Ripple manager consequences 110-06090020
This document outlines information regarding the Ripple Manager, a background task which automates the assessment of customers who have separated but who share the care of their children.
Automated assessment
Child circumstance data, for example a change of child's name, will be replicated on the record of the custodial parent and any other custodians. It includes assessment of customers within and across all ISIS (Income Security Integrated System) environments.
Ripple Manager To Do Indicator (TDI) errors
Where a customer is linked (for example, member of a couple, parents and/or children) information is passed between the records via ripples. Sometimes information is passed between the records even after the link has ended (for example, after a couple separate). Error E001RQ may occur because a ripple has been initiated to a linked record and that ripple has not yet completed.
A To Do Indicator (TDI) error may occur in the following situations:
- processing a claim for a partnered customer, the partner is not claiming and/or the partner has investments
- as part of a system fault
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