Initial contact after a stillbirth 099-01010020
This document outlines the steps to provide assistance to customers who may be eligible to payments for a stillborn child.
Assistance to customers after a stillbirth
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Initial contact after a stillbirth + Read more ... Offer social worker assistance. If the customer is not eligible for Parental Leave Pay (PPL) for the child, a claim for Stillborn Baby Payment (SBP) can be assessed. PPL and SBP cannot be paid for the same child. If a customer has a multiple birth and 1 of the children is stillborn, the customer may receive SBP for the stillborn child and PPL for the other child. If the customer is:
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PPL or SBP claim for stillborn child + Read more ... Parents can return to work or work on a PPL day with no effect on PPL eligibility. PPL is not paid as a lump sum, so customers are still required to:
Note: with the introduction of the ‘Coronavirus Economic Response Package (Payments and Benefits)’ customers cannot receive PPL and JobKeeper Payment at the same time. There are no changes to the PPL rules regarding return to work or working for bereavement/stillborn cases. SBP is paid as a lump sum. It is non-taxable and is not assessed as income. Parents are not required to meet birth registration requirements. PPL is treated as ordinary income for calculating the rate of Income Support Payments (ISP). If the customer and/or their partner receives (or is intending to claim) an ISP, claiming PPL will reduce the rate of their ISP or may even cause it to cancel. Time limits for claims
Does the customer have the Claim for Bereavement Payment (FA008)? The FA008 is issued to parents by the hospital. It contains a doctor/midwife declaration which is used as confirmation of the stillbirth.
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Customer does not have FA008 + Read more ... If the customer has lost or did not receive the FA008 from the hospital, they should be encouraged to:
Services Officers can also issue the FA008m to the customer via:
Confirmation of stillbirth
If a claim or documentation is lodged, go to Step 4. |
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Receipt of FA008, FA080 or documentation + Read more ... A FA008, FA080 or documentation for a child bereavement claim must be referred immediately for priority processing to the Families Bereavement and Double Orphan Pension (DOP) Processing Team. See Receipt of claims, forms and documentation for family assistance. |