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Ripple manager consequences 110-06090020

This page contains information about the Ripple Manager Consequence (RMC) screen. The Customer First tab has details about the Ripple Manager To Do Indicator (TDI) error E001RQ - waiting for background refresh from CRN.

Staff trained in Process Direct, select the Process Direct tab. Otherwise, select Customer First.

Process Direct

Ripple Manager

Table 1: this table describes the Ripple Manager Consequences (RMC) screen. Ripple Manager is a background task which automates changes to customers' assessments.




Purpose of the RMC screen + Read more ...

The RMC screen allows Service Officers to check that changes recorded for a customer correctly flow on to other linked customers.

When completing the assessment, for other linked customers, Service Officers can direct the activity to either:

  • assessment
  • auto-complete
  • remain as started
  • merge with an existing activity


Viewing the RMC screen + Read more ...

RMC Enquiry

Enquiry access is available to RMC to establish the status of the ripple. The status will change at various stages as the ripple is passed to the linked records. Enquiry access is available in both the sending and receiving customer's records.

  • Ripples will show on the following screens:
    • History Activity List (HAL)
    • History Activity Details (HAY)
    • Event Summary (ES)
  • A ripple activity will have a source code of RIP
  • The receipt date will be the same as that on the originating activity

View the ripple activity using either of these:

  • Key ES, HAL or HAY into the Super Key to view Activity history list. Select View Details to see the ripple activity
  • Go to the Ripple Manager Consequences (RMC) screen


RMC screen fields + Read more ...

The RMC screen displays the following details about the ripple:

  • Action
  • Source CRN - the Customer Reference Number (CRN) of the customer the ripple originated from
  • Ripple CRN - the CRN of the other customer
  • Ripple Destination - the surname and first name of the other customer(s)
  • Source Activity ID - the activity ID the ripple originated from
  • Ripple Type Code - the type of ripple being generated, for example Standard
  • Ripple Status Code - for example, Requested
  • Partner CRN
  • Participant CRN - the CRN of the ripple participant that has had a circumstance and/or relationship change made in the ripple
  • Participant Srv Rsn. Code - the service reason for the participants that have been updated and require rippling
  • Partner Activity ID - the activity ID for the partner of the customer the ripple originated from
  • Ripple Instr. Code - the current status of the ripple. This can be COM, MRG, or STA
  • Merge To Activity ID - the activity ID of the activity the ripple has merged to. Complete this field when an assessment of MRG is chosen
  • Merge To Activity Text


Coding the RMC screen + Read more ...

For Families Tax Benefit (FTB) claims coding, see Item 5.

For all other coding, the RMC screen displays before the Entitlement (ELD) screen when a customer has information that needs to be rippled to another customer's record.

Go to the RMC screen:

  • Select Edit
  • Select 1 of the following options in the Ripple Instr. Code field:
    • MRG - Merge. The updated data will merge with a designated activity the Service Officer inputs. The Merge To Activity ID field must be completed
    • COM - Completed. The data will be sent to the other linked customer, the changes automatically applied and the activity taken through to completion
    • STA - Started. The assessment on the other customer’s record will remain as started, to be completed by a Service Officer. These ripples are mandatory and cannot be deleted by a Service Officer
  • Select Save
  • Select Update.
  • Select Next to go to the ELD screen and complete the update


Coding the RMC screen for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claims + Read more ...

The RMC screen displays before the Entitlements (ELD) screen where a customer has shared care of child(ren) and changes have been made to the child(ren)'s status within a Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claim or Change of Circumstance activity coded using the Families - Care Assessment workflow on the Task Selector.

The ripple Instruction Code will default to COM - completed.

If ripple management is required:

  • On the RMC screen, select the edit icon to open the ‘Change Ripple Activity’ dialogue box if ripple management is required. The following options are available for selection:
    • MRG - Merge. The updated child data will merge with a designated activity on the other custodian's Activity List (AL) screen in Customer First. The Merge to Activity ID field must be completed
    • COM - Completed. The child data will be sent to the other custodian(s), the changes automatically applied and the activity taken through to completion
    • STA - Started. The assessment on the other custodian's record will remain as started to be completed by a Service Officer in Customer First. These ripples are mandatory and cannot be deleted by a Service Officer
  • Select Save
  • Select Update
  • Select Next to go to the ELD screen

If ripple management is not required, select Next on the RMC screen to go to the ELD screen.

Customer First

On this page:

Ripple Manager

Ripple manager To Do Indicator (TDI) errors

Ripple Manager

Table 1: this table describes the Ripple Manager Consequences (RMC) screen. Ripple Manager is a background task which automates changes to customers' assessments.




Purpose of the RMC screen + Read more ...

The RMC screen allows Service Officers to check that changes recorded for a customer correctly flow on to other linked customers.

When completing the assessment, for other linked customers, Service Officers can direct the activity to either:

  • assessment
  • auto-complete
  • remain as started
  • merge with an existing activity


Viewing the RMC screen + Read more ...

RMC Enquiry

Enquiry access is available to RMC to establish the status of the ripple. The status will change at various stages as the ripple is passed to the other carer records. Enquiry access is available in both the sending and receiving customer's records.

Reference is made to ripples on the following screens:

  • History Activity List (HAL)
  • History Activity Details (HAY)
  • Event Summary (ES)

A ripple activity will have a source code of RIP. The receipt date will be the same as that on the originating activity.

