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Hospitalisation provisions for Carer Payment (CP) and Carer Allowance (CA) 009-06010020

This document outlines how a carer may temporarily cease providing care in the home to an adult and/or child care receiver who has been hospitalised and still claim or continue to qualify for payment where the carer participates in the care or treatment of the care receiver. For adult care receivers, the temporary cessation of care cannot be extended beyond 63 days. There are no absence limits for child care receivers. This is known as the 'hospitalisation provision'.

On this page:

Hospitalisation provisions - child

Hospitalisation provisions- adult

Hospitalisation provisions - child

Table 1. this table describes information for Service Officers when calculating hospitalisation provisions for CP and CA for child care receivers.




Is the care receiver in a rehabilitation facility? + Read more ...


Is the care receiver a child? + Read more ...


Care receiver child returning to care + Read more ...

Is the child care receiver expected to be either returning to care at the appropriate residence on discharge or in hospital due to a terminal illness?

Procedure ends here.


Does the carer still participate in the care of the child? + Read more ...

Procedure ends here.


Child absences + Read more ...

There is no limit on hospitalisation absences for CP (child) and CA (child). Note: carers of hospitalised children will be reviewed every 84 days (12 weeks) of continuous hospitalisation. The carer must be advised to notify Centrelink within 14 days of the care receiver returning home or leaving hospital.

Has the carer’s CP and/or CA been cancelled due to respite absences and they are reclaiming for the same care receiver within the same calendar year?


Coding hospitalisation for a child care receiver + Read more ...

All absences are to be coded using the Temporary Cessation of Care workflow.

If the workflow is not available, manually code the Absences Details (ABSN) screen:

Code either a:

Record details on a DOC in the carer's record.

Procedure ends here.

Hospitalisation provisions- adult

Table 2. this table describes information for Service Officers when calculating hospitalisation provisions for CP and CA for adult care receivers.




Is the care receiver in a rehabilitation facility? + Read more ...


Care receiver to return home + Read more ...

If the care receiver has a permanent condition and there is no discharge date, investigate if the care receiver is likely to return home. For example:

  • the care receiver has a psychiatric condition
  • they are in a psychiatric ward of a hospital
  • this has been determined to be their principle home, and
  • there is no discharge date

Then hospitalisation provisions do not apply. Note: for payments under section 954A, the Service Officer must be satisfied the carer will be providing at least 20 hours of personal care per week once the care receiver leaves hospital.

Is the care receiver expected to be either returning to care at the appropriate residence on discharge, or in hospital due to a terminal illness?

Procedure ends here.


Does the carer still participate in the care of the care receiver? + Read more ...

Procedure ends here.


For adult care receivers + Read more ...

Has the carer’s CP and/or CA been cancelled due to respite absences and they are reclaiming for the same care receiver within the same calendar year?


Total absences + Read more ...

Check the Absences Enquiry (ABCE) screen to see if the care receiver has utilised the hospitalisation provision for any period in the current calendar year.

Are the total periods of hospitalisation with carer participation less than 63 days in the current calendar year?

The system will automatically calculate the number of absences already taken. When calculating the absences only count whole days, that is, periods of 24 hours or more from 12am to 12am (midnight to midnight).


Absences less than 63 days + Read more ...

Periods of hospitalisation are less than 63 days in the current calendar year.

Tell the carer they must notify Centrelink within 14 days of the care receiver returning home or leaving hospital.

Code all absences using the Temporary Cessation of Care workflow.

If the workflow is not available, manually code the Absences Details (ABSN) screen.

Code either a:

Record details on a DOC in the carer's record.

If the carer and care receiver are partnered and the length of hospitalisation is indefinite or unknown, they may qualify for the separated due to ill-health rate.

Procedure ends here.


Absences limit reached + Read more ...

The 63 hospitalisation days limit has been reached for an adult care receiver.

The carer may be able to access unused respite care days for the current calendar year.

To code all absences, see Table 2 in the Temporary Cessation of Care (respite) provisions for Carer Payment (CP) and Carer Allowance (CA).

The carer may be eligible for the 26-week extended suspension period, this must be considered if a cancellation for HBE presents. For instructions on coding the suspension, see Table 2 in the Temporary Cessation of Care (respite) provisions for Carer Payment (CP) and Carer Allowance.

If the workflow is not available, manually code the Absences Details (ABSN) screen.

Code either a:

Record details on a DOC in the carer's record.

When 'HSP' is coded in the Reason field, the system will apply the correct rules to take care of the transition from Hospitalisation to Respite care at the expiry of 63 days when necessary. Note: hospitalisation absences are not to be coded as 'Respite'.

The system will automatically calculate number of absences already taken. CP and/or CA will auto cancel once the allowed hospitalisation or respite days have been reached.

Consider if the hospitalisation constitutes a special reason to extend the respite period. Temporary cessation of care (respite) for more than 63 days contains more information.

If the carer and care receiver are partnered and the length of hospitalisation is indefinite or unknown, they may qualify for the separated due to ill-health rate.

Warnings will appear to explain how an absence is calculated and to consider if there are any impacts on the customer’s payment due to the absence recording. The customer must be advised of any impacts and alternative payment options if required.


63 day limit reached interim process + Read more ...

The following is an interim process that is subject to change.

Coding a hospital absence in the same calendar year following cancellation after respite balance was exceeded.

Unused hospitalisation absences can still be accessed. A total of 63 days hospitalisation per calendar year is able to be accessed without cancelling payment.

A system limitation will not allow any hospitalisation absences to be coded without cancelling payment. The following interim process must be followed: