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Employer registration for Parental Leave Pay (PPL) 043-02040010

Contact information

Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team (PPLEPT)

PRODA Helpdesk - eBusiness

Staff online forms

Tier 1 - Request for LPS Assistance - Centrelink online form


To access Tools in myHSI:

  • select the dropdown menu under the 'My Tools' heading
  • scroll down and select 'Registration and Access Management for Business (RAMB)' or 'Manage Your Organisation Details (MYOD)'
  • select Go

Scenarios to assist employers registering for PRODA

Table 1




Users are concerned with providing Proof of Identity (POI) to satisfy Provider Digital Access (PRODA) authentication requirements

PRODA is an online identity verification and authentication system that validates key details entered by the user against the corresponding electronic record held by the issuing agency.

For example, if a user enters their Passport Document Number as part of their POI, PRODA will verify and authenticate this number with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

PRODA assists in mitigating cyber security and privacy breaches for the organisation the user is acting on behalf of.


Users are unable to provide 3 types of accepted POI to satisfy PRODA authentication requirements

If a user does not have the documents required to satisfy PRODA authentication advise the user to:

  • complete a Manual identity verification for PRODA form (HW080), and
  • provide it to PRODA

Refer users to the Services Australia webpage and search for ‘HW080’ for further details.


I need assistance registering an individual and organisation PRODA account and Paid Parental Leave Services in Business Hub

Refer users to the ‘How to use’ webpage which can be navigated to from the Business Hub webpage.

If a user requires further assistance after refer the user to the Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team.

Information is available on the Services Australia webpage for:

  • Individual PRODA registration for Business Hub
  • Registering your Organisation for Business Hub
  • Business Hub Transition from CBOS
  • Paid Parental Leave Registration
  • Paid Parental Leave Services
  • Nominee Services in Business Hub
  • Group Payment Schedule in Business Hub
  • Managing Personnel and Updating Details


Why do I have to register for PRODA and Paid Parental Leave Services in Business Hub?

PRODA and Business Hub provide an enhanced and secure online platform for users acting on behalf of organisations to self-manage their Paid Parental Leave responsibilities and obligations.

These platforms provide efficient online services for organisations to conduct business with Services Australia and reduce the risk of

  • Identity fraud, and
  • Cyber/security threats


What alternative option do I have if I do not register for PRODA/Business Hub?

If the user does not want to register for PRODA/Business Hub they must submit a manual registration. Impacts include:

  • No access to the online channel, communication methods include:
    • mail
    • phone, or
    • fax
  • Reduced access to the Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team during hours of operation (Monday to Friday 8:30am to 6:00pm AEDST). Note: may experience extended call wait time
  • Delays in receiving:
    • letters
    • payment advices, and
    • correspondence
  • Potential delay in accepting the Employer Determination within 14 days after the date of the Employer Determination notice. Acceptance cannot be provided verbally and must contain:
    • a declaration of the acceptance
    • employer bank account and employee’s pay cycle information
  • Potential delays to their employees receiving Parental Leave Pay

Errors and warnings upon submission of registration

Table 2




Registration submitted in the TPISO screen

Once a registration is submitted in the TPISO screen, messages will appear at the top of the screen to advise all automation has been completed.

  • check the Warnings and Issues
  • if in the employer's Centrelink record in Customer First, it will not update. Staff will be required to update the screen manually
  • if any errors received, check RAMB roles, Organisation Contact Summary (OSCS), PPL Business Line (P1BL) screens and PDF Letter Subscription.
  • ensure all of the checks have been completed, and
  • DOC the record


Duplicate registrations

The Message: ZZZZ-ZZZ000 will appear if a duplicate registration exists.

The first and second name already exist for the organisation the new user being created is in. This requires manual intervention to determine if the person is the same.

Check to make sure they are not requesting a new service (for example, add PPL to NOM).

In RAMB check:

  • to ensure they have all the required roles
  • the user history, to do this select View History:
    • if the account was created in the last few days it is possible it is a duplicate
    • see if they have logged onto the account. If they have, manually complete the registration
    • if their account was created a while ago, they may have forgotten their user ID and password and tried to register again
    • the password status. If it is expired, reset the password and send them the user ID and password email


Has the user ID and password been created?

