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Packaged activities 043-04040010

For Complex Assessment Officer (CAO) use only.

This document outlines the steps required by Complex Assessment Officers (CAO) to complete packaged activities. Packaged activities are used to assist in the initial assessment of the income and assets from a number of private trusts and/or private companies in a multiple entity structure.

Complete packaged activities

This table describes the process to follow to completing packaged activities.




Decide which organisations are to be included in the package and check all links have been completed + Read more ...

Use a packaged activity to assess multiple entity structures, which are more than 1 linked organisation.

Ensure all organisation to organisation links and organisation to customer links have been completed.

For more information, see Linking customers and organisations to customers for trust and company purposes.


Ensure common details have been updated + Read more ...

There are 2 distinct types of screens for organisations:

  • common details such as name, address, and contact which are common to all types of organisations
  • Trust and Company (TAC) screens such as income, assets and attribution screens, which are specific to trusts and companies and designed to be used in packaged activities

Ensure all updates to information on common screens have been made. These cannot be included in the packaged activity and must be completed before the TAC screens can be assessed.


Select organisations on the TRRL screen + Read more ...

Start with the controlling organisation's (the package owner's) Customer Reference Numbers (CRN) in the header.

Go to the T & C Relationships (TRRL) screen. A package is created when an 'S' is entered against an organisation or organisations. Select each organisation that is to be included in the package.

The Trust/Company Task Selector (TRTS) screen displays when information is entered.

Note: regardless of which order the organisations are selected, they will be presented in the order in which they appear on the TRRL screen. The organisation structure is displayed on the TRRL screen in the order of the linking sequence. The order on the TRRL screen does not change.


Make selections from TRTS screen and update organisation + Read more ...

The name and CRN of the first organisation to be updated will display in the line below the screen title. This line is referred to as a sub header. For packaged activities on the TRTS screen and any subsequent screens in which a sub header is displayed, the information displayed in the body of the screen relates to the CRN in the sub header not the CRN in the header.

When in a packaged activity, the organisation being assessed has the name and CRN details in the sub header (the line below the screen title). If the sub header is blank, the organisation in the header is being assessed.

Select the required assessment screens and code the entity's income, asset and attribution details.

When all assessment information has been coded for the first organisation a new TRTS screen will display.


More than 1 organisation selected + Read more ...

Was more than 1 organisation (other than the package owner) selected on the TRRL screen?


Assess other organisations + Read more ...

Once all the screens selected for the first CRN have been coded, the TRTS screen for the second CRN is displayed. The CRN and name of the second organisation is displayed in the sub header on the TRTS screen, so that selections made at this time are for the second CRN.

Select the required assessment screens for the organisation in the sub header and code the relevant entity's income, asset and attribution details.

Repeat this process for any subsequent organisations which were selected on the TRRL screen, until all selected CRNs have been assessed.


Record assessment information for package owner + Read more ...

The TRTS screen for the package owner is displayed. Note: there is no sub header displayed.

Select the required assessment screens and code the package owner's income, asset and attribution details.

The RIP Consequences (RMC) screen displays for each affected entity and customer.


Check the RMC screen + Read more ...

Check the RMC screen to ensure the ripples are correct.

If the ripple to the customer record is to be delayed, for example there is still incomplete action on the customer record, overwrite 'COM' with 'STA' in the ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS field to change the ripple from completed to started.

On completion the Trust/Company Assessment Results (AR) screen displays.


Code the AR screen + Read more ...

The Assessment Results (AR) screen displays the income and assets which will flow to the affected customers.

Code 'Y' in the Finished: field to complete the packaged activity.

When the packaged activity is finalised on the AR screen, all organisations in the package will be assessed in the order of attribution. When the last organisation is reassessed, the updated data will then ripple through to all linked customers.

The packaged activity will be identified on the Activity List (AL), Activity History List (HAL) and Event Summary (ES) screens.