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Coding the paper Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance Care Needs Assessment for a child under 16 years 009-04050040

For Carer Payment/Carer Allowance Smart Centre Processing staff only

This page contains instructions for coding the responses to the Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance Care Needs Assessment (CNA) (for a child under 16 years).

On this page:

System for processing claims

About the form

Questions 1 – 15 of the CNA

Questions 16 – 30 of the CNA

Questions 31 - 45 of the CNA

Questions 46 - 60 of the CNA

System for processing claims

When processing Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance child claims, it is expected that if a CNA is lodged as part of a paper claim, it will be coded in Process Direct (PD). However, there will occasions where it may need to be coded in Customer First (CF)/ Customer Record (CR) (for example, reviews and reassessments).



Process Direct

In Process Direct

  • Navigate to the child care receiver's record by selecting Relations menu to expand the relationship panel
  • Select the correct child care receiver
  • go to the Care Receiver Task Selector (CETS) screen
  • Select CLS - Care Load Summary Task Selector and select Next
  • The Care Load Summary (CLS) screen will display, select Next
  • The Care Load Summary Task Selector screen will display, select all screens that need to be coded, select Next
  • To continue processing, go to About the form

Customer First/Customer Record

In Customer First/Customer Record

  • While in the Carer's record, to navigate to the care receiver's record: type 'CRS' in the Next field, and select 'Enter'
  • Select the corresponding radio button for the child care receiver, and select 'Continue'
  • The 'Care Receiver Task Selector' screen will present. Tick the box for 'Care Load Summary' and select 'Continue'
  • The Care Load Summary (CLS) screen will present. To add a new Care Needs Assessment place a 'Y' in the Add a new Care Needs assessment field and select 'Continue'
  • To continue processing go to 'About the form'

About the form

To accurately assess the Care Needs Assessment (CNA) of the care receiver, enter the answers provided on the form completed by the carer. Coding can be found in the tables below for each question

During the assessment, If the Service Officer is not satisfied that any response on the CNA questionnaire is an accurate reflection of the child's functional ability, behaviour and special care needs, the service officer is to a make determination if the response should be included in the CNA, or they may request further information to clarify the response if required.

Note: If a carer marks more than 1 answer to any question, excluding questions 54 and 55 which allow multiple responses, only the answer that states the highest care needs (that is, the most beneficial) will be taken into account and disregard the other responses. Note: This is different to coding the THP.

Questions 1 – 15 of the CNA

This table contains questions 1 – 15 of the CNA. Click on the selected question to jump to more information.

Question Number


1 – 15

See also:

16 – 30

31 – 45

46 – 60

The child's ability to do everyday things

Settling down to sleep at night

Disrupted sleep at night

Irritable behaviour

Speaking and communicating

Understanding speech

Playing and mixing with other children

Is the child is aged under 3 years?

General information – child's behaviour

Does the child have more severe behaviour difficulties?

The child wanders, escapes or runs away from home, school or community settings

The child shouts, screams at or threatens other people or makes so much noise that other people become alarmed

The child becomes physically aggressive and harms others by hitting, pushing, kicking biting or throwing objects

The child gets extremely upset for little or no apparent reason

The child gets extremely anxious or fearful or becomes emotionally withdrawn

Questions 1 – 15 explanations

This table provides the explanations for questions 1 - 15 if the Carer Payment U16 New Claim script is not available.

Question Number



The child's ability to do everyday things

Is the child's ability to do everyday things (for example eating, bathing, talking, walking and mixing with other people):

  • improving over time (that is, the child is likely to require less help in the future)
  • becoming worse over time (that is, the child is likely to require more help in the future)
  • relatively stable (that is, the child is likely to require the same level of help in the future)
  • fluctuating or episodic (that is, the child's condition and ability to do everyday things goes up and down from day to day or week to week)
  • not sure

This question does not achieve a score towards the CNA and is a guide for Service Officers and the Carer Specialist Assistance Teams (CSATs) to establish if the condition is improving, stable or getting worse.


Settling down to sleep at night

For example, repeated efforts needed to get the child to go to sleep at night.

PD/CF/CR coding:

If the carer did not record a response to this question input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • Never - Code 'A'
  • Sometimes - Code 'B'
  • Often - Code 'C'
  • Always - Code 'D'


Disrupted sleep at night

For example, waking up many times during the night, awake for long periods during the night, or having nightmares.

