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Evidence requirements for Apprenticeship Wage Subsidies 043-23011707

Contact details

DEWR AWSE line (Department of Employment and Workplace Relations - Apprenticeships Wage Subsidy Escalation)

Examples of correct declaration Date Range

Table 1

Wage Evidence

Date From

Date To

Additional information

Single attachment containing multiple payslips

The earliest payslip start date

The latest payslip end date

Any payslip that covers periods that do not overlap the claiming period are not relevant and dates not within the claiming period will be excluded from the calculation made by ADMS.

Individual attachments for each payslips

The payslip start date

The payslip end date

Wage summary/Payroll summary

The Wage summary/Payroll summary start date.

Wage summary/Payroll summary end date

Wage summary/Payroll summary reports will sometimes list the date range the report was run for, which may be different to the pay periods it shows. In these cases, the date range of the report must be ignored. The start date of the first pay period and the end date of the last pay period contained in the report should be declared by the employer.

For example, an employer runs a wage report for the 1st January to the 31st March, however the document shows wages paid to the apprentice for the employer's pay periods commencing 4th January to 28th March.

To be acceptable evidence, the employer would declare the following within their claim:

  • Date from: 4th January
  • Date to: 28th March
  • Amount: the total gross wages shown on the report

Examples of Date Range for Wage Evidence

Employers can declare any wage evidence dates they wish, but should be encouraged during contacts to declare dates that best relate to their circumstances and provide matching wage evidence per these examples. Employers are not required to use these dates.

Table 2


Wage Evidence

Date From

Date To


Apprentice Employed for the Full Claim period


The start date of the pay period the claim period start date falls within.

The end date of the pay period the claim period end date falls within.

Apprentice Employed for the Full Claim period

Wage summary/Payroll summary

The start date of the claim period.

The end date of the claim period.

Example 1

Example 4

Apprentice commenced during the claim period


The apprenticeship commencement date.

The end date of the pay period the claim period end date falls within.

Apprentice commenced during the claim period

Wage summary/Payroll summary

The apprenticeship commencement date.

The end date of the claim period.

Example 2

Apprenticeship ended during the claiming period


The start date of the pay period the claim period start date falls within.

The end date of the pay period the apprenticeship end date falls within.

Apprenticeship ended during the claiming period

Wage summary/Payroll summary

The start date of the claim period.

The apprenticeship end date.

Example 3

Note: any wage evidence that covers dates outside the claiming period are not relevant and dates not within the claiming period will be excluded from the calculation made by ADMS.

Wage Evidence Document examples

Table 3: the Wage Evidence Document attachment below contains the following examples.


Document Type

Example Document Acceptable?


Payroll Advice



Payroll Summary



Payroll Activity Summary



Payment History



Payroll Summary



Payslips (Multiple)



Payslips (Multiple)



Wage Report



Payment History (Determining pay period dates)


Wage Evidence Document attachment

Wage Evidence Document examples