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Carer Supplement (CS) 009-07010000

When CS is paid

Table 1




CA only for one care receiver

The carer is paid $600 with their first regular CA payment from 1 July (unless CA is offset. See Table 2 Item 2).


CP only for one care receiver

The carer is paid $600 with their first regular CP payment from 1 July (unless CA is offset. See Table 2 Item 2).


CP and CA for 2 care receivers

The carer is paid $1,800 with their first regular CP and CA payment from 1 July. If a person cares for 2 people and receives CP and 2 CA payments, they would qualify for 3 payments of CS.


CA shared care

The carer is paid up to $600 with their first regular CA payment from 1 July. For example, if a customer receives 50% of CA because they share the payment with another carer, they will receive 50% of the CS.


CP, CP (XWP) and CA

The carers are paid a total of $1,200 with their first regular CP and CA payment from 1 July with the second regular payment from 1 July. For example, CA paid before CP then CS paid with CP.


CP or CA new claims lodged prior to 1 July

Carers who subsequently become eligible for payment of one of the above primary payments under grant or review for 1 July, will be eligible for the payment.

For example, a carer contacts the agency about claiming CP and CA (child) caring for one child on 25 June (deemed date of claim). The carer lodges the claim on 29 June. The claim is assessed, and the carer is granted on 1 August with a start day of 25 June. The carer is eligible to receive CS in respect of CP and CS in respect of CA ($1,200), or one component of CS for each payment.

Review and appeal processes

Table 2




Review and appeal script

Run the Internal Review/Explanation script to create a new request for explanation or application for a formal review of a decision. See First contact about a decision and the internal review process.


Payment type

In the 'Payment Type the Decision has been made against' field, select the correct payment type.

  • CAA - Carer Allowance (adult)
  • CAC - Carer Allowance (child)
  • CPA - Carer Payment (adult)
  • CPC - Carer Payment (child)
  • WFA - Wife Pension (Age) with Carer Allowance
  • WFD - Wife Pension (DSP) with Carer Allowance
  • DVC - Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) Carer Service Pension
  • DVP - DVA Partner Service Pension with Carer Allowance


Original decision codes

Use one of the following existing Original Decision codes:

  • RAT - customer disagrees with rate of CS - for shared care CA only
  • OVP - customer disagrees with the debt for CS
  • REJ - customer believes they should have been paid CS for the relevant payment type


Reason for original decision

Reason for Original Decision will be:

  • CSQ - Not paid qualifying payment - use with REJ
  • CSR - Reduced shared care portion - use with RAT - only for shared care rate of CA cases
  • CSM - Already paid CS. Use when a customer is not paid a second CS in respect of the carer. For example, carer paid in respect of Wife Pension and CA and therefore not eligible for CS in respect of CP


Region codes

For all requests for explanation or applications for formal review of CS decisions, the regional office for the relevant Carer Processing Service must be used. See Virtual Carers National in Office Locator.



The ACTDOC created by the Internal Review/Explanation script should be transferred to the relevant regional office for which the code has been added.

Benefit code examples

Table 3




CA CS not received

If carer did not receive CS in respect of CA:

  • Benefit, key CAA (adult) or CAC (child)
  • original decision REJ
  • reason for original decision CSQ


CP, Wife Pension transfer to CP (XWP), Carer Service Pension (DVC) and DVA Partner Service Pension (DVP) with CA CS not received

Carer received CS in respect of CA but did not receive one in respect of CP, WFA, WFD, DVC, or DVP:

  • benefit, key CPA, CPC (depending on if a CP adult or child), WFA, WFD, DVC or DVP
  • original decision REJ
  • reason for original decision CSQ


Paid CA CS for one care receiver (adult) but not paid CA CS for other care receiver (child)

  • benefit, key CAC
  • original decision REJ
  • reason for original decision CSQ


Paid part rate of CA CS due to shared care of a child but carer believes they should have received a different rate for the same child

  • benefit, key CAC
  • original decision RAT
  • reason for original decision CSR


Carer requesting an explanation or applying for a formal review of a debt

  • benefit code - for service reason debt has been raised against
  • original decision OVP
  • reason for original decision:
    • use CSM if the carer received a duplicate CS
    • use CSQ if the carer was retrospectively found to not be eligible for a qualifying payment
    • use CSR if a CS debt is being raised due to an incorrect rate of CA being paid under shared care provisions


Payment backdated prior 1 July and not paid automatically

  • CS, key 'ACSP' (Annual Carer Supplement Payment)
  • CDAP, key 'BPD' (Child Disability Assistance)

Note: only use 'CSP' for pre 2009 and 'BFC' for pre 2007 CDAP.