Change of care for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) 007-07040070
Note: final school term end dates may differ and not all regional holidays have been included in the calendars. For more information on term dates, public holidays and regional holidays relevant to individual states and territories, see External websites below.
These calendars may be issued to customers.
2025 shared care calendar
2024 shared care calendar
2023 shared care calendar
2022 shared care calendar
2021 shared care calendar
2020 shared care calendar
2019 shared care calendar
2018 shared care calendar
2017 shared care calendar
2016 shared care calendar
External websites
See the below websites to find upcoming dates for Australia's state and territory government schools and/or public holidays.
National Public holidays
Fair Work Ombudsman > Public holidays
State and territory websites for public school dates
NSW Government > Education > Schooling > Calendars
School term dates and holidays in Victoria | (
Department of Education South Australia > For parents and families > Term dates calendars
Department of Education WA > Learning and support > At school > Term dates
Queensland Government Education > About us > Calendar
ACT Government Education > Public School Life >Term dates and public holidays
Letter text for Q999 - Care assessment rejected, FTB current customer
Dear <customer name>
A determination has been made regarding (your/your partner's) request for a change of care assessment for (AFFECTED CHILD NAME/S). After carefully considering the circumstances and all available information, a decision has been made that (your/your partner's) care has not changed. As a result, your rate of Family Tax Benefit will not change. This is because (REASON FREE TEXT).
Information you should know
If you would like to speak to us in a language other than English, please call 131 202.
Information you should know
If you have any questions or would like more information, please go to our website or call us on the number shown at the top of this letter.
<Yours sincerely>
{Manager Name}
{Manager Services Australia}
Include the Appeal paragraph (select option 1)
Include the Privacy Act paragraph (select option 1)
Examples of legal responsibility and temporary care provisions for FTB
Table 1
Examples of evidence to support a care arrangement
Table 2
Evidence provided |
Outcome |
Court orders |
Court orders are a formal change in care, care arrangements can be assessed with a court order as evidence. |
Formal letter from foster agency |
Formal letters from a child protection agency or foster care agency are a formal change in care, no further evidence is required to complete the change of care. Letters must be on letterhead, include the child's name, the new carers name and the date the care placement started. |
Informal letter from foster agency |
Informal letters from a foster care agency can support a change in care with further evidence or advise the care is not a change but temporary care (e.g., respite care). If the informal change in care is temporary care (28 days or less and the child has not been forcibly removed), see Child leaves customer's care/custody. |
Informal change in care and co-signed/not co-signed FA012 only (no additional evidence) |
Additional evidence is required to support the care arrangement and confirm there has been a change in care when:
Where evidence is not provided, the care decision should be rejected. |
Informal change in care and co-signed FA012 plus documentation provided |
Where the Service Officer is satisfied the evidence provided supports the change of care, the care decision can be made. If the Service Officer is unsure if a change of care has occurred, they can request further evidence. If Service Officers are still unable to confirm if a change of care has occurred after further evidence has been provided, the care decision should be rejected and clearly documented. |
Informal change and the losing carer advised verbally (no documentation) |
Additional evidence is required to support the care arrangement and confirm there has been a change in care when the gaining carer is a grandparent, relative or friend and there is no court order or formal foster carer letter. Where evidence is not provided, the care decision should be rejected. |
P24845 problem and workaround
The P24845 system issue may impact in the following scenarios:
- Where a step parent is claiming FTB that has been transferred to them from a biological parent, who is also a mutual Child Support Customer, and the other biological parent also becomes entitled to receive FTB for any level of care
- Where the biological parent transfers their FTB to a step parent and they later separate. Care details for the child will not be transferred correctly to Child Support if a past period care refresh is requested
- The care may transfer to the step parent's child support record (with incorrect child relationship details) causing inaccurate child support assessments and impacting multiple parties
As a result, where FTB is transferred out to partner ('TOP' is keyed on the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen - from parent to step parent) and the customer is a Centrelink and Child Support mutual customer, these records are to be referred for investigation. See the Process page of Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for further information on workaround and text for Display on Access (DOA) DOCs.
Child - Change in Care Arrangement script standard letters
See also: Child - Change in Care Arrangements script
Table 3
Standard letters- Process Direct
Table 4: this table describes the standard letters available for issue via the Correspondence (CORRO) screen > Issue correspondence dropdown in Process Direct