Garnishee customer does not agree with decision 107-05050080
For Debt Staff and Authorised Review Officers (ARO) only.
This document outlines what Debt Staff and Authorised Review Officers (AROs) are to do when a customer disagrees with the decision to apply a garnishee.
On this page:
Determining whether a garnishee decision was correctly applied
Determining whether the garnishee amount can be refunded
Determining whether a garnishee decision was correctly applied
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Make sure the customer has met the criteria for garnishee action and explain the decision to garnishee + Read more ... Give the customer a detailed explanation of the decision to garnishee. Do not end a garnishee because the customer does not agree with the decision. Determine if the decision to apply the garnishee was correct, see Garnishees. For Child Care Subsidy (CCS) debts, see Raising Child Care Subsidy CCS debts in Process Direct. For all other debts, check the following:
There is no legal requirement to send a warning letter before applying a tax garnishee. However legislation requires the agency to provide a copy of the garnishee notice to the debtor. Do not withdraw a garnishee because a customer did not get a letter. Incorrect ATO Receipt Date data The Receipt Date field may display on the Repayment History (OPRH) screen. The customer's debt repayment history shows the agency received a garnishee payment before the garnishee was implemented. For example:
The correct receipt date of garnishee funds can be found in ESSentials. Has the garnishee been correctly applied? |
2 |
Garnishee was not applied correctly + Read more ... If the garnishee was not applied correctly, the decision should be changed and any withheld money refunded to the customer:
Procedure ends here. |
3 |
Garnishee was applied correctly + Read more ... Make sure the customer understands that the decision to place a garnishee was legally correct. If the customer has:
Determining whether the garnishee amount can be refunded
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer requests a refund of the garnishee amount + Read more ... Where a customer has sought a review of the garnishee decision, Debt Staff are able to do so under the authority of a Secretary initiated review. The customer can provide new information to support a review of the garnishee decision, such as evidence of financial hardship or vulnerability. Identify and consider the customer’s circumstances including any vulnerability they may be experiencing to determine how best to assist the customer. See Identifying customer vulnerability and risk issues. See the Resources page for examples of when a refund may or may not be appropriate. Discuss the following with the customer:
Note: if it is unclear if documentary evidence is required, refer to local leadership for support. Can the garnishee decision be reviewed without further evidence?
2 |
Evidence of financial hardship + Read more ... Has the customer returned the required evidence within 14 days?
3 |
Further evidence not received + Read more ... Make genuine attempts to contact the customer. Be aware customers experiencing vulnerability. See Identifying customer vulnerability and risk issues. Was customer contact successful?
4 |
Assess evidence from customer + Read more ... Assessment of documentary evidence should be completed within 3 business days of receipt. Determine if the circumstances of the customer make it unreasonable for the debt to have been recovered by garnishee. See the Resources page for examples. After assessing the evidence, is there sufficient information to determine that the garnishee decision was not reasonable?
5 |
Refund of garnishee + Read more ... To refund all or part of garnishee amount, complete the following:
If making a partial refund and the customer disagrees, and requests an explanation or applies for a formal review of the decision, see Initial contact about a decision and the review of decision process. |
6 |
Customer not eligible for a refund + Read more ... If the outcome of the review is a decision not to change the garnishee decision, advise the customer:
In the customer’s record:
Procedure ends here. |