If the user ID and password have not been created, try to automate the registration for a second time. If it still does not automate, escalate the issue following usual escalation procedures. For further investigation, see Tier 0 technical support - self-sufficiency.

Has the business already been registered in the past?

Yes, check to see if the user requesting access already has a user ID. If the user already exists they should get a message from Centrelink Business Online Services (CBOS) to tell them "You are already registered, please contact PPLEPT".

However, if the name is not identical it will flow through to as unprocessed.

  • the request to add a new user is still valid as the Services Australia have checked and confirmed information to action the request
  • note on the DOC the request was via CBOS

If the business is not already registered, it could be the business has provided an address that cannot be matched to Australia post. The address can be overwritten in the registration.

For example, Suite 1, Block 3, 253 XXXX St, Adelaide 5000 will need to be changed to 253 XXXX St, Adelaide 5000, or

Corner of XXX St and XXXX St, Melbourne 3000 will need to be changed to 18 XXX St, Melbourne 3000.

Note: the address may require checking online or with the business to create the correct address.

Once the address has been overwritten, select Submit to finalise the registration.


Check if all the roles in RAMB have been created

Navigate to myHSI and select Registration and Access Management for Business (RAMB) from the 'My Tools' dropdown menu.

  • open RAMB and navigate to the user’s record
  • check to see if the following roles have been added to the user
  • if not, select Change Roles at the bottom of the page and select correct roles

Temporary password email template

The below Temporary Password email text must be sent from the PPLINFO positional mailbox.

The email must not contain a User ID and must not be modified with the exception of inputting the ABN and the temporary password.

Create a new email do not reply for an email received.


Subject: Advice of Password for Business Online Services - Paid Parental Leave

Classification: Unofficial


Please find your temporary password below to access Centrelink Business Online Services regarding ABN: XX XXX XXX XXX

Your temporary password is XXXXXXXX

For security reasons you will be prompted to change this password when you first logon. Your new password needs to be a combination of alpha and numeric characters, and must be between 5 and 8 characters in length.

If you require further assistance please contact us on 131 158.

If you are calling from Overseas, please phone +61 3 6222 3455 and ask to be transferred to the Paid Parental Leave Team.

Kind regards,

Service Officer

Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team

Services Australia

Services Australia’s approved email templates

All emails sent externally are to be:

  • sent from the PPLINFO mailbox, and
  • classified as Unofficial

Note: if Unofficial cannot be selected due to the previous mail classification, copy and paste the email trail content into a new email, include Services Australia response: xxxxxxxxxx in the Subject field.

Copy the email template and email from the PPLINFO mailbox. Ensure the copy and paste action has included all of the email content. Do not to save and attach the template to the email. Do not edit or add unapproved wording to the body of the email text.

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-attachment.pngRequest for information to access CBOS for PPL purposes

PLP International Employer - CBOS Active Password

PLP International Employer - CBOS Expired Password

PLP International Employer - No CBOS User ID

PLP International Employer - Request CBOS User ID

Business Hub access role definitions

Table 3



Access Manager

At least one authorised representative of the business must hold the Access Manager role. The Access Manager is responsible for managing access roles within Business Hub for personnel within the organisation.

The Access Manager can delegate the Access Manager role to other personnel.

Authorised Officer

At least one authorised representative of the business must hold the Authorised Officer role. The Authorised Office is a person who can legally represent the business and is responsible for signing off on any documentation requested by Services Australia.

The Authorised Officer can delegate the Authorised Officer role to other personnel.

Contact Officer

A Contact Officer is a key contact for the business. They can receive and return correspondence (including correspondence on behalf of an Authorised Officer) as well as discuss general matters regarding PPL employees of the business.

Table 4



Authorised Officer

An employer contact previously registered for CBOS is automatically classed as the Authorised Officer for PPL purposes.

Unreg Authorised Officer

Business has not registered online for either PRODA or Business Hub due to refusal for online services and only receiving mail. The employer contact is automatically classed as the Authorised Officer for PPL purposes.