Add child claim for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) 007-17103127
This document outlines how to complete an Add child claim for Child Care Subsidy (CCS). Customers can do this online or with help from a Service Officer using Assisted Customer Claim (ACC).
On this page:
Identify claim
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
How to identify an Add child to CCS activity + Read more ... CCS activities are allocated to via Work Optimiser.
The activity will contain:
The claim does not include:
The activity will include the keyword ADDCH. Is the activity an Add child to CCS claim?
Review claim
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Lodgement of claim or documentation + Read more ... Before submitting a shortened claim, all required documents must be uploaded. The only evidence that may be requested is a:
Check for any scanned documents lodged to support the CCS claim. To do this, select any of the following:
Service centre staff If the customer is lodging evidence for a submitted claim:
Take a verbal claim using Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) if a customer:
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Locate claim + Read more ... If an open FAO DOC with notes Plse action CCS claim in PD is allocated, complete the DOC in Customer First. Any relevant keywords will be added directly to the claim. Locate work item in Process Direct. Assign the claim to self via the Assign to me button in Work Optimiser. Select the work item to go to the TS screen. When a claim is submitted online or via the Assisted Customer Claim (ACC), a CCS new claim work item is generated on the customer’s record. The work item contains all the claim information provided by the customer online or entered into the ACC. Note: check if the customer has submitted more than one CCS claim:
If more than one claim is made, process them in the order they were submitted. This ensures the latest data is applied. Each claim triggers a notice to the customer if there is a change to eligibility or entitlement. A notice is not issued if there is no change between claims. |
3 |
Claim Application screen + Read more ... Select the work item to go to the Customer and Activity Information table on the Transaction Summary (TS) screen. The icons at the top of the screen display the customer's information currently held on the record in detail. Review the information provided by the customer. Select
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Review Notes/DOCs + Read more ... Select the Notes icon or go to the Document List (DL) screen. Thoroughly review the customer’s record and review relevant documents, such as:
For more details about progress DOC/Notes and details of information to be recorded, see Families and Child Care (FCC) processing principles. Has the customer indicated they want to withdraw their CCS claim?
5 |
Child school status, and age and school status exemptions + Read more ... Customers must advise when their child starts attending primary school. They may be prompted to advise the future school start date for children when claiming CCS. To be eligible for CCS, a child must be aged 13 years or under, and not attending secondary school, or have an exemption. Review child school status within the claim and information held on the customer’s record to determine child school status:
Note: existing information may not be previously recorded on the CED screen. Use the information provided within the claim. Are all children claimed for aged 13 years or under and are not attending secondary school?
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Customer requested school status or age and school status exemption? + Read more ... Customers can request an exemption to the school status or age and school status rule if the child cannot be left unsupervised and there is no suitable adult over the age of 18 available to care for them. The child must also be either:
Review evidence requirements for the relevant exemption request, see Updating school status, and assessing age exemptions for CCS. Has the customer requested a school status or age and school status exemption?
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Requesting information + Read more ... If more information is required to assess the claim, for example, evidence to support an age/school status exemption, see Requesting information (CLK). The claim is Not Effective if:
Is the claim Not Effective?
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Can the claim be processed? + Read more ... Can the claim be processed without further documentation/evidence?
9 |
Request further documentation from the customer + Read more ... Do not issue a Request for Information (RFI) via Request Documents option in Process Direct as this function is not available for CCS. Staff must attempt to call the customer when requesting further information. If the customer is subscribed to Desktop Messaging a Pre-call notification must be sent at least 5 minutes prior to calling. If contact with the customer was unsuccessful or additional information is still required a written request must also be sent. To request documents for CCS/ACCS:
Procedure ends here. |
10 |
Claim NEF because request for information has previously been sent but documents have not been provided + Read more ... Where other requested documents have not been returned within the correct timeframe, make the claim Not Effective:
For standalone claims, check the Activity List (AL) screen in Customer First for an open FAO DOC with notes Plse action CCS claim in PD. Cancel this off the AL screen if this is still open. Where the claim has a rejected outcome, make a genuine attempt to contact the customer and tell them about the adverse decision (where the customer has not been previously contacted and advised). Details of attempts and/or customer discussion should be clearly recorded in the rejection Note/DOC. Document the outcome in Notes with the following:
Procedure ends here. |
11 |
Withdrawal of CCS claim + Read more ... Customers may withdraw an effective claim for CCS at any time before their payment status is CURrent for that child. A customer can withdraw their claim in writing, verbally, or When a customer chooses to withdraw a claim, the claim is taken never to have been made. To withdraw a claim:
For standalone claims, check the Activity List (AL) screen in Customer First for an open FAO DOC with notes Plse action CCS claim in PD. Cancel this off the AL screen if this is still open. Document the outcome in Notes with the following:
Procedure ends here. |
Process claim
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Review/update relationships + Read more ... Generally, partner and child relationships must be reviewed/updated before starting to process a CCS claim. However, as an Add child claim can only be lodged where a customer is already Family Tax Benefit (FTB) current for the child, the child will already be linked to the customer. The following changes cannot be done with these claims:
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CCS Message Log and Task Selector + Read more ... From the Transaction Summary (TS) screen, select Process. The claim will display the Message Log and Task Selector tables on the Errors (SWE) screen. Message Log:
Task Selector/s:
Select Next to go to the selected screens. When progressing through the screens staff will see information with a status of:
Information can be added, deleted or edited, as needed. Where the information is already accurately recorded, no updates are required. Note: staff do not have the access to delete provisional information. If Service Officers have added the line incorrectly, it can be removed by regenerating the claim. If the incorrect child was added by the claim, contact a CCS SSO via the local escalations processes to have it deleted. If the customer is partnered:
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Check child in CCS claim + Read more ... CCS current children will have a Confirmed Record Status line already coded. Confirmed Record Status lines will rarely require updating/editing. Where the customer claims for a non-current child, a Provisional line will be recorded. The system will calculate the Deemed Date of Receipt (DDOR) and will apply the correct Start Date. Check/record relevant fields on the Child in CCS Claim (CCC) screen:
4 |
Check Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage + Read more ... For claims submitted before 8 July 2024, the Add Child claim will not ask the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage question within the claim. There is no requirement to review the data provided, including confirmed lines. Go to Step 5. For claims submitted after 8 July 2024, customers will be presented with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage question within the claim and a Provisional line may be recorded with the customer response. Evidence to verify the response is not required and not to be requested under any circumstance. HERITAGE details are to be recorded in the CCS customer’s record, not the child’s record. Ensure Process Direct displays the customer's details at the top of the screen. Check/update relevant fields on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage (HERITAGE) screen for each child: Note: to ensure debts are not raised, new or updated responses are recorded in a new line within the table. The system will automatically end date previously confirmed lines, as necessary, i.e. there is limited need to edit previously confirmed lines.
