Calculating Centrelink entitlements and gathering information when investigating debts 107-03000000
Information on protecting and handling magnetic media
National Archives of Australia
Records Management Units (RMUs)
To view the Records Management Policy document, see Records Management Branch, Getting started.
Letters for requesting information
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List of manual letters or Online Advise (OLA) These letters can be used to request information from a customer or third party:
Note: the list is not exhaustive. |
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Third party information sources Australia Post
Australian Business Register (See External websites for a link to their website) Australian Business Number (ABN)
Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
Banks, Financial Institutions, Finance Companies
Equifax (previously Veda Advantage) (See External websites for a link to their website)
Credit Reference Limited:
Electoral Roll
Gas, electricity and water authorities
Land Titles Office/Dept of Natural Resources
Local councils
M J Armstrong
Real estate agents
Rental bond authorities
Telstra White Pages (see External websites for a link to their website) Telstra Yellow Pages (see External websites for a link to their website) Transport authorities and/or motor registries