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Cancellation of Double Orphan Pension (DOP) 007-06020020

This page contains the process to follow when cancelling DOP. For more details, see Processing Services details for: Double Orphan Pension (DOP). Portions of this workflow are for DOP and Bereavement Smart Centre Processing staff only.

Cancellation of DOP




Has there been a change in circumstances and the customer and/or child is no longer eligible? + Read more ...

If there has been a change of circumstances, such as:

  • Surviving parent no longer in Psychiatric hospital (DME)
  • Surviving parent no longer in nursing home (DNU)
  • Surviving parent no longer in prison (DPR)
  • Child is no longer a refugee (NRF)
  • Surviving parent whereabouts now known (WKN)
  • Child has been adopted (ADO)

The customer and/or child are no longer eligible for Double Orphan Pension (DOP).

Has the DOP child claimed Youth Allowance (YA) or Disability Support Pension (DSP)?


Child has claimed Youth Allowance (YA) + Read more ...

DOP does not cancel automatically when YA is claimed.

To cancel DOP after YA claim is lodged:

  • In the child's record 's'elect 'SELF' on the Child Selection (CHS) screen
  • 'S'elect 'General Circs' on the Child Task Selector (CHTS) screen
  • On the Child General Circumstances (CHG) screen:
    • In the Event Date: field code the latter of the date YA claim was received or the date of the child’s 16th birthday
    • code 'LMP' (Labour Market Program) in the Other payment: field
  • Record a DOC and finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • In the customer's record perform a refresh activity to pick up the ripple and ensure that DOP is cancelled. On the Benefit Action (BA) screen in the customer's record code:
    • 'DOP' in the SvcRsn: field
    • 'RSH' in the Action: field
    • the date YA was claimed in the Effect Date: field
  • Record a DOC and finalise the refresh activity via the AR screen
  • Send a Fast Note to DOP to notify them of the cancellation and of any resulting overpayments. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > SUS/CAN/RES > DOP CAN Notification. These will be actioned by the Helpdesk

For DOP and Bereavement Smart Centre Processing staff only.

Fast Note received advising DOP cancellation after a child has claimed YA.

Has the DOP child lodged a claim for YA?

  • Yes,
    • Check CHG has been coded as per process outlined in Step 2
    • Action any resulting DOP overpayments resulting from DOP cancellation for the YA claimant, see General debt raising information
    • Manually cancel DOP if CHG coding has not resulted in automatic DOP cancellation for the YA claimant. Go to Step 6
  • No, procedure ends here


DOP Child has claimed DSP + Read more ...

DOP will generally be cancelled for the child automatically:

  • when an online claim for DSP is lodged, or
  • where a paper claim is lodged, and a SOA shell is created in Process Direct for claim processing

An open work item will be created and sent to DOP processing staff to follow up cancellation of DOP.

If auto cancellation does not occur, an open work item will be created and sent to DOP processing staff for action. To cancel DOP after child claims DSP:

  • In the child's record 's'elect 'SELF' on the Child Selection (CHS) screen
  • 'S'elect 'General Circs' on the Child Task Selector (CHTS) screen
  • On the Child General Circumstances (CHG) screen:
    • In the Event Date: field code the latter of the date DSP claim was received or the date of the child’s 16th birthday
    • code DPP in the Other payment: field
  • Record a DOC and finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • In the customer's record if DOP has not cancelled for the child, perform a refresh activity to pick up the ripple and ensure that DOP is cancelled for the DSP claimant. On the Benefit Action (BA) screen in the customer's record code:
    • DOP in the SvcRsn: field
    • RSH in the Action: field
    • the date DSP was claimed in the Effect Date: field
  • Record a DOC and finalise the refresh activity via the AR screen
  • Send a Fast Note to DOP to notify them of the cancellation and of any resulting overpayments. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > SUS/CAN/RES > DOP CAN Notification. These will be actioned by the DOP processing team

Procedure ends here for staff not in the Double Orphan Pension (DOP) Smart Centre Processing team.

