If a child is in immediate danger or risk of harm you must act, and a delegate must call 000.
This document outlines the process for review of the Homelessness Indicator and referral for a wellbeing assessment.
Homeless Indicator Review and referral for a wellbeing assessment
Step |
Action |
1 |
An activity is received through Workload Manager to review a Homelessness Indicator + Read more ...
Enter the customer's record.
2 |
Check Accommodation Details + Read more ...
Check the Accommodation Details (AC) screen to see if the customer is living in secure accommodation.
For example, indicators of secure accommodation include:
providing a lease agreement
verified private rent for 3 months or longer
returning to a parental home
establishing tenancy in Community or Government Housing, Nursing Home, etc.
Is the customer living in secure accommodation?
3 |
Check Benefit Status + Read more ...
Has the customer's income support payment been cancelled for more than 3 months?
4 |
End Homelessness Indicator + Read more ...
Process Direct
Key HID in the Super Key field and press [Enter]
The Homelessness Details (HID) screen will display
Select the Add + icon to add a new line to Homelessness History table and complete the following fields:
Event Date: select the date from the calendar. This can only be backdated up to 28 days. If the event date is before the 28 days, record the date the review is being finalised
Homelessness Status: select no longer homeless and not at risk of becoming homeless
Intervention Status: select no action required
Further Comments: DOC customer is no longer homeless and why they are no longer homeless, for example, secured government housing
Select Save
Complete Channel, Receipt Date and Service Reason
Select Save
Select Assess
Check the payment outcome on the Entitlements (ELD) screen
Select Assess again, then Finish. Record details of the update and Finalise
Customer First
Open the Homeless Indicator Details workflow from Customer First > Workspace
Select the Add New Homeless details button from the Homelessness Indicator Summary screen
Complete the following fields:
Event Date: select the date from the calendar. This can only be backdated up to 28 days. If the event date is before the 28 days, record the date the review is being finalised
Homelessness Status: select no longer homeless and not at risk of becoming homeless
Intervention Status: select no action required
Further Comments: DOC customer is no longer homeless and why they are no longer homeless, for example, secured government housing
Source type (for example, INT for internal) and Receipt date
Go to AR screen and finalise activity
If ending a Homeless Indicator for a customer with compulsory participation requirements, this will update the Circumstances Impacting Compliance screen.
Procedure ends here.
5 |
Contact the customer + Read more ...
Was the customer able to be contacted?
6 |
Ask permission to update the Homelessness Indicator + Read more ...
Does the customer give permission to update the Homelessness Indicator status with the current information?
7 |
Update Homelessness Indicator + Read more ...
Process Direct
Key HID in the Super Key and press [Enter]
The Homelessness Details screen will display
Select the Add + icon to add a new line to Homelessness History table and complete the following fields:
Event Date: select the date from the calendar. This can only be backdated up to 28 days. If the event date is prior to before the 28 days, record the date the review is being finalised
Homelessness Status: select at risk of becoming homeless, homeless - ongoing or homeless - temporary
Intervention Status: update the relevant intervention type
Further Comments: DOC free text to briefly explain the customer’s circumstances
Select Save
Complete Channel, Receipt Date and Service Reason
Select Save
Select Assess
Check the payment outcome on the Entitlements (ELD) screen
Select Assess again, then Finish. Record details of the update and Finalise
Customer First
Open the Homeless Indicator Details workflow from Customer First > Workspace
Select the Add New Homeless details button from the Homelessness Indicator Summary screen
Complete the following fields:
Event Date: select the date from the calendar. This can be only backdated up to 28 days. If the event date is before the 28 days, record the date the review is being finalised
Homelessness Status: select at risk of becoming homeless, homeless - ongoing or homeless temporary
Intervention Status: update the relevant intervention type
Further Comments: DOC free text to briefly explain the customer's circumstances
Source type (for example, INT for internal) and Receipt date
Go to AR screen and finalise activity
Go to Step 6.
8 |
Consider referral for a wellbeing assessment + Read more ...
If there is no evidence of any change in the customer's circumstances since the Homelessness Indicator was coded, consider:
community support services
Workforce Australia Employment Service for eligible jobseekers
referral for a wellbeing assessment to a social worker if the customer is identified as highly vulnerable. See Social work service referral for more information
There is no need for a referral for a wellbeing assessment if the customer does not meet the above criteria.