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Level 2 complaints 104-02040000

Contact for Level 2 complaints management processes

This table contains information about where to locate direct links to mailboxes and contact details for business teams referred to in the Level 2 complaints management procedures for Child Support, Centrelink and Medicare.


Location of contact details

Technical Support Line

Technical Support Line

Child Support Complaints Team


Internal Fraud

Health programmes fraud



Complaints Integration Team

see Level 2 Complaints Team - report systemic issues in Complaints

Call Recording Team

Child Support - National New Customers and Mainstream Services (NCMS) - Call Recording team

Centrelink Complaints and Feedback Team


Internal Fraud Team

Internal Fraud team

Gender Guidelines Team

Gender Guidelines Implementation - Contacts

Market and Social Research Team

Market and Social Research

Media Team


Medicare Complaints Team


Tell us what you think

Customer complaints and feedback management

Services Australia Code of Conduct manual

Services Australia Writing Style Guide

Services Australia Incarcerated Customer Services Team and Zone contacts

Escalation Coordination team

Freedom of Information

Forms and Letters Feedback

Media protocols


Network News Update (NNU)

Parliamentary Systems Development Branch (Parliamentary Document Management System (PDMS))

Plain English Guidelines

Preferred terms for Services Australia

Prison Servicing

Simplify and Reduce Letters Project

Voluntary Indigenous Identification

Security incident reporting

Security incident reporting


SS226a Request for Translation form

G.R.O.W. model

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Privacy Incident Portal

Feedback tools - Child Support only

Macros - Child Support only