Carer Supplement (CS) 009-07010000
This document explains Carer Supplement (CS).
Carer Supplement (CS) payment
Table 1
Item |
Action |
1 |
CS payment + Read more ... Customers must receive one of the eligible payments to receive CS:
Carer Allowance Health Care Card To check if a carer is receiving CA or CA HCC only, in the carer's record, go to:
Otherwise, from the CRS screen in the carer's record:
Carers in receipt of a CA Health Care Card (HCC) only (for childcare receivers) on 1 July are not entitled to CS Did the customer receive one of the eligible payments for a period which includes 1 July?
Note: if payment of CP or CA is granted after January and backdated to a date that includes 1 July. The CS will not be automatically generated and must be paid manually. See Table 2 > Item 3 |
2 |
Payment delivery of CS + Read more ...
3 |
Notifying customers about CS + Read more ... Letters are not issued to customers advising of CS for 1 July. However, customers granted or restored retrospectively with an eligibility date including 1 July will have a paragraph included in their advice letter. Note: for Department of Veterans' Affairs customers, this will only include those who retrospectively become eligible for payment and who receive a CA advice letter at the same time. |
4 |
Shared and combined care arrangements for CA carers + Read more ... CA carers who are in a shared care arrangement and receive the:
As CA is paid under the combined care rule where 2 care receivers are counted as one for the purposes of determining the rate of CA, only one CS payment is made. |
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CA reduced due to Education, Training and Treatment (ETT) + Read more ... CA carers who receive a part rate of CA under the ETT provisions do not receive a part rate of CS. If these carers receive a payment of CA in the period that includes 1 July, they are deemed to have received a payment for 1 July and, therefore receive the full CS entitlement of $600. |
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CS debts and deductions + Read more ... CS debts can be raised. Carers (including DVA customers) who subsequently lose qualification for their primary payment will be subject to standard debt raising processes for the CS payment. For example, if the person's CP or CA was retrospectively cancelled for a date that included 1 July, CS will also be a debt. Centrepay deductions will not be made from CS. |
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Requests for explanation and applications for formal reviews of decisions + Read more ... Requests for explanation and applications for formal reviews of decisions are not handled centrally. If a carer requests an explanation or applies for a formal review of a decision relating to CS, Service Officers should follow normal procedures and run the Internal Review/Explanation script. See the Resources page for review codes to be used for CS. |
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Care receiver died or permanently entered a care facility before July 1 + Read more ... Care receiver permanently entered a care facility CS will be payable following permanent admission to an institution if a carer is eligible to receive a payment of CP or Wife Pension with CA on 1 July. When a care receiver is permanently admitted to an institution, CP can be paid for 14 weeks starting from the day the carer did not provide care. There are no similar provisions for CA. Death of care receiver CP:
Death of care receiver CA:
Where CS is payable
Overpayment If notification of the death is not received within 28 days, there is an overpayment of CA and CS. |
Checking Carer Supplement
Table 2: Carers who receive CA (child) for a period that includes 1 July are eligible to receive CDAP. CDAP is an annual payment of up to $1,000 per eligible childcare receiver.
Item |
Action |
1 |
CS displays as Annual Carer Supplement Payment (ACSP) in Customer First and Process Direct + Read more ... CS displays as ACSP in: Customer First
Customer Record Go to Payment Summary (PS) screen. Select the relevant payment to display the PD screen > Payments: CDA/PEN:
Process Direct
Note: if the customer is in receipt of CP and CA, check both PEN and CDA. Otherwise, select ALL to display all payments. If the CS payments display on PS/PD screens, advise the customer of the amounts and payment delivery date. If Carer has not received CS, go to Item 2 |
2 |
Carer has not received CS + Read more ... The carer was advised they would be paid the CS or following restoration of CP and/or CA CS has not been paid. The Payment Summary (PS) screen will show the CS as a future payment once the trigger has been run. The carer may have been advised that the payment of CS was showing as a future payment. If CP and/or CA for this care receiver is suspended or cancelled after the trigger is run, with a result that the carer does not receive an instalment for 1 July, the payment of CS will come off the PS screen and the payment of CS will not be issued. CS must not be manually issued if the customer did not receive a payment which included 1 July or is not current on payment. The customer is to be manually paid through the One Off Payment (OOP) screen:
If the payment of CS requires manual payment, check the following before reissuing the payment:
Note: when CA is offset (received on the opposite week to CP) receive any CS is received with the later delivery date. For example, if CP is earlier, CS will have a strip date of the CA EPED. If CP is later both CS will have a strip date of the CP EPED.
3 |
Manual reissue of CS + Read more ... If carer is entitled to the payment of CS and the payment of CS is not automatically paid, the customer should be manually paid through the One Off Payment (OOP) screen. If manual payment needed, check the correct host system (PEN/ISS) is displaying before completing the following: Process Direct + Read more ...
Customer First + Read more ...