink International Services (CIS) staff 061-03010000
For Centrelink International Services (CIS) staff only.
This document outlines the action taken by a Service Officer in CIS, and the effect on a customer's payments when they return to Australia.
On this page:
Portability savings
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer may contact CIS to advise of a return to Australia verbally, as a written response or an activity/work item may be generated + Read more ... Use the Portability Script - Departures and Returns to assess a return to Australia. The purpose of the portability script is to assess the return rules associated with the payment and, where possible, update the record. If the script cannot complete the assessment or coding, follow the procedures to manually action the return to Australia. Determine if the customer has any portability savings provisions, for:
Is the customer currently subject to any portability savings provisions?
2 |
Check if the customer is the responsibility of CIS + Read more ... Check if any of the following apply to the customer:
Do any of the above apply to the customer?
3 |
DSP customer saved under 1 July 2004 portability rules + Read more ... It is very important to ensure that correct information is given to the customer. Not providing the information or giving incorrect information can be financially damaging to the customer and may lead to a claim under the Compensation for Detriment caused by Defective Administration (CDDA) scheme. Advise the customer that if they return to Australia temporarily, they will retain their savings and will be payable indefinitely for any future absence from Australia under the same conditions of pre-1 July 2004 departure. However, while in Australia and during the subsequent absence, the customer will not be entitled to:
Advise the customer that if they return to Australia for residence they will lose these savings and future payments will be impacted by this decision. If they subsequently leave Australia temporarily, payments are generally only portable for 28 days in a rolling 12 month period. If they leave to live in another country, payments will stop on departure, unless they are exempt from the ongoing residence requirement. However, the customer will have possible entitlement to:
Gather information from the customer (including but not limited to their intentions) in order to make a decision about where the customer is residing. Note: for more information on determining if a customer is residing in Australia, see Assessing if a customer is an Australia resident. Record the discussion and decision in a DOC. Issue a Client has returned/is returning from overseas (XOB005) letter. Note: customers paid a transitional rate who return to Australia for residence will have their rate reassessed. If they will receive a higher rate under the current means test, they will cease to be paid under the transitional rules. As this may have a financial impact if they leave Australia again it is very important to ensure that the customer is fully aware of the possible ramifications of a decision to return to reside in Australia.
4 |
Customers saved under the 20 September 2000 portability rules + Read more ... It is very important to ensure that correct information is given to the customer. Not providing the information or giving incorrect information can be financially damaging to the customer and may lead to a claim under the Compensation for Detriment caused by Defective Administration (CDDA) scheme. A customer must be advised what effect a return to Australia can have on their 20 September 2000 savings provision and the rules that would apply to any subsequent absence from Australia if they lose their savings provision. Advise the customer that any return to Australia, either temporary or to reside, of more than 26 weeks will result in the loss of the savings provision and payment will be made under the current rules for any subsequent departure from Australia. Customers saved under these provisions will continue to receive the Pension Supplement Basic Amount only or the outside Australia Transitional pension rate while they are in Australia and immediately on departure. Their payments can only be reassessed once they have returned for more than 26 weeks and have lost their savings provision. If a customer is unable to depart Australia within 26 weeks, due to certain unforeseen circumstances, they may be eligible for a discretionary portability savings extension. See Customers overseas on 20 September 2000. Record the discussion in a DOC.
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Customers saved from the 1 July 2014 Australian Working Life Residence (AWLR) changes + Read more ... It is very important to ensure that correct information is given to the customer. Not providing the information or giving incorrect information can be financially damaging to the customer and may lead to a claim under the Compensation for Detriment caused by Defective Administration (CDDA) scheme. A customer must be advised what effect a return to Australia can have on their 1 July 2014 savings provision and the rules that would apply to any subsequent absence from Australia if they lose their savings provisions. Advise the customer that any return to Australia, either temporary or to reside, of more than 26 weeks will result in the loss of the savings provision and payment will be made under the current rules for any subsequent departure from Australia. Customers saved under these provisions who later depart Australia will continue to receive their rate of payment calculated under the rules in place prior to 1 July 2014. Customers who receive a proportional rate will continue to have their rate assessed using a 300 month denominator. Customers who receive a proportional rate using their partners AWLR will continue to have access to this rule. See 1 July 2014 savings provision for further information on the interaction between this savings provision and both the pre 1 July 2004 and the pre 20 September 2000 savings provision. If a customer is unable to depart Australia within 26 weeks, due to certain unforeseen circumstances, they may be eligible for a discretionary portability savings extension. See Customers assessed under pre 1 July 2014 Australian Working Life Residence (AWLR) rules. Record the discussion in a DOC. Issue the Client has returned/is returning from overseas (XOB005) letter. |
6 |
Return to Australia + Read more ... Record the customer's return to Australia manually on the Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screen if not recorded. Note: coding the RSCD screen will not return the customer to Australia unless the datalink is in contingency mode. The return to Australia will only occur when the movement information has been confirmed by the immigration datalink. The Department of Home Affairs datalink activities should not be cancelled. Has the customer physically returned to Australia?