PD/CF/CR coding:

If the carer did not record a response to this question input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • Never - Code 'A'
  • Sometimes - Code 'B'
  • Often - Code 'C'
  • Always - Code 'D'


Irritable behaviour

For example, crying all the time, not able to be calmed down, or for an older child, continually agitated, prone to angry outbursts.

PD/CF/CR coding:

If the carer did not record a response to this question input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • Never - Code 'A'
  • Sometimes - Code 'B'
  • Often - Code 'C'
  • Always - Code 'D'


Speaking and communicating

That is, speaking and communication everyday needs.

PD/CF/CR coding:

If the carer did not record a response to this question input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • The child's speech and communication is appropriate for their age (the child can speak and communicate their everyday needs in the same way as other children of the same age. For young babies this may include crying when hungry, smiling or babbling). - Code 'A'
  • The child has difficulty speaking or communicating their needs in other ways (speech is unclear and can only be understood by people who know the child very well, or the child is aged over 4 years and can only say or sign a few words). - Code 'B'
  • The child uses other ways to communicate (Sign language, picture board, electronic communicator, gestures, pointing) - Code 'C'
  • The child cannot talk or communicate their needs effectively in other ways - Code 'D'


Understanding speech

That is, the child understanding what you say to him or her.

PD/CF/CR coding:

If the carer did not record a response to this question input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • The child is able to understand everything that I would expect for a child of this age - Code 'A'
  • The child sometimes needs me to speak more simply, repeat things or give reminders once or twice a day - Code 'B'
  • The child often needs me to speak more simply, repeat things or give reminders. The child has a lot of difficulty understanding what I say several times a day - Code 'C'
  • The child cannot understand most things I say. The child does not appear to understand simple instructions or questions such as 'do you want a drink?' - Code 'D'


Playing and mixing with other children

PD/CF/CR coding:

If the carer did not record a response to this question input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • The child plays and mixes with other children as expected for a child of his/her age- Code 'A'
  • The child sometimes needs help to play and mix appropriately with other children once or twice a week - Code 'B'
  • The child often needs help to play and mix appropriately with other children several times a week - Code 'C'
  • The child cannot play or mix with other children at all. The child has extreme behaviour problems or the child cannot play with other children because of a severe disability or medical condition - Code 'D'


Is the child is aged under 3 years?

  • Yes, go to Q21 (Section B). Do not answer questions 9 to 20 if the child is aged under 3 years)
  • No, go to the next question (Answer questions 9 to 20 if the child is aged 3 years or over)


General information

Question 9 on the form does not represent a question for the carer. Instead, question 9 instructs the carer to read the following statement before continuing with their response:

'Questions 10 to 20 asks you about the child's behaviour, (for example, running away, aggressive behaviours, self-harming behaviours, extreme anxiety or withdrawal). For each question please select the response the best describes the child's behaviour and the impact this behaviour has on you during the day and the night.'

No response is required for Question 9.


Does the child have severe behaviour difficulties?

PD/CF/CR coding:

  • If the carer has answered 'Yes' or 'Not Sure' to this question coding this question is not required, but it is a requirement to answer all of the behavioural questions (Questions 11 to 20) if coding manually
  • If the carer has answered 'No' to this question, leave Questions 11 to 20 blank


The child wanders, escapes or runs away from home, school or community settings

PD/CF/CR coding:

If the carer has answered 'No' to Question 10, leave this question blank. If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'Yes' to Q10 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • Never (The child never has this behaviour) - Code 'A'
  • Sometimes (The child sometimes wanders or runs away but not every week) - Code 'B'
  • Often (The child would wander or run away at least once a week if not closely supervised) - Code 'C'
  • Always (The child continually wanders or runs away unless hand is held or doors and gates are locked) - Code 'D'


The child shouts, screams at or threatens other people or makes so much noise that other people become alarmed

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer has answered 'No' to Question 10, leave this question blank. If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'Yes' to Q10 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • Never - Code 'A'
  • Sometimes - Code 'B'
  • Often - Code 'C'
  • Always - Code 'D'


The child becomes physically aggressive and harms others by hitting, pushing, kicking biting or throwing objects

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer has answered 'No' to Question 10 leave this question blank. If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'Yes' to Q10 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • Never - Code 'A'
  • Sometimes - Code 'B'
  • Often - Code 'C'
  • Always - Code 'D'


The child gets extremely upset for little or no apparent reason

The child has episodes of intense crying or screaming and is very difficult to calm down.

