Youth Allowance (YA) and ABSTUDY Parental Income Test (PIT) reviews 110-07060060
CAN-PIE scenarios
Scenario |
Description |
Exceptional circumstances apply when parental income is provided after the CAN-PIE Date of Event |
On 17 February, Fern was asked to provide parent(s)/guardian(s) Notice of Tax Assessment. On 10 March Fern's payment was SUS-PIE. On 10 June Fern failed to provide verification of parental income while suspended and the payment was CAN-PIE effective from 10 March. On 29 June, Fern contacted to say their parent had been in a car accident resulting in hospitalisation and was not able to conclude tax affairs until June. Fern uploaded verification of parental income on 29 June. Even though Fern has provided the verification after the CAN-PIE DOV, exceptional circumstances have been established for the delay. Fern's payment can be restored from DOE via the workaround. See Table 2 > Step 7 in the Process page. |
No exceptional circumstances when parental income is provided after the CAN-PIE Date of Event |
On 17 February, Anna was asked to provide parent(s)/guardian(s) Notice of Tax Assessment. On 10 March Anna's payment was SUS- PIE. On 10 June Anna failed to provide the verification of parental income while suspended and her payment was CAN-PIE effective from 10 March. On 29 June, Anna contacted to discuss the cancellation and uploaded verification of parental income. No exceptional circumstances were established. As verification of parental income was provided after the CAN-PIE DOV and no exceptional circumstances have been established, Anna needs to lodge a new claim for payment. Provide Anna their appeal rights. |
Youth Allowance Parental Income Assessment SY012A
Youth Allowance Parental Income Assessment for multiple Financial Years SY012D
Youth Allowance/ABSTUDY Current Family Circumstances SY012E