Delivery of Parental Leave Pay (PPL) 007-09010020
Approved email text
Table 1. this email cannot be altered as approvals were based on the actual content (below).
Copy the below Please contact us email text and email from the PPLINFO mailbox. Ensure the copy and paste action includes all of the email content.
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Description |
1 |
From: PPLINFO Subject: Please contact us Classification: Unofficial To whom it may concern We tried unsuccessfully to contact you today regarding the government’s Paid Parental Leave scheme. Please contact us at your earliest convenience on 131158 to discuss the scheme. You will need to have your ABN or Centrelink Reference Number available when you call. For specific information in relation to the Paid Parental Leave Scheme for employers, please refer to the Paid Parental Leave scheme Employer Toolkit which can be found at Do not use the ‘reply’ email function as Services Australia cannot provide personal information through email correspondence. Regards Service Officer Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team Services Australia Phone: 13 11 58 *If you are calling from Overseas, please phone +61 3 62223455, and ask to be transferred to the Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team |
Letter template for employer
Table 2
Appeal DOC template for employee’s record where paymaster role is either transferred or revoked to Services Australia
Table 3
PPL employer opt-in classes matrix
Length of tenure is calculated as the period of time between, and inclusive of, the employment start date and the expected/actual date of birth/care of the child.
Table 4
Centrelink Payments Support Team (CPST) - mySupport
If a payment is not displaying on the employee record, processing staff are to complete and submit a webform through mySupport:
- Go to mySupport:
- Search Support when assisting families
- Select Paid Parental Leave (PPL) as the payment or concession affected
- Complete and Submit the webform and take note of any receipt or reference code produced
Letter templates
Request for refund - if a payment is made to the incorrect employer bank account, complete and send the request for refund letter to the relevant financial institution.
Employer Acceptance Fax/Letter - the Employer Acceptance Fax/Letter is not to be sent via email. The PPLEPT are to send the Employer Acceptance Fax/Letter via fax or mail channels only.