Evidence requirements for Apprenticeship Wage Subsidies 043-23011707
This document provides details of the wage and training evidence requirements for Apprenticeship Wage Subsidies.
On this page:
Wage evidence requirements for Apprenticeship Wage Subsidies
Training evidence requirements for Apprenticeship Wage Subsidies
Wage evidence requirements for Apprenticeship Wage Subsidies
Table 1
Item |
Description |
1 |
Requirement + Read more ... To be acceptable, wage evidence must be legible and the following details must match those supplied in the claim:
It is not a requirement for a business address on the wage evidence to match the business address on the claim. Wage evidence may be supplied in a variety of formats, depending on the accountancy software used by the employer. Wage evidence can be accepted, provided it contains the above information. If there are concerns about the legitimacy of the document, the claim should be escalated to the DEWR AWSE line. |
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Apprentice name + Read more ... If the name does not match exactly, evidence can be accepted if it is clearly for the same apprentice (for example Ben and Benjamin). Where there is doubt, request new evidence. |
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Business name + Read more ... When a business name is:
When there is doubt, contact AWSE via phone to conduct a search. If AWSE are not available, request new evidence. If the employer advises they cannot provide wage evidence matching the claim or meeting the above conditions, escalate the claim to AWSE. |
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ABN + Read more ... An ABN must be displayed on all wage evidence except a payroll summary or wage report. If the ABN does not match and the employer advises this is due to a Trust or other entity arrangement, the wage evidence can be accepted if the employer uploads evidence confirming this arrangement. For example, a:
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Date range (entered by the employer) + Read more ... Employers claiming an AWS need to lodge claims for each individual claiming period. An employer may claim for wages paid to the apprentice, spanning the entire 3-month claiming period, or only part of the claiming period. If the apprentice has started an apprenticeship within the claiming period, and the:
The evidence is acceptable. If the apprentice has ceased an apprenticeship within the claiming period, and the:
The evidence is acceptable. Wage evidence supplied needs to show payment periods, or at least show the:
This will show the payment frequency, for example, weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Wage evidence with only payment dates is not acceptable, unless the Service Officer can determine the pay period dates align with the dates advised in the claim. Payroll summaries will show the total wages paid for a large period. It will not show individual pay periods. These can be accepted where the dates align with the dates the employer has declared in the claim. Service Officers should accept wage evidence dates, if the date range on the evidence provided matches the dates declared by the employer, in the claim form. If the wage evidence provided has different dates to those recorded in the claim by the employer it cannot be accepted. Note: although employers can declare any wage evidence dates they wish, they should be encouraged, during contacts, to:
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Gross amount of wages (entered by the employer) + Read more ... The amount shown in the claim must match:
If the wage evidence does not show a gross income amount, add the net pay to the tax amount, to calculate the gross taxable income. If an employer declares the apprentice's net wage amount (rather than gross) in the wage evidence section of the claim, return the claim to enable the declared amount to be corrected. Where the employer uploads:
Gross wages include:
Wage evidence is acceptable only where the gross amount declared by the employer is the sum of the apprentice's gross wages plus any of the above, if applicable. Gross wages do not include:
Training evidence requirements for Apprenticeship Wage Subsidies
Table 2
Item |
Description |
1 |
Training evidence exemptions + Read more ... Employers are not required to attach training evidence if:
If an employer has uploaded Training Evidence, and the Workplace Address in the claim is in an exempt state or territory, the evidence can be treated as acceptable. There is no need to review the evidence document. |
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Requirements + Read more ... To be acceptable, training evidence must be legible and the following details must match those supplied in the claim: Acceptable evidence can include:
Training contracts are not an acceptable document. Note: there is no requirement to have a commencement date within the training plan. |
3 |
Apprentice name + Read more ... If the name does not match exactly, evidence can be accepted if it is clearly for the same apprentice (for example Ben and Benjamin). When there is doubt, request new evidence. |
4 |
Business name + Read more ... Where a business name does not match exactly, evidence is acceptable where there is a clear connection between the names. For example, ACME Pty Ltd and ACME. Where an entity name is supplied instead of the trading business name, evidence is acceptable if there is an ABN that matches the claim. Where there is doubt, request new evidence. Note: if the employer cannot provide training evidence matching the claim or meeting the above conditions, escalate the claim to AWSE. |
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Signatures of all parties + Read more ... Evidence is acceptable only where it is signed by the apprentice, employer and the registered training organisation (RTO). Where the evidence is digitally signed, contains an eSignature or indicates electronic agreement has occurred by any of the parties, the evidence is acceptable. The date the document was signed is not relevant. It is not a requirement for the person specified as the employer contact in the claim to have signed the training evidence. |