7 |
Check if the return has been notified by immigration + Read more ... Has the return been automatically recorded on the Immigration Advised Movements (RSIM) screen?
8 |
Check if the customer has returned to Australia for residence or temporarily + Read more ... Is this a temporary return to Australia? Note: for more information on determining if a customer is residing in Australia, see Assessing if a customer is an Australia resident.
Temporary return
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Check the customer's address + Read more ... A customer can provide a temporary address for the period they are back in Australia. However unless the customer is returning to Australia to live, it is not mandatory for a customer to do so. Some customers may prefer to retain their current overseas address details. Note: check every customer's address including postal address and telephone contact details including mobile phone numbers at every contact. Update if required. Does the customer want to add an address?
2 |
Record an address for a customer returning to Australia temporarily + Read more ... To record an address go to the Address Summary (ADS) screen:
3 |
Temporary return to Australia + Read more ... If the customer is paid under the 1 July 2004 portability rules or is residing overseas, ensure Country of Residence (CRES) screen is coded correctly with customer as residing in that country. For assistance coding the CRES screen, see Coding CRES, ARD and RSS screen. |
4 |
Check if the customer is paid under an International Agreement or present long-term, or residing in New Zealand? + Read more ... Check the:
Is the customer paid under an International Agreement or are they present long-term or residing in New Zealand?
5 |
Paid under International Agreement or affected by the New Zealand Agreement + Read more ... Is the customer paid under the New Zealand Agreement or present long-term or residing in New Zealand?
6 |
Customers paid under, or affected by, the New Zealand agreement + Read more ... The Long Term Country Code field on the Residence Savings (RSS) screen is used to determine the rate calculation method applicable for customers paid under or affected by, the New Zealand Agreement. That is, it is used to switch the customer from the proportional to the direct deduction rate and vice versa. If the return is short term, the proportional rate should continue and this field should be left as 'NZ'. If the return is long term, this field should be changed to 'AU'. For more information, see New Zealand Agreement and foreign pension information. Note: system rules will automatically determine present long-term for permanent movements and, for temporary movements, set reviews to automatically change after a continuous period of 26 weeks. Authorised staff in International Services may manually code the field where a person declares an intention to remain in Australia for more than 12 months. Does customer intend to remain in Australia for more than 12 months?
7 |
Coding for customers paid under, or affected by, the New Zealand agreement + Read more ... Update the Residence Savings (RSS) screen. Code the Date of event field with the date of return to Australia and the Long Term Country Code field with 'AU'. Check if the customer has a New Zealand (NZ) pension recorded on the Foreign Income/Assets/Pension Summary (FIPS) screen. If the customer has a NZ payment recorded, and the return is long-term, record an Assumed Rate for the customer. The NZ Assumed Rate Calculator and a guide is available through the International Programme intranet page. See the Resources page for a link. Use the NZ Assumed Rate Calculator to obtain the NZ Assumed Rate. To update the NZ Assumed Rate:
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Coding for agreement countries other than New Zealand + Read more ... The Temporary Return to Aust Ind field on the Residence Savings (RSS) screen is used where a customer who is paid a proportional rate under an agreement, which includes the 26 week temporary departure/return provision, returns to Australia on a temporary basis. For more information, see International Social Security Agreements. If there is no change on the Country of Residence (CRES) screen, any movement is considered temporary and a review is set to automatically change the rate after a continuous period of 26 weeks. If a delegate determines that a person has changed their country of residence, coding the information on the CRES screen will automatically apply the correct rate calculation. Note: if a reassessment of a record shows customer movements prior to 9 June 2018, manually code the RSS screen if the customer is paid under one of the affected agreements. If the return:
9 |
Check the date customer is returning overseas + Read more ... Ask the customer if they have a definite date they are returning overseas. If so, run the Portability Script - Departures and Returns with the new departure details. Note: if the customer is paid under an Agreement (except NZ) the return to Australia coding needs to be done manually. Check to see if the customer is entitled to a concession card. Note: entitlement to a Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) normally requires a person to be an Australian resident. However, customers paid under the Agreement with New Zealand are entitled to a Pension Concession Card provided they are in Australia, even if they are not residing in Australia (s1061ZA(4) Social Security Act 1991. Record all the information on the return to Australia and concession card entitlement in a DOC. Finalise any related return to Australia work items. Procedure ends here. |
Permanent return
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Return to live in Australia + Read more ... Check that the Country of Residence (CRES) screen is coded correctly with the customer as residing in Australia. Advise the customer that as they have returned to Australia permanently, their 28 day notification obligation has changed to 14 days. This applies to all change in circumstances. See General notification provisions and exceptions. Is the customer's record on Environment I?
