Income for an independent contractor and commission income 043-03050030
This document outlines information about determining the employment status of a customer who advises receipt of commission or contract income. A customer may be employed, self-employed or unemployed, and this is sometimes not easy to determine where commission or contract income is received.
On this page:
Initial determination of employment status
Assessing income once employment status known
Initial determination of employment status
Table 1: This table describes the process to initially determine if the customer is in receipt of commission or contract income.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Check if the customer is advising of new or updated income from a source already known + Read more ... If the source is already known and the customer is advising of:
2 |
Updating contract/commission income only + Read more ... Has the customer previously been determined to be an employee or self-employed?
3 |
Check if assessing a new claim + Read more ... Is this a new claim?
4 |
Check if the income is from work as a contractor or commission income + Read more ... |
5 |
Check details of customer's last contract showing details of the start and end dates of the contract + Read more ... If the customer does not have a current contract and is prepared to look for work outside of their trade area, they meet the mutual obligation requirements guidelines for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker). The customer would be considered as unemployed. If the customer does have a current contract, determine if the customer meets the:
Assess if any waiting periods apply. When contract information is provided and the employment status (that is, self-employed or employee) is determined, see Table 2 > Step 1. |
6 |
Customer on a commission income prior to claim + Read more ... For customers who received income on a commission basis before claiming, and will continue to receive commission income, determine if the customer meets the:
Assess if any waiting periods apply. When the employment status of the customer is determined, see Table 2 > Step 1. |
7 |
Customers already in receipt of an income support payment + Read more ... For customers currently in receipt of payment who advise they are starting or have started employment on a contract basis or are now receiving commission income, determine if the customer is self-employed or an employee. Ask the customer if they consider themselves self-employed or an employee. If it is unclear, use the Decision Support Tool. Consider if the customer's employment situation meets the:
If the customer is a minister of religion, they are not self-employed and cannot claim business deductions from their income. However, any reimbursement of expenses, for example books, phone and petrol, is disregarded when calculating income. See Assessing income and assets for ministers of religion. If unable to determine whether the customer is an employee or self-employed, ask the customer to supply documentation for use in determining the characteristics of the arrangement. Record details on a DOC of contact. If the customer's employment status is determined as:
Assessing income once employment status known
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Check customer's employment status + Read more ... If the customer is self-employed:
When the customer returns the form/s, continue with this procedure. |
2 |
For customers who are considered to be self-employed + Read more ...
If the customer's contract for services is a one-off occurrence and income is received as a lump sum, the Net contract income is treated as a non-remunerative lump sum, see Treatment of lump sums. If the customer receives commission income, the net commissions are treated as business income. Commission or contract payments received by self-employed customers may be reduced by the costs of obtaining the income as for businesses. To assess allowable deductions, see Business deductions. For commission workers considered to be self-employed, go to Step 5. For contract workers considered to be self-employed, go to Step 6. |
3 |
Customers who are contract workers and regarded as employees + Read more ... If contract income is received by employees periodically, as a wage or retainer, or as a lump sum, treat the commission income as employment income:
The table on the Resources page explains how to assess commission income for employees after 7 December 2020. No deductions can be made for expenses. Note: when an employee, such as a taxi driver, has takings including Goods and Services Tax (GST), the amount of GST is not considered income if the amount is remitted to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). This is similar to the treatment of business income where GST is forwarded to the ATO. |
4 |
Customers who are commission workers and regarded as employees + Read more ... For customers who are commission workers and regarded as employees, use the Earnings and Reporting workflow to add new, edit, or update income details. If the Earnings and Reporting workflow is not available, code manually on the Employment Income Paid Details (EAPP) screen. If the employee is paid an advance of a future commission, a review of their contract should determine if the advance is a repayable loan - no income is assessed if it is a loan. If sales commission employer details are already recorded, multiple instances of new commission income can be recorded against the same employer. If employer details are not already recorded, add a new employer and code the following fields:
If commission income is received by employees periodically, as a wage or retainer or as a lump sum, treat the commission income as employment income:
Record details on a Note/DOC on the customer record. Procedure ends here. |
5 |
Customers who are commission workers or receive royalties and regarded as self-employed + Read more ... Where the income forms part of the person's regular business income, assess the income as part of the normal self-employment assessment. See Assessment of income and assets from business structures for Centrelink payments. Where the income is a one-off occurrence record the income on the Other Income (OIN) screen and assess for a period of 52 weeks. The date of event (DOV) is the date a change of circumstance or notifiable event actually occurred. The Other Income Summary (OINS) screen will only assess a single amount of income from each particular employer or other income source. Each new date and amount recorded overrides the previously recorded amount. As lump sums can be apportioned up to 52 weeks, each time an individual lump sum is received, it must be added as a new employer with a unique Employer Name/Description to remain on OINS for the full relevant period. Check to ensure any old income coded previously on OIN using an ongoing assessment code, for example, MTH, ANN, etc. have been removed at the end of the assessment period. Code the following fields on the OIN screen:
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Customers who are contract workers and regarded as self-employed + Read more ... Where the income forms part of the person's regular business income, assess the income as part of the normal self-employment assessment. See Assessment of income and assets from business structures for Centrelink payments. Where the income is a one-off occurrence record the income on the Other Income (OIN) screen and assess for a period of 52 weeks. The date of event (DOV) is the date a change of circumstance or notifiable event actually occurred. The Other Income Summary (OINS) screen will only assess a single amount of income from each particular employer or other income source. Each new date and amount recorded overrides the previously recorded amount. As lump sums can be apportioned up to 52 weeks, each time an individual lump sum is received, it must be added as a new employer with a unique Employer Name/Description to remain on OINS for the full relevant period. Code the following fields on the OIN screen:
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Set a review to code off income - only for income recorded on OINS + Read more ... If commission is to be held for a lesser period, a review needs to be coded to remove the commission income from the customer's record. After coding the commission or contract details on the OIN screen, code a manual review to remove that income assessment. For example, if the commission was received on 1 May 2020 and the commission is to be assessed for 6 weeks, the review should be set for 12 June 2020 to zero off the income at the end of the 6 week period. Check any income coded previously using an ongoing assessment code, for example MTH, ANN, etc. on OIN has been reduced to $0 from the end of its assessment period. In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action. Record details on a Note/DOC. If the customer or partner receives Family Tax Benefit (FTB) run the Family Income and Choices workflow to record the customer's new estimate, if required, after completing the income update. For Child Care Subsidy (CCS) customers, see Changes in circumstances and date of effect for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS). |