For DOP and Bereavement Smart Centre Processing staff only.

Fast Note received advising DOP cancellation after a child has claimed DSP.

Has the DOP child lodged a claim for DSP?

  • Yes,
    • Check CHG has been coded as per process outlined in Step 3
    • Action any resulting DOP overpayments resulting from DOP cancellation for the DSP claimant
    • Manually cancel DOP if CHG coding has not resulted in automatic DOP cancellation for the DSP claimant. Go to Step 6
  • No, procedure ends here


Is the customer receiving Family Tax Benefit (FTB) or Parenting Payment (PP) for the DOP child, and there is a change in circumstances? + Read more ...

If the customer is receiving FTB or PP for the DOP child and there is a change in circumstances, DOP should cancel automatically when the relevant screens are updated.

  • Code the circumstance change on the customer's / child's record
  • Record the details on a DOC and advise the customer of the outcome. Send a Fast Note to DOP to notify them of the cancellation and of any resulting overpayments. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > SUS/CAN/RES > DOP CAN Notification. These will be actioned by the Helpdesk
  • if DOP does not cancel automatically as expected:
    • Confirm the customer's current address and telephone details and update if necessary
    • Send a Fast Note with the details to the DOP Processing Centre (DOP) who will then process the cancellation manually. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > SUS/CAN/RES > DOP CAN Notification

Procedure ends here for staff not in the Double Orphan Pension (DOP) Smart Centre Processing Team.

For DOP and Bereavement Smart Centre Processing Staff only.

Processing Team: Typically done by specialised processing teams in a service centre or Smart Centre. Unless otherwise stated, all service delivery staff may complete this step if they are trained.

If change of circumstances coding has not resulted in DOP cancellations, go to Step 5


Change of circumstance coding not resulted in DOP cancellation + Read more ...

For DOP and Bereavement Smart Centre Processing Staff only.

Processing Team: Typically done by specialised processing teams in a service centre or Smart Centre. Unless otherwise stated, all service delivery staff may complete this step if they are trained.

If the Fast Note indicates any of the following reasons as to why DOP is no longer payable:

  • Surviving parent no longer in Psychiatric hospital (DME)
  • Surviving parent no longer in nursing home (DNU)
  • Surviving parent no longer in prison (DPR)
  • Child is no longer a refugee (NRF)
  • Surviving parent whereabouts now known (WKN)
  • Child has been adopted (ADO)

Update the Child Double Orphan Pension (CHDP) screen (called DOP Circs on the CHTS screen).

Record details about the cancellation on a DOC and finalise the activity via the Assessment Result (AR) screen.

Has DOP cancelled?


Manual coding if CHG or further coding has not resulted in DOP cancellation + Read more ...

For DOP and Bereavement Smart Centre Processing staff only.

In the FAO system, go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen

  • Code 'DOP' in the Svc Rsn: field
  • Code 'CAN' in the Action: field
  • Look up the cancellation codes or '?' the Reason: field to obtain the appropriate cancellation reason
  • Press [Enter] and the date of effect will default or enter the date of effect of cancellation in the Effect Date: field
  • Add notes regarding the cancellation in the Notes: field
  • Code Source: and DOR: fields


Finalise activity + Read more ...

For DOP and Bereavement Smart Centre Processing staff only.

Record details about the cancellation on a DOC and finalise activity via the Assessment Result (AR) screen.

Action any resulting overpayments, see General debt raising information.

A manual advice will be required if a Manual Follow Up (MFU) activity has been created on the Activity List (AL) screen after the cancellation has been finalised.

  • If there is an MFU requiring a manual letter to be sent, go to Step 8
  • If there is no MFU , the customer will be issued with an automatic advice. Procedure ends here


Send manual letter + Read more ...

For DOP and Bereavement Smart Centre Processing staff only.

Select the MFU (ADV activity) from the AL screen and complete the advice.

The letter should advise the customer of the reasons for cancellation of payment and their rights of review and appeal.