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Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Child Care Benefit (CCB) debts for the 2000-2001 income year 107-04090060

This document outlines details about the $1,000 transitional waiver. This is for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Child Care Benefit (CCB) debts for the 2000-01 income year.

On this page:

Applying the $1,000 debt waiver

Q418 letter - field descriptions for coding

Q418 - further field descriptions

Q418 - final field descriptions

Applying the $1,000 debt waiver

Table 1




Question: Which overpayments does the $1,000 waiver apply to? + Read more ...

Answer: The $1,000 waiver applied to debts resulting from the 2000-01 reconciliation for:

  • FTB paid as instalments
  • FTB paid as a combination of instalments and a past period claim via the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) or Services Australia
  • CCB received as reduced child care fees

Note: a separate $1,000 waiver applies to both FTB and CCB.

The $1,000 waiver applies to the above debts resulting from:

  • Under estimated:
    • actual taxable income (ATI) for FTB and CCB
    • maintenance income for FTB
    • FTB child's ATI for FTB and CCB, child's income over the child income limit
  • incorrect shared care percentage for FTB, and
  • incorrect multiple child rate for CCB reduced fees

In some cases reconciliation will not occur. However, the waiver may still apply. For example, cancellation of a customer's FTB due to their only FTB child's income was over the limit. In these cases, apply the waiver manually.


Question: Overpayments not covered by the $1,000 waiver? + Read more ...

Answer: Debts resulting from:

  • past period FTB claims through the:
    • ATO or
    • agency and
    • the customer did not receive any FTB via instalments in 2000-01
  • changes in circumstance, not income, during 2000-01 (for example, child left care)
  • FTB Advances (ADV) or Duplicate payments
  • Over-anticipated FTB entitlement through reduced tax withholdings. This is a Tax Debt
  • CCB claims for registered care
  • CCB Lump Sum claims (or recalculations of the claim)
  • non-lodgement of an Income Tax Return where it is required for FTB/CCB reconciliation for 2000-01


Question: Will the system automatically apply the $1,000 waiver during reconciliation? + Read more ...

Answer: If reconciliation of FTB or CCB results in a debt, the Debt Management Information System (DMIS) automatically applies the waiver if applicable.

  • If the debt is:
    • less than $50, it is waived under the small debt waiver provision
    • less than $1,000, it is waived under the $1,000 waiver provision
    • between $1,000 - $1,049.99, it is waived under the $1,000 waiver and small debt waiver provisions
    • $1,050 or more, $1,000 is waived and a debt is raised on DMIS for the balance of the debt, less the waiver
  • Waiver provisions apply automatically at reconciliation. Debt processing may need manual completion. See Manual Follow-ups (MFUs) for family assistance reconciliation recovery
  • A 'Family assistance re-reconciliation advice (including statement of recoverable amount)' (Q418) letter is automatically issued to the customer. The exception is where the debt was less than $50 and waived under the small debt waiver provision


Question: How will the $1,000 waiver be applied during re-reconciliation? + Read more ...

Answer: At re-reconciliation, the previous reconciliation debt is automatically finalised on DMIS. The full amount of the original debt comes back into the reconciliation process.

  • If payments were received on the reconciliation debt, the zeroed debt will be over-recovered
    • If the re-reconciliation results in a new debt for the 2000-01 income year, these payments will be added to the new debt. See Transferring debt repayments
    • Manually refund any amount repaid by the customer, if there are no other outstanding debts. See Refunding debt repayments


Question: How will details display on DMIS? + Read more ...

Answer: View details of the debt on DMIS from:

  • Debt List (OPDL) screen, 'S'elect the debt
  • press [Enter] to display details on the General Information (OPGI) screen
  • go to the Waiver screen (OPWA) to see waiver details

The $1,000 waiver applies to debts with:

  • debt benefit type FTB or CCF
  • User ID *DB (automatic) or the user's Logon ID if manually raised
  • debt reason codes:
    • FRC FA reconciliation
    • FRR Centrelink generated re-reconciliation
    • FRA ATO amended a Notice of Assessment which triggered re-reconciliation

Waiver reason codes:

  • LTF - debt has been waived under the small waiver provision, less than $50
  • TWC - CCB transitional waiver. $1,000 waiver applied to CCF reconciliation debt
  • TWF - FTB transitional waiver. $1,000 waiver applied to FTB reconciliation debt
  • CER - clerical error (manual)
  • SER - system error (manual)
  • IFR - Adjusted and included in FA Reconciliation. The waiver amount from a reconciliation debt has been included at re-reconciliation (automatic code only). The Amount waived: field on the OPWA screen is adjusted to zero

To view the amount that was waived:

  • Key 'XPDEBT' in the Nxt: field and press [Enter]
  • 'S'elect the previous reconciliation debt and key 'WV' in the Group field at the top of the screen. This will show waivers applied to this debt


Question: What happens to a manually raised debt on DMIS? + Read more ...

Answer: If a circumstance debt of FTB or Child Care Benefit for approved care (CCF) for the 2000-01 income year is manually raised:

  • Before reconciliation, if reconciliation changes the debt result:
    • the debt is cancelled and
    • the original debt amount is included in reconciliation
    • normal $1,000 waiver processing applies

If reconciliation does not change the result, there is no change to the debt. There is no effect on the reconciliation result.

  • After reconciliation, re-reconciliation triggers. The manually raised debt amount is included in re-reconciliation. This may change the result. A Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity will be created for a Service Officer to finalise the raised debt. See MFUs for family assistance reconciliation recovery


Question: How will 2000-01 reconciliation debts be recovered? + Read more ...

