Reviews of independence for ABSTUDY 110-07020020
This page contains the process to complete reviews of independence for ABSTUDY.
On this page:
Independence for ABSTUDY
Table 1: This table describes the process of checking independent status and updating customer's record if customer has had a change in circumstances. Portions of this process are for ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing staff only.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Check the independent status + Read more ... Check the Start/Reject Reason: field on the Independent/Homeless/Away from Home Details (NIH) screen in the ISS system. Has the ABSTUDY customer been granted independent status under a reviewable independent category?
2 |
Check for change in circumstances + Read more ... Only review the customer's independent status if their circumstances change. Note: if unsure of whether the change will affect the customer's eligibility for independent status, read through the rest of this procedure. It details the changes for each reviewable independent category that Service Officers in the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing Team will investigate when reviewing the customer. Has the customer had a change in circumstance that may affect their eligibility for the category of independence under which they have been granted?
Category of independence
For ABSTUDY skilled Service Officers only
Table 2: This table describes the process for reviewing the customer's independent status, payment eligibility and updating the customer's record.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Category of independence + Read more ... Only review the customer's independent status if their circumstances change. Returning to their parental home temporarily does not affect a student's independent status. Under which category of independence has the customer been granted?
2 |
De facto relationship + Read more ... The customer has been granted independent status because they are in a de facto relationship of at least 6 months duration. The following changes in circumstances will affect the customer's independent status:
Customers who are or have been previously married should be granted permanent independent status on the grounds of currently or previously married or a registered relationship. See Assessing independence for ABSTUDY customers. Does the customer still meet the criteria for independence under which they were initially granted?
3 |
Care or custody of another person's child/student + Read more ... Customer has been granted independent status because they have the care or custody of another person's child and that child/student. The following changes in circumstances will affect the customer's independent status:
Note: if the customer has the care or custody of another person's child/student, but that child/student is a different child/student to the one they were caring for when they were granted independent status, the customer will need to reapply for independent status for the new child/student. Does the customer still meet the criteria for independence under which they were initially granted?
4 |
Customer 15 years of age or over and their parents cannot exercise their parental responsibilities + Read more ... Care must be taken when reviewing customer's under this category. Although they may not qualify under this category, they may qualify as a homeless customer. A social worker can assist in determining whether the customer should be regarded as homeless. Customer has been granted independent status because they are 15 years of age or over and their parent(s) cannot exercise their parental responsibilities. The following changes in circumstances will affect the customer's independent status:
Does the customer still meet the criteria for independence under which they were initially granted?
5 |
Customer 16 years and over and living in an indigenous Australian community + Read more ... Customer has been granted independent status because they are 16 years of age or over and living in an indigenous Australian community after previously being adopted or fostered by a non-indigenous family for more than 2 years. The following changes in circumstances will affect the customer's independent status:
Does the customer still meet the criteria for independence under which they were initially granted?
6 |
Customer is of minimum school leaving age or at least 16 years of age and homeless + Read more ... Care must be taken when reviewing a homeless customer. A social worker can assist in determining the nature of the support/contact and whether the customer should still be regarded as homeless. Customer has been granted independent status because they are of minimum school leaving age or at least 16 years of age and homeless. Note: this includes customers who have been or are in State Care if they have:
The following changes in circumstances will affect the customer's independent status:
Does the customer still meet the criteria for independence under which they were initially granted?
7 |
Complete the following tasks + Read more ... Go to NIHS screen. Select the current entry and code the following fields:
Customers who are no longer in a de facto relationship require further updates to separate records. See Youth Allowance (YA) or ABSTUDY independence impacts when a customer separates. Procedure ends here. |
8 |
Finalise reviews + Read more ... Tell the student or Australian Apprentice they continue to meet eligibility for Independence. If the customer is advising of a change of address run the Change in Contact Details workflow to update the customer's address and accommodation details. Record details on a DOC of the decision. |