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Initial contact from someone who is providing care to someone who is ill or has a disability 009-01000000

This document outlines the processes to follow when a carer contacts Services Australia seeking assistance because they are caring for someone with a disability, medical condition, or an adult who is frail aged. The agency will assess the carer's and their care receiver's circumstances and a range of appropriate products and services will be offered to each of them.

Government intent

Carers are an integral part of Australia's health system and are the foundation of our aged, disability and community care systems. All carers and care receivers, regardless of their cultural and linguistic differences, age, disability, religion, socioeconomic status, gender identification and geographical location should have the same rights, choices and opportunities as other Australians. They should be able to enjoy optimum health, social and economic wellbeing and participate in family, social and community life, employment and education.

This file explores the assistance that is provided to carers and care receivers when they first contact the agency seeking information on carer related programs and services, including service offers that are provided to meet carers individual needs.

Initial contact

Carers do not need to have an extensive knowledge of the agency’s products and services in order to receive a service offer that best meets their needs. It is sufficient for carers to explain their circumstances to departmental staff who will provide them with a 'service offer' appropriate to their and their care receiver's situation.

The initial contact can be made either online, by phone or in person. Carers wanting to claim Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance should be encouraged to claim online. If they decline the online claim, Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) can be run. From 1 July 2018, claims will be granted to eligible carers from the date they submit a complete claim with all relevant supporting documentation.

Prior to 1 July 2018, carers had 14 days from the date of initial contact to lodge their claim and could have be extended for up to 13 weeks where special circumstances existed, or where the care receiver’s medical condition and care needs had significant adverse impact on the carer’s ability to lodge the claim within 14 days.

Note: from 1 July 2018, intent to claim provisions only apply to customers in vulnerable circumstances.

Carers may need assistance in completing their new claim online or completing forms at the review stage. Carers may also contact in relation to forms that may need to be completed by a third party such as a Treating Health Professional (THP).

Information on payments and services

As part of our Business Partnership Agreement with the Department of Social Services (DSS), the agency will answer questions from carers about the payments and services provided. Carers will receive high quality advice about income support, and those seeking assistance will be encouraged to test their eligibility by submitting a claim. For further information for carers and the Bilateral Management Arrangements (BMA) see the References page.


Initial contact by a carer

First Contact Service Offer (FCSO) workflow

Employment assistance for carers in receipt of Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance

Support services for carers

Related Links

Transfer from Wife Pension (WP) to Carer Payment (CP)