Calculating Centrelink entitlements and gathering information when investigating debts 107-03000000
This document outlines information about the calculation of entitlements when investigating automatic and manual debts.
On this page:
Information required for manual calculations
Order payment components are affected by debt
Investigating debts
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Identify the debt + Read more ... Question the suspected debt. Consider:
Determine if a debt has occurred. Consider:
DOCument the investigation, even if the debt is not identified yet. Include details such as:
Do not use abbreviations or jargon. Good documentation helps pursue recovery and to obtain evidence in future if required. See Online Document Recording (ODR) and Creating, reviewing and deleting documents (including Fast Notes and DOA DOCs) for DOC minimum standards. |
2 |
Available evidence and obtaining further information + Read more ... See Table 2 in Safeguarding customer privacy when raising and recovering debts, before issuing any debt notices. Take the appropriate actions to protect the customer's privacy. Before calculating the correct customer entitlement, further evidence may be required to substantiate a debt. Do not request further information unless it is necessary to accurately calculate the customers' entitlement. See Acceptable evidence for verifying income when investigating debts and Table 3. Evidence is not limited to documentation scanned to the customer's record. Staff must use all sources of evidence when raising/verifying a debt and consider all details available on a customer's record as correct. Staff can only consider details inaccurate or incorrect if there is evidence that indicates the update is wrong. When requesting information from customers or third parties, make a reasonable effort to contact the customer. If unsuccessful, see Requesting information (CLK). For a notice to be valid it must be in writing and include:
Scan any paper evidence to the record. This establishes an audit trail in an electronic format. The Resources page contains lists of suitable letters. |
3 |
Check and validate the debt + Read more ... The minimum standard is to be able to reconstruct the debt. When raising a debt using ADEX, ensure that the system debt amount is correct. This includes checking:
If the original decision cannot be validated, the debt should be finalised ('no debt'). |
4 |
Manual letters and Online Advice (OLA) + Read more ... See Table 2 in Safeguarding customer privacy when raising and recovering debts, before issuing any debt notices. Take the appropriate actions to protect the customer's privacy. To send a manual letter or OLA to the customer/third party, see Creating a manual letter or Online Advice (OLA).Key 'DMN' in the:
Record details on a DOC and hold DOC/activity to follow up the return of the notice. |
Information for income tests
Table 2
Item |
Description |
1 |
Income Test for allowance and Parenting Payment customers (single and partnered) + Read more ... For general information on the Allowance income and asset tests, including an example of a calculation for a partnered customer, see: For assessment of employment income and how to update on the customer's record, see: Income for customers on JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Widow Allowance (WA) and Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker) are all calculated using the same Income Test. See: For Assessing employment income for part-time and full-time employment, see:
For Assessing self-employment, independent contractor or business income, see:
Earnings for PPS customers are assessed under the 'Parenting Payment Single Income Test' and the allowance Assets Test, see Parenting Payment Single (PPS) income and assets tests. |
2 |
Income Test for pension customers (single and partnered) + Read more ... For an overview of the Pensions income and assets tests, see Pensions income and assets tests. For assessment of employment income and how to update employment income on the customer's record, see:
A pension customer may be paid under the transitional rules if they had affecting income and would be worse off when the pension Income Test changed from 40c taper to 50c taper as part of the Pension Reform changes from 20 September 2009. See:
For information on income tests for Disability Support Pension customers, see:
For single DSP customer's over 21 years or with dependent children see Income Test for single pension customers. Note: from 20 September 2009, employment income for pensioners is assessed in the fortnight of receipt. |
3 |
Income Test for allowance/pension couples + Read more ... For information on how to code and assess employment income, see:
A pension customer may be paid under the transitional rules if they had affecting income and would be worse off when the pension Income Test changed from 40c taper to 50c taper as part of the Pension Reform changes from 20 September 2009. See Transitional rules for pension customers who were on payment at 19 September 2009. Note: from 20 September 2009, employment income for pensioners is assessed in the fortnight of receipt. |
4 |
Income Test for Youth Allowance (students and Australian Apprentices) and Austudy payments + Read more ... |
Information required for manual calculations
Table 3
Item |
Description |
1 |
Coding casual earnings + Read more ... To:
For students and Australian Apprentices, see Personal Income Test and Income Bank for ABSTUDY, Austudy and Youth Allowance (YA) students and Australian Apprentices. Note: from 20 September 2009, employment income for pensioners is assessed in the fortnight of receipt. |
2 |
Deeming rates and provisions + Read more ... For information of deeming rates and provisions, see: |
3 |
Rates of payment (current and historical) + Read more ... For current maximum rates for each individual payment, see Rates and Thresholds. See the References page for links to historical rates of payment, including the income and asset limits. |
4 |
Working Credit (current) + Read more ... See Working Credit. |
5 |
Work Bonus + Read more ... The Work Bonus is a discount available to the assessment of employment income earned by a pensioner of Age Pension age except for Parenting Payment Single customers. The Work Bonus is applicable to the following payments if the customer is Age Pension age:
It is also available to Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) pensioners who are of Service Pension age and in receipt of:
While a customer is paid under the transitional rules, they are not entitled to the Work Bonus, however the Work Bonus will still be used in the comparison calculations and partners may still benefit by the reduction in total income. For more information, see: |
6 |
Pensioner Earnings Credit Scheme (historical information 1990 - 1997) + Read more ... The Pensioner Earnings Credit Scheme is no longer current and was abolished on 20 March 1997. Earnings Credits accrued prior to this date must be included in debt calculations if the customer was entitled to them. For the Pensioner Earnings Credit Scheme:
For Rates of entitlement and examples of calculations, see National Instructions, 1988 - 1995, The Earnings Credit Scheme for Job Search, Newstart and Sickness Allowance. The Resources page contains a link to the National Instructions. For Rates of entitlement and examples of calculations, see National Instructions, 1988 - 1995, The Earnings Credit Scheme for Pensions. The Resources page contains a link to the National Instructions. Note: apply the 'best case scenario' to debt calculations if there is insufficient information (and no way to obtain the information required) to properly assess the Earnings Credit entitlement. |
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Rent Assistance + Read more ... In some cases, rent assistance paid to a customer who has not provided verification of their rent details, is not recovered. See Step 2 in Types of Centrelink debts and how they are generated. |
Order payment components are affected by debt
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
Advance payments + Read more ... An advance payment is not a debt unless the customer's income support payment ceases. The balance owing then becomes a recoverable debt. The gross amounts paid are the 'payments received', not the net amount. This is because part of the advance has been repaid. |
2 |
Education Entry Payment (EdEP) + Read more ... An Education Entry Payment (EdEP) is not included in any debt calculations unless the customer did not start the course. It is not affected by income. |
3 |
Pharmaceutical Allowance (PhA) + Read more ... Pharmaceutical Allowance (PhA) is an additional payment made to certain customers. PhA is a non-taxable payment and is subject to the income and assets test. |
4 |
Remote Area Allowance (RAA) + Read more ... Remote Area Allowance (RAA) is not:
5 |
Rent Assistance (RA) + Read more ... Income reduction on a debt with Rent Assistance (RA) affects the basic rate first, then the RA amount. |
6 |
Telephone Allowance (TAL) + Read more ... Telephone Allowance (TAL) is non-taxable and is subject to the income and assets test. |
7 |
Pension Supplement + Read more ... Pension Supplement is subject to the income and assets test. If the customer qualifies for payment, the Pension Supplement Minimum Amount is payable in full. |