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Alignment of Care processing for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) lump sum claims 007-02040030

For Families and Child Care Smart Centre Processing staff only

This document outlines Alignment of Care processing for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) lump sum claims for the 2010-11 financial year onwards for customers who advise they have a child support assessment. Under the Alignment of Care initiative, mutual customers of Centrelink and Child Support can advise either program of their care arrangements for the assessment to be completed and details transferred electronically to the other program.

Alignment of care FTB claims for the 2010-11 financial year onwards




Family Tax Benefit lump sum claim activity + Read more ...

Select the Family Tax Benefit lump sum claim (FTB LSC) activity.

Go to the AOC and Lump Sum Claims - Adequate Care page.

If using:

  • Process Direct:
    • Key FYLSCD in the Super Key
  • Customer First:
    • This page is pre-selected for an FTB LSC
    • From the FAO Task Selector page, select FTB Lump Sum Care or
    • Code '!FYLSCD' in Nxt: field

The financial year is pre-populated from the FAO Lump Sum Claim Period (FLSP) screen.

All children linked to the customer will display.

Select each child being claimed for.


Child Support Assessment + Read more ...

Check the Care Arrangements section of the Claim for an annual lump sum payment of Family Tax Benefit for the xxxx/xx financial year (FA048 or FA054) or the Care Arrangements section of the Online Claim.

Update the ‘Do you have a child support assessment for the child?’ field.

Does the customer have a Child Support Assessment for this child?


Check Child Support Assessment details + Read more ...

Check the ‘Maint Child Details Summary’ (MNCD) screen by selecting the relevant child from the ‘Maint Ent Grp Summary’ (MNGS) screen.

The MNCD screen will display if a Child Support Assessment has been made. The Date of Event of the Child Support assessment will display in the ‘Maintenance Action’ field.

Does the MNCD screen show a Child Support Assessment has been made for the relevant child?


Process Direct no Child Support assessment details on MNCD + Read more ...

The online and paper claim do not ask the customer to provide the date the child support assessment was made.

  • Go to the Shared Care Assessment (SCA) screen
  • Check the Care Alignment Details (CADDS) and Families Shared Care table
  • If care has been aligned previously the SCA screen will show the start date and which Program made the decision

If the care alignment date can be determined:

  • Go to the AOC and Lump Sum Claims - Adequate Care (FYLSCD) screen
  • Key the date in the On what date was this child support assessment made? field
  • Go to Step 8

If care has not previously been aligned:

  • Go to the FYLSCD screen
  • Choose the relevant financial year
  • Select the Child
  • Select the Edit icon

Complete each field on the Adequate Care Assessment – Create screen:

  • Do you have a child support assessment for this child? Select Yes or No
  • Was this assessment made before 01 July 2010? Select No
  • On what date was this child support assessment made? Code default date as 1 July of the relevant LSC year
  • Are you claiming for a period of time before the date of care change provided above? Select Yes
  • Does the customer have adequate information for this claim to proceed?
    • Select No, if further information is required from Child Support because the claimant indicates that an assessment already exists and/or a care decision has not been part of the FTB claim
    • Select Yes, if there are adequate care details for the full period of the claim (ascertained by either program or a combination of the two) and no further information is required from Child Support

Go to Step 9


Customer First - no Child Support assessment details on MNCD + Read more ...

As the online and paper claim do not ask the customer to provide the date the child support assessment was made, check the Care Alignment Details (!CADDS) and FSC screens to determine if care has previously been aligned, and the date it was aligned. FSC will show the start date and which Program made the decision.

If you are able to determine the care alignment date via the !CADDS/FSC screens, code the date in the ‘On what date was this child support assessment made?’ field on the !FYLSCD screen. Go to Step 8

If care has not previously been aligned on the !CADDS/FSC screens, then update the !FYLSCD screen as follows:

  • Was this assessment made before 01 July 2010? Select No
  • On what date was this child support assessment made?: Code default date as 1 July of the relevant LSC year
  • Are you claiming for a period of time before the date of care change provided above?: Select Yes
  • Does the customer have adequate information for this claim to proceed?
    • Select No, if further information is required from Child Support because the claimant indicates that an assessment already exists and/or you are yet to make a care decision as part of the FTB claim
    • Select Yes, if there are adequate care details for the full period of the claim (ascertained by either program or a combination of the two) and no further information from Child Support is required
  • Go to Step 9


Child Support Assessment details prior to 1/7/2010 + Read more ...

Was the Child Support Assessment made prior to 1/7/2010 (no subsequent care decisions made by Child Support since 1/7/2010)?


Centrelink care assessment required + Read more ...

Note: this step still applies if no child support assessment details display, that is no child support action has been taken by the customer, no child support assessment has been made by Child Support or customer accepts base rate. This is because a care assessment needs to be made to allow the claim to be assessed.

  • Select Yes to the question; ‘Does the customer have adequate information for this claim to proceed?’
  • No request for care data from Child Support will be sent as no Child Support assessment exists from 1 July 2010
  • Complete a care assessment for the relevant claim period using care information and/or evidence supplied by the customer within their FTB LSC. Code care in:
  • Go to Step 9


Request Child Support care data + Read more ...

Enter the date the child support assessment was made by Child Support.

Is the customer claiming FTB for a period before the child support assessment date?

  • Yes, select Yes. Complete a care assessment for the period in the financial year prior to the Child Support assessment date (gap period) using care information and/or evidence supplied by the customer within their FTB LSC. Code care in:
  • No, select No. A care assessment is not required as there is no gap period

A request for care data from Child Support will be sent upon completion of LSC activity.


Child Relationships (!CHRE/CHRE) page + Read more ...

For each relevant child, record/ update the customer's relationship to the child (and their current/previous partner's if applicable). Record the start date of the relationship. For help, see Child Relationships page.

Check all other claim coding is complete, assess the claim.


Assessment Results + Read more ...

Check the result in:

  • Process Direct on the Entitlement (ELD) screen
  • Customer First on the Activity Results (AR) screen

Is the claim activity result displayed as Pending?


Finalise activity - pending result + Read more ...

The claim activity will show as Pending if there is insufficient Child Support assessment data on the record (request for care data from Child Support to be sent via FTB LSC activity).

Relevant Pending reasons are:

  • CA1 - Care
  • CI1- Care/Income
  • CM1 - Care/Maintenance
  • CB1 - Care/Income/Maintenance

If the claim has been pending for more than 32 days for any reason, the pending reason will be CA2/CI2/CM2/CB2.

For more information, see Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation or lump sum claim pending

Finalise activity.

A request for Child Support data will be sent upon completion of the activity. It should generally take 3-5 days for Child Support data to be received.

MFU: If the Child Support data is not received within 32 days, a Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity is created to initiate manual intervention requiring contact with Child Support and customer. See Alignment of Care Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities. The pending reason will be updated once the MFU is created.

Once Child Support data is received:

  • The care assessment for the relevant period within the claim year will be automatically updated and FTB entitlement assessed
  • If a gap period exists, Child Support assessment will override any overlapping periods, that is if Child Support assessment covers a period for which a Centrelink assessment was made, the Child Support assessment data will be used to calculate entitlement

Procedure ends here.


Finalise claim + Read more ...

Finalise claim activity.

The claim can be finalised as Child Support care assessment data already exists on the record and/or a Centrelink care assessment has been made within the claim activity for the relevant claim period.