The ripple activity can be viewed from these screens:

  • Event Summary (ES):
    • Select the ripple activity by highlighting the activity and choosing the '(S) Select an activity' option from within the 'Selection Options' list
    • Press [Enter] or select the Continue button
    • Go to the Event Circumstance Selection (ECS) screen
  • History Activity List (HAL):
    • Select the ripple activity by highlighting the activity and choosing the '(S) Select an activity' option from within the 'Selection Options' list
    • Press [Enter] or select the Continue button
    • Go to the History Activity Details (HAY) screen
  • Ripple Manager Consequence (RMC) screen


RMC screen fields + Read more ...

The RMC screen displays the following details about the ripple.

  • Ripple Destination - the surname and first name of the other custodian(s)
  • CRN - the Customer Reference Number (CRN) of the other customer
  • Assessment Instructions
  • Merge on ACT.ID - the Activity ID of the activity to which the ripple has merged. The field is to be completed when an assessment of MRG is chosen
  • Ripple Status
  • Ripple Source - the surname and the first name of the customer (and their current partner, if applicable) the ripple originated from
  • CRN - the CRN of the customer the ripple originated from
  • Activity - the Activity ID the ripple originated from
  • Ripple Participants - the surname and first name of the participants that have had a circumstance and/or relationship change made in the ripple. Only 4 participants will display
  • Payment type - the relevant payment for the participants that have been updated and require rippling
  • The RMC screen will also display the following only when there are more than 4 participants (carers) linked to the child:
    • View - key 'Y' (Yes) to view all customers affected by the ripple. The system will navigate to the Ripple Manager Consequences All (RMCA) screen and all carers will display
    • More Participants - displays the surnames and first names of the extra participants
    • Multiple Ripples - If more than 1 ripple is present, the next RMC screen will display when [Enter] is pressed or the Continue button selected


Coding the RMC screen + Read more ...

The RMC screen displays before the Activity Results (AR) screen where a customer has shared care of child(ren) and changes have been made to the child(ren)'s status.

  • On the RMC screen, code 1 of the following options:
    • MRG - Merge. The updated child data will merge with a designated activity on the other custodian's Activity List (AL) screen. The Merge on ACT.ID field must be completed
    • COM - Completed. The child data will be sent to the other custodian(s), the changes automatically applied and the activity taken through to completion
    • STA - Started. The assessment on the other custodian's record will remain as started to be completed by a Service Officer. These ripples are mandatory and cannot be deleted by a Service Officer
  • Press [Enter] or select the Continue button and complete the activity on the AR screen

Note: REP (Replicated) is an automatic code and cannot be keyed manually. This will only be used as part of a child level, Benefit Action refresh activity.

Ripple manager To Do Indicator (TDI) errors

Table 2: This table describes the steps to correct TDI error E001RQ - waiting for background refresh from CRN.




TDI error scenario + Read more ...

If TDI: E001RQ - waiting for background refresh from CRN happens, check for the following scenario:

  • If the Marital Status (MS) screen is being updated within a new claim activity, go to Step 2
  • If the MS screen shows the customer linked to a Customer Reference Number (CRN) which has been deleted because it is a multiple CRN for the current or previous partner, go to Step 3
  • If a ripple to or from the Parental Income Test (PIT) linked parent has not yet completed in a Youth Allowance (YAL) claim, go to Step 4
  • If a ripple is sent to a deleted child record, go to Step 7
  • If none of the above apply, go to Step 9


MS screen updated within a new claim activity + Read more ...

  • Cancel the claim
  • Make the Marital Status (MS) screen change in a separate activity
  • Re-code the claim

Procedure ends here


MS screen shows customer linked to a deleted CRN + Read more ...

If the customer had previously been linked to another partner correctly, go to Step 8.

In all other cases:

  • Cancel the current activity
  • Delete the incorrect partner line from the marital status (MS) screen
  • Link to the correct partner CRN from the correct date
  • Finalise marital status update
  • Re-code the cancelled activity

Procedure ends here


Ripple to or from the PIT linked parent not completed in a YAL claim + Read more ...

Check the Trans/Trigger List (TTL) screen on the PIT linked parent’s record and on the customer’s/sibling’s record.


Incomplete ripple that has not aborted + Read more ...

Clear out of all involved records (customer, parent and siblings).

If ripples do not complete:

  • Cancel the YAL claim activity
  • Re-code the YAL claim

Procedure ends here.


Complete activity on parent’s record + Read more ...

  • Check for ripple activity on the parent’s record, e.g. NSS/REA RPI activity
  • Select the activity from the PIT linked parent’s Activity List (AL) screen
  • Check the details and update where required
  • Finalise activity
  • Clear out of both records to allow time for the ripples to complete

Procedure ends here.


Ripple sent to a deleted child record + Read more ...

Cancel the activity.

Re-code the activity.

If the ripple is sent to the deleted child record again go to Step 8.


Refer the issue to ICT Service Desk + Read more ...

Refer to ICT Service Desk via mySupport webform based on the customer’s affected payment type.


No action required + Read more ...

Clear out of the record and allow the ripples to auto complete.

Once completed E001RQ will no longer occur and the activity can be finalised.

Procedure ends here.