See Coding Activity Test details for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) if further details on how to record updates to the HERITAGE screen is required. |
5 |
Child Task Selector + Read more ... Use
Make sure the following screens from the Task Selector are selected:
Select Next to go to the selected screens. When progressing through the screens staff will see information with a status of:
6 |
Child Education Details + Read more ... Check/update relevant fields on the Child Education Details (CED) screen:
See Updating school status, and assessing age exemptions for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) for more details. |
7 |
Child immunisation details + Read more ... CCS will reject for children who do not meet the immunisation requirements at the time of claim determination, unless an immunisation exemption is approved or the child is under 3 months. Claims should not be rejected where the immunisation status is unknown because a link with the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) has not been established. Where a 'W' (wait) response is received from AIR, place the claim on hold while the link is established, regardless of the age of the child. Check the CCS AIR link has been successfully established for the child on the Child Immunisation Details (CIM) screen:
To establish the link, including where Medicare details have not been provided, see the Table 1 in Immunisation requirements for Child Care Subsidy (CCS). |
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Return to Child Task Selector + Read more ... The Child Task Selector will return to the SWE screen once the user has progressed through all the previously selected screens. If the customer is claiming CCS for another child, repeat steps 5 to 7 to check/update the information recorded. |
9 |
Errors + Read more ... Return to the customer’s SWE screen to view errors, warnings and messages in the Message Log. These messages advise the items that need to be addressed to prepare to finalise the claim. Select Where claims are to be held pending issue resolution, update information in relevant progress Notes/DOCs. Check Process Direct - Current Issues for known errors and approved workarounds. Mainframe errors For any mainframe errors that have been resolved, the error will continue to display until the user navigates back to the SWE screen and selects Assess again. Immunisation related warnings For immunisation related warnings, go to Step 10. Once all errors have been addressed, select Assess and go to Step 11. |
10 |
Immunisation related warnings + Read more ... Follow Digital Assistant Roxy help text instructions if any of the following messages appear:
For more detail, see Immunisation requirements for Child Care Subsidy (CCS). After addressing the data validations, select Assess to display any errors, warnings or messages that need to be addressed. If there are no errors, the Assessment Results screen will display. |
11 |
Assessment results + Read more ... The Assessment Results screen displays the Customer tab (see screenshot). Note: this is not the final outcome as the Assessment Results take a moment to load. Do not take any action until information displays in the Eligibility and Entitlements tables on the SSP tab. These display automatically (see screenshot). When the Eligibility table has loaded the data:
On the Entitlements table:
Select the Customer tab and Partner tab to check the effects of the CCS claim on other payments before finalising the activity. If an incorrect update within the CCS claim has affected eligibility to previous payments, a negative adjustment displays (see screenshot example where an incorrect residency update is causing partner DAP debt).
With outcomes confirmed and necessary corrections done, return to the SSP tab to finalise the activity. |
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Finalise the activity + Read more ... Claim outcomes must be recorded in a Note. Select Finish to present the Notes. If the claim is not being finalised, record relevant information in Notes. Claim ID, Child Name and Reason for adverse decision are considered minimum requirements for claim notes, which should auto populate:
Note: where the claim has a rejected outcome, make a genuine attempt to contact the customer and tell them about the adverse decision (where the customer has not been previously contacted and advised). Details of attempts and/or customer discussion should be clearly recorded in the rejection Note/DOC. Record details of contact attempts and/or customer discussion in the rejection DOC. For more information on additional information to be recorded, see:
Select Finalise (or Not Finalise if appropriate) to complete the activity. Check Notes to ensure a sufficient claim assessment DOC has been recorded. Create a new claim assessment DOC by copying and pasting the relevant claim notes above if the DOC has not recorded correctly. |