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Customer enquires about Child Care Benefit (CCB) and/or Child Care Rebate (CCR) reconciliation or lump sum claim outcome 007-11090070

From 2 July 2018:
-Child Care Subsidy (CCS) replaced Child Care Benefit (CCB) and Child Care Rebate (CCR)
-Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) replaced Special Child Care Benefit (SCCB) Child at Risk and Temporary Financial Hardship, Jobs, Education and Training Child Care Fee Assistance (JETCCFA) and Grandparent Child Care Benefit (GCCB)
For more information, see Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS).

Claims for CCB and CCR lump sum for approved care and CCB Registered Care, for care received prior to 2 July 2018, can be lodged up until 30 June 2019.

This document outlines information on how to check the progress or result of Child Care Benefit (CCB) and/or Child Care Rebate (CCR) reconciliation or CCB lump sum outcome as a result of a customer contact.

CCB and/or CCR reconciliation or lump sum claim outcome




Check reconciliation result + Read more ...

Select Workspace> Families Benefits> FTB and CCB Reconciliation > Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Child Care Benefit (CCB) reconciliation workflow to display the latest reconciliation result.

The following financial years can be viewed on this screen for specific payment types:

  • Family Tax Benefit (FTB) - 2010-11 financial years onwards
  • Child Care Rebate (CCR) - 2011-12 financial years onwards
  • Child Care Benefit (CCB) - navigate to the FAO Reconciliation and Lump Sum Claim Summary (FRCS) screen

For 2010-11 and earlier years, select navigate to the FRCS screen, which displays the latest reconciliation results for CCB. CCB reconciliation can occur from the fourth Monday in July of the lodgement year.

Reconciliation can result in:

Check if the customer needs their estimate updated. See Updating previous financial year incomes for Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Child Care Benefit (CCB).


CCB Reconciliation results + Read more ...

On the FAO Reconciliation and Claim Summary (FRCS) screen, 's'elect the latest reconciliation line. The CCF Calculation Result (FACR) screen will display.

On the FACR screen, page down to the bottom of the page to view the:

  • Sub Totals
  • Total Auto Adjustment Amount, and
  • Totals amounts

These amounts will display the total amounts that were calculated in the Paid, Reco, Re-reco and difference columns, depending on the line selected.

To view a weekly calculation, 's'elect line number to display the CCB Calculation Period Assessment (CPAC) screen.

'S'elect the income indicator from the CPAC screen to display the CCF Calculation Period Income Summary (FICS) screen.

The FICS screen shows a breakdown of Adjusted Taxable Income (ATI) for the customer and partner(s). For more information about ATI, see Assessment of adjusted taxable income for family assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme payments.

Tell the customer the ATI used to reconcile their CCB. If the customer has been overpaid due to an incorrect estimate:

See Child Care Benefit (CCB) reconciliation and lump sum claim calculation screens.

Note: when a customer has been assessed for each week of a financial year as an instalment customer for at least one child, and lodges a CCF (CCB for reduced fees) lump sum claim for another child, the system will reject the lump sum claim and assess the claimed child as though the child had been claimed as reduced fees. The customer will be paid the correct entitlement for the child as a part of the reduced fee reconciliation process.


CCR reconciliation result + Read more ...

From 2011-12 and onwards

Select Workspace> Families Benefits> FTB and CCB Reconciliation> Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Child Care Benefit (CCB) Reconciliation workflow.

For the relevant year, if a twisty is displayed for the most recent ‘AMR’, click on the twisty to display any ‘Key Events’ for that AMR.

For 2010-11 years and prior

Manually navigate to the FAO Reconciliation & Claim Summary (FRCS) screen, by entering 'FRCS' in the Next: field. ‘S'elect the relevant CCR reconciliation line for the relevant year. The Child Care Tax Rebate Summary (CCRS) screen will display.

See Reconciliation of Child Care Rebate (CCR).


Discussion with the customer + Read more ...

Was the reconciliation result discussed with the customer?


Require further discussion + Read more ...

Does the customer require a further discussion about their reconciliation result?


Unable to unpack and discuss the reconciliation result + Read more ...

Service Officers not trained in reconciliation must transfer complex reconciliations to the Families and Parenting (F&P) queue.

All trained Service Officers should be able to answer basic enquiries about reconciliation. If a Families and Parenting Service Officer is unable to resolve the customer's enquiry, see Tier 0 technical support - self-sufficiency.

Local Peer Support (LPS) staff unable to unpack and discuss the result will advise the Service Officer to send a CALLDOC using Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Families > Reconciliation > Complex FTB reco escalation. An appropriately skilled Service Officer will contact the customer to discuss the complex reconciliation enquiry.

The Fast Note must include the logon of the LPS staff consulted and the full details of the customer's query.

Note: the automatic inclusion of keyword 'CALLREC' will ensure the activity is automatically allocated to the appropriately skilled Service Officer. Unless directed by the Processing Service, reconciliation enquiries must not be:

  • referred to the Manual Intervention (MIV) team
  • escalated to a Service Support Officer (SSO), or
  • referred to the customer's service centre

System issues

The only reconciliation issues to be escalated to an SSO are system issues. Service Officers and LPS staff must thoroughly investigate the record before escalating.


Document enquiry + Read more ...

Advise the customer of the result and record the details on a DOC.

Record what action or discussion has been undertaken.

The minimum information to be recorded on a DOC when a customer enquires about CCB and/or CCR reconciliation is:

  • details of what the customer's enquiry was about, and
  • the results discussed

Include any additional information about the customer, for example, any amounts used for offsetting or debt recovery.