Answer: The debts can be repaid by:


  • FTB and CCB debts will not be recovered through the tax system
  • ATO FTB lump sum claim or Centrelink FTB Past Period claim entitlement will not be used to offset any FTB or CCB debt
  • CCB lump sum claim entitlement will not be used to offset any FTB or CCB debt

Q418 letter - field descriptions for coding

Table 2




FTB CCB + Read more ...

Choose the debt type:

  • Key '1' for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
  • Key '2' for Child Care Benefit (CCB) instalments
  • Key '3' for CCB lump sum

Note: check the ADDL Ref No field on the Modify/Assess Debt (OPMA) screen to identify whether CCB is:

  • instalments (2001INST) or
  • lump sum (2001LUMP)


FIN YEAR + Read more ...

Insert the relevant financial year in the format yyyy/yyyy. For example, 2000-2001.


WAVFTB or WAVCCB + Read more ...

If the re-reconciliation debt is waived in full or in part under the $1,000 waiver provision, key '1'.

Otherwise, key '2'.

To view the amount of the waiver applied to a reconciliation debt:

  • go to the Waiver (OPWA) screen
  • 'S'elect the original reconciliation debt identification number


FTBRSN, CCBRSN, or CLSRSN + Read more ...

To view the reason:

  • 'S'elect the debt from the Debt List (OPDL) screen
  • go to the General Information (OPGI) screen

If the debt reason is:

  • FRR Centrelink FTB generated re-reconciliation, key '1'
  • FRA Australian Taxation Office (ATO) amended tax Notice of Assessment (NOA) re-reconciliation, key '2'


AMTDUE + Read more ...

  • If the customer is owed a refund, key '1'
  • If no amount is due, key '2'
  • If the amount owed is less than $50, key '3'
  • If the customer owes an amount to Services Australia, key '4'

Q418 - further field descriptions

Table 3




Start Date and End Date + Read more ...

These dates relate to the details on the amount payable for the period. They will always be for the full financial year that has been re-reconciled.

For example, the 2000-2001 reconciliation year start date 01/7/2000 and end date 30/6/2001.


Amount Paid + Read more ...

This is the total amount paid to the customer over the period.

To view the total amount paid column:

  • S’elect the finalised reconciliation record from the Families Reconciliation & Claim Summary (FRCS) screen
  • scroll to the Totals field


Amount for Period + Read more ...

This is the total amount the customer should have been paid.

To view the total re-reconciliation column:

  • 'S'elect the finalised re-reconciliation record from the FRCS screen
  • scroll to the Totals field

Note: do not look at the recalculation line on the FRCS screen in isolation. Look at it with the previous reconciliation result.


Amount overpaid + Read more ...

This is the amount overpaid before the application of waiver or repayments.

To view the amount overpaid:

  • 'S'elect the finalised re-reconciled record from the FRCS screen
  • scroll to the Totals field to view the total Difference column
  • the total negative amount is the amount of the overpayment


Amount of waiver + Read more ...

This is the portion of the $1,000 waiver applied.

To view the waiver amount applied:

  • go to the Waiver (OPWA) screen
  • 'S'elect the re-reconciled debt identification number

The original reconciliation debt would have been zeroed.

The OPWA screen shows the amount of the waiver reapplied to the re-reconciliation debt.


Amount repaid + Read more ...

This is the total amount repaid on the original overpayment.

The original overpayment was zeroed and recalculated in the re-reconciliation.

If there are:

  • repayments to be transferred to the re-reconciliation debt, key '1'
  • no repayments to be transferred to the re-reconciliation debt, key '2'


Amount payable + Read more ...

This is the amount payable after:

  • application of the waiver and
  • transfer of any amounts already repaid

View the current balance of the re-reconciliation debt on the Debt List (OPDL) screen.

Include the Interest Charge warning on the manual Account Payable notice, if the customer is:

  • non-current and
  • they do not have an acceptable payment arrangement in place


Amount owed + Read more ...

This is the amount the re-reconciliation debt would be over-recovered by if:

  • all the repayments on the original reconciliation debt were transferred to this debt and
  • any amount transferred to another debt, rather than refunding to the customer

Q418 - final field descriptions

Table 4




PAYOPT + Read more ...

Choose the payment method applicable, if the customer:

  • only has a debt detailed in the letter and is in receipt of Centrelink payments, key '1'
  • has current withholdings for other debts (whether or not they also have a non-withholding arrangement), key '2'
  • has a current non-withholding arrangement only for other debts, key '3'
  • has no current payment arrangement (even if they have other debts), key '4'


FAOACC + Read more ...

Select either:

  • Family assistance payments or
  • Centrelink payments


Withholding amount + Read more ...

This must be:

  • $20 per fortnight for debt balances up to $750, or
  • $40 per fortnight for debt balances of $750 or more


Benefit type + Read more ...

Insert the payment type from which there will be withholdings.

For example, JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Family Tax Benefit (FTB).


Payment Assurance Operations phone number + Read more ...

See Customer entry for Debt Raising and Recovery enquiry number in Debt and Compensation Program (DCP) Branch and Payment Assurance Operations (PAO) contacts.


POSTbillpay/BPAY Reference number from OPXD + Read more ...

Insert the POSTbillpay/BPAY Reference number (not the CRN) from the Extra Details (OPXD) screen in the format nnn nnn nnn nn