Recording not required to lodge advice and previous year income 007-11010080
FAQ - lodgement with the ATO
Table 1: this table contains frequently asked questions about lodging tax returns with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
These amounts may not be current. They are examples only. For current payments, see Rates and thresholds.
Item |
Question and answer |
1 |
Question: What is the tax-free threshold? Answer: The standard tax-free threshold is $18,200. This may be higher if a person has received an income support payment during a relevant financial year. See Tax free threshold. These changes are not administered by Services Australia; more information can find be found at |
2 |
Question: Does that mean anyone who earns under $18,200 will not need to lodge a tax return? Answer: Some people who earn under $18,200 will not be required to lodge a tax return for income purposes. However, others whose income is under the tax-free threshold of $18,200 may still be required to lodge a tax return. These reasons include:
To determine if they are required to lodge, they must visit the ATO website where they can use the online tool 'Do I need to lodge a tax return?' The Resources page contains a link to the online tool. |
3 |
Question: Where does a person go to complete an ATO non-lodgement advice? Answer: Options are to:
4 |
Question: What does the customer need to do if their ‘not required to lodge’ advice is not accepted by Services Australia? Answer: If the information provided by the customer indicates they may be required to lodge a return, they must go to the ATO website and use the 'Do I need to lodge a tax return?' online tool. See Resources page for a link. If it is determined they are not required to lodge, they must complete the ATO 'Non-lodgement advice' with the ATO. |
5 |
Question: If an initial 'not required to lodge advice' is not accepted by Services Australia, and they check with the ATO and are advised they are not required to lodge, can their new not required to lodge advice be accepted? Answer: It is preferred that the customer lodges the non-lodgement advice with the ATO. The ATO will then automatically advise the agency of the non-lodgement advice outcome. However, the Family Assistance Office non lodgement exemption workflow can be run again if the customer's details need updating. If the system determines the person is required to lodge, they must lodge the ATO 'Non-lodgement advice' with the ATO. |
6 |
Question: What happens once an ATO non-lodgement advice is lodged? Answer: The ATO will automatically advise Services Australia of the outcome. The advice is generally received within 28 days. If the ATO confirms the person is not required to lodge, the most recent income estimate for the previous financial year will be used to reconcile the customer's Family Tax Benefit payment. If this amount is not accurate, the customer may update their income for the previous financial year. Child Care Subsidy reconciliation will only occur once all required information is available, e.g. adequate income details for both the customer and their partner if they have a partner. To ensure the reconciliation amount is correct, customers must still confirm their income with Services Australia, even if they have lodged an ATO non-lodgement advice. |
7 |
Question: Can a not required to lodge advice through Services Australia be updated more than once? Answer: Yes. This may trigger a reassessment of their entitlement for the financial year. However, if a customer has lodged a tax return for the relevant financial year and information has been transferred from the ATO, the customer must be referred to the ATO to amend their income. |
8 |
Question: Does the 'Advise non-lodgement of tax return' online option tell customers why their update was not accepted? Answer: In some situations it may. If STP payroll data is available and is used to determine the advice is to be 'not accepted' then the online service will list the reasons identified through STP data. This may be any of the below:
If STP data is not used and the non-lodgement outcome is assessed based on the answers provided by the customer then Services Australia does not provide a reason. |
9 |
Question: Why does the workflow not show on the Income details page that the update will not be accepted? Answer: The workflow must be completed for every customer regardless, whether the update will be accepted or not accepted. This is to ensure the customer's annual estimate is captured on the record and is used if they lodge an ATO non-lodgement advice. |
10 |
Question: For child support, will the workflow pick up if a customer has transferred between income support payments when determining if they were on an income support payment for the full financial year? Answer: Yes. The background check looks at the days they have been on income support, not the different income support payments:
11 |
Question: Is there a way to tell if a customer has already provided a not required to lodge advice for the financial year? Answer: Yes. This can be checked by any of the following:
Scenarios - recording income and not required to lodge declaration for a previous financial year
Table 2
These amounts may not be current. They are examples only. For current payments, see Rates and thresholds.