Income Management Payment and Contact team (IMPACT)
Scenario - Carer Payment restoration actions
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Action required for restoration |
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What does the carer have to do to have CP restored?
If correspondence has been returned to a service centre - address unknown, the address details must be updated
If a direct credit has been returned, the carer must provide bank account details
If the carer did not attend an interview, reschedule the appointment. Appointment must be attended before CP can be restored
If the carer has not returned a review form/medical report/Care Needs Assessment, the forms must be returned and referred to Processing Services. Processing Services will process the review and restore CP if appropriate
If the carer has not returned required forms and/or correspondence, the correspondence must be returned before CP can be restored. If the form is an Income and asset details of the person or child being cared for (SA304a or SA304c), send the form to Processing Services
If the carer has separated from their partner, they must provide details of their current circumstances before CP can be restored
If the carer is also receiving Carer Allowance (CA) and that payment is also suspended, the Service Officer must also arrange for CA to be restored. Unless CP was cancelled for reason code CID, complete the CA restoration coding before the CP restoration, using the Carer Restoration workflow