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer has answered 'No' to Question 10 leave this question blank. If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'Yes' to Q10 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • Never - Code 'A'
  • Sometimes - Code 'B'
  • Often - Code 'C'
  • Always - Code 'D'


The child gets extremely anxious or fearful or becomes emotionally withdrawn

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer has answered 'No' to Question 10 leave this question blank. If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'Yes' to Q10 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • Never - Code 'A'
  • Sometimes - Code 'B'
  • Often - Code 'C'
  • Always - Code 'D'

Questions 16 – 30 of the CNA

This table contains questions 16 – 30 of the CNA. Click on the selected question to jump to more information.

Question Number


16 – 30

See also:

1 – 15

31 – 45

46 – 60

The child has strange behaviours such as unusual routines, repetitive or obsessive behaviours, hearing voices or seeing things that are not there

The child displays high-risk behaviour that causes a danger to himself/herself or to others, including family members

The child behaves in ways that result in injury to himself/herself

The child has displayed suicidal behaviours

The child does or says things that are sexually inappropriate

Does the child have more problems and need more help doing everyday tasks

Is the child aged under 12 months?

General information – child's ability to perform tasks

Does the child feed himself or herself once food is prepared?

Does the child do every day grooming tasks like brush their teeth, brush/comb hair, wash and rinse their hands and face?

Does the child wash himself/herself from the neck down (except for his/her back) in the bath, shower, or sponge/bed bath?

Does the child dress himself/herself from the waist up, like putting on singlets, t-shirts, jumpers and jackets?

Does the child dress himself/herself from the waist down, like putting on underpants, skirts/pants/trousers, socks, shoes?

Does the child wipe himself/herself and adjust his/her clothing before and after using the toilet?

Does the child have bladder accidents?

Questions 16 – 30 explanations

This table provides explanations for questions 16 - 30 if the Carer Payment U16 New Claim script is not available.

Question number



The child has strange behaviours such as unusual routines, repetitive or obsessive behaviours, hearing voices or seeing things that are not there

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer has answered 'No' to Question 10 leave this question blank. If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'Yes' to Q10 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • Never - Code 'A'
  • Sometimes - Code 'B'
  • Often - Code 'C'
  • Always - Code 'D'


The child displays high-risk behaviour that causes a danger to himself/herself or to others, including family members

The child requires supervision and actions such as locking away household items that would not normally have to be locked away or preventing the child from running into traffic.

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer has answered 'No' to Question 10 leave this question blank. If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'Yes' to Q10 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • Never - Code 'A'
  • Sometimes - Code 'B'
  • Often - Code 'C'
  • Always - Code 'D'


The child behaves in ways that result in injury to himself/herself

This may include head-banging, hand-biting or other self-harming behaviours.

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer has answered 'No' to Question 10 leave this question blank. If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'Yes' to Q10 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • Never - Code 'A'
  • Sometimes - Code 'B'
  • Often - Code 'C'
  • Always - Code 'D'


The child has displayed suicidal behaviours

The child has suicidal thoughts and has planned or attempted suicide.

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer has answered No to Question 10 leave this question blank. If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'yes' to Q10 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • Never - Code 'A'
  • Sometimes - Code 'B'
  • Often - Code 'C'
  • Always - Code 'D'


The child does or says things that are sexually inappropriate

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer has answered 'No' to Question 10 leave this question blank. If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'Yes' to Q10 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • Never - Code 'A'
  • Sometimes - Code 'B'
  • Often - Code 'C'
  • Always - Code 'D'


Does the child have more problems and need more help doing everyday tasks (like eating, grooming, bathing, using the toilet, walking) than other children of the same age?

PD/CF/CR coding: It is not required to answer this question if coding manually. The system will automatically take the user to Question 22.

  • If the answer to Question 21 is 'No' press enter to skip questions 22 to 38
  • If the answer to Question 21 is 'Yes' and the carer recorded a response against any one of questions 22 to 38 then a response must be recorded against all questions
  • If the answer to Question 21 is 'Not sure' go to Question 22


Is the child aged under 12 months?

PD/CF/CR coding: It is not required to answer this question if coding manually. The system will automatically take the user to Question 23.

  • If the answer to Question 22 is 'Yes' press 'Enter' to skip questions 23 to 38
  • If the answer to Question 22 is 'No' and the carer recorded a response against any one of questions 23 to 38 then a response must be recorded against all questions


General information

Question 23 on the form does not represent a question for the carer. Instead, question 23 instructs the carer to read the following statement before continuing with their response:

'Questions 24 to 38 ask you to rate the child's ability to perform a number of different tasks. You must answer all of these questions. For each question, select the response that best describes the child's ability. Please base your responses on what the child does when using any aids, appliances or home modifications that assist with the care of the child. If the child has a condition that changes from day to day, please base your answers on the child's usual ability, i.e. what the child is able to do most of the time. Help includes supervision, prompting, reminding or training required as well as physical help. The child's age will be taken into account when assessing your responses.'

No response is required for Question 23.


Does the child feed himself or herself once food is prepared?

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'yes' to Question 22 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • The child feeds himself/herself with no help - Code 'A'
  • The child needs a little help like prompting, reminding or a small amount of physical help - Code 'B'
  • The child needs a lot of help - Code 'C'
  • The child is completely dependent on me to feed him/her (for example, I have to hold the child's bottle, spoon-feed the child, or feed the child through a naso-gastric feeding tube, gastrostomy or P.E.G.) - Code 'D'


Does the child do every day grooming tasks like brush their teeth, brush/comb hair, wash and rinse their hands and face?

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'Yes' to Question 22 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • No help - Code 'A'
  • A little help - Code 'B'
  • A lot of help - Code 'C'
  • Completely dependent - Code 'D'


Does the child wash himself/herself from the neck down (except for his/her back) in the bath, shower, or sponge/bed bath?

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'Yes' to Question 22 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • No help - Code 'A'
  • A little help - Code 'B'
  • A lot of help - Code 'C'
  • Completely dependent - Code 'D'


Does the child dress himself/herself from the waist up, like putting on singlets, t-shirts, jumpers and jackets?

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'Yes' to Question 22 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • No help - Code 'A'
  • A little help - Code 'B'
  • A lot of help - Code 'C'
  • Completely dependent - Code 'D'


Does the child dress himself/herself from the waist down, like putting on underpants, skirts/pants/trousers, socks, shoes?

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'Yes' to Question 22 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • No help - Code 'A'
  • A little help - Code 'B'
  • A lot of help - Code 'C'
  • Completely dependent - Code 'D'


Does the child wipe himself/herself and adjust his/her clothing before and after using the toilet?

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'No' to Question 22 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • No help - Code 'A'
  • A little help - Code 'B'
  • A lot of help - Code 'C'
  • Completely dependent - Code 'D'


Does the child have bladder accidents?

That is, wets his/her pants or nappy.

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'No' to Question 22 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • The child never has bladder accidents - Code 'A'
  • The child has bladder accidents during the night but is dry during the day - Code 'B'
  • The child has occasional bladder accidents during the day and at night - Code 'C'
  • The child has frequent bladder accidents during the day and at night - Code 'D'

Questions 31 - 45 of the CNA

This table contains questions 31 - 45 of the CNA. Click on the selected question to jump to more information.

Question Number


31 – 45

See also:

1 – 15

16 – 30

46 – 60

Does the child have bowel accidents?

Does the child sit down and get up from the toilet or potty?

Does the child sit down and get up from a chair or wheelchair?

Does the child get into or out of a bath or shower (whichever is used more often)?

How does the child move around?

Does the child move around by himself/herself indoors on an even surface?

Does the child move around by himself/herself outdoors on uneven surfaces?

Does the child go up and down stairs?

General information – condition that changes from day to day

Does the child use any of the following to help with breathing?

Does the child receive dialysis due to a kidney condition?

Do you provide Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) for the child?

Do you do postural drainage for the child?

Do you clear the child's airways through suctioning?

Do you physically assist or position the jaw of the child to help with chewing and/or swallowing?

Questions 31 - 45 explanations

This table provides explanations for questions 31 - 45 if the Carer Payment U16 New Claim script is not available.

Question number



Does the child have bowel accidents?

That is, soils his/her pants or nappy.

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'No' to Question 22 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • The child never has bowel accidents - Code 'A'
  • The child sometimes has bowel accidents - Code 'B'
  • The child often has bowel accidents - Code 'C'
  • The child is completely incontinent of faeces - Code 'D'


Does the child sit down and get up from the toilet or potty?

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'No' to Question 22 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • No help - Code 'A'
  • A little help - Code 'B'
  • A lot of help - Code 'C'
  • Completely dependent - Code 'D'


Does the child sit down and get up from a chair or wheelchair?

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'No' to Question 22 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • No help- Code 'A'
  • A little help - Code 'B'
  • A lot of help - Code 'C'
  • Completely dependent - Code 'D'


Does the child get into or out of a bath or shower (whichever is used more often)?

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'No' to Question 22 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • No help- Code 'A'
  • A little help - Code 'B'
  • A lot of help - Code 'C'
  • Completely dependent - Code 'D'


How does the child move around?

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'No' to Question 22 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • The child moves around by walking - Code 'A'
  • The child moves around using a wheelchair or other mobility aids - Code 'B'
  • The child moves around by crawling, rolling or bottom-hitching - Code 'C'
  • The child is not able to move around by himself/herself - Code 'D'


Does the child move around by himself/herself indoors on an even surface?

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'No' to Question 27 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • No help- Code 'A'
  • A little help - Code 'B'
  • A lot of help - Code 'C'
  • Completely dependent - Code 'D'


Does the child move around by himself/herself outdoors on uneven surfaces?

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'No' to Question 22 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • No help- Code 'A'
  • A little help - Code 'B'
  • A lot of help - Code 'C'
  • Completely dependent - Code 'D'


Does the child go up and down stairs?

PD/CF/CR coding: If the carer did not record a response for this question but answered 'No' to Question 22 then input 'A'.

If the carer's response is:

  • The child goes up and down a flight of stairs with no help from me - Code 'A'
  • The child goes up and down two or three steps with no help from me - Code 'B'
  • The child goes up and down a single step or kerb with no help from me - Code 'C'
  • The child needs physical help from me to go up and down steps or stairs or the child cannot use steps or stairs at all - Code 'D'


General information

Question 39 on the form does not represent a question for the carer. Instead, question 39 instructs the carer to read the following statement before continuing with their response:

'Questions 40 to 56 ask you to indicate the child's special care needs.

If the child has a condition that changes from day to day, please base your answers on the child's usual and ongoing needs.'

No response is required for Question 39.


Does the child use any of the following to help with breathing?

PD/CF/CR coding: Tick any that apply.

  • Tracheostomy - Code 'A'
  • Ventilator - Code 'B'
  • Oxygen - Code 'C'
  • CPAP/BiPAP - Code 'D'
  • If the carer states 'No' - Code 'E'


Does the child receive dialysis due to a kidney condition?

PD/CF/CR coding:

  • If the carer states 'No' - Code 'A'
  • If the carer states 'Yes' - Code 'B'


Do you provide Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) for the child?

PD/CF/CR coding:

  • If the carer states 'No' - Code 'A'
  • If the carer states 'Yes' - Code 'B'


Do you do postural drainage for the child?

Postural drainage means using positioning to help drain mucus from the child's lungs and airways. This often includes physical techniques such as patting the child's chest with cupped hands (percussion) to help clear the secretions.

PD/CF/CR coding:

  • If the carer states 'No' to this question, do not input anything in the system. The system will accept a 'nil' response
  • If the carer states 'Yes - during the day':
  • less than daily - Code 'A'
  • once or twice a day - Code 'B'
  • 3 or more times a day - Code 'C'
  • If the carer states 'Yes - during the night' (such as, 10pm to 6am):
  • less than nightly - Code 'A'
  • once a night - Code 'B'
  • 2 or more times a night - Code 'C'


Do you clear the child's airways through suctioning?

Suctioning is the use of a tube connected to equipment to remove mucus or saliva from the child's mouth, throat or airway.

PD/CF/CR coding:

  • If the carer states 'No' to this question, do not input anything in the system. The system will accept a 'nil' response
  • If the carer states 'Yes - during the day':
  • less than daily - Code 'A'
  • once or twice a day - Code 'B'
  • 3 or more times a day - Code 'C'
  • If the carer states 'Yes - during the night' (such as, 10pm to 6am):
  • less than nightly - Code 'A'
  • once a night - Code 'B'
  • 2 or more times a night - Code 'C'


Do you physically assist or position the jaw of the child to help with chewing and/or swallowing?

PD/CF/CR coding:

  • If the carer states 'No' to this question, do not input anything in the system. The system will accept a 'nil' response
  • If the carer states 'Yes':
  • less than daily - Code 'A'
  • once or twice a day - Code 'B'
  • 3 or more times a day - Code 'C'

Questions 46 - 60 of the CNA

This table contains questions 46 - 60 of the CNA. Click on the selected question to jump to more information.

Question Number


46 – 60

See also:

1 – 15

16 – 30

31 – 45

Do you Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) feed or use a feeding tube to feed the child?

Do you provide physical assistance to turn or position the child because he/she is unable to do so independently?

Do you manage wounds or dressings for the child?

Do you give emergency medication or first aid for poorly controlled seizures?

Do you provide stoma care (colostomy or ileostomy) for the child?

Does the child have an eating disorder that has been diagnosed by a medical practitioner (Anorexia nervosa or bulimia)?

Is the child receiving a course of chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment?

Do you prepare or administer medications related to the child's medical condition?

Do you provide any of the following supports or treatments for the child?

Do any of these other care needs apply to you and the child you care for?

Please describe any other care needs that the child has

Please describe any other effects that the child's disability or medical condition has on you

If you have any other comments about your situation that you feel are relevant

General information – Privacy and personal information

General information – Statement and signature

Questions 46 - 60 explanations

This table provides explanations for questions 46 - 60 if the Carer Payment U16 New Claim script is not available.

Question number



Do you Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) feed or use a feeding tube to feed the child?

When a child is PEG fed they have a tube or button that goes directly into their stomach and are fed through that tube.

PD/CF/CR coding:

  • If the carer states 'No' to this question, do not input anything in the system. The system will accept a 'nil' response
  • If the carer states 'Yes':
  • less than daily - Code 'A'
  • once or twice a day - Code 'B'
  • 3 or more times a day - Code 'C'


Do you provide physical assistance to turn or position the child because he/she is unable to do so independently?

PD/CF/CR coding:

  • If the carer states 'No' to this question, do not input anything in the system. The system will accept a 'nil' response
  • If the carer states 'Yes - during the day':
  • less than daily - Code 'A'
  • once or twice a day - Code 'B'
  • 3 or more times a day - Code 'C'
  • If the carer states 'Yes - during the night' (such as, 10pm to 6am):
  • less than nightly - Code 'A'
  • once a night - Code 'B'
  • 2 or more times a night - Code 'C'


Do you manage wounds or dressings for the child?

PD/CF/CR coding:

  • If the carer states 'No' to this question, do not input anything in the system. The system will accept a 'nil' response
  • If the carer states 'Yes':
  • less than 30 min per day - Code 'A'
  • 30-60 min per day - Code 'B'
  • 1-2 hours per day - Code 'C'
  • more than 2 hours per day - Code 'D'


Do you give emergency medication or first aid for poorly controlled seizures?

PD/CF/CR coding:

  • If the carer states 'No' to this question, do not input anything in the system. The system will accept a 'nil' response
  • If the carer states 'Yes':
  • less than monthly - Code 'A'
  • once or twice a month - Code 'B'
  • 3 or more times a month - Code 'C'


Do you provide stoma care (e.g. colostomy or ileostomy) for the child?

A stoma is an opening in the abdominal wall and is used to enable waste materials from the intestines to empty into a pouch or bag.

PD/CF/CR coding:

  • If the carer states 'No' to this question, do not input anything in the system. The system will accept a 'nil' response
  • If the carer states 'Yes':
  • less than daily - Code 'A'
  • once or twice a day - Code 'B'
  • 3 or more times a day - Code 'C'


Does the child have an eating disorder that has been diagnosed by a medical practitioner (Anorexia nervosa or bulimia)?

PD/CF/CR coding:

  • If the carer states 'No' to this question, do not input anything in the system. The system will accept a 'nil' response
  • If the carer states 'Yes' code 'B'


Is the child receiving a course of chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment?

PD/CF/CR coding:

  • If the carer states 'No' to this question, do not input anything in the system. The system will accept a 'nil' response
  • If the carer states 'Yes' code 'B'


Do you prepare or administer medications related to the child's medical condition?

Medications include tablets, other oral medications, injections, puffers/inhalers, suppositories, enemas, ointments, or creams prescribed by a medical practitioner.

PD/CF/CR coding:

  • If the carer states 'No' to this question, leave blank
  • If the carer states 'Yes', input the amount of minutes per day the carer has stated


Do you provide any of the following supports or treatments for the child?

These fields are used to enter the responses to the corresponding questions in the Care Needs Assessment questionnaire.

PD/CF/CR coding:

For each item the carer ticked code the following:

  • Attending health care appointments related to the child's disability or medical condition multiple times per month. Code 'Y' or 'N'
  • Exercises prescribed by a physiotherapist, speech therapist, occupational therapist or other specialist at least twice a week. Code 'Y' or 'N'
  • Applying daily splints, braces, special garments or mobility aides recommended by a health practitioner. Code 'Y' or 'N'
  • Behavioural program recommended by a psychologist, psychiatrist or other therapist. Code 'Y' or 'N'
  • Early childhood intervention activities recommended by a teacher, therapist or other disability specialist. Code 'Y' or 'N'
  • Sign language or hearing equipment where the child is Deaf or has a severe hearing impairment. Code 'Y' or 'N'
  • Equipment or tactile aids or other assistance around the home where the child is blind or has a severe visual impairment. Code 'Y' or 'N'
  • Blood testing or urine testing performed by you at least three times a day. Code 'Y' or 'N'


Do any of these other care needs apply to you and the child you care for?

These fields are used to enter the responses to the corresponding questions in the Care Needs Assessment questionnaire.

PD/CF/CR coding:

For each item the carer ticked, code the following:

  • I am unable to access general child care, after school-hours care or vacation care programs due to this child's special care needs. Code 'Y' or 'N'
  • I am often called to the child's school or child care attend to their special care requirements or collect them due to their health or behaviour. Code 'Y' or 'N'
  • This child has been excluded from school or child care for more than one day in the last school term because of their health care needs or behavioural issues. Code 'Y' or 'N'
  • This child can only attend school part-time due to the severity of his/her disability or medical condition or because school supports are not available. Code 'Y' or 'N'
  • I have to attend and stay at school or child care to provide care for my child due to the severity of his/her disability or medical condition because school supports are not available. Code 'Y' or 'N'
  • I can only leave this child in the care of others when they have had specific training and are willing to manage the child's care needs. Code 'Y' or 'N'


Please describe any other care needs that the child has

This is for the parent or carer to state the impact that the child's special care needs has on them. This helps the Carer Specialist Assessment Team (CSAT) to identify changes which may have to be made to the SA394, and in conducting the required phone interview.

It is not a requirement to code this on the system as it is a guide question only.


Please describe any other effects that the child's disability or medical condition has on you (for example, on your daily routine, ability to take up paid employment, your health, social activities or emotional effects)

This is for the parent or carer to state the impact that the child's special care needs has on them. This helps the Carer Specialist Assessment Team (CSAT) to identify changes which may have to be made to the SA394, and in conducting the required phone interview.

It is not a requirement to code this on the system as it is a guide question only.


If you have any other comments about your situation that you feel are relevant

This is for the parent or carer to provide any other comments. This helps the Carer Specialist Assessment Team (CSAT) to identify changes which may have to be made to the SA394, and in conducting the required phone interview.

It is not a requirement to code this on the system as it is a guide question only.


General information

Question 59 on the form does not represent a question for the carer. Instead, question 59 instructs the carer to read the following statement before continuing with their response:

Privacy and your personal information

Your personal information is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988, and is collected by Services Australia for the assessment and administration of payments and services. This information is required to process your application or claim.

Your information may be used by the department or given to other parties for the purposes of research, investigation or where you have agreed or it is required or authorised by law.

You can get more information about the way in which Services Australia will manage your personal information, including our privacy policy at:

www or by requesting a copy from the agency.

No response is required for Question 59.


General information

Question 60 on the form does not represent a question for the carer. Instead, question 60 instructs the carer to read the following statement before continuing with their response:


I declare that:

  • the information I have provided in this form is complete and correct

I understand that:

  • giving false or misleading information is a serious offence
  • Services Australia can make relevant enquiries to make sure I receive the correct entitlement

The carer is required to sign and date the form at question 60.

Date signed is used to record the date the carer signed the assessment on the Care Load Behaviour (CLBHA) screen. If it is not dated, use the date of receipt.