2 |
Customer in Environment I has returned to live in Australia + Read more ... Transfer record to local environment. If customer is paid into an overseas bank account, new bank account details in Australia are required. Customers will need to be advised that they will be paid 2 weekly rather than 4 weekly. Transfers should be delayed until information is provided to ensure continuity of payment. See Changing payment destination. Note: Australian bank account information can be taken verbally. Has customer provided Australian bank account details and understands their pay frequency will change?
3 |
Check if the customer is paid under an international agreement or changing from residing in New Zealand to residing in Australia or was present long term in New Zealand + Read more ... Check the Agreement Country field on the Additional Residence Details (ARD) screen. If a country is recorded in this field, the customer is paid under an agreement. Check the CRES screen to determine if the customer was previously residing in New Zealand. Check the most recent entry on the Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screen. If New Zealand is displayed in the Country field, go to the Immigration Advised Movements (RSIM) screen. Check if the customer was outside Australia for 26 weeks or more. If so, then the customer is considered present long term in New Zealand. Is the customer, paid under an international agreement or changing from residing in New Zealand to residing in Australia, or returning from present long term in New Zealand?
4 |
Paid under New Zealand Agreement, present long term or residing in New Zealand + Read more ... Is the customer paid under New Zealand agreement, present long-term or was residing in New Zealand?
5 |
Coding for customers paid under, or affected by the New Zealand agreement + Read more ... The Long Term Country Code field on the Residence Savings (RSS) screen is used to determine the rate calculation method applicable for customers paid under, or affected by, the New Zealand Agreement. It is used to switch the customer from the proportional to the direct deduction rate and vice versa. If the return is long term, change the field to 'AU'. See New Zealand Agreement and foreign pension information. Note: system rules will automatically determine present long-term for permanent movements. Check if the customer has a New Zealand (NZ) pension recorded on the Foreign Income/Assets/Pension Summary (FIPS) screen. Is the customer paid a NZ payment?
6 |
Customer paid under an Agreement (other than NZ) returning to live in Australia + Read more ... Customers paid under an agreement outside Australia must return to Australia for residence before their payment can be transferred to an autonomous pension. Some customers are only paid under an agreement because they have been outside Australia for more than the maximum portability period of their payment. These customers will generally be automatically transferred to an autonomous rate of payment. See Transfer to international social security agreements for more information. On return to Australia, the system will check:
Does the customer satisfy the above criteria?
7 |
Check if the customer is autonomously qualified and they are in Australia + Read more ... Manually check if the customer is now autonomously qualified. For example, a customer who claimed their Australian payment when living in an agreement country may have decided to move to Australia for residence. The customer's Australian residence qualification is automatically assessed based on the residence information recorded. Check the Australian Historical Residence (RSAHR) screen. It displays the customer's Australian historical residence derived from information recorded on the Country of Residence (CRES) and Legal Residence Details (RSLEG) screens. It displays each individual period of residence including relevant start and end dates, number of years, months and days and total historical residence. If the customer has the 10 years qualifying Australian residence for payment, they are considered autonomously qualified. Is the customer autonomously qualified for payment and are they in Australia?
8 |
Customer to be transferred to autonomous payment + Read more ... Transfer them to an autonomous payment manually.
9 |
Not autonomously qualified + Read more ... Customer will continue to be paid under an agreement while residing in Australia. The rate of payment will generally alter once the customer is in Australia, as they will be paid a direct deduction rate. Note: the Agreements with Austria, Belgium, Canada, Italy, Norway, Switzerland and the United States of America allow the customer to be paid the higher of the inside and outside Australia rates. Is the customer's payment current?
10 |
Restoring the customer's payment or inviting customer to lodge a new claim + Read more ... If customer's return date is more than 13 weeks after their payment was cancelled/suspended a new claim is required. Note: for restorations of Double Orphan Pension (DOP), see Restoration of Double Orphan Pension (DOP). For restorations of Child Care Subsidy (CCS), a new claim activity must be actioned as a manual workaround. See Processing Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims. Is the customer required to lodge a new claim?
Note: customers who were paid on Environment I must have Australian bank account details recorded before payment is restored in the new environment. |
11 |
Finalise actions + Read more ... To finalise: